#i didn't when it was bam and i won't just because it's bucky
ghostsandmirrors · 2 years
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NAME: Crow
PRONOUNS:  ae/aem/aer (ae is subject. aem is object. aer is possessive.)
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: IMs or discord but i am incredibly slow at answering.
MOST ACTIVE MUSE: the safe choice is usually dylan, the bringer, or jameson. despite his ass being my icon and him being the most popular muse, bucky is never the safe choice because he’s a picky bitch.
EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS: since 2006? bam was made on a proboards site i ran in 2008. started on tumblr in 2013 with @cherno-sasha​
PLATFORMS YOU USE:  mostly tumblr. keep forgetting about discord rp as an option. i try to use it.
BEST EXPERIENCE: y’all have memories?!
RP PET PEEVES: people who don’t want their characters to experience consequences. know that i could rant (again) but i won’t. i’ve already half-heartedly done it once.
FLUFF,   ANGST,   OR SMUT: in first place, angst. in second place, fluff. smut doesn’t exist here. maybe if i did smut again bucky wouldn’t be such a picky bitch.
PLOTS OR MEMES: plots are easier to work with because there’s an established end-point, but memes are easier to get the ball rolling. if there’s a way to plot something and use a meme to start it, that’s the ideal.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: i have spent the majority of my rp existence on sites with a 200+ word count so habit says long, attention span says short.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: between 1am - 6am. only person awake. i cannot write during the day, no matter how hard i try.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: most like bam and dylan. have the memory issues of bam and bucky. oh no. i’m bam.
tagged by: @fortitudina​ tagging: @fightfcrbetter , @holygroundscafe , @setitallaflame , @legends-and-savages , @sah1x1s
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goodolreliablejake · 4 months
What genre is Chainsaw Man? Or, more accurately, what type of story is this?
I watched the anime first, and I became so invested that I immediately read the manga. At that point, I understood Chainsaw Man as an Action-Comedy with Horror aesthetics. I had the big twist with Makima spoiled before I started, yet I still imagined it as a story that was going to see Denji learn and grow as a person and ultimately end up better than he started.
But I think it was around the time that we saw The Chainsaw Devil in his full glory that I reconsidered. The plot at the point hit me like a ton of bricks, and I said "Wait… I think this is legitimately a Horror Story."
Chainsaw Man is in some combination an action-horror-comedy. But what order do those elements go in? What kind of story is this?
My first impression was informed by its place in Shonen Jump. In the back of my mind, I was thinking "this is a dark and twisted story with thematic depth, but it's still a Shonen Battle Manga. This is still going to be a Hero's Journey." But the further on I read, the more I had to face the possibility that this is a Horror Story, with a bleak and tragic ending that sees the characters' lives destroyed, their worst qualities enabled, with the moments of hope only serving to build them up to make it more interesting when they are crushed. It's the kind of story that would disturb me, but it would also stick with me.
You'd think it'd be easy to tell what kind of story this is, but it's harder than you'd think, because it's still ongoing. The ending is going to inform how we read it.
On the comic side of things, there's always the possibility that we end on a less decisive note. Rather than triumph or tragedy, maybe Denji ends up right back where he started, having learned little. I'm thinking of when Asa had this big revelation about how she acted aloof because she was jealous of her classmates' camaraderie and only wanted their acceptance and dedicated herself to becoming a better, more open and friendly person… Only to immediately undercut the revelation with Bucky's death. Bam! Right back to square one, back to isolation and jealousy and cynicism. And it's darkly hilarious.
These different tones and elements of CSM attract different audiences, and I think that fans end up rooting for one ending over another; their emotional investment in the story is investment in it turning out to be one kind of story, rather than another. And it's easy to love these characters. It's easy to want them to be OK.
I think that's what's so polarizing about Chainsaw Man 167. I don't think it's the sexual content. Maybe there are people complaining about it in a puritanical way, but I haven't seen them. No, what I've seen is people wanting these characters to develop into healthier, more mature, fuller people. I've seen people wanting this scene of sexual abuse to be more than just a dumb throwaway joke for shock value. They want the issue to be examined with nuance. I've seen people empathizing with the characters on a level that shows that the tragedy is maybe too-effective, to where it makes the story too personally painful to continue reading. In short, I think this chapter has made some people realize that this might not be the type of story they want it to be.
