#i do know she is not an akumanette lol
mlwritingprompts · 2 years
Submitted prompt: Universal Oblivion
Hi Rjalker, it's the writer of the "Universal Theater" prompt here. I decided to make a sequel of sorts to my previous prompt, though it's mostly because the current season is already a dumpster fire on a whole new level. And I am here writing to desecrate it's half-opened grave because I am in a petty mood against the show :)
Don't expect me to give a proper ending to this AU, sadly I couldn't find how :(
So... just enjoy this I guess?
Again, if someone wants to use this for an AU or an original story, go for it.
The Akumatized Marinette, Cosmic Actress uses the neopronouns nix/nix/nix/nixself (used the same way as she/her/hers/herself). Because they're awesome. The only thing I regret is not finding out about neopronouns earlier or I would have given Akumanette neopronouns lol. Also the fact that I think the tone of the prompt is a little messed-up and all over the place, sorry for that.
Also, TW: unreality, 4th wall break, and I guess a little cosmic horror(?)
Used few parts of @Emberwritesinsight's "Time is Broken" AU. It kinda felt... fitting.
PS: Rjalker if it isn't too troublesome can you please give Cosmic Actress neopronouns in the other prompt or should I just say that nix decided to change nix pronouns on a whim? Still not sure how to approach this subject.
(Rjalker here, I already went in and fixed them as soon as you said you regretted not knowing about them for the first prompt :) It's not problem at all! )
"You know, people always speak that the reality is stranger than fantasy."
Cosmic Actress sighed as nix spoke.
"Well, to me personally... I have to disagree."
Nix shook nix head.
"In fantasy, the heroes triumph. No matter how hard the battles are. No matter how strong their foe is. The power of friendship will always save the day! It doesn't matter how smart and creative the villains are, no matter how outnumbered and outclassed the heroes are, the Good will win!"
Nix raised nix hands as if to emphasize nix point, nix face mockingly gleeful, before the expression became one of boredom.
"But, that isn't how reality works. At least to me. Reality is never so kind. Or at least, it rarely is." Again, nix shook nix head.
"In reality, a hopeless battle will still be hopeless. In reality, there is no way for you to defeat someone who is both stronger and smarter than you. Especially when they can easily hide and have minions that can change the fabric of reality as we know it." Nix sighed again.
"So, how do the heroes win in this scenario? How do they rise to the realm of fantasy, and surpass all these insurmountable odds? Simple. Have the universe give them unfair advantages. Give them inexplicable power-ups. Hit the villains with the Idiot Ball, if that's what the trope is called in this reality. Or maybe, some sudden interference out of nowhere, without any proper reason for it to occur. Do you understand, heroes?" Nix looked at the heroes facing nix.
None of them were in a good state.
Kyubi, Honeymoon, Do-Over, Destructo, Eternity, Protector and Roselina.
All of them were barely standing, some of them had their protective armors literally damaged and cracked, even though it should have been impossible.
They were trying their best to not fall or lose focus despite the pain.
Because they were not even sure if they would not faint and not wake up for days.
What was worse for them was the fact that the Akuma in front of them...
Nix wasn't even serious. Not even trying.
No matter how many combos they tried, no matter how many time resets via the Snake miraculous, no matter what kind of power they used to attack.
It all was useless.
Venom barely stopped nix. If it even hit nix at all, that is.
Shelter was casually broken with a finger.
Mirage was basically useless, and even a Mirage with of light as bright as the sun itself it was worthless.
The Cataclysm, the power of Destruction, that they hit her with by sheer mistake and mental exhaustion from the battle, was useless. Nix defenses and regeneration were too high to do much other than cause nix a slight annoyance.
Even the Lucky Charm was useless. No object could help them from the absolute power that was facing them.
They could only watch as nix literally ran circles around them, and defeated them soundly.
It's only thanks to the Akuma suddenly deciding to monologue that they were even given enough room to breathe properly.
Cosmic Actress looked at their state and sighed again.
"What I want to say is; I am not being... nerfed." Nix explained, "Back when I was Ladybug, when I was a hero, even when the universe was against me, the reality went out of it's way to not let Hawkmoth just win. Unfortunately for you, I am immune to all of these machinations of the cosmos. The only rule that applies to me is that I cannot truly win. I cannot use any of the Miraculouses in a way that allows me to free myself from this cosmic thread that is suffocating me."
Nix directed a single palm at them, and a large orb of chaotic energy came to existence.
"Me trying to do so will only cause a time reset. That also means that you... are not going to face me in the 'Easy' difficulty. Oblivion Orb."
With that, the orb rapidly sped towards the exhausted heroes, who could only watch as darkness consumed them all.
Chloe woke up with a killer headache.
She clutched her head, trying to stop the pain, as Tikki's voice suddenly rose next to her on her pillow, the little kwami screaming wordlessly as if having a nightmare.
