#i did these back in 2016
masteraqua · 4 months
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woe, kairi be upon ye ✨
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rox-of-iu · 10 months
my old blorbos are back in my brain
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heart pirates my absolute beloved. shame theyre chillin somewhere in the ocean lol (do not mention the pre-time skip hats of penguin and shachi I'm still attached even tho its already been a million years since then)
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anyway every time i remember that Law and Kid are assigned german and Scottish by Oda i gain one hundred years
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toktopus-art · 1 year
your style is so cute! have you drawn any of the younger characters from stranger things like Will or El?
thank you so much!! and not that much, really! i tend to draw the older teens more. but the kids have occasionally appeared in some of my tiktoks. also some time ago I got this lovely ko-fi sketch request to draw some byclair and it has some of the kids in it. :)
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but I have been planning some more comics and art that will feature the younger teens! :D
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doctorsiren · 16 days
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When I was 12 in 2017, I drew this for my dad and it’s such a time capsule I’m CRYING
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tastywaffles · 4 months
feat @lonelypluto127 😭😭
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all it took was writing piss for him to acknowledge me in a way
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thedragonhermit · 1 month
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2024 is the year of me getting back into things I super cared about like 10 years ago apparently, so here's sketches of the main cast from the Old Man Yaoi (and Yuri!) With Yellow Squares show!!
Also obligatory Reese and Finch furry designs just because :)
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I intended to make John some other breed of guard dog, but from what I saw, Belgian Malinois are favoured the most by the military. So I gave him a silver/black pelt so he doesn't just look like Bear in a suit adskhfjksadh As for Harold, I was considering him being something other than a bird to make his constant use of bird surnames kinda funny?? But then I looked into cuckoos and how some kinds make use of batesian mimicry (making themselves appear like predatory birds), and have parasitic brood tendencies (aka more pretending to be other birds). The Striped Cuckoo in particular is said to be "solitary and fairly shy" according to wikipedia, which really is just Harold "I'm a private person" Finch aksdhfkjadsh
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marquezian · 1 month
Japan 2016 / Dovi talks about Marc's championship win. I went to check the press con this gif we're having a moment about is from and good god. It really was a shy/bashful look....
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btwimcal · 4 months
voltron ship names are so weird bro.. like klance and allurance is okay but,,, plance?? sheith?? kunk?? klunk??? SHATT?? back in the day if i saw a vld ship and their ship name would be like oingobongoyongo i would not be phased
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clanborn · 7 months
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someone probably already noticed this but could be a really interesting wrinkle to curlfeather if they make this canon
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jkjs · 1 year
do you think if de came out in 2015 people would be making flower crown edits of harry kim and jean. and calling kim a cinnamon roll
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pop-punklouis · 6 months
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hugheses · 4 months
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9-14-16: jack hughes and the u16 toronto marlboros participate in the world cup of hockey future goals showcase skills competition (1, 2, 3)
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flintandpyrite · 5 months
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Kaffe Fassett quilt sneak peek
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Once Upon a Time Appreciation Week:
Day 3 - Favourite Romantic Pairing: Emma/Regina
“...Regina. Living in Storybrooke, I've got my son and my parents, and I love them. But they can't always understand me. They don't know what it feels like to be rejected and misunderstood... Not the way I do, not the way you do.”
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rascalrat0 · 26 days
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its been a while since ive done a painting of an animal.. did this the other day to see if i improved at all. quite proud of it. this is of my first wolf in wolf quest.
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roseworth · 5 months
Could I get your thoughts on Teen Titans #78 and 79? Also how would you have concluded Rose's character arc regarding her family?
i LOOOOOOOOVE that story <3 its such a great representation of roses relationship with slade w the way she comes there to kill him then later on goes "nvm i love him and dont want him to die. this sucks."
not to mention!!!! it shows the difference between rose & joey's relationships with slade sooooooo well bc joey was raised by slade and thinks theres good in him! but rose wasnt raised by him and doesnt believe in any good in him (but loves him anyway)!!!!! GOD.
i love it its a fantastic wilson family story and gets all their dynamics down rly well <3 i love rose & joey in that story i love it when they get to hang out (disregard the zombies theyre just hanging out) 💕💕💕
as for how i would have concluded the arc. i have thoughts.
first of all it haunts me every single day of my life that the new 52 came and stopped anything from happening with this. her mom was ALIVE and she was being talked about!!!!!! then n52 came and erased her from existence and i will never not be upset about it (also the last panel lili has ever appeared in they made her BLONDE.) i wish i could contact jt krul and ask him what the plan was i need to know so badly
but honestly. if it were me writing it i would not have brought lili back. i think the story would be so much more intriguing if rose was basically on a wild goose chase since the only evidence she had wasnt very strong but it gave her HOPE so she clung onto it for as long as she could
plus i feel like rose would have a lot of guilt surrounding her mothers death (since she died protecting her) even though she doesnt outwardly show any guilt and just blames slade for all of it, so shes doing everything she can to a) prove to herself that she didnt actually kill her mother and b) make up for the fact that it was her fault (in her mind) and get forgiveness for it. but she doesnt get any closure or forgiveness so she has to learn to accept that she did have a role in her mom's death but it doesnt make it her fault
anyways after obsessing over finding her mom just to realize that she actually was dead the whole time rose would have a catastrophic breakdown and probably take it out on slade, who would probably make it worse on purpose
i havent thought about it in depth so i dont know exactly how it would happen but i would say that eventually she realizes that the titans were there for her while she was looking for her mom and while she was in the middle of her breakdown, then be like "the titans are my family and its great <3 fuck my stupid dad"
then she has insane lesbian sex with cassie and then everyone lives happily ever after until another writer comes along and decides to retread the same drama and ignore character development because thats what they love to do in tt03
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