#i don’t actually know anything about the beliefs surrounding rebirth I just think it’s neat
unfinishedslurs · 1 year
life and death (steddie)
this one is inspired by this fanart by lazylittledragon of Steve and Eddie as Life and Death having dinner together at a restaurant good omens style that gave me so many brainworms I immediately went to go write the first half of this. That’s as far as the inspiration goes, though, I took the actual content in a very different direction
Eddie’s no linguist, but he’s pretty sure when people came up with the phrase “Life is a bitch,” this isn't what they meant.
Unfortunately, Life happens to be just that. A massive bitch.
(Perhaps even more unfortunately, he’s also an incredibly attractive one.)
He doesn’t remember being born.
It was at The Beginning Of All Things, so he thinks he can be forgiven for that. Frankly, with all the universes he has to travel daily, it’s a miracle he even remembers yesterday. Nancy would argue that he doesn’t, since yesterday is a useless concept to beings who exist outside of time and space, but what does she know?
He does remember meeting Life, though.
He’d looked him up and down, or as much as one could when they were simply a vague concept with no form or real identity yet. Eddie (who was not yet Eddie) had eyed him back just as warily.
“So,” Life said, “you’re the other guy?”
“Looks like.”
“Hmm.” He gave him a single dismissive look, before casting his eyes down on a universe that was still being formed. “Well, try not to fuck up my things too much.” And before Eddie could snap back that he would fuck up whatever he damn well pleased, he was gone.
It had set a precedent.
“Hello,” Eddie says, kneeling in front of a young woman. Too young, far too young for this, but that's the way it goes. “What’s your name?”
She blinks at him silently. Around them, doctors rush around, shouting instructions that get more frantic by the minute. They ignore his presence in the center of the room.
Finally, the woman licks her lips. “Cass,” she says. “My name is Cass.”
“Well, hello Cass.” He smiles comfortingly. “Do you know who I am?”
“Should I?”
“You tell me.” He straightens up and holds out a hand. After a moment's hesitation, she takes it. The doctors get even louder, but it doesn’t matter. A long, singular beep is lost among the chaos. 
She stumbles for a moment when she stands, but he holds her steady. She gasps when she turns around. 
“Ah, he says, “you’re getting it now.”
“So this is it then?” She asks, staring down at her own body in the hospital bed. 
“In a way,” he shrugs. “Your life as you know it is over, but there’s more to see.”
“Like Heaven?”
“Not quite. Think of it as…another round on the carousel.”
“There you go.” He squeezes her hand encouragingly. “Doesn’t sound so bad, does it?”
“I don’t know. Will it suck?”
“I don’t know,” he echoes. “You’ll have to tell me when we see each other again.”
She looks at him appraisingly. “You’re Death, then.”
He lets go of her hand to sweep into a bow. “At your service, my lady.”
“You know, I always assumed you’d be more of a dick.”
“People always do.”
“You’re still wearing black though.”
“What, you don’t think it suits me?” He grins when she laughs. It’s true, though. He thinks black looks a lot better on him than the other colors he’s worn. 
They chat a bit more. He’s always eager to know about the lives he takes, about the experiences and the jobs and the dreams they had. It makes him a bit sad, but he’s been doing this since before this earth was a speck of atoms and dust. He’s had a long time to come to terms with his job.
Besides, it’s not like it’s really the end. He’ll see her again, be it under a new name and new life. She’s excited about it too, even if she’s a tad bit wary. He understands that. 
“Wait,” she says, as they’re finally getting ready to go. “My baby. Will she be okay?”
Eddie looks up, and meets the eyes of one of the nurses. He’s in perfunctory yellow scrubs, hazel eyes peering over his mask. He raises an expectant eyebrow at Eddie before his attention goes back to the baby in his arms. A silent demand to move along. 
“Yeah,” Eddie says, watching him, “she’ll be just fine.”
“Is the baby going to be okay?” Eddie asks, depositing a small, glowing marble into a tall vase filled with them. 
“Which baby?”
He frowns, even though it’s a fair question. There are a million babies he could be asking about. He gestures to the marble on top of the pile, a little too sarcastic even for him. 
“Ah, Cassandra Revis, age 32.” Steve picks up the soul, turning it consideringly in his hands. “I talked to her partner. She’ll be missed.” His eyes glow the same gold color as the marbles, and he says, “The baby’s name is Delilah. She lives a good life. You’ll collect her when she’s 78.”
Eddie nods. 78 is a good, long number for humans. One that doesn’t make his technically-nonexistent heart hurt. 
“Why couldn’t you do that yourself?”
