#i don’t even have twitter anymore bcus it stressed me out too much lol
goodlucktai · 1 year
1. I stumbled back into TMNT and am watching rise for the first time because of you lol (its great!). I used to read your 2012 TMNT fics and saw how much you love rise so I wanted to give it a chance. 2. Do you have any opinions regarding antis and proshippers? Just wondering because lol I don't think I've ever been in a fandom wherein DNI is used so much in AO3 tags and I don't remember it being so common in the 2012 fandom haha.
i’m glad u gave rise a shot !! it’s so much fun
and i really don’t have an opinion. ppl are always just going to do whatever they want and i curate my online experience by ignoring/avoiding things that will upset the delicate coral reef inside my brain
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