#i didn't get to see him often but like he was my dog yknow
deeisace · 9 months
aw damn it
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envy-of-the-apple · 1 month
First of all. Stunning writing as always, my jaw was ON THE FLOOR MULTIPLE TIMES, ごちそうさまでした (thank you for the meal). Next of all— Do you wanna psychoanalyze the monster you know Gojo? Because I’m intrigued, but also confused!
Gojo subconsciously REALLY wanted the reader to know the truth about himself, we see that everytime he says it — that he’s a monster. Why did he pretend to be normal then? To not be a monster? // And because Gojo pretended to be normal, why wouldn’t he pretend he was normal when he was caught in the bathroom? Was it like, he was relieved almost, and content, when reader found out the truth about him? Why didn’t he just tell her or make it obvious earlier?
You don’t have to answer this of course! Thanks for reading my ask!
you-you wanna hear me talk about gojo?? rlly???? ilyletsgetmarried
okokok so i think to explain this ill need to talk about my personal hc of gojo!
kid gojo and adult gojo behave extremely differently, right? Kid gojo is….really really off putting. I remember when Gojo turns to look at Toji for the first time and his eyes are just….empty Like even Toji saw the crazy and was freaked out. That was NOT a human being you cannot tell me other wise. Like if me and kid gojo were stuck in a room together i'd turn religious so fast-
buuuut I think along the way Gojo realized that he needs to put expressions on his face and cut to high school and he’s being a silly billy<3. I think that Geto helped him out with this, another reason why he’s so nostalgic of that era. But even now we can see it’s an act and he slips every so often. When he’s alone, when he’s fighting curses. Terrifying, honestly.
(ik its not rlly an act. its more like a face he puts up? so more genuine than an act, but not as sincere as...lets say yuji's demeanor)
when Roomie is looking at the picture of kid gojo, he hadn't figured out how to hide it, or that he should. even Roomie was freaked out by kid gojo.
but i cant blame gojo for being...yknow...demented. even when he wasn't the strongest, he was very different from everyone else. i'd akin it to being stuck in a world where everyone is a dog. cute. you love dogs! but without a human connection, it can get lonely pretty fast because as loving as dogs are...they cant understand you.
and then you meet a dog who doesn't look like a dog at all. they insist you are a dog too, but you aren't. and when you do a horrible thing only a human could be capable of.... they don't choose other worse dogs, they choose you.
the bathroom scene was gojo's breaking point. he didn't want to pretend to be a dog anymore, because he wasn't. again he def did not mean for roomie to catch him jerking it buuuut he def sorta gave into being....himself into the one person he can actually see yknow????
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wario-speedwagon · 5 months
The Blackjack Essay I thought up at like 3am because Blackjack is a great character if you really think about it hard enough
I had some Blackjack Thoughts yesterday night (cuz I woke up in the middle of the night and I always soothe myself back to sleep by brainrotting over characters or made up scenarios). Cuz yknow, okay:
So Blackjack is the soul, and he's a soul that was blackened by regret yeah? And not just that, but he takes the form of a his childhood dog rather than of himself (which is interesting, more on that later). I think we can agree that, while we never get to know in meaningful detail what the living Jack Kennedy was TRULY like, soulless Corpse!Jack is probably closer to his original living self in personality than the Blackjack we saw at the end of DSAF 3 True Ending, or rather, in most of what we see of Blackjack's coded/capitalized lines (more on that later too). Corpse!Jack is more chill (in a feral way of course) in that he moves on from things like grudges or regrets, which in the good routes manifests in him being able to keep going despite how emotionally hard it should be to e.g. leave his family once and for all, or to forgive his sister's murderer in favor of seeing the good in him. It's not a perfectly moral aspect, as there are things he probably should be hung up on (cough cough Dave), and Blackjack sure is. (We love some moral greyness in this household.) And then of course, in the evil route, it manifests in Corpse!Jack having a very easy time befriending and emulating his siblings' murderers and even killing his siblings himself. Obviously Blackjack could never conceive of acting in any of these ways, and he definitely lets evil Jack know.