“Oh, I could,” he answers cheerfully. “I just wanted to make you do it.”
He doesn’t say he can only see when they’re taken, not what kind of life they live. Steve already knows. 
Every so often, they fuck. 
It’s not a thing, unless you count the multiple instances where it has absolutely crossed the threshold from lapse of judgment to this is something that will happen again. It shouldn’t have even happened the first time, let alone the times after it. Or the times in the future, but Eddie tries not to think about that. 
In his defense, having sex with mortals kills them. Where else is he supposed to get his rocks off? There’s only a select few Beings he would fuck. Robin would rather die, Chrissy is nice, but usually a little too sweet for him. Nancy is always good, but not always what he’s looking for. And Jonathan and Argyle are fine, but they’re really too into each other to pay much attention to him. He loves being the center of attention. Thrives off it, even. And Steve, for all his faults, is excellent at pretending to have complete and utter focus on his partners. As if there’s not billions of different versions of them across this universe alone at that exact point, collecting and giving. As if the only thing that matters is them alone together. 
So, yeah. They fuck, and he’s not ashamed of it. He enjoys it, in fact! He’s not too proud to say that. Just…never where Steve can hear and get that stupidly sexy smug look on his face. The one that makes Eddie want to punch him. As if either of them can be harmed. 
The thing they don’t talk about. The thing Eddie avoids thinking about. One day, he’ll take them all. Dustin, Max, Lucas, El, Will, Mike, Erica. Nancy, Jonathan, Argyle, Robin, Chrissy. Steve. One by one, he’s going to have to collect them all, and then he’ll be alone in an empty universe. However short that time is, it terrifies him. He’s never been alone before. 
Steve will be the last to go. Maybe that’s why he can’t tear himself away. 
(“Is it weird that I’m kind of looking forward to it?” Steve asked once, quietly. They’d been naked, curled together in Steve’s bed. Or, more accurately, the bed Steve conjured for this purpose. His room was bright, in an unnatural way that reminded Eddie of a star. Not that it mattered. If they wanted to sleep all they had to do was close their eyes and will it.
“Looking forward to what?” Eddie asked. “Round four?”
He can feel the eye roll across dimensions. “Dying, numbskull. It’s basically the only thing I haven’t experienced. We know when it’s gonna happen, how it’ll happen, but everything after that is just…blank to me. I can’t see the next Creation.”
His throat feels tight. “That eager to get rid of me?”
“As if you’re not gonna be right there when we meet again,” he huffs. It’s true. Steve comes first, because you can’t have Death without Life. And at the end of Everything, once he’s taken Life, it’ll be the catalyst for a new Beginning. They know all the steps. It’s been ingrained into their very existence since they began. 
But they won’t remember this. They’ll be different iterations of themselves. No memories, no knowledge of what happened in the universe before. Just copies with the instructions downloaded into their brains. 
He’s been spending too much time on Earth. 
“It won’t be the same.”
That makes Steve pause. “No,” he acknowledges quietly. “It won’t be the same.”
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readingsbylibramc · 4 years
birth chart reading for @keemias
hello! welcome to your reading. I’m gonna give you a quick overview of what I’m going to analyze about your natal chart. feel free to ask me anything if something isn’t clear, of course. you’ll find out your dominants’ influence on your persona, your physical appearance, impression on others and the way you approach the world; your ego, identity, the real you; your reactions, your desires, inner emotions; your way of expressing your feelings, your mind and ideas; your desires and approach to love; your energy tank, instincts and temperament; in-depth analysis of each house with their rulers and analysis of heavy aspects; love life + soulmates/karmic partners interpretation; your relationship with your friends; your family life; your approach to career and work in general + possible jobs suggestion; your style, fashion sense analysis; life purpose and past life description; basic transits’ analysis to describe your current mood and, last but not least, your secret skills, how to make the most out of your soul and manifest what you desire based on your birth chart.
🦋 chart shape, dominants
your chart is a bowl shape. all of your planets are focused in half of the chart. this usually makes the owner of the chart feel uncompleted, as if a part of their life is missing. in your case, it would be something regarding your identity, your mind. you may look for this missing part of yourself in your partner, or maybe in your friends, or even in stuff like work, passions, spirituality etc. this may cause you to be too dependant of others, or maybe you become obsessed and overindulge in what makes you feel complete.
your dominant planets are mercury, pluto and the sun. you're an intelligent, mature and deep person, but you also know how to have fun. you know what you want, and you're very bubbly with people you feel comfortable with. you may be more logical than intuitive, or in the best case you're able to balance both these energies.
your dominant sign is virgo. with virgo as your dominant sign, I assume that you're very astute and practical. you have great problem-solving skills, and you have the ability to stay collected even under stressful situations. you're quite logical, but you also a warm, generous heart. you love helping others, as long as they don't try to take advantage of your kindness.
your dominant element is air. in your life, you adore seeking for knowledge of any kind. you may be interested in studying different subjects, from those you study at school like science, maths, literature etc. to more unconventional ones, such as astrology, psychology, criminology and so on. you enjoy interacting with people; even if you’re not that sociable, you’ll still be interested in their point of view and their ideals, as you see it as a way to expand your own mind. you’re also interested in vintage, and you may have a retro aesthetic or just like history in general.
