#i didn't KNOW he could roleplay when he became my favorite character!!
emilykaldwen · 5 months
Shop talk!! Where did the inspiration for Abby as a character come from? Are there any characters or people who have inspired what makes her ✨her✨? And how do she and Aegon compliment each other?
(apologies, this came in after I went to bed and then I spent the last five hours driving across three states)
Oooh! I haven't gotten an ask like this in so long and I forget there are new people who might be interested!!!
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(@selfproclaimedunicorn did the first Abby fanart! and @murmel-malt did this one for xmas!)
So in Fire & Blood, it's stated that Lyonel Strong became Master of Laws when Viserys took the throne, brought his sons Harwin and Larys and two maiden daughters to serve as Rhaenyra's ladies. So Abby was originally a friend of Rhaenyra and Alicent, and stayed by Alicent's side when she became queen because show-wise, Alicent is so fucking isolated. Like it HURTS to see how isolated she is, and I wanted her to have a friend, and someone who would try to be peacemaker between the two.
Right from the start, Abby was always meant to be kind. She's what I call proto-Sansa Stark: just embodying a lot of the traditional ladylike qualities I would always see Sansa getting lambasted for. I really wanted to create a character who could be kind and strong and that be just as valid as someone scheming or good with a sword. I wanted to write a girly-girl to embrace that femininity that I rejected as a teenager cause yay internalized misogyny!
But man, lemme tell you, I was struggling with her. I had this framework, but I didn't have a story for her. Frankly, for awhile, I thought that Alicent might encourage her to marry Otto for protection or something. I just didn't know what was going to happen to her.
So I decided to try roleplay her in some roleplay groups and toss her against other characters and see what I could come up with. It's something I've always done with original characters and I wasn't committed to writing a fic yet. and then my friend Ramses goes 'what if we did an AU and you throw her at Aegon?' (so age down Abby so her and Aegon are the same age vs her being his mother's age) because the type of character she was, she might be good with Aegon.
And then... the rest is history. Putting Abby against Aegon basically unlocked that third eye and suddenly Abby's story and her place in the world of Westeros clicked: She's someone the Team Green kids needed.
With Abby, Helaena could have a friend her age who accepted her for who she was, Aemond had a nerdy friend who enjoyed books, and Aegon? Aegon had a friend who always supported him, who he got to play conquering hero to her damsel in the games they'd play as children. a young!Abby took one look at the wet eyed cat boy and immediately went I'll love you and I'll show you how wonderful I think you are.
Aegon and Abby are definitely foils for each other. Abby thinks of others first, Aegon doesn't. He goes in on himself in his melancholy, she goes outside of herself. They are both desperate to please in their own ways, they are incredibly hungry for love. They are both outsiders in their worlds, and alone except for each other. Abby has the patience that Aegon needs, and Aegon has the ego to push Abby to be more 'selfish' and look out for herself more. In Abby, Aegon can take care of someone, he can look outside of himself and be there for someone. In Aegon, Abby can let herself be cared for. There's patience and there's drive, there's possessiveness and feralness from both of them. Both of these kids are unwell, Abby just... masks it better? It's not as obvious? (she's named for an Asshai blood priestess and is heiress to the haunted castle of your nightmares my happy sunshine baby is not well)
As for characters that inspired her and make her HER, the number one is very much Tohru Honda from Fruits Basket. Fruba is one of my favorite stories of all time, and it's a story about the cycle of abuse and generational trauma, and Tohru is the sunshine bubbly light girl... who is hiding her own grief and guilt at the loss of her mother. The fear that finding happiness again meaning she'd forgotten/lost her mother. And she takes on everyone's pain but does not share her own. And that always really resonated with me. It's very real. And it's a story that resonated to me along with Sansa's that I could appreciate as I was older.
I'm so sorry there's SO MUCH RAMBLING and I have no idea if this makes any sense. I don't know if I talk about Abby enough - I'm not used to getting questions about her LOL so thank you for this!
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calistayed · 10 months
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          Hello  and  welcome  to  my independent, selective,  private  roleplay  account  for  an original character, Mason  Mayfield. This  blog  is  rather  low  active  and  will  contain  major  dark  themes.  Please  approach  with  caution.  I  also  ask  that  you  read  my  rules  and small about under the cut  before  following.