"Wha- where am I?" Chloe asked, the overwhelming sense of confusion overriding even her concern for Tikki.
She took a moment to look around, trying to fight through the helpless confusion, as Tikki's frantic screams stopped, her eyes opening wide.
The same room, the same bed. But something was missing...
She wondered if she was having memory problems.
"Tikki, why were you screaming? Did you have a nightmare?" She asked her companion gently.
The poor kwami took a large breath before speaking. "Yes. I dreamed that you and the rest were fighting an Akuma and it- it wasn't even a contest! You all were...!"
Chloe could understand the meaning of her unfinished sentence and tried to calm her down. "But, an Akuma that powerful to easily ki-"
Words stuck in her mouth as she looked at the large mirror on the wall.
There, instead of her and Tikki's reflection, the figure of another being was showing.
A figure her mind immediately remembered. Just as she remembered the fight.
"C- C- Cosmic Actress!?"
The Akuma ignored the girl's paling, terrified face along with Tikki's.
"We need to talk. I, you, and your teammates. Meet me at the Eiffel Tower in an hour. Your team is being spoken to."
Just as suddenly the akuma appeared appeared, nix had disappeared.
Chloe shakily breathed and calmed herself.
She called her team and they all stated they faced the same thing.
And she knew that there is no other choice but to do as the Akuma told.
Time flew rapidly as the hour ended.
Chloe was on the top of the tower along with the rest of the team.
Only Sabrina decided to hide in the Burrow just in case things went south so there might be something to save... Or someone.
They couldn't argue against that.
Now, they impatiently waited for the Akuma nixself to appear.
It didn't take too long as only a minute later, space and time twisted beyond recognition, finally taking the form of a circle in front of Adrien, and Cosmic Actress appeared from it.
For a moment, Adrien could have sworn to have seen a humanoid figure peeking from the portal besides the Akuma, but the portal closed before he can make sure of what he saw.
"Now that everyone is here -- Well, except Sabrina -- I will talk. You cannot defeat me. Absolutely. And definitely not directly." Nix tone was as if nix was stating a fact.
And nix was stating a fact.
The heroes know it also.
"You said that you also can't win." Kagami spoke to the akuma.
Nix smiled. "Yes. I can't. I am not allowed to win because I am the villain. That is why... I am raising the white flag."
Adrien blinked. "The... white flag? Wait. You will give up!? After all that, you will just--!" He cut off his words in sudden horror in fear of enraging the akuma.
Nix only kept smiling. "Oh, I am not giving up. I am simply not going to fight you in particular anymore."
"... What?" Alya asked in incredulity.
The akuma is not giving up, yet, she will not fight them?
"It's really simple." Nix starts explaining. "You are not able to defeat me so, I just need to wait for the next generation of the Miraculous holders to stand up to me instead."
They can't believe nix.
"It's the perfect plan, really. If we go by the principle of the younger generation surpassing the older one --which I assure you is very true for the Miraculous holders by the way--, all you need to do is to train the younger generation to make the world a better place, and maybe, in the distant future, there will be someone or a group of people able to truly defeat me. And free me from this cursed fate and save the world at the same time."
The heroes look shocked at the plan. Even more was the utter conviction in nix voice.
But the surprise disappeared too fast and turned into dread as Cosmic Actress' smile turned into a cruel smirk.
"Of course, this is if you are ready to face the fact that this universe... Is already marching towards Utter Oblivion."
A shiver ran across their spines at the words.
"Oblivion?" This time, it was Nino who asked.
"Yes. And since this might be the last time I meet you, I might as well tell you everything."
Cosmic Actress took a breath. This will be a little long.
"Now, let me ask you a question. How many times has it rained in Paris this year?"
Needless to say, that was not the question they expected. It was just too random.
"Rained? Really?" Even Chloe couldn't comprehend the randomness of the question.
"Just answer me. Let me guess. Only once or twice?"
As they tried their best to recall, they found out that nix was correct. But it still doesn't explain anythi-
"Even in the winter and the autumn? Only once or twice?"
Now that Alya thinks of it, it is indeed strange, but it is not enou-
"What about the fact that Alix, your friend, had never dyed her hair again? She had just dyed it once and the dye just... stayed there?"
Okay, that too was-
"Or maybe the fact that none of you, that no one in this city, ever changes their everyday clothes? As if you only have copies of the same outfit for no reason?
"Or maybe that, even with Paris being known as one of the biggest centers of fashion, the very designs are plain or are too similar to each other?"
They couldn't refute nix.
And as they ponder more, they realize that things are not normal.
"I will tell you why these things happen. It is all thanks to..." Nix pointed at them. "The very jewels that allow you to transform."
"Uhh, what?" Adrien's voice resounded.
Nix stopped smiling as nix looked at them.