So. I am of the headcanon that, all the trauma of Jack's death and the events leading up to it, all of his regrets from it, Blackjack took it all with him, leaving Corpse!Jack with little to none of it left. For better or for worse, Corpse!Jack does not carry the same emotional baggage from his personal tragedy that Blackjack is completely lost in. And then my point about Blackjack taking on the form of a dog instead of himself... and him not really acting like his old self compared to at least TrueRoute!Jack. At least most of the time, as we'll see soon. Because in the True Routes, Dee and eventually Peter are able to recognize True!Jack as their old brother pretty easily even despite the circumstances, but Blackjack? He's unrecognizable to all of them except eventually Corpse!Jack himself. According to her, Blackjack warned Dee about Evil!Jack's true nature in DSAF 2 (when you're doing a route with her as Legacy!Jack), and she didn't realize who he was, she only saw a Shadow Doggo; and of course at the end of DSAF 3, even after revealing who Blackjack is, Peter and Dee sure don't treat Blackjack like their dear old brother the way they regard Corpse!Jack. He's just a stranger to them now, and of course he is, because he's little like how he used to be in life, how Corpse!Jack still is in life. And after a faux eternity of being a Shadow Doggo operating behind the scenes with every opportunity to reveal himself, I'm of the opinion that he wants it to be this way, that he be forgotten in his failures while someone else takes his old role for him and does it well.
And it's because he is so steeped in his hatred born from his regret, that it completely warped his way of thinking to focus on revenge against Henry, or also his hyperfocus on Evil!Jack's wrongdoings. But while that's what most people see him for in his entirety (in both canon and fandom), as it's the front he nearly always puts on, people often forget one really important scene from him that may be the only glimpse of his more authentic self, one that isn't steeped in regret or any emotions stemming from it based on it. Do you remember the little speech Blackjack gives to Corpse!Jack after the True ending in DSAF 2 after the Happiest Day? He talks about him being "proud of us" (hinting at his and Corpse!Jack's link), but then ponders the possibility of redemption and decides, if it is possible, then he is glad that Corpse!Jack has been redeemed. So still excluding himself from that redemption despite just prior finding solace in what Corpse!Jack has done on both their behalf. It's like he sees Corpse!Jack more as himself than, yknow, himself (and you can imagine that this same truth probably also leads to why he despises Evil!Jack so much). And all of this must be very good for his self-esteem /s
Very notably, this one scene is the only dialogue of his that is not Caps locked or coded, and a recurring theme among souls is that caps locked dialogue is always steeped in more powerful (often but not exclusively negative) emotions, while regular lowercase text seems to show much more human authenticity. We see it in Jacob before vs. after he calms down and comes to terms with his death, we see it in Dee always being lowercase, as she seems to always be her honest self, we even see it in Fredbear, as he is always grandly talking in all caps as the powerful entity he is except in his promise with Jack's corpse where he is entirely lowercase and talks much more sincerely like a real person to him out of honest humility. So anyway, this one scene with Blackjack in my opinion is the only scene we really get to see Jack's real personality shine through in him, a personality we see much more readily in Corpse!Jack.
And now to finally return to my point about Blackjack taking on the form of a dog instead of as himself. So lets combine all these previous points: 1) He is blackened by Regret; 2) He is in a nearly constant state of negative/powerful emotions stemming from his regret as indicated by all his his caps/code text; 3) he is still capable, if rarely, of showing his more human personality; 4) Dee and Peter seem to much more readily recognize Corpse!Jack as their brother than Blackjack; 5) Blackjack is proud of True!Jack's good actions in DSAF 2 and implies that only he (but not himself) is deserving of redemption; (and heck, let's also throw in) 6) the fact that he chooses not to hide in an unrecognizable form and seems to estrange himself from his siblings to let Corpse!Jack fulfill his role as Jack for them in his place
What I'm getting at (finally) is that I think Trauma Fucked Him Up™; I think it completely fucked up his self-esteem replacing it with deep-rooted self-hatred and shame. It might be that he simply cannot bear to resemble himself, not after all he's done (leaving his sister's party to bury their dog and drink away his sorrows, which left her to die, lowkey (highkey?) betraying both of his siblings' trust, and then failing in his attempt to right his mistakes by dying instead and making things worse, at least from Blackjack's POV who didn't have any sort of promise to turn his death into a chance at redemption).