          Exclusive: zoomingupthathill ,           Affiliated: zoomingupthathill ,
                            Rules to follow! I'll keep it simple: Mun: My name's AJ! I love characters, love talking about them all the time. I love to read and write. I mostly read horror, and recently found it's actually a favorite genre of mine. I'm a nerd, a dork, hella shy, and would love to be your friend!
Please be kind and respectful! If there are any issues with me, please come to me in an appropriate manner. I don't bite, I promise. We all know we can't read each other's minds!
NS.FW. It might be present. He is of age in his main verse, but I'm deciding if even if I want to just make a sideblog for more of that stuff. Either way, I will only write it with those I feel comfortable with for it isn't something I write normally.
Shipping. I love to ship. I'm opened to it as long as we both are good with it, and talk about our muses to see if they click.
Controversial characters. Totally down to write with any type of character. I won't limit myself. If this bothers you, please do not follow.
Triggers. I'll tag what I can/remember. I will NOT write with drunk muses. This doesn't need to be tagged for your threads, I just don't want to deal with it one-on-one.
OCs/Fandoms. Totally chill with OCs, just have some type of an about page. I can try and fit my muses into anything, and will follow blogs I can see working (even if I don't know the fandom).
Be patient! I have a full time job and a few other blogs I hop on. I usually go with the flow, see what muse I have. Plus please be aware that I struggle with depression. Some Days are good and others not so much.
OOC. I love to chat ooc. Through IMs or discord. Whatever works for you. Although, discord is only open to mutuals.
Icons. As of right now I don't have any icons. Even when I do make some I'm totally fine if we don't even use them at all. It's not a make or break thing for me.
Exclusive. I have one exclusive Max which me and the mun talked here and there about these two. I may add more to exclusive depending on plotting and such other things.
                              Small about (cuz I am hella lazy):         any questions about anything please feel free to message.
Name: Mason Mayfield Nicknames: Masey, Mase, Ace Age: 19-20 (s4), 17-18 (s3) Gender: Male Traits: Kind, responsible, loyal, impatient, stubborn.
Mason is the older sibling to Max, and can be argued as the younger or older brother to Billy. Before Billy, Mason and Max were a fair close bonded siblings with the perfect amount of annoyance to each other. However, he grew up fast. Still rather young, he became the man of the house once their father was out of the picture.
Then, as their mother got involved with Neil, things started to shift between the family dynamic. Mason noticed the change the older man brought into the home, and noticed the way he was around Billy as he grew older. Mason spoke with their mother several times, saying how he felt uncomfortable, saying how it wasn't good for any of them to be around Neil.
Once the Fall of 1984 came around, Mason decided he wasn't going to move with his family. He opted to stay with a relative, making up as many excuses as he could for he didn't want to be in the same house as Neil. Mason knew the news didn't sit well with Max, but he made a silent promise he would make enough money to take Max, and maybe even talk to Billy, and get away.
Summer of 1985 came and Mason decided to move to Hawkins with a good amount of money to his name. Happy to see his family again, he only got the cold shoulder from Max. Mason let her be angry, and decided to get a job at the mall to earn even more money. Mason hoped he could talk to Billy at least, but he was also rather distant.
Spring of 1986 came far too quickly. The death of Billy and abandonment of Neil made Mason work long shifts to help support them. Still, it was hard to focus with the strangeness of the town finally hitting him, and the fact of high schoolers getting murdered didn't help.
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nonbinarytriscuit · 2 years
BioShock Roleplay! Looking for someone (18+ for comfort reasons) to play as a Big Daddy!
If this pinges your interest you can message me on discord @2tiredboi#1321. Please be able to do at least two+ paragraphs for replies.
I have always have loved the BioShock games and my favorite two enemies/characters are the Little Sister and Big Daddy. I came up with what I thought was an interesting idea to toss in a Prototype Little Brother into the Universe. So, I will be playing Said Prototype Little Brother but he'll be an OC! I am looking for someone to play as a Big Daddy to protect my little one and just to grow to love the kid as if he was their own. I am up for you to be any of the types of the Big Daddys; Rosie, Bouncer, Rumbler, Alpha Series (if you want to do an awesome twist and make our two have that forever bond), or a Lancer.