🌍 ascendant in scorpio, 20° / 3rd decan ruled by pluto and the moon
your scorpio rising makes you quite pessimistic; you see the world as a place full of dangers and malice, hence it’s hard for you to trust people. this may be translated through fear; you’re either scared of other people, and hence you look more vulnerable, or maybe you’re the one who prefers to look intimidating to avoid problems. I don’t think you look unapproachable, though. there are other placements in your chart that say the opposite, so I imagine you project an image of yourself that makes you look quite naive. you can sense others’ emotions very well, so they have no secrets for you. you can perceive any single emotion in people just by looking into their eyes. while this is good, as you understand who’s best for you and you’re aware of the dangers you may face, scorpio risings tend to take advantage of this and be a little manipulative. this awareness of the world makes you look mysterious and secretive, as if you always know something more than others (and you probably do). pluto is also the planet of transformation, and you might experience a lot of rebirths throughout your life, both physically and emotionally. you might lose/have lost a big amount of weight, for example, which makes you look like a different person. or maybe, you like dying your hair of a different colour, giving you a different vibe. you wish you could be softer and show your inner emotions more easily, as scorpio is a water sign. the thing is, since it’s a fixed sign, it’s hard for you to be flexible and adapt to changes. when they happen, they’re usually out of your control as they’re literally life-changing. physically, I see you having a square or long face with high cheekbones and a pointy chin. overall, your bones are very prominent and you’re naturally skinny. your eyes are extremely magnetic, and they could also be almost-shaped. you might have either very pale skin, or just an olive skintone. sometimes, even a mix of both. your hair, eyebrows and lashes are very thick and dark too. you could also have full lips, or at least a quite defined cupid's bow.
scorpio ascendant conjunct scorpio venus: you have the planet of beauty (venus) conjunct your appearance (ascendant). you're surely very attractive! even if you're not a conventional beauty, there's still a certain charm that can't get overlooked. you're very feminine and polite, especially with strangers. you care about the impression you make on others, even though you shouldn't worry that much, as it's generally good. you're probably very sociable, it doesn't matter whether you're introverted or not. you still have amazing social skills, and you also have a very charming voice. you literally draw people to you, I imagine it's not hard for you to make new friends and engage in conversations randomly. you also care a lot about the way you look, hence you probably have a skincare/workout routine, and you're fond of shopping and selfcare in general. you want to always look at your best; that's caused by the fact that you're secretly kind of insecure about your looks. you may have the tendency to think that the compliments you receive aren't honest, and people are just trying to be nice to you. another downside to this placement is that you may attract people's jealousy. even though this could be a self-esteem boost for someone, it may be hard for one to handle, in your case especially in relationships, maybe with your friends.
scorpio ascendant square leo jupiter: you probably learn a lot from people around you. you're most likely surrounded by wise, spiritual and possibly foreign individuals in your life. they help you to grow up, both spiritually and mentally. this placement also softens your rough scorpio image, making you look more outgoing and approachable. you're also very open-minded, and you rarely have prejudices. the downside to this placement is that you may depend too much on your friends or lovers, especially when it comes to your beliefs. you're easy to influence, and you may change your mind often if others disagree with you. you could possibly have high expectations from others, creating a false idea of those who surround you. at least, you're aware of your abilities and you have the potential to make the most out of them, but you're modest about it. you don't come off as bossy, as other jupiter - asc aspects would.
🌞 sun in libra, 11° / 2nd decan ruled by venus and uranus
this is the most intelligent and creative libra decan. you are very intuitive, you understand others’ real feelings very easily. you’re very polite and mannered, you have this innate elegance about you that could make people jealous. you may even come off as snob. even though your scorpio rising may make you look intimidating or even shady, once people get to know you you’re actually very reliable and trust-worthy, as you are a person of strong morals. you may unconsciously manipulate people, but you don’t do it with malice. in fact, you’re probably not even aware of it most of the times. you’re reserved, and you don’t like being the centre of attention, despite craving compliments. nonetheless, you still like getting to know new people; you’re the type to know everyone, but you may struggle to find actual best friends, as your bonds with people are quite undeveloped and superficial. you have a nice sense of humor, and you may rely on sarcasm a lot. you’re also the type that doesn’t like to accept their mistakes. probably, when you were a child you used to scream 'it’s not my fault!’ in every occasion. in life, you strive for equality and fairness. for example, you don’t want to give less than someone else, you would feel guilty about it. at the same time, you don’t want to be the one that gives more either; you’re afraid that people could take advantage of you. therefore, balance is what you find the most pleasant.
