#i did like boz don't get me wrong
emelinstriker · 4 months
The idea of the champions finding the Reader when they reincarnate is actually heavily inspired by Pair of Kings S01Ep01.
Not the reincarnation portion itself, but the way they found the kings was so memorable, it may as well be one version of how the champions found a Reader at some point.
Like, this is why they usually kneel or bow when they first recognize their new Master- THIS SCENE MADE ME GO ":O" WHEN I WAS I WAS LIKE 10ISH Y/O-
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Yes, they're hanging on school lockers with their pants down due to a bully fghfnghdfgndfg
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awoogayanderes · 3 years
➪ word count: 1,216 words
➪ summary: detective zeke banks and you, detective Y/N L/N have always been a powerful duo. after a gone wrong mission with zeke, the chief decided that it’s time for you and zeke to act like team players and add one more detective to your team.
➪ other notes: this fan fiction will be told from your POV (unless stated otherwise)
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"Are you sure you don't need me to help you, Zeke," I asked Zeke again. "Nah Y/N, just stay here, we can handle it on our own," he replied exiting the office with me following him. "You better not mess this up Zeke, you know how angry the boss can be," I softly chuckled. "Don't tell her Y/N, we'll be heroes with your brains and my plan," he said getting into his car.
He lowered the window to talk to me a bit more. I slightly crouched to be face to face with him, slinging my arms over the lowered window. "Are we still hanging out with Boz tomorrow," I asked with a playful smile. "Duh Y/N," he responded with a sarcastic tone. "Did he have a day off today, I haven't seen him all day," I tilted my head. "Most likely, he never misses work," Zeke rubbed his eyebrows. I made an 'mhm' noise before backing off the car.
I went back into the station and settled down. Later I finished all of my paperwork so I decided to go out and get coffee. Instead of taking my car, I decided to walk. I didn't know when Zeke was coming back so I decided to just drink my coffee in the cafe. Even though I wanted to be a detective my whole life, I didn't realize how hard and tiring it would be.
But people need their justice. Whether it be domestic abuse or murder. Then again, my brother is the one who encouraged me to do this job. Ah yes, he always wanted me to do the same thing as him. Just as I was about to exit the cafe I saw a ton of cop cars dash down the streets. Oh crap. What happened this time? I tried my best to get to the station as fast as I could. I immediately started to get worried for Zeke.
Did something happen to him? Oh god, please don't let that possibility happen. As I finally arrived, I rushed in and saw Zeke in Angie's office. The words were muffled but they were screaming at each other. As I got closer to Angie's office, she saw me. She then pointed at her door as a way to tell me to come in. I stepped into the office. "Y/N, why the hell didn't you tell me about this operation?!" She yelled at me.
"Well you wouldn't have allowed it in the first place," I said trying to stand my ground. "Couldn't you at least had someone help you," she asked with a softer tone. "Oh yeah, because everybody wants to work with us," I said pointing to the nosy detectives outside the window in her office.
As I said that I flipped them off. "She has a point Cap, there's no one in this force we can fu**ing trust," Zeke backed me up. Zeke and Angie continued arguing, but after a while, I stopped paying attention. That is until she said something that made my eyes widen. "You two are now going to be team players, I'm assigning you to a new partner," "What?!" Zeke and I exclaimed. I groaned in frustration. "Jennie send Schenk in," Angie called out.
"Do I look like a fu**ing Jamaican nanny," Zeke asked while pacing. "Do I smell like jerk sauce and baby wipes, no!" Zeke exclaimed. I would've laughed at the comment if we weren't in this situation. "We're not going to babysit some fu**ing rook," He continued to argue. "Yes you are," Angie replied. "Just because your dad was Chief fu**ing Marcus Banks doesn't mean you get out of this s*it," she pointed to Zeke.
"And just because your brother was the best detective in this goddamn city doesn't mean you get an excuse," she faced me. Of course, she brought up my brother. "Stop making this out of our family okay," I replied. They continued to argue and I started to pay attention to something else. Though some words that I heard were 'dirty cop,' '12 years ago,' and 'shut up.' Just as I was about to step in, somebody knocked and entered the office.