How this is going to start is your character, Big Daddy has lost his Little Sister (or if you choose to do Alpha Series has been searching for mine since they woke back up) as mine has lost his Big Daddy. How they meet well, yours arrives in an area where mine is currently being attacked by some slicer who wants his Atom. He steps in and saves him. However to make this more interesting my character who I'll call Apollo is the only known Little Brother. So, the reaction of yours realizing he is well a he is all up to you. I would love for them to bond and have a strong connection to one another.
More about my Little Brother Oc is his name is Apollo, he is six years old, and the same height as a normal Little Sister (that you encounter in the first game) so I'd say he is 3'4. He is a very curious child and everything tends to catch his attention. His Big Daddy before always had to put him back on track. He looks like this (just without the shoes, socks, and the hat)- https://78.media.tumblr.com/ef9a0b8b6b392713d501b07d201a8af4/tumblr_ov09gd9TOx1vt1uy2o1_500.jpg
The backstory for him is similar in the beginning but will change depending if you choose to be an Alpha Series or a different type. I will send it once you decide which Big Daddy you want to be! Also please let me know the nickname you want Apollo to call him!
His glowing yellow eyes stared down at the lifeless body of Mr. Bubbles. It shocked and frighten the child to his very core to see what he had thought as the strongest being alive fall right in front of him. He was frozen in place for a few moments. Just standing there and staring wide eyed at his protector. How could someone have taken Mr. Bubbles down?! Without another thought he ran towards Mr. Bubbles and grabbed one of their arms. "Wake up! Please Wake up!" Apollo shook one of the arms that belonged to Mr. Bubbles'. Nothing. No movement. No sounds.. Whimpering the child shook the arm again as hard as he could attempting to wake up the other again. Nothing.. Why wasn't he waking up?! The child became more panicked as the seconds ticked on. He had never been on his own! Mr. Bubbles had always been there with him!
"No, no, no, no! Mr. Bubbles please!" He shrieked out in pure agony. This wasn't suppose to happen! No one was suppose to be able to defeat them! His head jerked up when he heard footsteps coming towards him. His eyes widen and terror shot right through him as the monster came closer to him. What was he suppose to do? Mr. Bubbles had always been the one to protect him! Snapping out of it he scrambled then quickly ducked behind Mr. Bubbles' helmet. It didn't do much good as the Slicer had already seen him. Within moments he was snatched up by them. A scream left him as he struggled against the Slicer. "No, no! Let me go!" He cried out shoving at the Slicer's chest. His screams echoed through the hollow halls, catching the nearby attention of another Big Daddy.
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books-and-beauty90 · 2 years
(( So, I have had a lot of people ask me why I am obsessed with Robert Carlyle and why I chose him for my girl's papa and want him to be Belle's caretaker. I have had people tell me that Gold would never have sick severely disabled children or a sick and disabled wife. People have told me that he would hire someone to take care of Belle and his children because he doesn't have time to take care of them 24|7
One of the reasons I chose him is because he would do ANYTHING for his children and Belle, we see it on the show he never stops trying to get Baelfire back after he lets him fall through the portal. He created The Dark Curse so he could find his way back to him. Once he found him he fought to hold onto him. He went to Neverland to get his grandson back, He sacrificed himself to protect his family, he protected Bae's life force so that he wouldn't lose him again which caused him to lose himself. He also tried to give Bae a good childhood before he became the dark one and after. Hell he became the Dark one so he could protect his son and bring all the children who went to war home safe. Even when Bae was born he crippled himself so he could be there for his son.
He also did everything he could to get Gideon back when the black fairy took him. He never stopped fighting to get Gideon's heart back so he can could come home. Even though it didn't show Gideon's childhood I can guarantee that he took care of his needs when Gideon was a baby and child.
As for Belle he never stopped fighting for her when she was alive and he never stopped trying to get back to her once she died... Once she passed all he cared about was getting back to her. These are some of the many reasons why I know why Rumple would do anything for his loved ones. Including being the one to take on Belle's and his children's care full time he wouldn't trust anyone else to do it unless they were family, even then he might be a little on edge. Unless of course they were tended to by his sons and possibly older Henry Gold|Rumple is a amazing father and a wonderful husband.