Except, he can hopefully make his death into some sort of chance for redemption thanks to his powers born from sheer regret-fuelled hatred by trapping and seemingly torturing Henry. At least, this is how he chooses to cope with all of his feelings in a way that feels productive. But of course, they don't solve the root of his regret, or the root of his low self-worth, as he is really just indulging in and marinating in his negative emotions for a theoretical eternity. And during all this, he is also watching over Corpse!Jack in all of his parallel timelines, seeing both the best and worst versions of himself (literally). He sees his neutral/evil route selves indulging in the worst vices imaginable without care, and he must see himself in them anyway, because Corpse!Jack did inherit his vices after all, naturally including his drinking problem for a start, except now he's actually acting on them much more freely without a soul to restrain him either. He is forced to see the worst of himself played out in reality, and he's the one who feels shame for them. (Now Corpse!Jack also experiences things like self-hate and regret for his actions, but again, he seems to move on from these feelings fairly easily, coping with them instead with a "no fucks left to give" attitude, the kind of attitude someone who knows he doesn't have a future would have. A soul does not have that luxury.)
Meanwhile, though, Blackjack is also forced to see the best of himself in True!Jack; the Jack that actually worked his ass off to right his, or rather their mistakes. And also the Jack to actually be present in their siblings' lives as their brother Jack, the one that actually acts like their brother Jack, like his old self, while Blackjack seems to have either forgotten how or lost interest in doing so. It's easy to forget because DSAF is fiction, but experiencing something like what Jack has experienced is gonna leave severe trauma, and severe trauma is gonna change you pretty fundamentally whether you like it or not. Except being soulless, based on his actions and reactions, Corpse!Jack seems to have escaped much of this trauma while Blackjack is practically characterized by it. I wouldn't say Corpse!Jack is entirely unaffected by any trauma by any means (even Evil!Jack loses his shit when seeing Dee's scarf), but again, he sure seems to move on from it by shoving his negative feelings aside for later or even outright ignoring them, while Blackjack copes by feeling them and acting on them all the time. They both cope with the same issues in completely opposite unhealthy extremes.
So while Corpse!Jack is seemingly not affected enough by what happened, Blackjack is unrecognizable to himself, to anyone who could recognize him (including even Corpse!Jack himself, as Corpse!Jack doesn't realize who Blackjack is till the very end), so Blackjack takes more comfort taking on a form that isn't himself. (Instead, he takes on the form of the only family he got to send off with closure, the only family member whose death doesn't inspire some sort of Regret, hm?) He even doesn't take on his own name, preferring Blackjack over just Jack. Despite holding some contempt toward him, he still allows Corpse!Jack to keep their original name.
And he clearly does have mixed feelings toward Corpse!Jack, even toward True!Jack, as he is "proud" of him at the end of True DSAF 2, but then also spiteful toward him in True DSAF 3, and honestly that's pretty understandable, as True!Jack has done the work and reaped the rewards for redeeming himself and getting to be family with Dee and Peter again, essentially living as Jack for him, but Blackjack, despite his uninvolvement in reality or the Flipside where his family are, he is the one who faces the trauma and emotional burden of what happened to him, and it's not like Blackjack hasn't done anything either (even if what he did was misguided and ultimately harmful). It would be hard not to hold some contempt for a version of you that can move on so easily from your worst regrets and who can get to live your life where you left off for you in your name. And he's happy, and he deserves to be happy, and you aren't, and you don't deserve to be. You don't even deserve to be yourself, you've decided without realizing, because he's doing it much better than you ever could anymore anyway. He's the one who can actually save them all, he's the one who's worthy of redemption, but you? You're the only one who can make Henry face what he deserves, and by god you're gonna do it even if it costs your entire self, it's not like it's worth much anymore.