"Didn't you find it strange? That the sources of the power for your Miraculouses are literal deities? Doesn't it sound even more ridiculous then, that the kwami, who are supposedly governing the universe, cannot refuse a holder's order? That their power can be used against the kwami's will? If the kwami are such powerful beings, why then, did they not erase me and the many other supervillains right away? Why didn't any of them decide to just not transform without their will?"
The dread and horror return to the heroes as they absorb nix speech, and the meaning behind it.
"That's right, the kwami, the fragments of the literal concepts, are slaves. Shackled by the Miraculouses. And what is happening to Paris, from the weather, creativity, and the rest... is because of that."
"No, no, no nonononononnono! It can't-!"
Just as they started to mutter and scream in denial as the reality slams itself on them, Cosmic Actress simply pointed at them.
Their high and raging emotions ceased to exist. They literally couldn't feel panic anymore, and they dropped from the shock.
"You can get shocked later. I still need to finish my talk. So, anyways, it's because of the kwami being enslaved that the world is marching toward it's annihilation."
Nix continued speaking casually. As if nix was talking about weather. And maybe, nix was literally like talking about weather from nix viewpoint.
"When the... Order of Guardians" they can hear the venom in nix voice when nix said that name. "Created the Miraculouses to enslave the kwami, they made a disastrous mistake in their arrogance and greed. They broke the concepts. They broke the universe's balance. The universe itself was no longer the same from the very attosecond a fragment of the concepts was enslaved and separated from the cosmos. The universe could no longer move the flow of causality in a natural way.
"The concepts are shattered, none of them can ever work in the natural and proper way they should. In some places in the universe, they work better, in others, they are unstable and annihilate everything that exists. Nothing is truly created or destroyed anymore. Nothing can be truly illusionary, Time and space are so twisted that it is impossible to understand. Even worse is that the universe can't sustain itself or heal the damage in any way. Its will is spread too thin and it cannot do anything. It can't simply act unnaturally. But the cracks in its existence do. They are slowly growing and widening. The universe as you know it is the equivalent of a person on life support against an illness that will kill them regardless."
Nix shook nix head as it stopped speaking for a moment as the group absorbed nix words.
"The kwami are, in a way, a better version of the will of the cosmos. They have an ego and their will and ability to think is much higher if only because they are literally a large mass of a concept shackled in a very small area and in a very tiny form. Their will is not spread too thin. But it is the same with the cosmos. They are shackled, and their powers are severely limited by the Shackles you are wearing. At the rate this is going, a millenia or two will be the most generous estimate for how long this universe will hold, before it collapses on it's own and it simply... ceases to exist."
Silence was deafening.
No one could speak. The revelations are too much.
It's only because Cosmic Actress made them unable to feel terror or panic that they are not having a mental breakdown.
"... Can't this be fixed? If the kwami being shackled and separated from the universe is the problem, then shouldn't breaking the shackles help?" Ivan asked this time.
The akuma shook nix head.
"No. It's too late for that to just fix everything. Far too late. Had that been done just a few days, or at best, a few years after the enslavement of the kwami, that might have been fixed with little problems. But today, it's been centuries if not millenias since those idiots at the Temple shackled the kwami. The universe can no longer fix this level of damage freely. Trust me. I know. I tried doing that before. At this point, if you do that right away, it will be like like taking a broken vase and having a literal toddler do the fixing. The universe as you know it will be completely unrecognizeable. And it won't stop the kwami from being enslaved again. The Order of the Guardians will still exist, they will still get the idea of enslaving literal concepts, and the universe will still want things to happen naturally so it won't stop them. And no. Time travelling to stop them is impossible. The laws of causality will not allow that to happen. Even I almost died and had my literal soul almost erased when I tried in one of the many time resets I've lived through."
"Is there no way to fix that?" Chloe asked.
"... To be honest. I don't know anymore. I've exhausted all my options through my long life. Teaming with other heroes. Creating subordinates to do it for me. Freeing the kwami right after they are enslaved. Even in timelines where I allowed the heroes to defeat me, another version of me will still exist in another timeline, still undefeated. Nothing really worked for me. I don't know if it's because of my position as the 'Final Villain', or because of any other reason. All. Failed."
For the first time since Cosmic Actress spoke, tiredness and resingation seeped into nix tone.
They could understand that.
It just sounded so hopeless.
"There's only one last options that I did not really try until now. It didn't really seem plausible to me, but I guess I must gamble here."
Nix took a breath as Chloe and the rest held theirs in anticipation.
"The only option left to me is to... gamble on the coexistence of the Theory of Narrative Causality and the Protagonist-Centered Morality. And that you are the protagonists of this era."
"I don't follow." Adrien told nix sincerely. All of them can't really understand nix words.
Nix rubbed nix forehead, feeling the headache resulted from explaining this. "Look, you people have media entertainment. And sometimes in the show, things happen because and I quote, 'because the plot says so'. Sometimes characters act in a different way only to justify the plot. Got it?