As for Robert Carlyle, he's the same as Rumple, we all know that he is a family man and that family always comes first with him. He has also helped me get through some dark and hard times in my life. There are many other reasons why I chose Rumple to be the father to my girls and Belle's caretaker. Because I know he will stop at nothing to make sure his children are loved, cared for and have everything they would ever need. He and Robert are also very protective of their loved ones and would make sure nothing would ever happen to them.
There are many wonderful characters in Once Upon A Time but Gold|Rumple|Weaver will always be my favorite and number one choice to be Belle's soul caregiver and father to my girls. Rumple|Robert Carlyle will always have a special place in my heart. Even though I have never met the man I feel like I have known him most of my life. He has been there for me when I was sad, depressed and felt like nobody cared. He has been there through my good times as well and has never let me down. I don't know where I would be today if I didn't know about this amazing man who had done so much to help others.
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He is a big Woobie and he will always be my roleplay papa|Belle's husband|caregiver💛
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pussyandpetrichor · 2 years
Lost the question prompts but heres a thing:
1.) Game Master, Player or both? Why?
I play both, but I'm willing to GM, so I GM pretty often
2.) When did you start role playing? How old were you?
I started roleplaying when I was yet able to read playing 3.x
3.) What was the first role playing book you ever owned?
Something in the 3.x range of Dnd
4.) Describe the first game you ever ran or played in.
I dont think I literally could, but one of the earliest I *can* I was playing a Drow Sorcerer in 4e who would eventually develop into one of my main player characters a Drow Ranger/Cleric multiclass called Eilthaea Waeglyl. It was a very rotate in and out sort of game because it was mostly an excuse to go over a friend's house in high school and smoke weed. The game itself was secondary or even tertiary to just hanging out
5.) Which system did you grow up with?
I grew up with DnD 3.x. We had a couple of 2e books we used with no distinction. But it was just my siblings and I playing action figures with a little bit of random chance and basic math thrown in.
6.) Which system do you play now?
I am currently playing Pathfinder 2e and Vampire the Masquerade as well as a couple very loosely ruled play by post rps
7.) Longest campaign you’ve run or played in?
A nonsense descriptor. I bring aspects of old stories into new ones at any time. Tommy Baker/McDonnell has a huge story across multiple game systems and genres. But most of my games are generally pretty short
8.) Where did you meet your current gaming group?
Vamplr. Both my current Pathfinder and VtM games are with the same general group of people
9.) Strategic combat or dramatic plotlines?
I like both. When I DM, I often leave the drama to the players because my DM style is basically to have fun playing a war game but when I'm a player I often prefer to do dramatic plotlines
10.) Favorite RPG genre?
I like some fantasy/horror. I would really like to play a gaslight fantasy game in Pathfinder with maybe some cosmic horror elements, but I dont think I could DM that. If anyone wants to run something like that, hmu
11.) Your first character.
A human rogue who always wanted to talk the monsters down. It never worked
12.) Your favorite character.
Hard choice... I think in a lot of ways I've outgrown Tommy, but he has been a lot of fun to play. I also really like a Half-Drow Oracle I made for PF1 who didn't port very cleanly to PF2, but I don't think I ever actually got to play her in a game so I don't know if she counts.
13.) Your most ridiculous character.
Gohma Waeglyl. Eilthaea's Spider Animal Companion blessed by Eilistraee and transformed into a Drider Paladin who picked up where Eilthaea left off when he got killed in a den of Vampires. She has a 6 intelligence (which is fucking genius for a spider, by the way) and she's a lesbian (does spider have puspuss?)
14.) The best in-character line you’ve ever had.
I don't know, but I remember bringing my brothers to tears a couple of times.
15.) Your most epic death.
Eilthaea holding off a group of Vampires in a cave during a TPK allowing his animal companion and an NPC (who became the new party) to escape and continue the mission (after some time where the NPC awakens as an Oracle and the spider animal companion goes into a cocoon and metamorphoses into a Drider
16.) Your most disappointing death.