And perhaps the worst possibility of all: that it turns out to kind of be none of those things. There's always the chance that it turns out to be a lot of different evocative ideas and vibes that ultimately didn't cohere. I know people have a lot of faith in Fujimoto, but we've all seen it happen too many times before, with other beloved but messy works.
Chainsaw Man still has a hold on me, and I'm not going to stop reading. But I won't flippantly dismiss the concerns of those who were distressed by the recent chapter, either. There are reasons, and they matter, because they'll ultimately define the work that fans have already invested a huge amount of time, thought, and emotional energy into.
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highonmarvel · 7 months
Hi! 👋🏼 I'm the very long request anon from a month ago. Sorry for replying so late. I haven't logged onto Tumblr much these past months and I just saw this. I'm honored to just get an acknowledgement from you,thank you so much for remembering me 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 I'm really grateful for it ❤ Tho,I saw that you posted this on Feb 5 and now it's almost March 5,so I'm so so so sorry for the very late reply 😢🙏🏼🙇🏻‍♀️ Sorry again! 😓
Again,I'm also very sorry for the very long request. My whole premise for my fic request was basically a dark Reader who has an unhealthy obssession with Bucky but she doesn't know that he's also obssessed with her and is doing the same thing to her. He's probably more obssessed with her more than she ever did with him. And I want him to be soft dark like the soft dark Bucky that you wrote in Himalayan Salt. So that means no physical abuse/physical violence towards reader aka no Bucky hitting,punching or kicking reader in any kind,please. Just noncon sex of him forcing himself onto her after she "forced" herself on him first. Oh and a long haired Bucky for this one as in the Bucky from the "CA : The Winter Soldier & Civil Era" I could've just said this but I don't know why I wrote it that long and add a burden to you.
Also,sorry to make this ask long again but I had to since I think my last ask very flawed and had confusing plot holes,so I wanted to clarify. If you found a plot hole in the way that I wrote Reader to "kidnap" Bucky,feel free to write it in a way that you think it works. I just wanted dark Reader to finally decided to "take" him for herself and Bucky knew exactly when cause he's also stalking her so he saw her preparations (to drug/sedate him/knock him out,the ropes whichever way you think works for super soldier like Bucky to be believably kidnapped by a normal woman with no power or super strength) and decided to play dumb and lured her to take him by being in his apartment/house exactly the right time she sneaked in and he pretended to not know she's inside and BAM! She strikes and restrained him on his bed and there goes the act of him playing the clueless victim making reader feel she has the upper hand here,letting her "forced" herself on him (cause that's exactly what he wants. He's desperate for her to touch him and has been dreaming of her touch for months) even tho he could easily break out of his restraints anytime,he didn't. He let her have her moment, only for him to reveal his true intentions and mutual obssession he has with her afterwards after dark Reader got her obssession filled release with him.
I apologize again for a very long ask,this will be the last 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙇🏻‍♀️ Even tho my request is long,feel free to write it short as I think all the scenarios that I requested can be fit into a short fic. And also,don't forget,you're the writer 🤝🏻 And I'm just an anon sending a very long request because I'm suck at writing myself. So it's all totally UP TO YOU if you want to take my request or not. I understand that you're busy and you have a life outside of writing. Even if you won't take my request,I'll still be here re-reading your works and will continue to read new works from you in the future. I'll still be a loyal reader. I just love the way you write dark fics,they're exactly what I'm looking for. Also,I LOVE,LOVE,LOVE Himalayan Salt. I re-read that one a lot of times.
So please don't feel pressured to take my request. I'm already embarassed enough for sending you two long anon asks. You can just ignore my ask from January if you don't want to,that's okay to ❤
Thank you again for acknowledging me! I'm still reeling from excitement that I got an acknowledgement from one of favourite writers here ❤ Hope 2024 has been treating you good and better than 2023. I hope you're doing well and in good health,always. Remember to always put yourself first. Your health,your happiness,your wants your needs always comes first before everything else,always. Because you should matter the most in YOUR OWN life. So take good care of yourself and only do what makes you happy ❤ Have a great day! Thank you so much again for the acknowledgement alone! It means a lot to me,you have no idea! 🫂❤ Take care! ❤
my reply was even later, you don’t need to apologise, i’m grateful for your support either way. and there’s no reason to be embarrassed for long asks, it just shows you care. thank you for all the support and love you’ve been showing me, i think you’re my number one fan. and if you’re interested, 2024 has been treating me better. i think i’ll be alright. i can not thank you enough for your kind words. and i’m sorry for taking like three months to get around to your request. i just realised i have one from 27 december 2023, so you’re not the only one who’s been waiting.
