#i do not know fig but this drawing is SO damn cute and i love her vibe immensely
I know you were convinced I was low-key in love with you but LMAO in my 20s, I had a five minute crush on EVERYBODY. I guess that's just my Libra Rising bullshit but sorry, you're not my type. Realized you weren't when I had to start guarding what I said to you because I realized you'd crumble under ANY kind of criticism
Speaking of Libra Rising - lmmaaoooooo you are so bad at Astrology oh my god. You really think each sign is associated with a house which is why you're probably baffled over what's going on right now. You thought that, what? I'd be chill and calm down to save face? To make money? BITCH WHAT MONEY? You think it's worth it to me to play nice at this point? Really 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Do you even know how much money it would take me to back off at this point? We're talking 6 figs at this point because I'm having waaaaayy too much fun finally telling you what I think.
I also know you probably thought I was some big fan of yours because I liked some tweets but do you know how many tweets I like in a day? Here. This is probably from like 15 minutes of scrolling alone lmfao https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VuZg0Q13wWatetxzJscHdXDtHGkTA4sQ/view?usp=drivesdk did you really think you were that important to me? Do you know how much shit is on my mind on the regular? Do you really think you deserve that much of my attention?
Speaking of not on my mind. You were not my number 1 pick for Dirty Magic LMAO. I had someone completely different in mind but I settled for you because you were a friend and figured you seemed so damn excited that I might as well. Then 2 years passed of your incompetence and I was out almost 2K and a fuck ton of patience just for you to hand me a bunch of scribbles and try to sell it to me like they were masterpieces lmaaoo
Speaking of. Why the fuck did you struggle so damn hard with Savannah? And why the fuck did you struggle so damn hard with giving Mia the sneakers I gave you references for? What was so damn hard to grasp?
Did you realize that Hiveworks was literally looking to sue you for harassment when you left? And you really thought you were gonna win against them at court? I had to literally call in a favor because of all the work I did for them to get them to NOT drag you through the mud LMAO and you thought you were a badass with your chest puffed up like everyone was scared of you. How cute.
Which. Also speaking of. Do you know how many people were actively talking shit about you when we first started talking? Do you know how often I had to defend you to get people to chill? I should have let them drag your ass too LMAO maybe I never would have been raped and abused!
Oh let's double back to Dirty Magic. You know why I did the designs myself? Because trying to get you to understand the objective was wasting my time. It was easier to just draw the designs FOR you for you to follow then waste time trying to get you to understand what was going on. And somehow... Even with the references... You still failed 🤔
Talking with you half the time was just exhausting. You take everything in life so damn seriously. Everyone's always out to get you. Do you remember how pressed you were about the Judy fall out? Literally wailing about how she's gonna murder you? Like literally track you down and murder you? Are you unwell? What's going on in there? I still can't tell if you were being serious or not
Which by the way, god DAMN the only reason why I was willing to get involved with that Judy fallout was because I thought stepping in would end things and then it'd be DONE. I didn't expect that shit to be drawn out for that long. You can't let shit go even if your life depended on it and I can't imagine that's good for your mental health (or physical health for that matter)
You. Are. So. Damn. Sensitive. I felt like if I wanted to share anything with you, I had to do a pre-screening even if it was a joke. Like everything triggers you, everything freaks you out, everything makes you panic. Every. Single. Thing. And you made it my job to babysit you. WHEN DO I GET MY CHECK?
I'm still waiting to see what you meant by you "NEED TO BE RIGHT" during our fall out. Like I literally said that I needed to be supported and that was your clap back. What did I do to get under your skin? Why were you always so defensive? Do I intimidate you? LMAO?
God. You're so damn messy. It's a wonder you managed to get this far professionally. You really do rely on fallouts to get ahead don't you? That way you can keep playing the victim and leach off of everyone around you? I'd be impressed if it, you know, didn't lead me to getting raped and abused LMAO
Which - by the way - I can't believe you genuinely thought I was going to read that bullshit apology. Do you - once again - not realize how little of a priority you are to me? And always have been? It's like every single god damn time I tried to move on with my life, you had a new crisis that I needed to deal with. Why the fuck was I being treated like I was your handler the entire time? Cause once again, if i was working that hard to be your care taker then I'm wondering when the fuck do I get paid ???????