Probably generic human rogue #84 dying yet again because he tried to talk to a goblin
17.) Something that shouldn’t have worked, but did.
Oh, probably something from the Tampa by Night Chronicle... instance after instance of "we shouldn't have survived" exacerbated by a failed homebrew merit that just kept making bad shit happen
18.) Something that went hilariously awry.
When we tried to have a pool party with the Lasombra Primogen and our coterie's Lasombra frenzied and tried to deathroll the chap
19.) Your most memorable in-character moment.
Plenty of memorable moments between Tommy and Hazel... but honestly Eilthaea's death has to take the cake
20.) The coolest item you ever got and how you came to possess it.
My games never have a huge focus on items and gear.
21.) Your favorite NPC and how the party reacted to him/her
MEEPO and adopting him (oh actually I did get to play Ghuanerel once. But she was a little nerfed. Unable to be deaf as she should be)
22.) A game you wish you could run or want to run someday.
That Gaslight Fantasy Cosmic Horror game lbr
23.) Something you made up on the spot.
I made up an on the spot consequence for getting multiple crits taking down the cursed tree at the end of Sunless Citadel (when I ran it) where the tree and its roots completely disintegrate taking the entire citadel down around them (they had all recently earned a boon from Pharasma so they had a 1up in the bank.)
24.) Your most successful game.
Probably the PF2 game currently (ish) going on. I need to get that back up and running (one of my player characters got a small dose of brain cancer and we had to go on hiatus for a bit)
25.) Your least successful game.
When I tried to be a PC in sunless citadel
26.) The craziest thing your players have ever done, and how it affected your plans.
I ran a chronicle where my players fled the city and went to England to avoid the BBEG of the chronicle and I had no idea what to next and had to end the game
27.) Your favorite setting or game location.
I really like Golarion/the Pathfinder setting and I want to play some games in Absalom
28.) Your creative process when you plan a game.
Right now, I'm kind of playtesting the Pathfinder 2e rules a bit so I took existing modules and strung them together using player backstory as hooks.
29.) The best / worst character concept you’ve ever heard.
Vegan Carnist (House Carna Tremere with the Farmer predator style. That's the whole concept)
30.) What makes GMing fun for you.
Seeing my players excited to find out what's happening next
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mrfandomgage · 3 years
Ralsei: Do you have any stories?
Me: yeah, a few. As my name may apply, most are to things I enjoy
Ralsei: Oh? Can y-
Susie: Hey, we're back!
Lancer: I'm here too!
Me: Do you wish to hear a story?
Susie: A story? Can it at least have blood?
Kris: Susie, not everything needs blood. What does your story have?
Me: Death, violence, blood
Kris: ...
Susie: Yeah!
Ralsei: uh, how bad is it?
Me: I probably can't describe it as well as normal, but it's of my favorite creation. I'll tell the origins, the original story, and revisions.
Lancer: ...
Me: yes Lancer?
Lancer: Can I have some popcorn?
Me: yes
*One popcorn break later*
Me: thanks for the microwave Jevil. Is everyone ready for the story?
All, plus Jevil: Yeah!
Me: The origin of Night Terror. Originally, she was only meant to be a Roleplay character. A character to be nothing but a puppet, for evil actions and tom foolery. However, she needed a backstory, and concept. I took from dreams and nightmares, and my little understanding of Freddy Krueger as a "Dream Demon" to kill in people's sleep.
Me: Her original story was bad. "Oh whoah is me. I've been killed to an uncountable number, and now I'm a being of pure vengeance that killed everyone in the world". So instead of dropping this character like others, I gave the ideas flesh and bone. Instead of being uncountable, it's uncounted and exaggerated. Instead of nonsense violence, I gave the violence flesh, abuse, to a point that'd break bones for one off action. Instead of being the sole reason her world died, it died around her as she got used to killing. I left the blood on her slit throat to let others know, she's already dead.
Susie: that sounds cool and all, but are you going to tell a story?
Kris, Whispering: Susie! Rude!
