#i do like a good old mutual pining situation
modmad · 2 years
im patiently awaiting for tpoh vol 3 ♥️ ill use my physical copies to get friends into the tpoh fandom at gunpoint.
that said! ik your duck comics are "nobody gets together" thing, but reading them all onr after another still feels like a slow burn magicstone romance and i love that? i love that magica and gladstone talk abt matilda, and tell each ither they dont care but when push comes to shove, theyre right there to save the other. and the shared mirror? brilliant? and the time they shared an airplane and got to knoe little tidbjts of each other!?!?! youre killing me mod (in a good way)
ahh thank you! well. not the gun-point part. don't do that.
I did want there to be a stacking effect of slow enemies to not-so-enemies to tsundere-friends to actually friends and maybe??? also??? feel to the comics so I am glad that it has paid off (it has taken quite a few years to do!) Truth be told I am tempted to one day let them have a truly fluffy mutual-admission-of-pining comic but if I do it will be a long way off, I have many adventures still planned and I like the tension and play of 'will they won't they' that I have right now. I might simply progress to ‘are they or aren’t they?’ and never answer it >:D
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