All of this is to say, yeah, Blackjack's character is perhaps a little disappointing in DSAF 3 due to lack of time to explore it after the reveal, but combined with his character in DSAF 2, he is a much more interesting and 3-dimensional character to explore than people realize. And also I think I might have ADHD. Might.
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about to get dinner, but!! gib 👁️ (please)
well considering I literally just threw a snippet of So Cries the Wolf in your direction I really should talk about this one, huh.
for starters this shit is currently going through so many revisions on the spot. it started out as a general plan, got a more detailed plan, got a full plan complete the ending, and then the plan blew up so now I'm kind of racing along like that one gif of Gromit the Dog on a model train laying down tracks as I go
there's definitely some conversations I had ideas of and managed to slot in, but also several conversations and ideas that no longer fit. I was also getting stressed about making sure all the questions were answered by the end of the story and yknow what - I've decided not to do that. not everything gets a nice tie-off or an explanation. I have a collection of ideas for me as to why certain things happened, but bringing those answers up in the story in a natural way is just not feasible. when the story is finished, I can sit down and explain, or I'll leave it to readers to debate over. if people do. it'd be hilarious if So Cries the Wolf had a theory channel, I'd eat that up
I can't really remember what inspired me first to write SCtW. I wanted something supernatural and horror, which isn't an area I'm used to, but that's part of the challenge on it. at the time I was very new to the DCA fandom and Eclipse figures were fascinating to me. like, these two guys could make a whole new guy! often imposing and terrifying. I wanted to make an Eclipse. but what kind? what setting? well, why not spooky flesh-n-blood demon? I'd seen mers, monsters, angels after all. and now I'm 47.7k words into some of the wildest shit I've written in a long time
kinda mad you didn't pick a passage for me because oh my god there's so many. let's go with this scene from Chapter 3:
Caught mid-step, Eclipse hesitated. Their brow furrowed as they lifted one of their hands to their eye-line, as if seeing the circling red silk for the first time.
“No,” they said quietly. “They were not part of the design. These were given to us.” That absolutely piqued your attention.
“Given to you?”
“Yes. A gift. A reminder.”
“A reminder for what?”
“...We have forgotten,” Eclipse murmured, his voice dropping and hollow. This was new, very new for you. This was regret on his face. Sympathy turned your stomach over, urging you to approach and lay a hand on the demon’s arm. He didn’t pull away, not immediately at least. But the snarling teeth returned and he stalked back to the edge of the circle.
this was one of those moments where I was on the train, I had nowhere to write anything down, but my brain just slapped a short exchange of lines between Y/N and Eclipse and I had to type into my notes app to write in my document later. since it came to mind fairly early on, I couldn't use it right away, but I knew it would take place during a heart-to-heart between the pair and it sure did fit in perfectly
this one I enjoyed firstly because that was the first little point where it's suggested Eclipse has memories from the DCA. like yeah, technically the ribbons don't belong to Eclipse, they belong to the boys! but the ribbons ended up on him. same with the memories.
secondly fun because we got our first look at soft Eclipse. he's definitely gotten a lot softer in the last two chapters, but at this point we'd just had grouchy, griping, physically violent Eclipse. they'd been throwing temper tantrums up the wazoo, the main emotions they'd shown had been anger, irritation, and general brattiness. this got to be the first moment of their wall coming down, and it felt right that it got wound in with the ribbons - something that wasn't a physical part of them, but instead from outside
Montague gets stomachaches from peanut butter. unfortunately, Montague loves peanut butter. Y/N has had to endure a number of various days where Monty decided to snaffle one of their sandwiches and ended up on the sofa in demon doggy discomfort
...I did three years in circus club. take a solid guess what I was most proficient with.
jokes aside, I do a lot of hiking, so I know general forest navigation as well as animal tracking. I've learned about septic tanks by staying in cabins (way more luxurious than Y/N's but still off the water grid). I absolutely adore reading up about myths, fables, legends, cryptids, seeing who overlaps with what (okay that's less of a 'what I know' and more of a 'what I want to know more about constantly'). I know birds. I fuckin LOVE birds. and cats.