Me: No, I find that fair. Now one last stage to let you know her life being alive. Her true name is Frisk. She was a girl who was very, tired, in her world. I designed it to beat her down, just so she'd be willing to kill anything. Of course, it was hard for her, she was naturally a pacifist. She is a dream, a soul of positive energy. In a world of nightmares, they hated the energy she put off. Her own parents murdered her as a baby, but all they knew is that she put off less energy, when she woke up. So they devised to keep her energy low. They'd give her old hard as coal beds to keep her restless, if she was happy with a day, they'd shout at her for any tiny mistake or fault even when it wasn't hers. Those parents hated her favorite things, like vibrant yellows, and gave her only greys and traditional purples for special occasions, not that they wouldn't make those purple items irritable. Best of all for the parents, all they knew was that if they had really wanted to beat down their little girl til she bled on the carpet, not fully knowing they already have, she would be in misery for weeks. They never gave her bruises, she never had evidence when waking up again. She was bullied at school for sleeping at her desk, and when it got physical, it was something her parents could taunt her for. She had a friend, but he'd demean everything she said of herself. She tried to hang herself once, but when she woke up, all she could do was cry. One day, one the rare occasion she was forced to be out on the schoolyard, kids were talking of a legend. The kids taunted Frisk, stating what she believed herself. "Nobody wants you, you should climb into Mount Ebott, so you'll never return". That day, she confided in her friend, of her "nightmares" and the thought of Mount Ebott may ending her for good. Her friend tried to sew doubt into her mind of this plan, in the end, only making her cry, and giving her more reason to see to it that she could die. In the dead of night, she only took a flashlight and her purple clothes up with her to that mountain. She entered a cave and found a deep hole. She stepped to it, stood with her back facing the drop, and plunged herself into the underground. It took her a while, but she woke up. She woke up. She woke up. She was upset, but her friend was right. She met a giggling flower. "Ah, another human. You seem different, but does that matter? Have fun in your grave!" Frisk smiled at the thought of dying. She walked the tunnels and carved out cave to find a floor of spikes. She tried to drop herself onto them, only for them to retract from underneath her. While getting up, she notice that only sets of retracting spikes are sharp, while the ones that were out were as dull as rocks. She marched on, growing tired, and falling asleep in the halls. When she woke, she was in an old used bed, it was remarkable compared to home. Getting out of bed, she left the room, and tried to leave the house. Approaching the downstairs door, she caught flame. Her nerves screamed from end to end in torent pain, her lungs prayed for oxygen only taking in the smoke and ash of her own body, blood and flesh. She tried and tried and burned to ash, she finally found the monster burning her flesh, admitted she wished to leave. Learning that the monster didn't want her to leave. The monster ran to the exit with Frisk hot on their tail. Screaming and crying, the monster attacked her, I shouldn't have to say, but she had died multiple times. She became exhausted, and moved without thought, with her only thoughts to be to improve her movements, before falling to the cold. The snow was biting her senses, even though she just got some sleep, she was exhausted. As if she was walking for days. A loud snap reminded Frisk of her bones. She dropped to her knees in the freezing snow, and drops thinking something broken. In the first time in a while, the girl had a real friend. The friend talked to her, he convinced her that she was ok, and knew a place where she could rest... sorry, my throats getting dry
Susie: Awww... It was just a little interesting
Kris: could be better if you extended it
Me: I literally don't have enough text space or patience to do that yet. Trust me, I've wanted to make this story whole for a while.
Lancer: Can she at least be a little more happy? I mean, she is a dream and-
Me: no, she's constantly weakened by negative influences, mainly her own thoughts after what her parents did to her. Her only friendly relationship with other humans is still one that undermines her own thoughts and feelings. Her only dream, her only hope, is to not be useless.
Ralsei: it's good... but I have a question. Why was she born a dream?
Me: Dreams and Nightmares used to share a universe, and even though they started to hate eachother doesn't mean they didn't mix. After a rift of magic, the worlds split, and Dreams became a recessive trait to Nightmares and vice versa. It became extremely unlikely, but there's still a chance in one in a billion.
Kris: Why are monsters separated from humans?
Me: the amount of magical power to create that rift was only created by the power of monsters. Humans feared if war were to break, they too could be thrown into oblivion. Seven mages forfeited their souls to bind monsters and whoever entered. Monsters realized that they couldn't break the spell, due to the power of the seven souls, even with their collective power... can I please stop talking?