"This is exactly the reason why Hawkmoth, or rather, the former villain, Gabriel Agreste- not the current one, this reality's Gabriel is a good person somehow--didn't just win. He could have overwhelmed Marinette and the 'original' heroes by spamming Akumas every hour until they dropped from exhaustion. He could have made a tracking Akuma, or any of the other ways for him to win easily or solve his problems. He didn't do that because the universe, or at least the not-so-healthy area of the universe made it so.
"The same thing happened with Marinette and the many problems she had. She could have easily defeated Hawkmoth many times over, rescued herself from her partner's harassment (literally take the ring away with no guilt), forced people to respect her boundaries even if it required violence, stopped people from shipping her against her will, made better choices in her life. But the choice was basically stripped from her. In fact, me coming to existence was because the universe was stable for a moment and suddenly Hawkmoth couldn't magically ignore her negative emotions being unleashed like it happened many, many times before.
"And here we come to her partner. Your previous counterpart, Adrien Agreste."
Nix pointed at him much to everyone's surprise.
"You might be a good person in this reality, but in Marinette's reality, you were one of the most horrible people I've ever seen. You were a two-faced brat with no morals and with no care for anyone but yourself. You never cared that your classmates were threatened by an akuma, you casually joked in the most inappropriate times, you contstantly sexually harrassed Marinette as a 'hero', and you abused your power over her to stop her from dealing consequences to those that hurt and bullied her. You were all but literally given everything on a silver platter. You had the easiest and stupidest test to be a superhero, your classmates liked you instantly despite apparently never having time to bond with them. You all but have gotten a harem of girls fawning over you for the most nonsensical reasons, and somehow no one in Paris could see that you were literally harassing your partner. But of course, when someone does the slightest thing that you didn't like, it's suddenly the most horrible act ever. You were literally an embodiment of the Protagonist-Centered Morality in all but name."
Adrien was paling, but he didn't refute nix.
He'd seen them, the memories of what he did in that timeline. He knew just how horrible and disgusting the previous him was. It still didn't make it any less painful to hear it told to his face so bluntly.
But Cosmic Actress was still not over.
"Not like the rest of you were spared either from being Narratively Right or Narratively Wrong either, but it will take too long to talk about every little thing that you were tangled with. So I will just sum up that your entire behaviours as being a bunch of racist stereotypical caricatures, and existing to woobify the rich. I mean, how else would Chloe's pervious counterpart stay a billionaire or how her father didn't get murdered because he didn't even punish his daughter for crashing a train and basically committing to aiding a literal terrorist? Of course we can't also ignore forcefully trying to shove someone into a relationship simply because the relationship in question sounded 'cute', even if the person in question is making it clear they are not happy or comfortable."
The whole team was shaking, horrified by the pictures nix was painting.
Nix waited for them to calm down, feeling drained nixself. What nix was saying were things nix had wondered about for a long time, and never spoke to anyone else (except nix Amok and friend Natasi) so it felt a little liberating to voice them out.
"Okay, but what is our role in that? What can we do to fix all of--" Adrien spread his arms as if ponting to the world around them. "--This?"
Nix looked at them.
"Honestly, at this point I only have assumptions to go with." nix admitted "But the only thing that might work is you using the so-called favouritism of this broken universe for your benefit. If you are really the Heroes of this Reality, the Protagonists, then maybe, just maybe, if you desired to get rid of the shackles put on the kwami, wished so hard to fix this messed-up reality, you might bend the broken will of the universe for you and make it give you the results you desire. You may even allow for the current versions of you to continue existing, instead of being erased or reset to that of your original selves.
"Of course, this is not even a 50/50 chance for success, it might even be a one in a trillion or less in your favour. But at this point, I am more than satisfied by this infinitesimal chance of success. I really have nothing to lose either, except losing my sanity and memories as I continue living forever.
"But you do have a lot to lose. If you don't stop this, the entire universe might cease to exist, or the world will be reset, and you will be erased anyways, along with all your loved ones."
That was it. That was the whole message. A long speech about how messed-up the whole reality is. Nix has nothing else to tell them.
A portal opened behind Cosmic Actress, and nix glanced at the heroes for the last time.
"The choice is in your hands. Will you gamble on this one chance to give everyone their happiness? To free the kwami and fix the damage while simultaneously making sure that the history will not repeat itself? Or will you abandon all Hope, and succumb to the Despair? From this point, I am leaving this little war between us. You are also free from your responsibility to fight me. Do whatever you want in your lives. If you want to live normal lives, go for it. If you want to prepare the world for the worst, go for it. If you want to risk everything for a possibly nonexistent chance of happiness for you and the world as a whole, go for it. You are the only one who can decide what to do from now on.
"Farewell. We might never meet again, Heroes. Regardless of what you choose, I hope you live contently... Until your last breaths..."
With that, the portal closed, with what seemed to be a final farewell.
Only the superheroes were still there on the tower, processing the whole speech.