I know some things, and all of them go off in different directions, so I never feel like I can say I know everything about one thing. but a lot of the little things help with bigger things I don't know about (ish)
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charrfie · 4 years
Alright now that its officially Forzen Friday let's try this post again since it didn't show up in the tags last time-
I'M FINALLY MAKING A FORZEN HC DUMP (kinda AU-ish territory but not really idk exactly) AND NONE OF YOU CAN STOP ME
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There are also a few other hcs sprinkled in here related to other characters (like Darnold and Sunkist for example) but Forzen is the main focus!! Despite him being a minor character I latched onto him and fleshed him out sm yall have no idea
Everything under the cut bc this shit is gonna be LONG (and there's also some more doodles that take up a bit of space!)
Also uhh if people like this I might take one for another hlvrai character later bc I have a lot to say about everyone!!
Forzen moved from France to the US with his parents when he was around 12 or 13 (yes, I'm aware that Scorpy and Holly are French Canadian and not France French but that doesn't mean Forzen can't be, I'm just being sure to say this now before someone says something to me about it)
He wanted to go to college and eventually become a game dev, but he didn't have the funds or the support for it (his family thought anything to do with games would amount to a career that would go nowhere).
Because of this, he instead was recruited in the US military. He originally had no intent to join, but after constantly being harrassed recommended to join and being entertained with the concept of being able to afford and pay for college, he caved (hence him telling the science team that his only goal is "to graduate").
He doesn't like his job very much if that wasn't clear.
And neither do most others that have the same job like him.
He was put on a "team" of his own, Team Nice, which was likely arranged as a guaranteed way to get Forzen in the way of danger, and with no one else fighting beside him, he would be easily dealt with- no one would have to worry about him bothering them again. However, he somehow manages to survive all of this, of course. Somehow. He likely knows the real reason he was assigned his own team (if you can even call it that), but refuses to fully acknowledge it for his own sanity, and instead pretends that he's some big, important person on a team that ranks so highly, he's the only one qualified to be in it. (I apologize ahead of time for giving one of the most shitposty and throwaway characters in hlvrai this much depth and angst, there was just potential there leave me alone)
Fast forward to the actual events of hlvrai though. This hc is a little outlandish but I really like the concept!!! So, at one point, Forzen is killed, presumably by some kind of creature that was out and about due to the RenCas. The science team + Benrey stumble across him (act 2 part 2 at around 13 min in for anyone curious), and Benrey decides to use the healing beam Sweet Voice on him. While Benrey and Forzen may not be on good terms anymore, Benrey still very begrudgingly cares about him and didn't want to see him get injured or die. Forzen wakes up a minute or so after the science team exits the room, assuming that he just passed out, nothing more, and goes along with things as normal.
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He meets Darnold a while after his first (concious) run in with the science team. Darnold has recently dealt with the science team and helped them out, but is pretty bummed that he couldn't travel with them, as everything was far too scary and dangerous for him. Forzen, wanting to escape Black Mesa and the military altogether, ends up making a deal with him that he'll handle all the dangerous stuff if Darnold can show him a way out.
Now, meeting Darnold is a very new experience for him, since Darnold actually enjoys his company, and actually wants to befriend him! At first, Forzen openly tries to act as if Darnold is a huge deal to put up with- he goes along with with the whole "if you're escaping outta this hellhole with me, you better keep up" kinda deal (despite the fact that he kinda NEEDS Darnold to escape and show him the way out). His walls are still very much so raised, and he doesn't let his guard down as he's not used to others caring about him and his safety. But as time passes, he begins to realize that maybe Darnold DOES want to be his friend, and the tough guy act becomes less apparent.
