#i did not ask to get emotionally attached to this yellow octopus but i did??
It’s been almost 3 weeks since I’ve finished Assassination Classroom and I still can’t get over this anime so prepare to be harassed with posts in the future.
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stellar-sushi-blog · 8 years
too much asagao!kit
have you ever wanted five pages of useless information about my si? no? oh well here you go anyways!! the link to the original template is here. be warned, it’s like ten pages long.
Name: Victoria
Nickname: Kit
Origin of nickname: She used ‘Kit’ as a pen name when she wrote for the school newspaper. Her friends soon started using it jokingly, but it ended up sticking with her.
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Panromantic Heterosexual
Current status: a..alive?
Birth date: November 17th
Current residence: Asagao Academy
Occupation: Student
Hobbies: Kit enjoys writing, doodling, making origami, going for walks, sewing plushies, working with ceramics, and doing volunteer work.
Most important childhood “event” that still affects her: Kit almost always had her parents holding her hand. She even went to the same private school for 5th-8th grade where her mother worked. Also, before attending Asagao, she’d never spent more than two days away from one of her parents.
How? Because of the constant sheltering and guidance her parents gave her, Kit never learned how to do anything by herself and has a horrible time socializing and trying new things.
How does she dress or what do they typically wear? For school, she wears the required white button-up, yellow vest, and black skirt. On her free days she normally chooses to wear a white tank top, black skinny jeans, and an oversized, crocheted cardigan.
Other outfits one might find in their wardrobe: Kit has WAY too many tank tops and gym shorts. Where do they keep coming from? Where does she get them all?? Why does she have them all??? Please stop her.
Jewelry:Her favorite pieces of jewelry are her hoops earrings, a silver and black onyx ring, and a bracelet with an octopus charm on it.
Health: In a physical sense, she’s alright despite having a heart problem. Her mental state isn’t the greatest, though.
Habits/Obsessions: She loves Nokemon and candles. Even if she can’t burn them in her dorm room, she has like 20 candles.
Unique phrases/words: To her friends, she will blurt out random Italian phrases and curses to confuse them.
Do they curse, and if so, to what extent? Kit swears a moderate amount around friends, but only around friends.
Describe their sleep patterns: She either sleeps for 13 hours straight, or sleeps for 5 hours.
Describe their bedroom: Kit’s side of the dorm is very messy, but it’s very well organized.
Describe their daily rituals:
Kit is normally awoken by a distressed Sammi twenty minutes before class. In a panic, she throws on her uniform, brushes her hair and teeth, then grabs her backpack before leaving.
In class, she can normally be found doodling and trying not to fall asleep.
When lunch rolls around and she has no other work to finish up, Kit goes to the library and reads until the next bell. Here, she also finds time to gawk at the cute, student council president and even the boy who is almost always in the nurse’s office.
After the second half of the day, she returns to the dorm to do homework. Once it’s finished, she eats dinner then either works on a creative project or plays games with her roommate.
Lastly, she makes her way to the bathroom for a shower before finally going to bed.
How self-confident is the character? Not at all.
How does she see herself? As just another angsty teen who complains too much.
How do they believe she is perceived by others? She either thinks of herself as a queen, or a piece of crap. Depends on the day.
What does the character like least about themselves? Her constant need for attention.
How do they express themselves? By writing or drawing, normally.
Is this character generally dominant or submissive? Submissive
Most at ease when: She’s alone and safe, or just around friends in general.
Ill at ease when: She’s by herself in an unfamiliar area.
Describe their sense of humor: Kit will laugh at and joke about mostly everything, as long as it’s within some boundaries. She can go from laughing over a 12 year old’s joke to a joke about cannibalism.
If they could be described with one of the seven virtues, which would it be? Justice
If they could be described with one of the seven sins, which would it be? Envy/Sloth
Biggest Vulnerability (non physical): She’s easily threatened to do things.
Optimist or Pessimist: Pessimist.
Introvert or extrovert: Introvert.
Greatest Fear: BEARS
Other Fears/Insecurities/Phobias: Kit isn’t confident with her body/personality, is afraid of deep water, and fears fires.
Character's darkest, deepest secret: Her past.
Minor Secrets: She keeps the people she hates and has a crush on a secret.
Color: Purple.
Clothing: Tank tops.
Place: The field near Asagao.
Room in the house and why: Bedroom/dorm. It’s warm and comfy.
Food/drinks: Any Italian foods + Slushies.
Subject in school: Creative Writing / Ceramics.
Animal: Cat.
Least Favorite...
Clothing: Socks.
Place: The city (when she’s by herself.)
Food: Meat.
Subject in school: Math.
Where does this character like to hang out? She likes to hang out in the library and her dorm room.
How does this character deal with or react to…
Conflict/Danger: She’ll try to handle it calmly, but she also might cry.
Rejection: Lots and lots of tears and self deprecation
Fear: Run away or ignore it. Pray to God for help.
Change: Adapt or die, unless it’s completely traumatic.