"Just... what should we do now? If this was true, what can we do...?" Alya asked, doubt clear in her voice.
"I don't know, Alya. I don't know..." Ivan told her.
None of them knew what to do.
The weight of the knowledge of their world's impending end hangs heavily, and there are not enough answers to how they can even start untangling this cosmic web that is hanging on every living being. =========================== END. =========================== Well, this was it. It was longer than I expected. Honestly I didn't expect it to be this... ridiculous or all over the place.
I hope that this was at least enteraining, and I can understand if you deleted and/or edited few parts for clarity.
I just hope it was... interesting.
14 notes · View notes
ladyadalicialove · 5 years
Akumanettes ~ Part 1
So I’ve decided as a reward for finishing my exams to indulge in Akumatied Marinettes!! I love seeing people’s takes on what her form would be and so I decided to do a small series on some of those interpretations. 
This first part will be my own versions, one of which I’ve shown before. The next few parts will be a mix of my own and fanart of other akumanettes. 
These posts will show a song that I think fits with the akuma, the actual design with a quote, small explanation of the design/outfit, the story behind akumatisation and powers.
so go ahead read these first two and tell me what you think!!
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.: Marionette :.
Song: The Puppet Song - SailorUrLove
The design/outfit is inspired by the puppet from the FNAF series. Personally I love the fact that many puppets have no expression or just a single expression. They are also symbolic of manipulation/control. Because of this I think that its a perfect base for an akumatised Marinette. 
I wanted to have a look that departed from everything that is her. Mainly the lack of colour with the obvious duo-chromatic palette. 
The long white hair is very ghostly, and so is the floating black coat. Along with her single expression, it makes her appear vacant. Which is what I want, because of my head canon that follows the story.
This is set in their last year of High-school, both of our favourite super heroes have been doing it for 4 years. Marinette has especially become good at stopping akumas reaching victims. She has thwarted Hawkmoth’s akumas from reaching their victims several times, enough that it has caused a severe decrease in his super villains. Since she actively seeks his victims and talks to them about their problems, thus preventing akumas it angers him. 
Hawkmoth has been waiting for the opportunity to akumatise Marinette for some time. He wants this girl to suffer, he wants his revenge against her. And he finally gets his chance when she graduates. 
The akumatised object is the red button on her coat. The button was Adrien’s. he gave it to her during their graduation. Why? Well Kagami told Adrien about how during graduation in Japan, certain buttons of a guys shirt mean things. She told him that the first button represents oneself, the second represents one’s most beloved person, the third one’s best friends and so on. She told him this in hopes that he give his second button to her, the one meant for a love confession.
Adrien however mixes the meanings of the buttons up and decides to give the second button to Marinette thinking it’s him telling her about them being best friends forever. 
He gives her his second button, the one meant for a love confession and he tells her all about how he wants to stay in touch after graduations. Marinette aware of the Japanese button tradition, thinks he confessing to her and she proceeds to confess her feelings. Marinette wants no regrets after graduation!!
Adrien however, realises his mistake and corrects himself, and rejects her.  Marinette of course says it okay and that she obviously got too excited. Adrien naively understands, but before he can get the button back she runs.
She takes her earrings off and instructs Tikki to go to Master Fu, believing she won’t have the will to fight Hawkmoth. Tikki tries to convince her otherwise but a purple butterfly entering the button interrupts them. Hawkmoth uses to opportunity to attempt to akumatise her, convincing her that Adrien manipulated her into her confession. He tells her she can control everyone she wants and never has to be manipulated by those she trust again (the irony lol). Thus Marionette is born.
Throughout the akumatisation, Marinette remains inside herself, aware of what is happening. Watching her akuma form create a web of white strings over Paris. Hawkmoth wants her to suffer from the damage and pain she will inflict onto Paris, since she has caused his mission to be extended and he is a bit salty.
I will leave the story there. 
Marionette can control millions of the strings from her web that is strung across  Paris. Like a spider she can feel where her victims are and can snatch them. She cocoons them in her strings and they transform into horrifying little puppets that follow her command aka they just transform others into puppets. The puppet army is coming~
Marionette however remains in a giant ball of strings at the top of the Eiffel tower. Just imagine a giant white yarn ball on the tower. She sits there, limp and lifeless in the ball fighting Hawkmoth in her mind. 
The strings she makes are uncuttable but can be destroyed by Chat Noir’s Cataclysm. But he would have to Cataclysm a lot of her strings to untangle Paris, and I don’t Plagg is up for that. 
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.: Ring Mistress :.
Song: Scooby doo! Big top - When the Circus Comes to Town 
So I have actually discussed this akumatised form in another post. But there was still loads of stuff I didn’t finalise til now. 