🌙 moon in virgo, 16° / 2nd decan ruled by mercury and saturn
this is the truest virgo decan. you want to have everything under control, you can't bear not being organized. you most probably write down your appointments and stuff on an agenda, or perhaps even in the notes app of your phone. you're extremely precise, you want everything to be perfect. mixed with your libra sun, you probably care a lot about your appearance; you most likely have a skincare routine, workout... just anything that makes you feel healthy. you love taking care of yourself, especially of your hygiene. you also put a lot of effort in your outfits, you fear not being at your best state. you're a perfectionist, after all. this also project in your home environment; you may clean your house thoroughly, it's most likely all neat. in addition, this mania of yours of being perfect makes you have high standards; in fact, you need people in your life that try as much as you do. you despise lazy people. you probably have a reputation for always being calm and elegant, as you try to avoid conflicts as much as possible. you're very smart and insightful, and you strive for perfection; you want to prove your power to yourself, as it helps you boosting your self-esteem. in fact, it depends a lot on your achievements; if you don't meet your expectations, you start going through a hard time of insecurity and struggles. you love communicating, but you may struggle to find the right words, especially with your mercury squaring saturn. your eyes talk for you, though. you're also very introspective, and you're fond of art and creativity in general. you're very critical, both of yourself and of others. you don't do it with malice, though, but as I've already mentioned you want to frequent people that try to be at their best all the time, just like you after all.
🗣 mercury in virgo, 28° / 3rd decan ruled by mercury and venus
you have a very logical, pragmatic mind. ironically, this creates a great balance with your libra sun, as you have both logical and creative skills. you try to be as well-spoken as possible, especially with strangers, but when people get on your nerves you can’t help but kill them with your words. before expressing your opinion on a certain matter, you like making sure that your thought actually has proof to be supported. you’re very analytical, and hence you also overthink a lot. especially when it comes to people you care, you start overthinking so much about little things like late replies to messages that you create a variety of hollywood-worthy scenarios in your head. you also pay lots of attention to details, and you can’t tolerate typos and grammar mistakes. you always try to speak and write in the most correct and polite way as possible. you may have an elegant, yet neat handwriting. your voice probably sounds very calm and collected, yet you don’t have any problems speaking at a louder tone, especially with your mercury being conjunct your mars.
virgo mercury conjunct virgo mars: this placement makes you slightly more aggressive with your words. in fact, it makes you look more assertive and almost bossy. you could often attack people with words when you get angry, and you can get quite provocative too. while you are quick-minded and it's hard for you to be tricked, you have a very sharp tongue that could hurt others. other people may not understand your sense of humor for example, and they could get offended. you love debates and expressing your opinions, as you take a lot of pride in your thoughts. yet, may also take things very personally, you get defensive extremely easily, and that makes it hard to have a healthy discussion with you as you're very fiery. you could often get into arguments.
virgo mercury square gemini saturn: this placement gives you limitations and lessons regarding the way you think and talk. it may be that you’re too shy to approach others and to say what you think, so you just don’t try. otherwise, if you actually take action and try to overcome this problem, you could get into troubles. that’s probably caused by the fact that you don’t really pay attention to your words. you’re quite straight-forward, and due to your scorpio ascendant you always seem as if you’re up for a fight. you may be particularly pessimistic, or maybe you lack confidence in social interactions due to these problems, which could be possibly caused by your parents, or perhaps interfer in your relationship with your family. in fact, you may argue quite often, and misunderstandings are also common. this is something that gets naturally better with time, but in order for it to happen you need to take action. you may for example start speaking more in school, perhaps you could apply for class president. anything that allows you to challenge your mind and voice, in order to make you gain experiences and become a master at it. many celebrities, once they mastered this hard aspect, got loads of success. you can do that too, you just need to work on it.
