#i do not wanna wear something to masc I’m not comfortable with the idea (nothing wrong with tho other people are hot for that not me)
yoohyeon · 2 years
Lovely mutuals I need fashion tips anyone wanna help me ? 😭 What to NOT wear at a wedding ?
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ugggh so I am a dirty little slut for sal fisher and I had a thought about it sooooo,,,,
Sal Fisher x GN (masc body) headcanons of what he's like with you
this is gonna be very heavily influenced by the fact I am sleepy and really wanna write this rn!
Warnings: Non-canon-compliant (Sal lives, Larry lives, Todd doesn't go crazy, no murder), some NSFW stuff, switch-bottom leaning Sal, Service Top Sal
When he first meets you he's, hands down, the most flustered he's ever been before
Like, he's really into you
He just sees you in the hall and immediately blushes
he goes around his days as usual and stuff still but now he's eyeing you whenever you come into view
it's cute, he looks like a little kitten peering at you from around the corner because he’s too shy to say something
Larry makes little jokes about it and always tells him to talk to you
"wow, what a stalker" is his usual line when he finds Sal looking at you from somewhere
he musters up the courage to talk to you in his junior year when you wear a Sanity's Fall's shirt to class one day
from then on you two talk together whenever you have class and stuff
your parents move into the apartments in your senior year because of a demotion and you and Sal start hanging out outside of school
He finally asks you out on the last day of senior year
You and the gang go out to the football field the night after graduation
after they clean up all of the equipment for the stage
You guys end up smoking a blunt because Larry brought some of his stash and, hey, what's the harm?
You and Sal end up laying in the middle of the field while Larry chases Ash and Todd around on the bleachers
They're laughing and howling at the moon so you two just listen
Sal takes his mask off cause he feels more comfortable laying with it off
He takes out his pigtails and you comb through his hair for a bit
You look him in the eyes and just stop brushing your fingers through his hair long enough for him to look up at you
your eyes both meet and you two just stare
You see the stars in his eyes
Sal just thinks "You're the prettiest person I've ever seen"
"what?" "uhhhh....nothing"
"It's okay Sal!" You giggle at him and he giggles too
you both start giggling at each other and you two hug each other
still, just facing each other, heads tucked into shoulders, chests pressed so tightly together, legs intertwined
It's calm
He feels safe
So safe and warm
It's wonderful
So he sighs and says" I think I'm in love with you"
And it's an accident
He doesn't regret it, not processing it until you say "I'm in love with you too silly"
And you stay like that
no panic or guilt
just tucked away into each other
The gang goes to 7/11 that night-morning really it is 3 am-and get slushies
all of them are teasing you guys as you hold hands on the way there
it's cute
He's cute
You're cute
You both feel warm in the jackets you switch from each other
it's cute
"God the stalker finally got the victim in their clasps, another tragically happy ending" "Shut it Larry Face"
You both end up staying in different places after high school
You take a year off college and stay with your parents at Addison Apartments and Sal moves into the gang's house
It's nice, you see each other regularly for dates and ghost hunts
it's blissful
Then Sal starts having his nightmares again and you come over regularly for sleepovers
it's months into this routine of going home, getting new clothes from the apartments, go out with Sal, come and sleep at his place to help with nightmares, repeat that Larry has the most brilliant idea
"Why don't you just move in with Sal? You practically live with him anyway."
This is in front of you two, you're both at the gang's house and drinking some morning coffee
Sal not really jokes and agrees
And then you genuinely agree
It's a big moment for you two
Sal wanted you to move in right away but was scared his nightmares would affect you or you two wouldn't end up working out
So you two complied and stayed where you were
But this is gonna be an actual conversation where he is up for it and knows you two are stable
So you talk about it
You two agree
And you end up moving in that day
it's not that hard since most of your clothes are over there already
It's basically just moving your bed, knick-knacks, and bookshelf in so that's just the big things since you have a queen
It's bliss from there
you both settle into a nice routine and after you start college Sal decides to focus on his music for rn and take a break
You get a job and the dynamic is just... so pure
you guys are finally, finally, okay and the best thing is that you're together
He's still adorable and you're still sweet
You guys end up getting your own apartment outside of Nockfell and Addison Apartments
The gang stays around
Larry ends up moving in with you two for a little bit until he can afford his own place
Sal gets a lot more gigs out there in the city than he would have gotten in Nockfell and you get a job at a little club
Sal ends up playing there often because of you
NSFW headcanons
Okay so Sal is a hopeless romantic
before he moved to Nockfell he never really had anybody else who was interested in him
so he was super hopeless in planning your first time together
once you had slept over with each other a couple of times he makes this grand layout and waits for you to walk in to see him spred on the bed, clad in some cute underwear and nothing else
turns out though you were sick and sent Larry to tell Sal you couldn’t come over cause your phone was dead and you didn’t wanna get him sick
So Larry ends up walking in on a naked Sal and scarying the everloving crap out of him
He makes fun of y'all after that about it
So your first time is honestly uneventful after that whole fiasco
Deciding to just causally hook up at his place instead
Sal is a switch but he leans for bottoming
he can top, he's really good at being a service top
He’s not insecure about himself, he’s pretty big for his height *cough* (9.7) *cough*
but he prefers being spoiled and called pretty
loves being called feminine nicknames like "pretty baby" even if he is topping
stuff that's gender-neutral but is more feminine in origin
He likes it when you do it doggy-style if you're topping just cause if you press him into the mattress he can feel you better inside of him
Whines so much when you go faster