Was he the newbie? I looked at Zeke with a face of frustration and he returned the look. "You wanted to see me, Captain," the guy said. "Yeah come in," Angie replied as the guy closed the door. "Zeke, Y/N, I want you to meet Detective in training, William Schenk, he was the top of his academy so don't screw this up," she sighed. "Zeke and Y/N are going to break you in, show you the ropes," Angie continued as Zeke gave Schenk wide eyes of frustration.
"Detective Banks, detective L/N, it's good to-," the guy said. Before he could continue the sentence I scoffed and pushed past him. Zeke followed behind me. as I was about to sit at my desk I saw a dead rat in a trap on Zeke's desk. I looked at it with disgust before Zeke shoved it off into his trashcan along with the mug he used to do so. "So uh, how do you both take coffee in the morning," Schenk asked awkwardly. "Alone," Zeke and I replied.
The guy quietly said "Okay," When we were all sitting down at our desks, I saw Schenk looking at me. "What," I asked annoyed. "No nothing, just thinking," he responded. "Yeah well try thinking without looking at me," I said annoyed. "Hey I know, I wouldn't want to be stuck with some random kid either," Schenk said. I frowned, "I'm most likely younger than you,"
Zeke dryly laughed at my joke before talking to Schenk, "You don't want to be our partner," I nodded. "You don't know that," Schenk said smiling softly. "Your dad is the reason for all of this, he's why I wanted to do this in the first place," he said while pointing at the picture behind me. "And I'm not him, prepare to be underwhelmed," Zeke said.
Schenk turned to face me, "Your brother was also a very important detective wasn't he?" He questioned. I hesitantly nodded before returning to my computer. "Don't tell me he's also your inspiration," I sighed. "No not really, he's just a great person to admire," he said. "Banks, Schenk, and L/N, some homeless guy got hit by the 3 train, you're up," Angie said to us.
Zeke looked at us with a smirk. I smiled as well, content that we had a case to investigate. We started heading towards Zeke's car. "This is you," Schenk said. Zeke just looked at him with an expression that read 'duh.' I got in the backseat wanting to be at least somewhat polite. "Beats the squad car," he wasn't wrong. Maybe this guy isn't so bad after all.
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tillmays · 4 years
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They didn't notice when the last two weeks with Riley flew away... The last mission together, as a team, as a family. Matty called everyone to the war room. Riley was zoned out and for some reason was really nervous.
Matty- well before we start, let's make the best of it today. Riley, show me how hard can you go.
Bozer- wait ... what?! We still have a week left?!
Riley- that was a week ago.
Mac- it can't be I thought the same thing. bozer made a calendar about it.
desi- he made that thing THIS week.
Riley- it's okay boz, but today isn't my last day, don't worry.
Bozer- oh thank god because that means we still have time to make a Farewell party!
Matty- let the partying for later we have work to do.
But in fact Riley was lying Matty and her knew that was the last time within two months they were going to see each other. Matty sends them to a mission where the team faces an entire army. when they help an American reporter escape across the border from a South American dictatorship. They completed the mission in full success. 3 hours later they are back at the phoenix. They were all sweaty and covered in dirt and Matty was already waiting for them at the lab, she was looking for some dresses.
Mac- hey Matty.. We are here what's going on?
Matty- something surged. I need...
Riley- what?!  But we just got here.
Matty stared at her in a way saying to shut up. — I NEED to you guys go to this event.
Mac- Matty, I get that something surged, but we just fought an entire army in another country in the other extreme of this continent.
Matty- well I get you're tired but need to do your job and stop complaining Blondie.
Riley- can we shower first?
Matty- later.
Bozer- and where are we going?
Matty- It's a big event, you're going to the mansion of this Director, producer, I don't remember his name. , but he produced...what is that movie of the weird alien and the kid that flies into the moon?
Bozer and Mac got excited they jumped out of joy cause they knew who she was talking. — OH MY GOD it's Steven Spielberg!! *They said at the same time.*
Bozer- he's one of my favorites from my childhood oh god if I was making movies right now...and the movie is ET by the way.
Desi- how old are you? Jesus.
Matty- well but its fine since y'all are too tired to go.
Mac and Bozer- no it's fine we can do it.
Matty- well apparently your hero likes to make it big but hastily and very private. He's celebrating the premiere of his new project at his house. It's a big party it will have a red carpet and please, behave. Don't you dare to embarrass me, and if you try to make a move to meet him I will kill you. Your job is to get back a microfilm.
