#i do think theres a flavour of like. yjh of like 'i care about him and i want to punch him into the dirt about it' with maybe a side of
istherewifiinhell · 2 years
reading progress: chapter 157
highlights (this book is my coworker now at least its pulling its weight edition)
144 all the drama about whose the strongest & hankim just owt what a laff. well about time to kill ya i think
yjh conflicted feelings abt kdj every time hes in strife ouagh
I do love the body swap take a load off buddy times
'but i wasnt the normal yjh' -> yjh cant come to the phone right now why cause hes dead consciousness isnt in control right now
dunno how to describe kdj attitude with nirvana other than 'dick swangin'
145 the fourth wall can eat now... (coping with frankly the most horrific scene this book has had for me)
146 unfortunately meta part of being on ch 146 of 550 is kdj is 'dead' and im just like omg ppl are telling this story are they <.<
god everyone is so sad about it tho. kdj what a shit
GOD why does yjh look upset!?! its a fucking mystery dokja
DEAD KDJ: The Hottest Commodity on the star stream
147 yeah yeah weve all seen the greek god family tree
goddesses who rip up homosexuals? Uriel SAYS WHAT??? JESUS CHRIST BOOK (cultist of Dionysus usually ripped up animals, i think goats, maybe pigs?, if you even care)
god your so bad at reading yjh. why hes so upset WHO KNOWS (im not starting a counter for having that exactly note but u get it)
150 your just moving into a nebula together huh... uhauling...
eheh they are holding hands tho
152 wait is min jiwon dead -> terrified of the first significant and lasting character but given the genre idk if thats even a thing
record scratch... is kdj ugly cause his face has a perception filter
153 shin yoosung is his fucking daughter T_T
HSY + YJH epic sharing a boyfriend moments
155 blegh trans misogyny time i see
lhs: im just gonna keep grabbing you so i know ur still alive okay -> T_T
157 giving the demon earl yjh name is such a bitchy move. also. weird gay thing
rotating: trying to do anything other than the christian yaoi.... okay like the kdj schemes that leave everyone really grieving him for a week. thats hey dude. also his new "big constellation energy" he was already cocky... but okay lemme try and open the gate at least a little on nirvana. no i dunno just jesus fucking shit. the immortal versus mortal angst. in the philosophical sense. is always a pretty strong theme. definitely curious if this is just a domino for a further. something. also why didnt i note this.. but line smth like "no human can maintain philosophical outlook when facing death" pretty raw line and definitely an interesting position to take.
also in term of real rpm factor. like. as the notation frequency shows. yhj.... oh this man. far be it from me to be 1/4th thru a book and be like. oh im gonna have my own little interpretation of him. but i will be sitting in my little corner with my very specific reading on his behaviour thus far and ill just live like that. ill gladly wait for the irony to smack me in the face if im proven wrong. anyway this man is swooning and being romanced (unintentionally) by an idiot and i feel for him.
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