#i didn’t reblog these before cause i was still in denial over being a south park shipper…
southparkcoven · 7 years
Accepted - Kyle Broflovski
Mun Information
NAME: Abel AGE: 22 PRONOUNS: They/Them TIMEZONE: BST RP EXPERIENCE: Coming up to about 10+ years roughly. As Kyle, it’s been about half of that. ACTIVITY LEVEL: I’m a third year university student trying to secure my degree so if I’m not posting on tumblr, you can catch me on discord being active. OTP/NOTP: Cryle (Craig x Kyle) is my OTP for Kyle. It’s underappreciated, but works very well when done right. I don’t really have a NOTP for Kyle, but I guess I really love Style (Stan x Kyle) as best bros! DISCORD: Cosmicvoyance#8937 ANYTHING ELSE: Please don’t roleplay or reblog any animal abuse or neglect!
Muse Information
NAME: Kyle Broflovski AGE: 17 GENDER: Cis-male SEXUALITY: Bisexual BIRTHDAY: 26th May 2000 OCCUPATION: Student | Apothecary Assistant SPECIES: Witch POWER: Telekinesis CHARACTER APPEARANCE:
Face Claim: Matthew Clavane Puberty has relaxed Kyle’s once tightly knit curls into loose ringlets, that either drape to the nape of his neck, or they get tied up into a messy man bun. His eyes are a hazel green, though more on the brown side; the green is usually not that noticeable unless seen in bright light, or being close enough to get a good look at his eyes in general. He has a few light freckles that do appear during the summer months if South Park is lucky enough to receive some sun, but he tries to avoid this by plastering on a lot of sunscreen, lest he burn.
He still maintains all of his canonical scars from the show, the most obvious of those being the tiny faint outlines around the corners of his mouth from the Human CentiPad. His diabetes has put him in rather poor health, making Kyle quite thin, but relatively lean. He isn’t that tall, either, after the damaging surgery to his knees in his youth that stunted a bit of his growth, causing him to be stuck at the short stand of 5’7’’.
Kyle is somewhat aware of his power, though in denial about it. He’s displayed some ability with telekinesis in past episodes of the show, though he contributes those memories to the severe trauma he went through in his youth. Sometimes in the height of emotions, things will randomly fall off his shelf, though again he doesn’t try and attribute it to anything supernatural; the thought terrifies him deep down. He’s been hospitalised after a rather serious diabetic attack during middle school, where his health began taking a rather extreme turn for the whist for a little over a month – he’s more or less recovered, but it’s taken a lot of mental impact on the redhead as a result.
After reaching high school, Kyle began drifting from his usual set of friends and began to engage with more like-minded people who not only shared his classes, but also interests; he’s not as close to the main four as he used to be, as a circumstance of high school pulling them apart. He does miss being able to hang around with Stan especially, though now finds himself within the company of people such as Tweek, Craig, or Wendy.
In terms of family, Sheila has been very overbearing and protective of Kyle since his health scare in middle school; he resents it, despite understanding her concern. As a result he has very rarely been to many high school parties, or really participated much in typical teenage activity – it took Sheila a lot of convincing just for her to allow Kyle to get a part-time job so he could save up some extra money for college. It’s had a profound effect on social experiences as a result.
Positive: Determined, intelligent, intuitive, passionate, decisive
Neutral: Stubborn, judgemental, emotional, independant, altruistic
Negative: Argumentative, hot-headed, self-conscious, impatient, opinionated
Ennegram: 1w2
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Being under a lot of stress from trying to maintain his GPA and keep his life in a healthy balance, Kyle generally doesn’t have much patience for bullshit these days. While he’s still prone to bouts of emotionally fuelled anger, a lot of his aggression tends to spill out in sarcastic venom, as he has very little energy to spare now he’s in his senior year.
There is a underlying longing of wanting to break out of his long-standing routine, and the desire for something wild and unpredictable to happen to him, or the town, similar to how it was when he was a kid. Even through the trauma of some of the events, no one really gets comfortable in a normal, mundane life – not even Kyle Broflovski. However, the anxiety and desperate need to constantly be in control has been too overwhelming for him to just let go, and live in the moment as of yet.
There had to be some sort of bitter irony in working at a natural medicine store; at least, worryingly ironic. The amount of people who bustled into the shop on a day to day basis demanding all sorts of plants and herbs for their natural remedies alarmed the redhead. Alas, he still found himself biting back the urge to blurt out how utterly stupid these new age health theorists were in wasting their cash on a load of bullshit, when their health insurance could probably cover actual medication to help with their backaches.
Yet, he needed the job. Okay, he didn’t need the job, but it was a refreshing break away from the confines of the four dismal walls of his childhood room in the after hours of the school week; a break from the sting of his mother’s piercing wail, and nostril flaring dragon breath. It was worth forcing an overly friendly smile to customers who would idly praise the concoctions and potioncraft over actual medical assistance. Actual. Medical. Resistance. Kyle had never been too good at biting his tongue, but if he forced himself to keep up the reputable customer service appearance, he was pretty certain he’d end up chewing right through the tongue muscle and swallowing his silence.
At least he was able to refill his cup with endless amounts of coffee through the day.
“I asked for a medium to fine grind of the lavender, sir. This is a fine grind, so I’d appreciate a refund, or for you to do it again.” A middle-aged woman with a rather thick city accent complained, holding up her bag of what might as well have been fairydust to Kyle. He’d been in the middle of climbing up the rather unstable wooden ladder to place a different jar back into its resting place, and paused midway. This lady – she always insisted on coming here, and every time she had something to complain about.
With slow steps, the redhead returned back to ground level and approached the front desk with a pained grimace forced upon his lips. “I’m so sorry to hear that. Do you want the refund or the–”
“Ugh. It’s you again. Every time you grind up my herbs, you do it wrong.” She interrupted with a flustered expression, and slammed her cheaply manicured hands down onto the desk. “I’d like to speak to your supervisor instead. You’re messing with my energy…”
Breathe, Kyle. Breathe.Anger bubbled inside him the longer she continued to drabble on, and he dug his nails into the underside of the desk in an attempt to try and release the frustration. The customer was always right. Apparently. Or, whatever they had to be. More like this customer was always a right bitch.
“…and I don’t think some sort of teenage hipster should be bandwagoning on such a sacred method of religion–”
Something snapped in the back of Kyle’s head – yet before he could hurl any verbal abuse her way, something else hurled straight at her instead – the lukewarm remains of Kyle’s half empty coffee mug he’d left on the counter from the start of his shift. Now, the cup was teetering at the edge of the table with the threat of cascading the floor below, and the lady stood there with a gape in her mouth, and drenched in espresso. At least the lavender was fine.
Though, how on earth did the cup manage to douse her in its contents?
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