❤️ venus in scorpio, 14° / 2nd decan ruled by pluto and neptune
this placement is extremely intense; you have very high standards when it comes to love. you're a passionate, loyal lover, but at the same time you also want and need a lover that is willing to go as far as you go with your feelings. you may often test your partner to see if they're worthy of your love, for example. you have this sort of self-destructive behaviour that makes people stressed, just because you have extreme trust issues and you feel the need to control everyone, especially if 'everyone' is your lover. you find yourself being more attracted to 'darker' types; that is, you may be into bad boys / girls, someone with an edgy / grunge aesthetic. I've noticed that many scorpio venus individuals have a thing for people wearing leather jackets, for example. you're probably into the idea of that passionate, even kinky love, despite being quite afraid of opening up to others. you despise too much intimacy, especially since you may often attract and / or fall for self-centered players that don't care about the intensity and purity of your feelings. as I've already mentioned above, you may have a few trust issues that lead you into being extremely jealous and / or possessive. you could even get quite stalker-ish at times, but in the best way possible of course. that isn't because you want to take over your partner's life, but you need to feel secure and understand whether you're dedicating your time and your heart to the right person or you're just wasting yourself. a betrayal would hurt you deeply, as you'd literally die for the one you love.
scorpio venus square leo jupiter: you come off as a very positive, happy-go-lucky person. you're extremely friendly, and this makes you be good at social relationships. you may have lots of friends, or at least you have the potential to make many if you open up and talk to other people. yet, while this energy gives you positive vibes, some people may take advantage of that, as you could easily be mistaken for naive. people can try to dominate you unconsciously (sometimes even on purpose) not only in relationships but even in friendships. aside from that, I don't think this placement causes you many problems. you may have the tendency to procrastinate and not work. you could be quite lazy and get easily distracted, as you're constantly with your head in the clouds. yet, thanks to your virgo energy, you still manage to find some motivation to do your work.
☄️ mars in virgo, 22° / 3rd decan ruled by mercury and venus
your life revolves around being productive. you don't like to waste your time, you always try to learn and gain something useful from everything you do. that's caused by the fact that you're motivated to be perfect in what you like; this, combined with your competitive nature, may often cause you to burn out. in fact, the downside to this placement is that you may overwork yourself too much. this is bad, even though you may actually not feel this effect that much, as virgo is literally your dominant sign. you're used to work hard, and you may actually enjoy it, it's a way to stimulate yourself both physically and mentally. on the other hand, you're an hard-worker, you're most likely capable of achieving any goals you have, as you have both motivation and precision.
virgo mars square sagittarius pluto: with this placement, I assume that when you were younger you were some sort of victim. you could have been bullied, for example, you used to be insecure about the way you looked and were. you could have felt different from others, and they took advantage of that to make you feel even more insecure. or maybe, it was a parent, or every authoritative figure in your life, that restricted you from following your own ideals. because of that, now you constantly feel the need to prove yourself. you probably tend to accumulate a lot of anger all together, which you need to let all out or you could explode. you could find comfort in physical ways to relieve stress, like punching bags, slamming doors, etc. or perhaps, when you're angry you just get overwhelmed by all of your emotions. you may cry, scream, even throw up in certain cases. on the other hand, you are extremely magnetic and attractive to others, you naturally draw people towards you. you're also extremely passionate in whatever you do, you put your whole heart in doing things you love. you're very hard-working and determined to achieve your goals. with this aspect, you're probably more dedicated than the common virgo dominant.
virgo mars square gemini saturn: this is another placement that indicates that something or someone is trying to restrict you, they're trying to prevent you from following your dreams and taking your own choices for your life. that someone is most likely an individual that has a lot on impact on you, it's someone very authoritative. or perhaps, it may even be a bully or abuser of any sort. as a result, you either rebel and get extremely angry, or you hide all of your disappointment inside of you. but soon or after, all of your intense feelings are going to eat you alive if you keep going like this, it's a very unhealthy behaviour. you could find it extra hard to achieve your goals, as when you try you always come across some hardships. what matters the most, is that you try to be more positive, you could even try manifesting more patience or serenity. you can't hold onto anger so much, or it will just fill you with negativity that could damage you. let it all go, focus on your goals and try to understand how to be more patient. in fact, you may often feel like you need to do everything as soon as possible, when it's not like that. you can allow yourself to be more calm and live life as it comes, it will make you feel much better with yourself and you'll also get more mature, which is crucial to learn your saturnian lessons and increase your self-confidence.
