#i didn’t answer 26 since I had just answered it in a previous ask 😋
tanlotts · 1 year
2 26 27?
2: hmmm, this one is a hard one to answer. Mostly because the Fallout Universe is full of creepy characters, especially when it comes to enemies. But I’d have to say that for me it has got to be the centaurs, they’re just so awful to see. Every time they show up I feel terrified and queasy, especially when they creep up on you or you see them crawling right towards you. Like seriously — imagine seeing one of those irl. Terrifying.
27: it really does depend on which type of character build and play though I’m doing at the moment, since I try to make things as immersive as possible when I play any of the Fallout games. BUT I absolutely ADOREEEE all of the plasma type weapons, they’re very high tech, they have interesting lore and it looks gorgeous when you shoot (especially when it’s dark).
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