#i do not support all of these strategies btw just clarifying
evilelitest2 · 5 years
"Anyone who doesn't think debate is a cult recruiting tool is an alt-right fascist trump supporter troll" -evileitest2, showing us how to debate in good faith.
oh @gservator good to see you again, though really pretending to be an anon ? Thts kinda beneath you honestly, I am actually disappointing.  Maybe you don’t know how this whole anon thing works, after all you though @strejdaking was anon.   Also that isn’t what debate in good faith means 
But ok, lets pretend that this is just a random anon, and lets pretend this is a real question worth engaging with. 
The thing is, almost nothing on tumblr is ever a true debate, espicially with the Alt Right 
As somebody who talks a lot especially online, I think debate and discussion are valuable, and I used to do debate in college and high school, and i can get pretty pedantic about fallacies and argumentive style.  But thing abotu debate is...the other person must be willing to follow the rules.  
THe Web 2.0 Libertarian wet dream that is the internet likes to imagine tumblr as a place of debate and discussion, people have different opinions and they can change each other’s minds.  And they does happen a lot but we cannot mistake this for a real debate ground because it is lacking two things
1) A moderator 
2) Any requirment that people involved debate in good faith
On the former, this website is very monitored, so there is no neutral abritator who can come in and dock points if somebody isn’t following the rules.  In actual debate clubs, there is a third party who can be like “hey that isn’t acceptable behavior”.  See if i’m talking to a white nationalist on the internet and they rely on just saying slurs over and over again like a giant child, there is no moderator to go “stop that” the only times you can have real debates on this platform is if both parties happen to agree too it.  I might argue with somebody civilized and reasonable like @mel-esprit and that can be a debate, but that is because both of us are are choosing to follow the rules, which Alt Right types don’t do.  
Secondly good faith.  A good faith argument is one where the person is saying it because they mean it.  This sounds obvious bit it isn’t, a lot of times people bring something up without really believing this at all. Tucker Carlson is a great example of this, he invites people on his show all the time to “debate them” but the uncomfortable reality of his show is this....Tucker Carlson has no reason to ever change his mind. 
Like lets say I went unto his show to argue that putting children in cages is bad, and I made the best argument possible, and in fact was able to convince him using facts and reasons, and he saw my point...Do you think he is just going to go “oh hey, I guess my entire world view is wrong, nevermind then”  Of course not, he runs a TV show and is paid a lot of money to argue conservative talking points, do you think he is just going give that up?  It doesn’t make what he might personally believe, his livelihood and reputation are based upon him advocating a world view and so he will stick to his original argument no matter what evidence is presented in opposition.  Because he isn’t arguing in good faith.
A lot of people on the right love to bring up arguments even though they don’t believe them, because its an evasion strategy.  
For example, right now we are dealing with the fact that the Trump administration is putting human beings in concentration camps and at least 22 people six of whom are children have died.  Every bit of information that gets out of these heavily guarded and secretive ICE Camps implies horrific abuses, from torture, molestation, threats, lack of hygiene, starvation, lack of medical services and deliberate dehydration. Which you know...upsets people and makes the Trump administration look actively evil (because it is).  So you see a lot of Trumpkins instead trying to avoid talking about the camps and instead change the focus of the argument like saying ‘Oh Obama did this” or “Lets redefine concentration Camps” or “Lets focus on the fact that they are BREAKING THE LAWL”*, all to try to keep you from focusing on the main point “these are fucking concentration camps where we are depriving children of soap.”  Because they are trying to avoid addressing the morality and instead make it a partisan issue so Trump supporters don’t have to really think about how horrific the policies they are supporting really are.
*Just to clarify a lot of these people trapped in the camps are Asylum seekers, refugees, or legal migrants and thus aren’t breaking the law in any meaninful way.  But even for those who illegal migrants, the law also states they are supposed to be treated humanely because breaking the law doesn’t mean you don’t have access to human rights. 
Finally lets be frank, a lot of Alt Righters are emotionally broken immature morons who dont’ have the self reflection necessary to debate at all.  Like if somebody refuses to ever recognize they are wrong, why would you even bother debating them?  I mean its like debating Trump, it doesn’t matter if you prove what he did was a lie, he will continue to claim otherwise, and so the only reason I can imagine bothering to debate him is if you want to make fun of how stupid he is.  So I don’t bother intellectually engaging with people who obviously aren’t interested in real arguments, so I usually respond either to make fun of them or to let my followers know what kind of weird moon logic these guys are operating under.  
Btw, you know just by putting “ “ around something doesn’t actually mean you are quoting somebody right?  
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cryptocoinguides · 3 years
Guide to Investing in Verasity
You must have spotted a chatbot in the bottom right corner of websites when checking your bank account, booking a train ticket, or booking a hotel stay,  and you must have also observed that it responds to you in some basic ways but transfers you to an actual human if things go out of hand. These are called bots and they can be found all over the internet.