🏡 houses
your 1st house is in scorpio. you fulfill your ego when you deal with intense situations that satify your needs. that is, you find strenght in getting out of your comfort-zone. even though you may be afraid of it. you’re an enigma: you know everything about others, but others know nothing about you. it’s your way to protect yourself from eventual enemies, as you’re prone to have a few of them throughout your life. pluto is also here; your scorpio energy is enhanced even more in this way, and since it's opposite mars you may usually come off as aggressive or too impulsive. you indeed come off as someone very fiery, and you may be when you get angry, but deep down your libra energy just wants calm and peace. physically, you may also have stronger features: you could have a strong jawline, a wide forehead, a distinctive nose and thinner lips.
your 2nd house is in sagittarius. you tend to overindulge in 2nd house matters, hence you may spend too much money, you could overeat, or even overestimate your own skills. you could have an exaggerated vision of yourself; maybe, you’re too confident, or perhaps it’s the opposite. that is, you underestimate your worth way too much. since you spend so much, you may find yourself lacking money from time to time, therefore be careful to how you spend them. in addition, chiron is also here: your deepest insecurity is your appearance, your self-confidence. it may be that when you were younger, you used to struggle a lot with your appearance. you could have been bullied, or perhaps you could have suffered from an eating disorder. luckily, this placement can get better. in fact, you can gain wisdom from this wound of yours; you can heal others who have self-worth issues once you start loving yourself. you may also have troubles with money, it could be that you may be too dependant from them, or you struggle to save or even earn them. you may even come from a poor family. the ruler of the 2nd house is in the 9th house: you may earn money through foreign languages, you could be particularly skilled at them. you may also earn money abroad or thanks to foreigners or perhaps even thanks to teaching.
your 3rd house is in capricorn. you enjoy listing and talking about your duties and goals. you’re the type to write down your tasks in your agenda, e.g. tidying up your room, feeding your plants etc. the problem with this placement is that you may struggle to take action, and procrastinate. or maybe, you could do the opposite and overwork yourself. no inbetween. also, when you were a child you probably started speaking later than other kids, or you speak so fast that you end up stuttering. uranus and neptune are also placed in this house: you could have 'unexpected' siblings, meaning that probably your mother didn't expect to have one of her children. also, you may have a very dreamy and melodic voice, even though it could sometimes be hard for others to understand you since it's also quite nasal. the ruler of the 3rd house is in the 8th house: your job may involve communication, you'll most probably interact with other people in your future career. or maybe, you might write stuff, hence you could be a writer, a journalist, etc. possibly, you would do well as a therapist too. you could also be quite spiritual and intuitive, and you may be able to speak to ghosts, read tarots, birth charts, etc.
your 4th house is in aquarius. when you were young, you probably didn’t feel at ease with yourself. you might have been the outcast, that one kid that stood out in the daycare. you probably didn’t have many friends either, and it could have been painful for you. even though you enjoyed playing, drawing and watching your favorite cartoons alone, you're very sociable, and you've probably always felt the need to be surrounded by others. you find emotional comfort and security in your home, in your parents and in just family in general. you used to be very attracted to arts when you were a kid, and you kept this love with you while growing up. maybe, you were the type of child to lie to your parents. with the ruler of the 4th house in the 3rd, you probably feel comfortable and secure in your home enviroment, especially with your siblings. you may actually feel more attached to them than to your parents. also, your parents could be very successful academically speaking, and you may still live in your birth city / country, or you may return there when you get older.
your 5th house is in pisces. you have a variety of talents and creativity, but that may possibly be covered from you at first. you’d do very well at stuff that involves art and drawing. in love, you’re attracted to artsy people; if they’re into art, singing, dancing etc. they’re your ideal of soulmate. you may be very fond of children, and you wish to have at least one in the future. you find joy and comfort in your hobbies, so it's extremely important for you to nurture your artistic needs and talents. actually, your creative talents are actually the key for you to achieve the best success and joy. you may have lots of children too, and they'll bring happiness to your life. the ruler of the 5th house is in the 3rd house: your hobbies include communication of any sort. you could write poetry, books... possibly, you could be interested in foreign languages and you may also communicate in more indirect ways, hence through photography, dancing, videos... especially since your 3rd house is ruled by neptune, the planet of images.
your 6th house is in aries. you work hard to be the number #1 in what you care about, especially if your goals involve school, work, health etc. your days are usually quite busy, and you may tend to overwork yourself. combined with your virgo stellium, this placement usually makes it hard for you to be healthy, both physically and emotionally, and you may have the tendency to overwork yourself. you could even have bad luck at work. in addition, since the 6th house also rules health, you may also suffer from some sort of disease, your health status may not be the best. you could also be a bit clumsy and hurt yourself easily, you may find yourself having a lot of bruises and / or scratches all over your body. with the ruler of the 6th being in the 10th house, you'll most likely pursue a career where you'll have to work daily, like a sort of routine. you may become a teacher or professor for example, or you may even work in the healing field; you could be a nurse, a doctor, a therapist...
