#i desperately need to see amandla stenberg's character in hd. what a look oh my god
tremendouskoalachild · 6 months
looks like no acolyte trailer this week but i wanna talk about it, so whatever let's go over all the shots from the one leaked in april 2023
sorry for horrible quality but in my defense. literally not my fault
1. Jedi Temple
The trailer opens with several shots of Jedi kids in a lesson, in what I assume to be the Coruscant Jedi temple:
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The alien looks to me like a Tarsunt, similar to this background sequels guy. For now I'll assume these kids aren't important characters in the story and mostly serve to introduce the Jedi and/or Lee-Jung Jae's character, who is speaking over these and following shots:
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He says: “Close your eyes. Your eyes can deceive you. We must not trust them. The Force is powerful. It is power we must respect.”
(I assume all these lines and shots are part of the same scene and it isn't some clever editing done for the trailer. It sounds like a reasonable introductory lesson for little kids, is coherent, and the locations match. Also what would be the point.)
There is also a single shot later in the trailer that seems to be in the same room, except with older Jedi, presumably Padawans:
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The one that interests me in this shot is the one I assume to be a female Zabrak with light hair (on the right up front). She appears in other parts of the trailer as well.
2. Cantina confrontation
This sequence starts during the latter half of LJJ‘s voiceover and is partially intercut with the Temple shots. We see Amandla Stenberg‘s character walk through a public space (market place? spaceport?) and into what seems to be a cantina/restaurant, with patrons sitting at tables and eating or chatting:
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There are many aliens, I think I saw an Iktotchi and/or Ovissian. If anyone knows what that thing slurping soup and the two sitting next to it are please tell me.
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The voiceover ends over that last shot of Carrie-Anne Moss' character, there is a brief cut to black, and then we get a short fight between AS and CAM. It mostly looks like AS is attacking with her knife and martial arts skills while CAM deflects, before finally Force-pushing her away. We then get a first close look at Amandla Stenberg's character without her cloak:
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The character's hairstyle was described by her actor as "clay-rolled dreadlocks, a North African reference".
At this point we are halfway through the trailer and the Lucasfilm logo comes up. Shots from what seems to be the same scene come up later in the trailer too:
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AS is of course playing the main character and CAM is part of the main cast, so I assume this is an important scene, possibly the introduction to at least one of the two characters.
It seems a safe assumption that CAM is a Jedi master, and imo at least possible that she is the character mentioned in the show's synopsis (“A former Padawan reunites with her Jedi Master to investigate a series of crimes, but the forces they confront are more sinister than they ever anticipated.”) - if so, this could be the unhappy reunion before they reluctantly work together. AS seems to know exactly where she's going, while CAM appears to be waiting for her, either because she invited her/agreed to a meeting set up by AS or a third party, or because she sensed AS coming.
(Of course, it could be an entirely different situation. Several outlets have reported that LJJ is playing the former master in question, which seems reasonable, since he is the male lead of the show.)
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