#i didn't delve on it in the review but those bitches gay! good for them.
diesoonandsuffer · 2 years
my thoughts on the search for spock
i’m basically just gonna paste my letterboxd review here because i ain’t typing all that again.
now that's what i'm talkin' about!!!!!! this is my favorite out of the TOS movies so far, which is surprising to me. maybe because wrath of khan was hyped so insanely i was certain it would have to be my favorite. but this just shows you should always form your own opinion.
one reason i like this is because it goes into both a lot of tropes in general i love and also things i enjoy about TOS specifically. i love how it explores kirk and the enterprise going against the federation; "the word is no. so of course i'm going anyway." and then sulu and the rest immediately ready to help......all of them ready to sacrifice their careers for spock and to an extension mccoy....YEAH BABEY!!! this is a TEAM! this is a FOUND FAMILY!!! they are MENACES they are a WORKING UNIT i LOVE THEM. i loved that sulu and uhura got their own little badass moments, i wish we had more of both but i'll take it. the whole scene of them stealing the ship was great. i love that crew.
a complain some people seem to have about this movie is that its a big retcon. this is true but also the end of wrath of khan literally said that spock's death was going to be retconned. it was all but confirmed. and i was genuinely curious as to how they were going to explain it, and as reasonings go this one really wasn't that crazy. i LOVED the merging of personalities in bones and spock. once i realized what was happening i was like :o it was great. genesis being just a weapon is actually something i like. it was so.......GRAND and godlike in khan something about it didn't sit right. i liked how this movie explored the corruptedness of the process, the pitfalls in the structure of the federation, etc. in terms of some of it being david's fault and him dying, i don't care. i will agree that setting up a son for kirk and then killing him is an odd choice but honestly? it's kind of funny. but also i do think shatner acted well in that scene. i don't much care for the man but i think people shit on his acting too much.
the only thing i really didn't like in this movie was the saavik and spock pon farr thing. now i don't know if this comes up in other movies and is developed more or if it only happens here. i pray to god it only happens here. i really liked saavik as a character in wrath of khan, i know she didn't do much but like i said last time the foundation was good. i'm glad she got to do things in this movie at least but she didn't really get a character arc or journey at all, she just...imprinted? i don't know the term but she did a version of pon farr with spock to help him as he was rapidly aging. i found it very creepy for a number of reasons. number 1 spock was a parental figure for her in wrath of khan and number 2 at that moment in the movie she is now sort of a parental figure to him. i think exploring the reversal of their parental roles could have been fun but they said no lets make it weird. whatever. i was so scared that for a little bit after that i was sort of cautiously and anxiously watching the movie but now that i know it was so minor, i can enjoy it fully next time.
and lastly i do think its interesting how spock is really not in this movie that much and yet i still like it! a part of me was irrationally scared that i only enjoyed star trek for spock even though i knew that wasn't true. and even though this movie was centered around him, as a character he showed up very little, really only in bursts through bones. so this movie, even though it is about spock, weirdly serves as proof that you don't need spock to be in the movie heavily for it to be good. other people would use this as proof for the reverse but i disagree.
also this was very gay. it had to be said. i can't believe i typed this much but i had a lot to say because i clearly enjoyed this movie a lot.
(OH i just remembered klingons. i was happy they were back. it felt weird that they had been forgotten.)
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