your 7th house is in taurus. in a marriage you seek security, both emotional and financial. you want a loyal partner that would never do anything to hurt you, and that has a wealthy job as well. intimacy and trust also matter a lot for you in a long-term relationship. you may attract very conventionally beautiful partners, and they'll most likely be homebodies. that is, you don't attract very sociable people, or at least you don't hang out with people that attend clubs, parties, etc. frequently. possibly, you may often attract jealous, possessive people too, so beware of that. the ruler of the 7th house, venus, is in the 12th house: you may often have karmic encounters. that is, you may befriend or even date people that were a part of your past lives, they're your soulmates. your dreams may often involve other people, and you could even dream of your future spouse. you may also attract people that have some sort of addiction, like an addiction to drugs, alcohol, or even more ordinary things like internet, sleeping, etc.
your 8th house is in gemini. you may frequently find yourself thinking and studying occult/taboo topics, such as paranormal events, thrillers, tarots, astrology etc. you’re interested in finding out the truth, not only among your peers but in the whole world. you have a desire that all the malice that is hiding behind the government etc. gets exposed, even though you may be so interested in them that you could get used to it and end up overlooking them. you may also be very secretive, you tend to keep your thoughts and ideas private, especially due to saturn's presence in this house. in fact, you may actually be afraid of darker topics and embrace them. for example, you could have little or no sex drive at all. this is something that gets naturally better with time as you make more experiences and grow mature. you may also be particularly sensitive to or even tame physical pain. last but not least, this placement also indicates that you may have a painful, even violent death. the ruler of the 8th house is in the 10th house: your future career will most likely involve secrets and private matters, and hence you may work as a therapist, as a counselor, you could even handle others' money or become a detective. you may also be involved in more logical, scientific jobs like a scientist, a mathematician, etc.
your 9th house is in cancer. someone close, important and intimate with you may teach you the biggest lessons in your life. you could also live abroad with your family, or become a teacher in a daycare/primary school. jupiter here indicates that you have a knack for philosophy, and you may be interested in foreign culture, music, fashion etc. actually, those matters are the key to achieve success in your life, as you're most likely skilled at foreign languages, teaching or even writing. with the ruler of the 9th house being in the 10th house, this placement confirms what I've already mentioned above: you may pursue a career abroad, or you may have to travel to work. or perhaps, you may even work with foreign people and hence you could have to speak foreign languages. you may also work as a teacher / professor, or even as a writer, poet or philosopher.
your 10th house is in leo, with also mars, the moon and mercury sitting there. you want to be recognized and stand out. you may want to be a celebrity, or at least you want to be the one people look up to in your work place, you like being praised. luckily, your future career will most likely allow you to be the leader you want to be! in fact, this 10th house mars combined with your whole virgo stellium gives you amazing leadership skills. you're very responsible, you don't need others to guide you, and if you work hard you can achieve pretty much anything you want. you probably don't see work as a burden, it's pretty much the opposite. working is literally your energy tank. the moon and mercury sitting there are other placements that indicate that your future job will involve communication of some sort. you could become a writer, a translator, a therapist... also, as I've already mentioned above, you may have to speak foreign languages for your career. with the ruler of the 10th house being in the 11th house, your future career may actually be a long-term dream or goal of yours. for example, let's suppose you've always wanted to be a writer when you were younger; this placement indicates that you can actually become one if you work on it. you may also work with your friends, or find your friends at your job place. you could also get popular or even famous for your career.
your 11th house is in virgo, with also your sun placed there. this placement, together with your heavy scorpio influence, makes you very picky with friends. you may frequent and feel happy with different people, but you only call friends a few of them. you also have friends with similiar ideals and approach to yours, hence it’s easy for you to get along as you see eye to eye. your sun in this house makes you crave human contact. even if not directly, since I assume that you're quite introverted, you still like hearing about others' opinions on different matters, but you may prefer interacting with others through internet for example. or perhaps, you may actually hear about others' points of view through books, blogs, etc. you're also very fond of your friends, and you may often be very liked by them. you could be the loyal, caring friend in your group. the ruler of the 11th house is in the 10th house: this placement pretty much confirms what I've said above, that is you may pursue a career that involves your long-term dreams. you could meet your friends at your job place too, and they could also boost your reputation and popularity. you may often befriend known people.
your 12th house is in libra, with also venus sitting in this house. you find beauty in neptunian topics, such as astrology, spirituality, dreams, art etc. you may actually be quite skilled at things that involve beauty and aesthetics. you may also be afraid of being judged, especially for your interests and/or physical appearance. you could often idealize the idea of love and partners; that is, you could daydream of marrying the perfect, royal spouse that would always be by your side. yet, you could often find yourself daydreaming so much that you actually see people as what they're not. that is, they turn out to be different from what you thought. the ruler of the 12th house is in the 12th house: you may have some escape tendencies to detach from reality; maybe, you use retail therapy as a coping mechanism. you could also oversleep, pray or maybe meditate to stop thinking about your worries for a while. you usually have very peaceful, romantic dreams, and your past life was quite pacific too. in fact, you don’t seem to have many karmic lessons to learn.