Riley- I microfilm? All this for a microfilm?!
Matty- it's not just that, someone is going to trade it at the event. There is something important in that, that the bad guys can't have.
Riley- can we shower now?
Matty raised her arm pointing towards the door.
At the party.
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Mac was wearing his classic black suit. Bozer was wearing a dark blue suit. Desi was wearing this gorgeous light blue metallic dress. With clear heels, she was wearing a bun and a light makeup. And our girl Riley, she was breaking necks that night. She was wearing this black and red dress, black heels and her box braids.
Riley and bozer walked together thru the red carpet. while Desi an Mac did the same. they are in.
Bozer- uh this is exciting. 
Desi- someone's not sleeping tonight.
Riley- let him enjoy this.
Bozer- yeah.. it's not everyday you are this close to meet one of your heroes.
Riley and Bozer were on this mission together. They were walking around until Bozer got distracted. He went to talk to some men, he knew they were producers and other writers, Bozer was in his element. Riley was at the bar behind him, listening to how well he thrived in that environment. Riley used his phone to hack into the cameras and see what was going on in the other rooms.
Desi- Has anyone seen anything?
Riley, well, nothing here. Unless you count all the attention Bozer gets, nothing.
Mac- me neither, I don't think something's wrong here.
Desi- I think the same. * said as Mac walked towards her, and she gave him his drink *
This man went to the bar and saw Riley all alone, he thought of saying hi.
Riley was playing with her drink, she was bored, she felt like she was wasting time, she felt stuck, she felt lost, she felt ... nothing ... and everything at the same time. ”why im here, we will finish this in a couple of hours..*she looked at the clock counting the last hours before she left to her undercover job, she saw Bozer behind her* i bet they aren't even going to miss me* but in that moment someone saved her from her own thoughts 
Man- didn't your mom told you that you shouldn't play with your food?
Riley made no move, showed no sign of interest.
Riley- well, if you pay more attention, you'll see that this is not food.
Man- your right. *Riley kept playing with her glass of whiskey and keeping her eyes down on the table as he sat next to her * so who your with?
Riley- excuse me. *she was giving him the back looking to the other way, but keeping her head slightly in his direction. Bozer was paying attention of what was going on behind him*
Man- I mean, what production are you with on the movie? Or something?
Riley- no, I'm just ... here you know. With one of “the productions” *she imitates him as if to imply that she was not going to say anything *
Man- oh I get it, I just wanted to know if you wanted
Riley- no uh
Man, but what if we could?
Riley- never gonna happen.
Man- Damn, are you psychic or just not interested?
Riley- no, I'm just busy.
Man- and what's keeping you so busy and alone in this beautiful party? *Riley turned around but didn't expect to see that. It was Chris Evans. She was amazed, but she was good with hiding her face expressions but for a second she was melting inside*
Riley- Well “Mr. Want to know it all”, I'm not alone, but I wish I was right now.
Chris- oh I see you keep it real.
Riley- mm I try.
Chris- you want to come with me, let me introduce you to some friends.
Riley thought it was a good idea. Might help to start moving around and cover more time, and see who had the microfilm.
Riley- you know what? Okay, hey Boz come on!. *She called to Bozer without taking her eyes off of his, they caught him off guard, and he said*
Chris- oh well I, I mean, I thought-
Riley- what?
Chris looked at her feeling somehow, he knew she was a big deal  and that dress wasn't helping.
Chris- uh no, it's just that, * put a hand in his pocket * I mean, I thought it was just the two of us.
Riley- well, you were wrong, move it Bozer. * Bozer turns around*
Bozer- oh my god!! It's Chris Evans !! Oh! Man I love your job and your last movie .. Man you kill it!
Chris- thank you man, apparently it seems that, today only one person likes me. *said while looking at Riley *
Chris- well come on.
Riley, Bozer and Chris hit it off at the other room, they were having such a good time, she almost forgot she was working.
At the projection Room.
Desi- hey so what's your thing with the alien movies?
Mac- it's not a thing, but Stevens work has changed the way movies are made now, and you can't deny he's good at his work.
Desi- so you're that kind of nerd.
Mac- good news for you, I get that a lot.