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dreamwritesimagines · 3 years
Okay but Alex and Becca going on a roadtrip!
I feel like Becca would sweet talk him into it, like she turns on the guilt saying Alex didn't even think about her when he first got to the city and that it's fine because she's used to being overlooked and Alex just sighs and goes 'fine' and inmediatly Becca looks up and says, 'Great! I already broke into your place and packed you a bag, let's go.'
So Alex would drive and halfway through she'd go, "you know, I didn't even get to have a driver's license. Dad said I'd never need it because I'll always have a driver."
"If that's another attempt to get me to do what you want, it's not happening."
She just looks at him and BAM, Gilligan Cut twenty minutes later the car is swerving, there's muffled yelling inside and other cars are honking.
"Oh shit, okay maybe teaching you right in the middle of the road wasn't my best idea."
But they finally get to their destination, and if the City is New York then she talked him into going to the Barnes' house in The Hamptons because she said she needed the beach so when they got there and he saw how big the house was and go,
"Yeah, it's a bit much, isn't it? Wait until you meet the neighbors. They're swingers so if that's what you're into I'll introduce you but I hope you'll have the decency to wait until I'm asleep to sneak out-"
"Jesus Bex..."
"Let's get drunk!"
So they do and Akex definitely is the one to cook because she doesn't know shit about that but she has mad bartending skills so it's a nice little moment until they decide to go outside with their food and drinks and start a bonfire and Alex says, "Okay, so now will you tell me what's wrong with you?"
"What are you talking about, Ali-Cat?"
"Stop it with the nickname. I mean why did you pull me out of work on a friday night for a roadtrip. Don't give me that look, i would've said no if I didn't want to come but I know you reserve your weekends for clubbing and sunday morning for busting my balls."
"Yeah well, that's not working out anymore is it?.... I just, I feel empty, Alex. Like I've used up every bit of energy left and I'm not even twenty two. I feel like everyone has a direction, something to do or something to run and I'm just stuck being the funny and lively one because why the fuck would anyone want me around if i showed how I really feel... and-"
"Oh hey, hey, hey, don't cry, it's okay. Listen, it's normal to feel like that, I did for so long. But it'll pass. I know your life isn't like regular girls, but that's why you're you, even if you'd been born like me, you would still be as bright as you are now. But it's fine if you want to cry, I'll be right here."
"Are you using your gentle parenting skills that you use on the kids on me?"
"Depends. Is it working?"
"Possibly. God I don't even know why I'm so upset. You're the one with the broken heart."
"My heart isn't broken. And nice deflection by the way."
"Oh please, I show up every sunday morning at your place and you always pick the same place for breakfast. New York has a bunch of coffee shops, most of which aren't manned by the girl of your dreams."
"Hey, I choose that place because I know we both enjoy the view."
"You right."
"I don't- I don't know, Bex. We weren't anything but... I know he's your brother-"
"He's your brother, too."
"No he isn't. I know they sort of belong to each other in a way I'll probably never understand or feel but... she's the one for me. Even if I'm not the one for her, do you understand?"
"I've never been in love with anyone. But i guess I do. This won't last forever, Alex. I know both you and Bucky are repeating our parent's history with her- no seriously. But I truly think that the love of your life will choose you, you won't have to bend over backwards trying to get her."
"I guess. Just don't force me into Thanksgiving dinner with the two of them. For a while. We'll go to my mom's."
"I love your mom. God fucking dammit, I miscalculated. We're at the beach, why the fuck aren't we happy yet?!"
"Maybe because we're the same people just at the beach."
"Whatever, let's get drunk and discuss this some more."
How are you so talented my darling?! 😱😍 Aaaaaa, this is so much better than what I thought for their dynamic, YESSSSS! 😍❤
This needs to happen in the story OMG I'M JUST-😍😍
I can actually see the whole "WATCH THE TRUCK" part too and I can't stop laughing 😂😂
Alex using parenting skills on Becca? Becca actually being able to tell when he's doing it? 😍
Poor Becca being so heartbroken awwww! ❤❤
I feel like they would make an amazing duo, like they balance each other and they actually need each other and their sibling bond would be amazing! 😍❤
Thank you so much for this my love, I'll re-read this a hundred times! ❤
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