❤️ love life, soulmates
in love, you attract taurus, libra, pisces, aries placement and / or traits. your future spouse is probably going to have prominent libra/venus/7th house placements, as well as some pisces/neptune/12th house dominance too. they will be extremely soft and kind-hearted, maybe a little clingy, but true sweethearts. they may be very fair and balanced too, even though they could be a bit flaky sometimes. they may also be one of your soulmates, and hence you could have this 'I've already seen you before' vibe to you when you meet them. your children are probably going to have prominent pisces placements, or at least they’ll have pisces/water traits: they’ll be spiritual, calm, artistic and sleepy, yet they may also develop a rebel/emo attitude during their teenage years.
👼🏻 family life
your mother is probably a very caring person that knows how to stand up for herself when she has to, but she may struggle to do that. in fact, she looks very emotionally detached, and she could also be quite moody and unpredictable. she also has very strong beliefs that you inherited from her. your father is a bit softer and more romantic, he knows how to have fun and used to play a lot with you when you were a child. he may be very intelligent and smart, and he could also be the dominant figure in your family. if you have siblings, they probably have prominent capricorn/pisces/aquarius placements in their chart. you may sometimes fight with them, but you still have a very deep bond with each other. in the worst case, your mother might have had a miscarriage, or maybe they were stillborn.
📊 career
honestly, your chart indicates that you could do well at a variety of jobs thanks to your virgo stellium! you may find yourself being interested in teaching and learning, you would make an amazing teacher or even professor in university. you could also become a successful writer, as your mercury sharing the same sign as your moon shows that you're able to fully convey your emotions and feelings in your speech in a clear and correct way thanks to your virgo dominance. you may also do well as a therapist or even as a nurse or doctor, you seem like the type of person that is good at impacting others with your words. with your virgo energy, you can probably help others thanks to your skills.
👚 fashion sense, style analysis
you may have lots of dark, edgy clothes in your wardrobe, from leather to animal prints. you could possibly also fancy velvet in your clothes. your style is mostly quite classy and expensive/expensive-looking (you probably love formal and elegant clothes), but still with a touch of boldness to it. as for the colors, I assume you also enjoy wearing darker shades, from dark blue, purple, burgundy… to just directly black. you could possibly be fond of total-black fits too.
👁 past life, life purpose
in your past life, the focus was on yourself. maybe, you had troubles with self-esteem and identity in general. you had to work hard and finally understand who you were to fulfill your past life purpose. hence, this lifetime your focus will be on the bonds you create with others. even though at first you might feel almost scared to the idea of marriage, especially having mars in the 7th house, this lifetime you're here to develop this matter. after all, you may despise love for your troubled past. with your north node in the 7th house, you're naturally lucky in love. there's nothing to be afraid of, you only need to take small steps and open your heart to someone, putting your worries and insecurities aside.
🤔 major transits analysis / october 10th
transit venus is going to be conjunct your natal moon very soon. you could be feeling very affectionate lately, you may be craving a relationship and peace in your day-to-day life. with transit mercury in your 12th house, you may also feel a bit tired and / or stressed, you probably prefer spending time by yourself daydreaming instead of going out and socializing lately. also, the north node is about to enter your 8th house; you may come across unexpected or sudden issues regarding financial matters, but that will help you understand how to deal with and earn more money. it could be painful and stressful at first, but it'll just make you improve.
🧿 manifest what you want, secret skills
your secret skills revolve around finances and just security in general. with a positive attitude, you may attract material luck: money, clothes, houses… everything that you desire. since you’re a logical person, I assume the most efficient way for you to manifest through the LOA is writing! take a notebook and just write down positive affirmations, such as 'I have the car of my dreams’ etc. you may also write them on post-its and glue them around your house, so that you can accelerate the progress. you can also try to idealize your wish before trying to manifest it. for example, if you want a new sweatshirt, try to imagine yourself wearing it. you could also go into a shop and actually try that sweatshirt it on; being in contact with it will boost the law of attraction even more.
this is the end! thank you again for booking a reading, hope it resonated :)
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