Bots are programs that are built to perform a given activity at a rate that regular humans cannot, and because of this, they account for roughly 45 percent of all web traffic worldwide. The problem is these bots are not always nice; some of them are bad bots, and these bad bots are the internet’s main problem, gradually consuming the largest spending department: advertising. The online ad industry is worth around $400 billion, and 40%  or roughly $160B worth of advertisements is seen by bots.
And that’s a sizable sum and to give you an idea Qatar’s overall GDP is 160 billion dollars. Over half of the money spent on web advertisements is for views that aren’t even visible to humans.  Brands don’t want to pay a lot of money for their advertisements, according to the content creator,  because they aren’t sure if the ads on their content are being watched by humans or bots. For years, many businesses have been attempting to combat this. Here is where veracity comes in.
Hello and welcome to cryptos monopoly, my name is Daksh, this is the 100x crypto series, and in this episode, I will tell you about a very interesting project solving a major issue of the media world.  And at the end, I will give you my opinion on the veracity and also give my prediction,  so make sure you read this content till the end.
Verasity is all over the news nowadays and it’s in the news because it has recently received the US patent for its Proof of view algorithm, and it is the flagship algorithm of veracity that can differentiate between real and fake views solving the biggest problem of the Advertising industry. When a content creator submits a content to a veracity-enabled platform,  the bot views are instantly detected and removed, ensuring that only real human views are allowed in their content. 
It also ensures that the content viewed on the site is genuine, then confirms and records it as a permanent and irreversible public record. PoV was developed to provide solutions to two problems. 1. Fake views.
2. Big tech companies monopoly over ads. We have already seen how veracity is solving the first big problem that is the fake views now let us see how are they gonna stop the monopoly of big-tech companies over ads. And this is going to be important for you if you are planning to invest in veracity as this explains the whole ecosystem of veracity so make sure you pay attention to this.
Now before we move forward, if you are enjoying this content make sure you hit the like button. The way of viewing contents over the internet has changed significantly.  People nowadays focus on independent creators on free platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Vimeo.
The content creators, publishers, and small corporations in these existing mainstream sites get a small fraction of the value generated by viewers, and a large part goes to these big platform companies, and nowadays various mediums and middlemen,  everyone wants their cut, and demand higher quality content.
So, veracity saw this major problem and came with a solution. On the Verasity content sharing service, they restructured how people get paid.  Instead of Creators getting paid by Advertisers, Viewers reward Creators. This removes the influence that advertisers and other third parties have on how content is ranked or surfaced.
Content is now surfaced based on its value to the audience. All content views are then assessed by the Proof-of-View (PoV)
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technology to ensure that they’re real and the content has been seen by a real person who is actually watching the content. Once a view has been confirmed as legitimate it is anonymized and then added to the Verasity Blockchain for 100% transparency.
By eliminating fake views, the Verasity ecosystem is able to fairly value content regardless of content type, audience demographic, or a third party’s monetization strategy. For all our users, this means a better, more fair, and valuable platform. Verasity has got something for everyone, here everyone wins. For Viewers: Such content is recommended and surfaced that has been seen and engaged by real users.  
A true value of the content can, therefore, be established and the most appropriate content for the viewer is surfaced. As viewers transact directly with creators, content can be accurately valued by the audience rather than distorted by a third party. 
For Creators: By building a real, engaged audience you can grow the value of your content and channel on Verasity With donations, pay-per-view, and subscription models all built-in,  everything from high reach quick clips to in-depth niche lectures can find a home with Verasity For Advertisers and Sponsors: They can Get seen by real users — no more inflated metrics.
Get real views and real reach By paying viewers directly for their attention, reach engaged and opt-in audiences rather than people just waiting for the “skip” button So, this is how veracity is tackling the two biggest problems of the advertisement industry.
But that’s not it Verasity has also developed its very own wallet called vera wallet. VeraWallet is the official wallet for VRA tokens. It has over 80,000 users worldwide,  it’s safe secure, and provides one of the best staking returns in the industry. Yes, if you hold your VRA in Verawallet and stake it you get up to 25%  interest annually and that’s an insane interest.
Btw, I am soon going to add a contentwhere I will show you how to stake VRA and earn free money so make sure you subscribe to this channel so that you don’t miss out on that content. Now let us see what has the veracity team achieved so far and pay attention to this because it will help you see how the team is working. Verasity was launched in 2019 and so far in this year, it (VRA) has risen almost 100x times.
The coin opened in 2021 trading at $0.0004482, but now VRA has valued at approximately $0.01266.  It has a market capitalization of $49m and makes it the 407th largest cryptocurrency. So far, 2021 has been great for veracity,  they’ve got their flagship algorithm Proof-Of-View patented.
They’ve launched various products and projects in the first quarter of 2021,  like the content-On-Demand sharing platform,  it also acquired content for VOD, and it also launched Esports Fight Club video player. In the second and third quarters, they’ve organized branded tournaments for influencers and streamers on their platform, and also launched an in-game advertisement with a gaming partnership.