Her design is meant to be reminiscent of Circus Ring Leaders, with the red coat, top hat and cane. Her eyes are green because they look great in green and it implies her powers aka ability to change. They were purple before but I change it :p
I wanted her to look mature but not too sexy, hence why I changed her from the original concept. I had to scrap the whip it was too much lol. But the more simple design is more appropriate for her and she certainly looks evil now.
Another day, another lie from Lila. Marinette’s reputation had been crumbling since Lila had stepped into their classroom claiming she had Tinnitus in her left ear. Or was it the right ear? 
The final straw was not Lila cornering her in the bathroom for the third time that week. But Lila had told all her classmates that she had found a diary written by Marinette, it apparently detailed all the things she hated about her classmates.
Lila had ever so graciously read it out to her class, and they were furious. Alya wanted revenge and since Marinette had left to go to the bathroom. Alya grabbed Marinette’s school bag and proceeded to shred its contents with the help of the class. They laughed as they ripped apart her sketchbook and assignments. They cackled when they destroy her stuff.  
Marinette came back to see it unfold before her. Her heart sunk as she stood frozen in the doorway, fat streams of tears had come. Her sniffle caused the class to look at her. Alya thought when Marinette discovered their doings she would have yelled out them, pull a Chloe or something. Not a confused, scared and hurt pig-tailed girl. 
Marinette ran to the bathrooms. Passing Adrien who had finally arrived from a photoshoot. (sunshine boy has no clue)
Bursting through the doors, she crashed into the tiled wall. Marinette choked a sob.
Within a few minutes Tikki had taken the earrings, she couldn’t calm Marinette down.
- intermission~ I have written a good chunk of a fanficition based on this so I won’t give the whole story away I guess -
The akumatised object is a photo of her friends, it’s placed in her hat alongside a random card. Being a hero meant she knew how to prepare against Chat. By having a decoys such as fake earrings and the car, she has possibly increased her akuma longetivity especially if Chat grabs the wrong one to cataclysm. 
sis aint playing games
Ring Mistress of course has increased speed and agility, and that cane can do some damage. However her main ability is to turn people into circus performers based on that person’s sin. She transforms the whole class excluding Adrien (he gotta be a leather boi) into circus acts. So far this is list I’ve created based on the class:
Nino + Alya - Knife Throwing = How can these two trust each other not to hurt each other when they hurt Marinete? Ring Mistress would love to know.
Lila - Corntortionist = Lying means to twist words, might as well bend along with them, eh Lila? 
Sabrina + Chloe - Lion Tamer = Abusive and an exploitative relationship. I kinda want Chloe to be the Lion? I drew it up and its funny as. Uno reverse card biotch!
Kim - Strong Man = My dude is pretty vain when it comes to his athleticism, so gotta make him a strong man!! I imagine he is the only one having a good time during this akuma attack. 
Alix - Human Comet = A risk-taker or over confident? This cocky daredevil will give you an explosive time at this circus!
Rose + Juleka - Trapeze Act = This absolutely cute duo is terrified of losing each other! Ring Mistress hopes they don’t slip, after all there isn't a net to catch them~
Max - Juggler = So many projects, so little time! How does a human calculator calculate that? Juggle those robots Max! 
Nathaniel, Mylene and Ivan, are the ones I don’t know about. Maybe background clowns?? I need help to decide what is best for them.
Ring Mistress is desperately looking for Adrien to turn him into a clown though. After all only a clown would rather maintain complacency than help a friend in need. 
That’s it for this akumanette post! I would love to hear your thoughts on these head canons of mine!! I hope to write stories on them and add some illustrations of the puppets and the class as a circus over the next couple of days. 
Anyway I hope you enjoyed reading it!
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Next part might be La Justice fanart >o<
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bugaboosandbees · 5 years
Rally to the Queen
Okay. I know that I shouldn’t be starting anything else new, and I definitely won’t start actually writing this until I finish with my Reine Ruse AU, but I ended up getting so attached to my Bee!Kagami design (and so salty about Onichan!Kagami) that I ended up with a whole slew of headcanons about a post-Riposte Bee!Kagami Kagaminette AU.
I call it Rally to the Queen.
Here’s what goes down.
This takes place immediately after Riposte.
Marinette still feels really bad about judging the point wrong. She talks to Adrien to ask how Kagami is doing. He says that he thinks that she’s okay now, but Kagami was totally exhibiting some behaviors that he recognized as the son of a largely absent parent with absurd standards. He doesn’t have the time he’d like to have to check in on Kagami, so he also tells Marinette that it sounded like Kagami was under a lot of pressure at home and was afraid of her mother judging her for losing the fight.
Marinette, of course, feels terrible and her patented Dupain-Cheng-family we-must-adopt-everyone genes kick in, so she decides to track down Kagami’s home address to apologize formally and to make sure that Kagami’s mom knows what really went down.
When she gets there, she’s flustered and awkward as usual but good-hearted and although Kagami’s mom initially is not thrilled about the weird intrusion, she doesn’t hate Marinette.