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To preface this next one- Sunkist sensed that something was up (he has a next-level sense of danger when it comes to Tommy's safety) and got to BM as fast as he could, searching every hallway for his boy. This is when Forzen finds him!! He figures that taking Sunkist as a hostage would be enough to get extra info out of the team that's been practically plaguing him lately.
Darnold doesn't know about Forzen's plans to take Sunkist hostage, so is completely fine with traveling alongside him. At one point though, Forzen and Darnold get separated (Forzen occupies him, makes sure hes safe and then runs off to deal with Sunkist). Darnold immediately uses his surroundings to model a quick little teleporter device to get Forzen back, because, you know, the man's a genius. Idc if its logical or not just go with it shhh I've gotta fill in the plotholes with something. That's why Forzen disappears all of a sudden after he's cornered by the science team. He just pops back in front of Darnold suddenly, all confused and loopy from the whole teleportation thing.
As things begin to wind down, Darnold and Forzen make it out of BM and start making a break for it, no idea how they'll get away from BM and to safety somewhere- they didnt really think things through.
Fortunately (or unfortunately for Forzen really), however, G-man picks both of them up. He means to drop Darnold off at Tommy's party, as he observed that Darnold helped his son to safety and is grateful for it. Forzen, though, he intends to "deal with" for messing things up so badly with Tommy, Sunkist, and all of Tommy's friends. This is where Darnold finds out about everything Forzen did and frankly gets really pissed with him since he thought he only had good intentions??? Luckily though, Darnold convinces G-man to give him a second chance, let him go to Tommy's party and apologize, and try things again. G-man, for some reasons agrees- probably bc hes in a good mood, as it IS his son's birthday.
The party is pretty uncomfortable to say the least. Tommy's extremely hesitant to talk to Forzen, but he does, and they end up on neutral terms by the end of it. Uneasy, but neutral. Tommy and Darnold hit it off though, and Tommy opens the invitation to Darnold that he can visit his place anytime now that everything at BM is over with.
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As everyone's getting ready to leave, Forzen mentions to Darnold that he doesn't have a place to stay, seeing as the entire military was kinda. Yknow. Wiped out. Obviously wouldn't wanna go back to check anyways. And he has no interest in going home to his parents. So Darnold agrees to let him stay with him since they've become good pals over the course of everything.
Over time, Darnold visits Tommy more and more often. He starts bringing Forzen along, which Tommy is iffy of at first, but their dynamic starts to change and become more comfortable once Tommy sees that Forzen isnt interested in being enemies anymore.
Sunkist and Forzen still don't get along for a very long time. Or, well- it's moreso that Sunkist is very wary about Forzen, despite him not doing anything to harm either Sunkist or Tommy.
Oh yeah and almost forgot to mention one of my favorite hcs (that I PROMISE you started out as a joke but then I got attached) is Sunkist can talk!! So his first spoken interaction with Forzen after Forzen comes over to visit for the first time is literally just him being all threatening and laying down the ground rules bc he doesn't want Forzen to hurt Tommy at all in any way. And of course Forzen about has a heart attack bc "HUH??????? THERE'S A DOG THAT IS SPEAKING HUMAN WORDS TO ME"
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UHH I HAVE MORE (I've written out so much shit about dynamics and what I'd think would happen even after all of this) BUT I DON'T WANT THIS TO BE TOO LONG like it already is SO I SUPPOSE I'LL LEAVE IT AT THAT FOR NOW!!!! I hope this isn't too ooc either, I just have Emotions about this series and write too much so why not share it yknow
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knylinphd · 5 years
sanemi x fem!reader | I love you
sanemi shinazugawa x reader
female reader
Once (Y/N), who never shows any weakness, comes back with tears-filled eyes, Sanemi is trying to cheer her up.
warning : mention of death, spoiler about Sanemi's childhood.
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sanemi really is becoming my fav pillar hm? he's like 'fuck obanai' yknow?
''No ! You have to keep going !'' The wind pillar yelled at his trainees. They were all trying to keep on with his rhythm, until they heard a crow. ''(Y/N) (L/N) is back from her mission ! (Y/N) (L/N) is back from her mission !'' Genya smiled at the name ; he knew his brother had a thing for that girl. Indeed, if you asked them, Sanemi and (Y/N) weren't dating. If you asked any other pillar, they would say 'of course they are !'.