The fourth quarter is going to be amazing for veracity as, In the fourth quarter, they have got  NFTs, which is quite a big thing for veracity, Previously NFT faced various challenges but according to veracity- The proof-Of-View can solve the major NFT’s challenges by creating transparent and unchangeable records of the NFT. They’ve also launched the EFC store and verawallet mobile apps.
Now that you know everything you need to about veracity  I would like to give my opinion and prediction of this coin. But before that, I want to clarify that this is just my opinion and not financial advice and before you invest you should always do your own research. Look, the advertisement industry spends around $400 billion on ads, and approx.
$160B wasted through ads watched by bots, and this is the main problem not only for advertisement companies,  but also for advertisement providers, and content creators. So sooner or later people will realize this problem and they will move towards such technologies which not only save their money from being wasted but also provide money to the content viewer. Just think about it if Verasity covers only the 10% percent market of that wasted $160B ads market.
It will be huge for investors. If that happens the market cap of veracity will be at  1.6 billion dollars and the price will shoot up. The market cap of veracity is around 49 million dollars and the circulating supply is 3.8 billion. So, if the circulating supply stays the same at the time the market cap increases to 1.6 billion,  the price of vra could easily reach 40 cents.
So, Verasity’s VRA is one of those tokens that are functional and potentially profitable.  Verasity not only has an impressive vision but also has dedication towards its plan and they already have released products with proper planning. For Q2 they planned an upgrade that will integrate through PoV enabled smart contract.  If everything goes according to plan then, this will be the most supported blockchain technology in future days because of its customer-centred projects.
I think this coin could be closing in 2021 years near the $0.1 but only if the bull run resumes. I truly think in two years or maybe sooner it will hit $1. And Simply because it is consistent, it has a good reputation over the years and it has patented PoV.
Now before I end this content, Let me tell you one more thing,  Verasity has recently applied for a new patent in competition with IBM, in which they can use NFT’s to host patents globally. So if you have new inventions or maybe a new product and you want to patent that, you could put that in veracity’s blockchain.
Read More: Verasity Keynote Speech at CoinTelegraph
The post Guide to Investing in Verasity appeared first on Crypto Coin Guides.
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ts-caymanislands · 6 years
Vilma’s Jury Question
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Hi Daniel and Nick!
First of all, congrats on making the final tribal council guys. I think both of you have totally deserved your spot here (although I admit I was secretly rooting for Bryce ever since we hit the merge, RIP) and whoever takes the crown is going to have my full support.
Nick and I were never on the same tribe pre-merge, so unfortunately we didn’t really have a chance to work together at any point in the game. But I enjoyed the couple chats we had, and I was definitely able to figure out that you were super aware of what was going on in the game at all times. Daniel, on the other hand, was one of my closest allies for quite a long time. Even though I felt a bit betrayed after you turned on me and weren’t completely honest about it, I still think you’re a total sweetheart and played a great game. Oh and btw you both said such nice things about me on your rites of passages that I literally teared up and wasn’t able to finish my dinner that day. :’( Thank you guys your words really warmed my ice cold Finnish heart. <3
Coming into the final tribal council I honestly wasn’t sure which one of you guys was going to get my vote, although I thought I had a pretty good understanding of how both of you had played the game. But l definitely still needed to hear everything from your point of view. I was happy to realize that your opening statements pretty much confirmed my suspicions about your individual strategies and closest allies. Turns out I wasn’t just imagining things haha!
With that being said, even though I honestly love you both, I feel like one of you two has definitely played an overall better game. This person - at least in my opinion - had more control over votes, built stronger social connections and utilized more skill in their strategy. By the time we got to the merge I knew this person was one of the smartest players left, and I thought he would be a huge threat to win the game if he managed to make it to the end. After reading your opening statements my vote is already pretty much locked for that person, and I don’t really feel the need to ask any clarifying questions about the game, so feel free to answer this question just for fun:
If you could pick one person from the jury to spend a day with, who would you pick and what would you do together?
Thanks for a great game guys, it was so much fun! <3
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I'd like to go to a concert with you and elsa xd
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Okay, so my immediate reaction was to say you because we talked about wanting to travel and I really would love to do that. Like blah blah blah, i know we didn’t talk much and this can be seen as kiss ass. But ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I’m being serious cause you’re chill af and I think we’d have a great time. BUT we can’t do that in one day. SOOOO Instead, I’d want to hang out with TJ for a day, meet his girlfriend lol, explore his campus, and help him find some clubs around his school that he might like. Idk I just think TJ is a really cool dude and although I think he has confidence in himself, I don’t know if he’s fully aware of how cool he is. Like he’s told me once that he stayed away from the college atmosphere his first year and I just want him to realize that he EASILY has the potential to join a club, put himself out there, and still kill college. He has so much to offer so many people and I just kind of want to help him put himself a little bit out there more because I think no matter what he does, the people around him could truly benefit from being friends with him and I want him to realize just how much he has to offer.
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