Since she’s there, she and Kagami end up chatting either that day or some other time. Marinette mentions that she’s looking forward to trying out for the fencing team again the following year to learn aside Adrien and Kagami.
Kagami realizes that she took the only spot on the team. She’s not the sort to feel bad about this and wouldn’t normally, but Marinette was being so kind and she’d actually tried to stand up to her mother for her, so she offers to give her fencing lessons. (Maybe she covers it up as extra practice for her as she’s not really much of a touchy-feely person.)
Anyway, Marinette starts going to Kagami’s house once a week for fencing practice. She always brings fresh baked goods. I don’t think Kagami has many friends, especially with how intense we’ve seen her family to be and being so new to Paris, so she might not really know how to deal with Marinette’s brand of friendship at first.
They become really good friends. I actually think they really would if they spent any sort of time together in canon without misunderstandings and Adrien and sometimes somewhat suspect writing in the way. They are both determined, powerful young women with hearts of steel and an unstoppable drive towards something that they’re very passionate about. They’re both straightforward and value honesty and dislike liars. They would be an UNSTOPPABLE team.
I don’t think Sapotis happens in this AU. There’s no salt against Alya here, but I think it would be reasonable for Marinette avoid giving a miraculous to her best friend no matter how much she’d like to share being superheroes with her. This is because Alya is shown in season one especially to be very adamant about revealing Ladybug’s identity. This was even the main goal of her akumatized form, Lady Wifi. Marinette loves Alya deeply, but I think that there would be reasonable doubt there about whether or not Alya would be able to keep her own secret or if she would use her position as a sometimes-superhero to discover more about Ladybug. We’ve seen in canon that Marinette obviously hates lying to her best friend, so I think it’s reasonable to think that she wouldn’t manufacture a situation where she had to do so even more.
Also, even though Anasai technically took place before Queen’s Battle, just go with me here and assume it didn’t and that Style Queen was the first akuma that Ladybug needed help with. We know that she picked the Bee miraculous in Style Queen and, as Marinette is good friends with Kagami already in this AU, she definitely sees how much this miraculous would play to her friend’s strengths. They also fence together all the time, so Marinette knows how Kagami fights and wouldn’t have to learn a new teammate’s style in the middle of an already complicated fight. Since Kagami isn’t Alya, she wouldn’t already be at the Effiel tower and wouldn’t be turned to glitter by Style Queen, so Marinette would be able to safely get the Bee miraculous to her.
Ladybug and Mitsubachi are a deadly combination. Style Queen never stood a chance. Everything goes pretty smoothly and Ladybug is able to get the Bee miraculous back from Kagami without incident. (That being said, Marinette is a flustered bi mess and totally fumbled once or twice in the fight because damn, Kagami makes a deadly and attractive superhero.)
And because I’m a sucker for redeeming Chloe I am physically incapable of leaving her out of this AU. Oops, lol. Without Queen Bee, the Queen’s Battle arc would definitely have some pretty substantial changes. Chloe’s mom would still be being pretty awful and Chloe wouldn’t have gotten her hands on the Bee miraculous. She’d still have to be upset enough to get akumatized over her mom (so Gabe wouldn’t give up being Hawkmoth (also, he’d have only just learned that the Guardian was in Paris so that might be another incentive)) but she wouldn’t become Queen Wasp because she was never Queen Bee in the first place.
Instead, she becomes a different sort of version of @imthepunchlord ‘s Princess Amour akumanette concept. She just really wants to be loved. Maybe instead of having a Chat Noir “knight” as the akumanette had, some ladybug merch of her’s would hold the akuma and turn into a version of Ladybug that would help and protect and validate Chloe as her knight. After LB beats this akuma, she has an honest talk with Chloe that night because she could see that Chloe was really struggling and, despite their very checkered past couldn’t help but wanting to help.
Ladybug gives Chloe some advice and Chloe does her level best to live up to it in her day to day life. It’s a long hard road and it doesn’t come easily, but every once in awhile Ladybug will drop by and knowing that her heroine is proud of her gives Chloe the push she needs to change for the better.
I should also mention that I’m switching the places of the fox and peacock miraculouses in this AU. If we’re still working with the headcanon that Mr. and Mrs. Agreste used the miraculouses that Gabe has, it makes sense that they’d have the butterfly because everything we’ve been lead to believe indicates that it was a good fit for Mrs. Agreste. That being said, what we know of the Peacock makes no effing sense for Gabe. He’s creative, crafty, and not above playing dirty. That man is a fox through and through, you can’t change my mind. Therefore, Fu has the peacock and the fox is the damaged miraculous sitting in the Agreste safe.
This is relevant, I promise.
So, Ladybug and Chat Noir have worked with Mitsubachi quite a few times. She fits pretty effortlessly into the team dynamic but is definitely with Ladybug in taking the job super seriously and not always being down with Chat’s attitude.