really likes getting fucked stupid, he wants his throat to be sore and his ass to be bed-ridden
Loves topping you when you're in his lap straddling him
He really likes to make you do work for a while, guides you and everything until you're breaking
when you eventually end up asking for him to "just fuck me already Sal...please?" He wants tears down your face, crying and desperate for him or else it’s not gonna happen
He ends up fucking into you like a monster from there if you are
loves when you lay on your back and he's on his knees sitting and thrusting into you, pulling you onto his lap
very vocal either way but he laughs and giggles more with you, his moans are less fucked out and more "oh god, yes!" in nature
His sex drive is really high, he could go for hours
If you end up getting tired when he's bottoming he's gonna bounce on your pretty cock and ride you so pathetically
It's so pathetically adorable
but if he's topping and you get tired he usually asks you if he can fuck you to sleep
You end up agreeing only if he cleans you up after
He doesn't have any severe kinks or whatnot
He's really into being breed though
Tie him up too while you do it
he likes gags as well
when you breed him he'll end up feeling bad after you finish and he can't feel it anymore once it's out
So you end up giving him a buttplug after to compromise
Sometimes if he's being a brat you'll tie him up, gag him, and leave him with a vibrator over stimming him
You'll leave him in the room and come back to a crying Sal, salivating and so fucked out without having even cum once
If you're ever being the brat he does the exact opposite
He'll tie you up but make it so you can't close your mouth
You have to be quiet though, he doesn’t want to hear anything louder than breathing and your pathetic whimpers
you're over stimmed to hell and orgasm so much it's difficult to keep awake
but do not fall asleep cause if you don't get through it to the end it won't end (Consensually of course)
He and Larry definitely hooked up once or twice before meeting you so I think he'd ask you to let him in on it
It becomes a regular occurrence until Larry moves out
But when you do have a threesome and he is feeling dominant get ready to not move for the next three weeks
It's nice though and doesn't end up changing the relationship between you three
That's it, I gotta stop before I cream myself into dirtier shit cause I am his slut. I have Sal Fisher brain rot syndrome so I'll definitely make another one eventually. Request some stuff and I'll be happy to write!
Continuation for Threesome hcs here by request
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neighborhoodcryptid · 5 years
Welp, you asked for it.
1. what is your gender?
agender! (although I’ve been sorta questioning about just being a dude? but who the fuck knows)
2. what are your pronouns?
3. what is your gender presentation like?
i try and lean more towards androgynous/masc? sometimes, i’ll toss in like one more feminine item but it’s usually andro/masc.
4. what is your Gender Euphoria Outfit?
OH BOY! i have a dark brown “grandpa sweater” from the thrift store that i love to wear (mostly because it’s large on me and I love being formless), with some black jeans and some men’s dress shoes that i got from the thrift store also. 
5. what makes you feel validated?
when people use my name and pronouns! people at work use my name and it’s so good!
6. top five favorite parts of your body (n why you love them)?
uhhhh fuck. i guess my eyes are okay? i have nice calves lmao. tbh, i’m dysphoric about a lot of it so there’s not a lot i have.
7. favorite trans meme/bit of trans humor?
that post that says “if someone gave me an assigned gender, i would just say no. rip to cis people but i’m different” that shit kills me every time.
8. how did you pick your name?
i’ve just always really liked the name? as a kid i liked it and i always wanted to name a kid that but then plot twist i took it for myself
9. what does your name mean?
according to google, it means “one who descends” or “flowing down” in reference to the jordan river. 
10. do you have any trans pride merch?
not really? i’m not out to my family so i don’t really have any. i have like a little trans flag that i got from a local pride event, but nothing more than that.
11. recent happy trans moment?
hanging with you (llocalcryptid) and literally just being able to talk about gender shit and feel validated? it was great. love you.
12. favorite trans headcanon?
probably gonna have to go with the cliche trans!peter parker. i just really like it
13. favorite canon trans character? (alt: 2nd favorite trans headcanon?)
tbh, i don’t watch a lot of shows with trans characters? (but if yall have suggestions let me know!!) so i’ll just do a second headcanon: i love the idea that steve rogers is trans? i saw a post about it that explained how it would explain why he was so much smaller and a bunch of other stuff. 
14. favorite trans blog(s)/trans blogger(s)?
i don’t really follow any specifically for being trans? but i know i have a bunch of mutuals that are trans and i love them all.
15. favorite trans celebrity?
i don’t know if he counts as a celebrity but i love jamie raines (jammidodger on yt). he makes a+ content and he is just a really nice guy. 10/10
16. song that gives you Big Trans Feels?
the village by wrabel. it makes me cry almost every time
17. something you wish you could tell your younger self?
you’re not broken
18. what would your Ideal Fashion Look be?
yknow dads in cargo shorts and hawaiian shirts? that.
19. (how) does your gender relate to your sexuality?
it doesn’t really. i use bi/pan interchangeably and it doesn’t change with my gender or anything
20. do you have a comfort item?
that brown sweater i was talking about?i literally put that on whenever i wanna feel better lmao
21. what makes you feel euphoric?
binding lmao. im most powerful when im binding, in my euphoria outfit, and being gendered correctly. 
22. what genre of media would you love to see more trans characters in?
uhhhhhhhh all of it???
23. claim something as trans culture.
the entire legend of zelda franchise
24. give some love to your trans friends/mutuals (alt: give some love to the trans community in general)
i don’t know if this means that i should tag them all or not (i don’t wanna tag people if they dont want) but if you’re a mutual or even just follow me and you’re trans, i love you so fucking much and i’m so proud of you
25. what’s your favorite part of being trans?
all the memes that come from it (but also the friends and community i’ve found through the experience)
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