         Actually, both Sanemi and (Y/N) could pick fights with one another -knowing they were both hot-headed. Moreover, they would often end up sleeping together after a party. And did I mention that they would both become jealous if one was ignoring the other for someone else ? That was what the pillars called dating.
         And even (Y/N) and Sanemi knew it ; they were dating and were just denying it. Indeed, the wind pillar had told the girl about his mom becoming a demon, and him having to kill her -and also why there were only Genya and him now.
However, Genya's smile faded when he saw (Y/N) entering the pillars' territory. She had obviously cried a lot ; there were still some tears at the corner of her eyes. Her lips were parted, she was staring at the void, she looked like a zombie. When Sanemi noticed it, his eyebrows furrowed. He gave a look to Mitsuri, who nodded ; he understood quickly.
As (Y/N) was now inside the house and had ignored everybody, Sanemi walked after her. He grabbed her by the waist. ''We're gonna go to your room and change your clothes, you have blood everywhere.'' He said, pulling her to her own room. Once they were inside, Sanemi locked the door, and started to take the girl's clothes off. ''Is that your blood ?'' He asked. She only shook her head 'no', without even looking at him.
       She didn't seem okay enough to take a bath to relax, so Sanemi grabbed a big cape of hers and wrapped it around her instead, so she could at least stay warm -the cold blood all over her clothes surely won't helping before.
After he was done, the wind pillar wiped the girl's tears away, caressing her cheeks in the process. Then, he hugged her close to him, rubbing her back. ''What happened, hm ?'' He asked, calmly. The other pillars didn't want to bother them. They knew that (Y/N) showing weakness was already a big deal. But that Sanemi automatically went to comfort her was even worse. Of course he was showing some affection sometimes, they knew he had a heart. Still, they were scared to bother them.
        (Y/N) hugged Sanemi back, and he swore she had never hugged him this tight before. That was when she broke down ; crying as if she had been restraining herself to for hours. The wind pillar couldn't find anything to say, so he just offered her his presence. After a few minutes of crying, she had managed to calm down. ''The demon was my mom. She killed my dad, I had to kill her.'' She said.
         And Sanemi was the perfect person to understand it. He hugged her as tight as she was hugging him, now saddened as well. ''I know now how you felt.'' She whispered. They never talked about it. The wind pillar had told her once, and she had tried to comfort him, even if he had managed not to look that sad about it and had quickly changed the subject.
       Actually, he thought it was maybe even sadder for her, since she didn't have anyone ; Sanemi had Genya, still. But (Y/N) only had him. ''And now you only had Genya.'' The girl continued, as if she was sad for him and not for herself. ''I'm okay (Y/N). I'm okay.'' He said, rubbing her back. But suddenly, it hit him. ''I love you.'' That was what she had said.
        Immediately, it started to get difficult for him to stay calm too. Indeed, she only had him. And he only had his younger brother and her. And even now that she had to kill her mom, she was sad for him. Their relationship had always been a taboo thing to talk about ; since they were both always fighting each other, acting like it was a fake thing. ''I love you too.'' He whispered, resting his cheek against her head.
        Then, they heard a knock on the door. ''Who is it ?'' Sanemi asked, (Y/N) now putting new clothes on, so she didn't only have her underwear and a cape. ''Genya.'', ''Alone ?'', ''Yeah.'', ''Come in.'' Actually, (Y/N) didn't mind Genya around. She liked him.
When Genya entered, (Y/N) smiled at him. ''Are you okay ?'' She nodded and hugged him. Sanemi took the girl's dirty clothes that were now on the floor, and she took this opportunity to slip a few words to his younger brother. ''Sanemi only has you. Promise me you won't die.'' She whispered, making Genya gulp. ''I hope I can promise you that.'' That said, the girl kissed his cheek and released him. ''You're so cute ! If I wasn't that old you would've been the Shinazugawa I'd get in my bed.''