Kagami and Marinette are still hanging out. Kagami is falling for Marinette and Marinette is falling for Kagami, but Marinette had confided in Kagami earlier about her crush on Adrien, so Kagami thinks that Mari is still in love with Adrien and Marinette doesn’t think Kagami would be interested in her, so there’s an awful lot of mutual pining going on.
Hawkmoth is escalating and Fu approves of Kagami after testing her himself, so she gets the Bee miraculous on a permanent basis.
With the extra help, it’s a while before Ladybug’s lucky charm calls for another hero, but, when it does, she needs the peacock. Maybe she was going for Alya with this one, but, being the Ladyblogger, Alya has already gotten herself into the conflict and trapped by the akuma. As she’s looking around, Ladybug spots (lol, get it?) Chloe trying to get Sabrina and some other people to safety, consequently getting trapped or something. She goes to save Chloe, and when Chloe thanks her, she starts to wonder. Chloe has taken a good, hard look at herself and really improved in the past few months. She’s not perfect yet, but no one is. And, you know what? Getting the Ladybug miraculous went a long way towards making her a better Marinette. Mind made up, she offers the Peacock to Chloe and a new hero appears. (I’m thinking of naming Chloe’s peacock form Tirisi or Vindex -- Greek or Latin for (roughly) defender/protector/champion. See my rant on why the peacock miraculous’ powers make sense for my reasoning.)
Chloe gives the miraculous back when Ladybug asks and keeps working to improve herself so that her heroine might someday trust her again. (She loved being able to have the power and agency to connect with and help others -- she really loved feeling strong enough to save others and is starting to feel more confident that she can save herself.) She doesn’t spill her identity and becomes a reliable second-string hero when Ladybug’s lucky charm demands her presence.
Eventually turtle!Sabrina will also come into this AU because she really, really deserves her own character development. (And @mystery-vixen ‘ s design and art and @pyrepyro ‘s art for Turtle!Sabrina is the cutest shit I’ve ever seen in my life.) Maybe it’s some sort of Anasasi situation where Chloe’s in trouble and Sabrina is doing her level best to rescue her as a civilian, idk. (For turtle!Sabrina I was thinking Bouclier or Jadeite, unless you guys have ideas?)
Anyway, eventually, everyone has their miraculouses permanently. (This probably happens after Gabe and Natalie break out the fox.) Endgame is Kagaminette and Chlobrina, two sets of deadly wlw protecting Paris along with the bi disaster Chat Noir who is 100% willing to THROW THE FUCK DOWN with anyone who doesn’t respect the ladies of the superhero team. Chat Noir totally gets along with the whole squad, by the way. Between the four of them, the ladies are great friends and life coaches to our cat boi and help him work through what unhealthy attitudes he has in a respectful and caring way. They adopt him and are always hugging Chat or even just lightly resting a hand on his shoulder since they discovered he was touch-starved. (Especially Ladybug and Tirisi. All four would cut a bitch for that boy, but they’re the most touchy-feely.)
(Eventually snake!Luka joins the squad and he and Chat Noir get together and it’s just a giant group of badass queer superheroes kicking ass and protecting Paris.)
They eventually beat Hawkmoth and Adrien and Luka become the next Guardians (They’d do a great job, fight me). Marinette and Kagami are too busy for that anyway. They got married and Marinette started the world’s most successful fashion line while Kagami set some sort of ridiculous record for the number of gold medals a single person can win in fencing. Chloe and Sabrina get married and (because of Chloe) end up adopting a ridiculous amount of kids that they care for and love unconditionally.
Happily Ever After and The End. :)
Thanks for listening to my rant!
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bugaboosandbees · 5 years
8, 9 and 10
8) Favorite AU?
Right now? Probably LadyBugOut (like everybody else in this fandom, lol). But I'm also a huge fan of the concept behind @lenoreofraven 's catbug. (I love the idea of Plagg and Tikki adopting Marinette.) And I'm an absolute sucker for the La Justice Akumanette au. :)
9) Favorite Headcanon?
Oh, definately that the miraculous holders start to pick up the traits of their animal/insect after awhile. Give me a Ladybug and Bee that just want to be in cuddle piles all winter, a Cat who can't stop pushing things off the table, a Fox who screams every time she sees her boo, a Turtle who buys one of those zip up all the way hood sweatshirts to just nope out of awkward conversations, and a Butterfly who keeps running into windows and doors, goddammit!
10) Unpopular Opinion?
Okay, so I do honestly think that Rena Rouge is absolutely gorgeous, but, if I were Marinette, I wouldn't have given her a miraculous knowing how obsessed she was with finding LB and CN's identities. I know that she proved that she could be trusted, but I think that that was a big risk. No salt, I really dont hate Alya, but I might have kept her as the guy in the chair. (Also she likes being in the thick of things waaaaay too much for the fox. If she had to get a miraculous, I guess I might have given her the bee.)
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