Loss: Ignore the pain and get over it or cry until she passes out.
Sex/Flirting: Become insanely uncomfortable or go along with it.
Pain: Get as far away as possible from the cause of it, or deal with it.
Peer pressure: Tell the person trying to pressure her to fuck off.
Guilt: Cry and guilt-trip herself for fifteen years.
Being wrong: Panic and think about the mistake for hours after.
Being criticized: Normally, she’ll get angry or sad. On a good day, she’ll get over it and be extremely thankful for it. But, if it was unwarranted, she’ll get pissed beyond belief.
Offending others: Apologize hundreds of times and feel more guilt than she should.
Praise: Is… is this for me? Or are you talking to someone else?
How does this character feel about...
Marriage: She’s not really in a rush to get married, but it sounds like a cute thing to do.
Children: No.
Family/Family Values: She thinks that you should always treat your family with respect, unless they’re an asshole to you.
Old age: Doesn’t sound very fun.
Sex: [uncomfortable wheezing]
Love: Cute!! But she probably doesn’t deserve it.
Friendship/Other relationships: Please be her friend. She’s very lonely and she’ll bake sweets for you.
The opposite sex: CUTE
The same sex: CUTE
Money/Material things: Because of her family’s small fortune, she doesn’t really have to worry about money. She does, however, get very emotionally attached to some material objects.
Science: Biology is interesting and fun, but chemistry makes her head hurt.
Nature/Animals: She loves animals and would die for them.
Drugs and alcohol: Kit would never touch most drugs except for alcohol. Maybe.
What embarrasses this character? Pretty much anything sexual.
Crushes: She has three crushes but would never act upon them. One on Paul and one on Jeff. Don’t ask her about the third one or else she’ll die from embarrassment.
Girlfriend/Boyfriend(s): N/A
Best Friend: Sammi
Friends: All of 8BB
Pets: Sometimes she hoards stray cats in her dorm when she finds them in the city. (She does, however, give them up to a shelter when she gets the chance.)
What kind of person would she consider to be the perfect partner? Someone who is kind, supportive, and can take a joke. She’d also like someone who will play games with her and stay up until 4am.
Is the character judgmental of others and how so? If you’re an asshole to someone around her, Kit will judge you until you die and never let it go.
How is she perceived by...
Strangers? Who is this awkward girl? Why is she trying to joke with me? Where are her parents?
Friends? Please stop telling me to do my homework and please stop trying to fight anyone who looks at me wrong. Yes, Kit, we’re friends. You don’t need to ask so often. Please stop baking for me. You damn meme-loving fuck.
Coworker/Colleague? Why does this girl keep stuttering in class? What is she so nervous about?
Lovers? Since when was I dating this nerd and how does she manage to bake me a cake every few weeks?
Describe their sense of trust: Kit really wants to be able to trust everyone. But, if you break her trust, she will ignore you for the rest of your life.
What type of individuals does she like or associate with? She likes to hang around nerds, because it sums up her interests pretty well.
What type of individuals doesn't she like or associate with? Jocks. She thinks that if she associates with them, people with figure that she’s also a jock even though she’s far from it.
What do family/friends like most about character? She’s good at keeping up conversations and is very adaptable to new situations.
What do family/friends like least about character? She’s awkward and can often push herself away from everyone for weeks at a time.
Birthparent(s): A mother and a father.
Are they still alive? Yes.
Did they raise this character? Yes.
What did they do for a living? Her mother works at a private middle school and her father is a petroleum engineer.
Caretakers: She had a nanny when she was younger.
Are they still alive? Yes
At what age did the caretakers begin to raise this character? From when she was born to when she was 12.
Siblings (if any): A half-sister and half-brother.
Describe how each one treats this character: Her sister, when she lived with Kit, was very kind to her. Her brother used to be very angry with her, but eventually mellowed out and they’re now friends.
Does this character still keep in contact with their siblings? Only with her brother.
If this character were an animal, what would they be? An armadillo.
Why? Low body temperature, hides in a ball when scared, long nails, not really dangerous, and runs from humans.
What would happen if this character became physically handicapped, and how would that change them? Her depression might worsen, but she’d definitely try not to let it affect her daily routines.
What would this character do if spontaneously placed in a whole new and unfamiliar environment? She’d be terrified, but would at least make an attempt to communicate and get home asap.
What song best fits this character? Say Anything - Do Better
If you could compare this character to an existing character, who would she be and why? Ashley from Until Dawn, maybe.
Character's role in the story: Background character. Very minor.
Scene where character first appears: When Mai pulls Hana away from Ian, they bump into Kit. She is shown very briefly and only manages to force out a “Oh, s-sorry!” before running off. This leads to Mai explaining Hidden Block, then 8-Bit Blossoms.
Relationships with other characters: She treats Hana very nicely, is a little afraid of Mai, loves her roommate, and is eternally greatful for Mr. McPasta constantly bandaging her hands up from ceramics class. For anyone else, she tries to act very polite but her tendency to joke may make her come off as a bit blunt.
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