They laughed and kept talking. Riley saw them from the other room. But why she was checking up on them, she didn't care what they were talking, or why Mac was smiling that way, she didn't care. Well that was that she was telling herself.
Chris- so you want to head it off?
Riley- yeah I don't know.
Chris- oh come on, live a little.
Riley- let me check something with my friends first.
Chris- fine, but you better hurry. Some friends are bringing old microfilms to choose and watch an old movie.
Riley- they bring what? *Riley senses were alert and tried to get information about it*
Chris- yeah they are putting old movies at my place later.
Riley- well wait for me ok.
Chris- I knew you were gonna say yes. We live in 5.
Riley and Bozer went running back to Mac and Desi*
Bozer- dude where are they?
Riley- I don't know let me check my phone and see what I got on the cameras. Look they are close to the entrance, lets go.
They found them and they formed a little circle.
Bozer- we have to go.
Mac- why?
Desi- what did you do?
Mac- please tell me you weren't looking for Mr Spielberg?
Bozer- what?! No! Why y'all always think it's me!
Riley- guys!, pay attention. The microfilm isn't here.
Mac- what do you mean that the microfilm isn't here?
Riley- Chris friends are going to have a little screening at his place. And he told me that they are bringing some microfilms.
Mac- so they used this party to hide the real one.
Desi- but that makes no sense.
Bozer- just like this whole day girl.
In that moment someone crashed the party. They heard when the tires of a car screeched and everybody outside the red carpet started to run and scream. The gunshots started and the 4 of them looked at the door.
Riley- everyone outside in 3 ok.
Desi-  count on it.
Bozer and Mac helped everyone to run to the other side to escape. They went to the second floor to see if someone was there but no one was up there. They were walking back downstairs went they popped in to the star of the night.
Mac and Bozer got froze.
Steven S- oh guys are people up there? we gotta get everyone safe! Are you ok?
Mac and Bozer couldn't believe what was happening, but they snapped out of it.
Mac- yeah we're good, everybody it's outside. 
Steven S- well come on!
Bozer- I know this isn't the right time but sir I love your work I'm your fan!
Steve S- oh thank you son.
They were outside and they met with the girls.
Mac- hey you ok?
Desi- yeah we are good and you guys? *she got closer to mac, Riley looked what was going on, but she just frowned. Bozer and Mac walked a side and Mr Spielberg was behind them.
Riley- oh my god! I guess you are more than fine. haha
SS- oh this young man's help me get out.
Riley- yeah the safety of others is their top priority. *she winked*
SS- you two are to lucky ladies.
Desi and Riley just laughed.
Man- oh Steven where have you been? 
The guys were more the surprised.
SS- oh Bruce calm down, I'm fine.
Bozer- you're... you're.
Mac- Bruce Willis. Hi nice to meet you.
Bruce- hi nice to meet you all. Steven what the hell it's going on man??
SS- Bruce I want to introduce you to these young mans who helped me get out of that chaos.
Bruce-  uh they remind me of the goonies.
Bozer- the goonies??
Bruce- yeah.. you have that vibe of that kid, the chubby one. *everyone laughed* 
Mac- no we actually are more of the die hard type.
Bruce- oh really, i dig it.
SS- you can't see it even when you have it in front of your face they clearly are like the A- team.
Bruce- what? youre out of your mind. they are more of a... * they kept discussing while walking away.*
Bozer- wow they are like a Mac and Jack uh.
Riley- uhh Jack isn't going to believe this.
Desi- don't worry he can watch Die Hard anytime he want.
Riley- hahaha, i really miss him. *Bozer put his hand on Rileys shoulder.* 
Desi received a phone call. she looks at her phone. -its Matty.
Bozer- do not answer that, we better move now.
Riley- i will go find Chris.
Mac thinking “ why? we can just track his phone and find the place” but as always he didn't said something. 
Mac- i will go with Desi we will meet you there.
Mac just raised his eyebrows making a little smirk. Just trying to see her reaction. he make that Jack Daltons face when is trying to be provoke someone and put them on their nerves. 
Riley turned around and stared at him frowning her face. while saying to herself “dude what” she thought. while her mind was spinning like crazy wondering what was that. he was just saying it or he was trying to play mind games. 
This is the hair i picked for Riley for this one. wait for the second part :) ;)
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