Genya immediately turned red, while Sanemi rolled his eyes. ''Shut up dumbass ! Stop flirting with him and come take a bath with me, you have dirty blood on your skin.'' He said, making the girl giggle and follow him to take a bath. Maybe they had silently agreed they were dating. As for the youngest Shinazugawa, he knew the girl was joking ; still, his cheeks were still burning.
        After they took their bath, Sanemi and (Y/N) went different ways ; Sanemi training Tanjiro and the others and (Y/N) hanging out with the other pillars like she didn't come back home crying.
       ''Dinner ! Finally !'' Zenitsu shouted, excited, as he ran to take a seat. From where they were, the hunters could see Sanemi pulling (Y/N) to the seat next to him. A few pillars noticed it and smiled at the gesture ; maybe those two were finally going to stop fighting like cat and dog and accept that they like each other.
       Everyone had seemed to have forgotten about the girl getting back home crying and with bloodshot eyes, but something made them remember it. Throughout the whole dinner, Sanemi kept his hand on the girl's side or thigh, and usually they weren't touchy between each other -except during make outs. And that's how they remembered that the girl had surely lived something horrible to show some weakness and to have Sanemi comfort her.
       At the end of dinner, the wind pillar pulled the girl to his side, resting his chin on her head. He kissed her forehead before releasing her. ''I love you.'' he whispered, so nobody else would hear it. (Y/N) smiled, looking at him, and giggled before taking some food in her hand. ''I love you too.'' she said, a bit louder than him.
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tartagliaxx · 3 years
hey lei!! how are you? :3 right now i'm procrastinating taking a break from my work i wish i could be playing the new event i only did day 1 and i still feel like i didn't finish it?? are the seashells the one with voicelines all there? i have so little it makes me feel like i missed something also did you see kaeya in jean's office :0? i can't believe hes there,,,,,n we can just talk to him,,,i feel kinda bad cause he looks like he's pouting from the amount of work he has to do
aside from that though who did you place in your teapot 👁👁? i love the whole companionship thing,,,the lines,,,,,i think it gave me childe brainrot he's always been in my top three but i've been liking him more these days i don't know how to feel about it maybe i'll change my theme to him or maybe i'll build him a jail in the teapot i should be doing work but i can't stop thinking about how he looks like the cute reddish brown dog you can have or how soft his hair would be
i've also been meaning to say that i don't really like the nickname bubba i hope that doesn't come across as rude or make you feel bad i honesty like the nicknames you give me i think their sweet n you can keep calling me them ^^ its just that specific one the reasoning is behind it kinda silly but the word sounds like the name of a fat toad living in a forest fgwjfjkjfofjek- 🍰
as far as i know, there are only 5 seashells available in day 1. not sure about day 2 though. i’ve been doing well, just finishing the event and grinding in my alt for primos. and gASP kaeya’s in there???? i’ll deffo check it out later cuz,, yknow...
uhhh i actually placed just placed the characters i havent maxed out yet. i’m enroute to unlocking my third house and i’m planning on building me harem there 😌 also i placed kaeya and diluc together in the library sort of thing and they look so nice!! it’s like they’re just bonding over books and i— also ironically, i’ve been deep in kaeya hell hole since the companion move in thing happened. he’s just so ugh,, please i’m weak for men who flirt with me and is open to listen to my rambling 😭 i want him to stop bc i am swerving. now, dont get me wrong. childe is still my og baby and albedo’s up there too. im just,, distracted.
AKSBHSJABSJAJAJA FAT TOAD LIVING IN A FOREST I CANT— please that sent me ahahahah dw it’s valid and i appreciate the honesty. tbh, i dont really think abt what i’m saying most of the time but when i use ‘bubba’ which i dont rlly use often irl either, i think of the sweet pearls in bubble tea and its kind of a guilty pleasure for me. anw i digress. do you have any preferences? i’ll keep it in mind for next time. sunshine? angel? my love? darling~?
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