You keep talking about how you hate art so damn much yet you refuse to quit. In fact it's like you keep doubling down on being miserable. Ooooooh, wait I forgot how you said you don't think you can ever be happy. I guess that means you want everyone else to join you - even if they end up homeless LMAAOOO
Ugh god your art. That's probably the one thing I respected about you but now I keep looking at it and then looking at mine and then looking at yours and I'm like 'Wow. How the fuck did I circle around you ten times over in terms of creativity and skill while also juggling so much?' like what's your excuse? I'm genuinely curious
Also God damn do you really think realising a bunch of storyboards is going to work? Do you realize that storyboards are meant to be used internally? Their job is to help the animators have a clear idea of what they're supposed to be animating. Like... How are you gonna do this? Are you making an animatic? Cause I saw your timing and it's a bit struggly-duggly and I'm not helping you at all with that LMAO
Oh - just so you know I dropped Little Foolery because y'all were making me lose money more than make money. Like literally I saw how Song of the Bullrider did, tracked the performance and realized y'all were a waste of an investment :)
Also it was cute of you to think you could give me business advice when you don't do shit but complain all day and make other people do the work for you 😭 when was the last time you even had a job that didn't involve bossing people around and making things more complicated for them ?????
And lastly I... Just don't like you. In fact I don't think I ever did. I tried reeeeaally hard to like you and when I say like you, I mean as a person and human being. But watching how you were going through your life being ride or die for Alex and busting your ass so damn hard for something that - when you die - will likely mean absolutely nothing was part of what made me start snapping out of shit. Watching how miserable and hapless you are made me realize I wanted so much more out of life. It's unfortunate that right after that discovery, we had the fall out and then you stabbed me in the back over and over and over again so I couldn't get work and LIVE MY LIFE how I wanted and instead dealt with abuse after abuse after abuse but that realization is also the one thing that has me feeling at peace right now. Because you know what? I still put my best foot forward. I still was and am willing to see where life takes me. I'm not willing to break myself for something that I don't even know matters past how I FEEL about it. It's why I do comics as a hobby and I'm not trying to crucify anyone to make anything happen. Because I actually had a long needed reality check because of you. I saw my future. I saw what I could become. I saw how empty and devoid of humanity was waiting for me if I kept going in the direction I was in. I saw endless desperation and despair. Constant fear and paranoia. No faith. No light. No joy. Nothing. I just saw darkness, misery and a desperate attempt to add meaning to a life that - at the end of the day - only has meaning if I go to my grave in peace. That's it. And that's my goal. It's not to be famous. It's not to be some big star. It's to make sure that the moment when I draw my last breath, I can say that regardless of what I went through, I still did the best damn job that I could. That I lived my life to the fullest and to the best of my abilities. That I wasn't too afraid to see what's over the horizon and to push myself past the restriction of my own expectations. That I was willing and daring enough to both love and be loved, that I had the courage to be the person that I can always be proud of and to know with full confidence that I lived my life in joy. THIS is the kind of shit that's on my mind, Jayd. Not you and your bullshit and to be honest, it offends me to great lengths that you felt this entitled to my time and energy.
And there. Now you know the truth. Now you know everything I've been keeping from you because I knew your ego was too fragile to handle it.
If you really think that money is going to keep me satisfied at this point, you're really god damn wrong and you're also way too easy to keep on a short leash.
Have a good one ✌️
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figmentforms · 7 years
Fig chatter! (Q/A)
First off, i just wanna say thank you so much to everyone for all the super nice and encouraging notes! It always makes me to happy to see that my work is making people happy and your notes really help to motivate me to do my best at this comic!
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Yep!!! That manga is one of my favorite things in the whole world so it really really influenced my comic.
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All is well! Thanks for asking! I just renamed it “Figmentforms-the-human” because I plan to do more with it than just reblog now. It’s gonna be where I post random stuff about my life and other ramblings as well! https://figmentforms-the-human.tumblr.com/
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I really should but I mostly just look back to previous comic pages to keep the designs consistent. Don’t be like me. Be better and more organized. XD
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I did! I hate to revise big stuff like that, but after the script re-write i realized that I needed to be able to give Skull Kid more expressions since he now plays such a bigger role in the story, so i decided to go with something more rendered out.
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LOOOOL XD *feels proud*
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They may be in flashbacks or something, but at this point i don’t think they’re gonna really be a part of the story! Too bad too because I really adore Midna especially. And thanks so much! :D
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LOL not sure if that would count as a prank or as cold-blooded MURDER. XD Those birds are NOT to be messed with! 