Jevil: How does she come back after dying?
Susie: When does she murder people?
Me: After blending her soul, Susie. She comes back because dreams were extremely persistent, practically a bunch of immortals. Nightmares knew this when they shared a universe, but as I said, they had a few generations and forgot. The only thing that can truly kill a dream is when they have no dream for themselves.
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the11thfamily · 4 years
What are your top 5 favorite characters in KHR and what’s your reasons for liking them. PS: I’m enjoying your comic
thank you so much! Uh let me see (also because beside the firsts positions I don't have a fixed top, so let me see-)
1 - Giotto of course. Giotto is like my main inspiration. (except for the fangirl stuff, like omg I love you with all my heart, and that I met my current bf 8 years ago when he was roleplaying Giotto so that's also something very important to me) I like him because of what he represents. He's exactly as I wanted to do, but I lack of the determination and will to take action. He started from doing his best to protect a city and the people and never changed heart even when he was at the peak of his power. He also did mistakes, such as not give enough protection to the manor, that makes him more human and less a "god" as many people like to see him.
2 - Tsunayoshi Well, I have a special attachment to him. He's a very different protagonist who is against the "fate" that attends him. He just wants to live a normal life and be close to the girl he loves, but stuff happened...  There's a very good Tsuna analysis on Reddit so I won't say much here, but I agree with that post. Apart from that, I consider him as a father. As you can see during the story, he's the only one 9except for the girls) who's actually good with children. And I can see him as a good father. Then, when writing the story and finishing the manga, something happened and I lost my real father, and I was desperately trying to find a consolation, which I've found in the khr itself, identifying with Nozomi and feeling the relationship that I could no longer feel again.
3 - G I don't have much to say about him, I prefer G over Gokudera because I love his personality, as a right-hand man who is loyal but also jokes with Giotto, differently from Gokudera who would never go against/joke about Tsuna. I love the playful hatred/fights relationship with boss and right-hand guys (now you know Arashi's inspiration <3)
4 - Xanxus What I can say about him- except for his personality, I love when he just wants to sleep and being lazy around XD but I also can feel his anger about the heir thing. Xanxus grow up hoping to become the tenth boss and randomly discovered that it's not  possible. Nobody informed him, something I really don't like of Ninth (and I don't dislike Ninth, but that's what makes him human too). If it would have happened to me, I would have also burned down something (-Nozomi). Imagine to work hard and have a dream just to discover by yourself that you can never achieve it. Grrrr.
5 - Simon Cozzato I don't really know why I love him, it's because I love everyone from the first gen maybe? But the idea of the Earth flames is interesting, and so is the dualism between sky and earth. I love how he's a true friend with Giotto, he's also determined to living isolated in order to protect both families. since for me Sky and Earth are like twins or siblings, I see him as a brother who will never betray Giotto. Simon is a very interesting character, I wanted to know more about him!
I'll put an extra because I have some character on the same level, and just because it's an only-man top 5 and I want to add a girl ewe
5(6) - Kyoko. I know, Amano didn't gave enough space to the girls and they all became housewives(?). But if I don't think about all the other girls, and I focus only on Kyoko, it's fine. It's FINE. Kyoko is a normal girl, a cute girl who is the idol of the school but actually is the idol of Tsuna's heart, since I don't see many people fangirling(?) over her in the school (Mochida is an exception). She's kind and supportive, as we could see in the last chapters and when Tsuna revealed the truth about the mafia, but she also owns a strength, such as the one she showed when hit by the dying will bullet, or when she didn't want to become a prize in the first chapters. She's the representation of a common girl with a quiet personality, who can also be strong, but can't fight and be at the same level of the boys and that's okay. She doesn't need to? She can be herself and be with them, it's okay if someone doesn't have a flame or doesn't fight and help them in another way. Anyway, it should have been fine if it was valid only for her, not for all the girls.Haru could do something different (since she has a stronger personality), same for Bianchi who can fight and also has a flame etc. Except for them, Kyoko is a common girl and there are many as her, girls or boys or any gender. Being quiet, kind, supportive isn't a weakness, it's not like everyone in the world should be powerful warriors. And if you think about khr, if everyone could defend themselves then there's no point in being a protector.
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