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Aw! Thank you so much! Sadly I don’t think I will be doing too many more conventions. I hope to go to ShutoCon again next year, but that’s really it! I always get super sick after every single convention I go to, so for the sake of my health, I’m gonna do much much less of them. 
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Lol, thanks! As for time, i wouldn’t put much value on that! I’ve been drawing since I was a little kid, but I’ve seen people go from struggling to draw a stick figure to making beautiful illustrations that are much Much better than i currently can do after about two years of hard training. It all depends on your drive and focus. If you put in the time and effort you can be a master in no time. If anyone wants to get good at drawing, it’s never ever too late! Take some lessons and practice every day and you will be AMAZING in no time!
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I love this idea! XD
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Indeed! How many people think he should keep it? I’m on the fence!
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The first chance i get i’m totally gonna put the bird people in the comic. I adore bird people.
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I love supportive shark boyfriend Prince Sidon so much! I will totally draw him later! :D I did a couple drawings of him while i was at my booth for Shutocon but i forgot to take photos before they went off to their new homes! 
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Thanks so much! :D I will have to put a part in the comic where Zelda explains this later, but how it works is that Zelda can sense the triforce pieces super accurately. Even before they awaken inside the bearer. She knew her daughter was Link the moment that she was born. The others can’t do that. Rinku not at all, and Ganondorf can only sense the pieces when they’ve awoken and are in the same room as him. 
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0_0′ LOL OH MY!!! You are correct!!!! XD Behold me and my total inability to do basic math! XD But omg thank you so much for pointing this out!!! I really appreciate it! And please, if anyone else notices stuff like this, or spelling errors, or like, i messed up drawing something, please don’t hesitate to tell me because it’s a huge help!!!
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I‘ve been too busy and broke, so sadly no. But after the wedding i think I’ll have the necessary time/money! I was so pleasantly surprised that the game turned out to be good! I was honestly expecting a train wreck after all the delays Nintendo had for putting it out! 
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Gan will totally mellow and turn out ok, but he will always be at least a bit cranky. If nothing else than to keep up his “style”. As for writing, ooooomg. a very long time. I have the major outline that took me a few weeks to decide on everything, then i have specific events, another couple weeks, then revisions, a few more MONTHS, then for each individual comic i often stare at the screen for like 3 hours trying to decide on the specific dialogue. I’m really not a strong writer, so it’s never easy! XD I’m just glad that people seem pleased with what I’ve managed to do so far! 
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Totally will! You’re safe! XD
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He still has all that to deal with, but he’s also been through such an emotionally devastating time in his early life in this incarnation that it’s given him a bit more reflection and empathy this time around. Juuust enough to make him give this marriage thing a legit honest try.
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I love Ghirahim with all my heart but I still find myself genuinely considering this >.>
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YES. I love theme parks and things, Especially roller coasters and those impossible games! (but what I really really wanna do is awkwardly walk up to a Ganondorf actor and buy him a cookie. Hopefully they won’t be creeped out.)
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 This is a really cool idea!!!
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I totally didn’t know that!!!! Thank you so much for telling me! I’ll fix that later!! :D
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When I first wrote the story I planned to explore it better, but with the re-write there isn’t proper room for it. I may do an epilogue bonus comic where this is given the attention it deserves. (I grew up in a home that was completely destroyed by alcoholism, so yeah, this is close to my heart and I want to do more with it.)
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LOOOOL OMG I can just imagine her getting so mad every time someone brings up this pun. “I’M NOT A NURSE, DAMN IT! I’M A DOCTOR! AND THE BEST ONE IN THE WORLD!!” *angry shark teeth are showin’*
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OMG *suddenly starts to imagine the cuteness of Rinku’s wedding and how much Ganondorf would be just a SUPER picky father-in-law-Zilla about all the details of the ceremony.*
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Sadly I just don’t have the time to take on commissions right now! I’m going to be finishing up my current commitments with a couple game companies and then putting 100% focus on my comics (A Tale of Two Rulers and another relatively soon-to-be released original comic about the romance between a sweet-natured orc and a little power-crazy pixie) later this fall. Noooo idea when I’ll open up commissions again.
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LOOOL poor Ghirahim! He’s honestly doing what he thinks he has to to save Ganondorf! But... well... it’s not working out. XD
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