#i don’t know i put a read more so i don’t clog up y’all’s timelines lol
sisterslvt · 27 days
big sis coming home from her minimum wage, shitty kitchen job, collapsing onto the couch with relief, only to have her lil sis come out from her room, way past her bedtime, asking to cuddle
annoyed, but trying to be a good sister, she says she needs to shower, she’s sweaty and probably smells like fry oil
“and? i don’t mind, i think you smell just fine”, and with that, plops onto big sis’ lap, legs intertwining and arms crossed behind big sis’ head before she can object any more
“okay, you win” she chuckles as she embraces her little sister
as she holds her, little sister nestles her face into her big sister’s neck. “so warm”, she whispers, not realizing big sis’ reaction, biting her lip, trying to push out the intrusive thoughts
“it’s okay, i’m not a bad person”, she silently reassures herself. “she doesn’t know any better” just then, she can feel her sister’s lips grazing her neck
“hey, hehe, what are you doing?” she nervously croaks. “nothing, silly, just relax” big sis’ eyes wander, her sister’s thighs pressed against her own, her supple skin so inviti- she tries to ignore the pounding thoughts and her growing discomfort in her jeans
“big sis, i love you so much, don’t be mad okay?” “huh? why would i be m-” little sister’s lips meet flesh, purposefully, her hand now wandering to brace her big sis’ neck. little sis lets out a moan “-ad?” another moan, this time from big sis’ own mouth
“i want you to feel good, just let me do this for you, okay?” big sis, trying and failing to fight her urges melts towards her sister’s lips, finally reaching her destination. as they pull away, a quick look into each other’s eyes tells little sis that she can surprise her big sis properly.
she swings her legs so she’s straddling her now, ready to make the next move. “do you wanna see me naked?” big sis’ eyes dart around the room, knowing but making sure they’re alone. “only if we can both be naked”
little sister’s eyes light up and she nods excitedly as she begins to strip her big sis down. a flurry of clothes and movement later, little sis is on her knees, in between her big sister’s legs
“i think i saw this in a movie one time, even though mom covered my eyes, i could still see. do you want me to put my mouth on you?” big sis nods, her cock throbbing at the thought. as her little sister’s mouth wraps around her, she can’t hold back, forcing herself as deep as she can bracing her sister’s head with her hands
lil sis would be smiling if she could muster it, but the best she could do was stare up at her big sister as her hips bucked into her. she could barely breathe, but her sister’s face was just so pretty as she moaned between a string of “fuck”s and “you feel so good”s
as lil sis drifted into ecstasy at the thought of her big sister using her like she had fantasized for so long about, her thoughts were interrupted as her mouth was freed and she was lifted onto the couch her other holes now in full view
“lil sis, i wanted this for so long. you always looked like a perfect little fucktoy for me, so now just please let me use you” before she could even respond with an “of course”, big sis’ cock was buried in her pussy, which had been dripping in anticipation. instead, all she could utter was a whimper as big sis pushed her head down and desperately humped against her
“fuck, i shouldn’t be doing this, i shouldn’t even be thinking about this, but your ass is always peeking out of your shorts, i know you wanted this” little sis wanted to say more but all she could get out between thrusts was “yesyesyes, fuuuckk meee”
as big sis’ pace picked up, they both knew what was coming. “you better not tell anyone about this, okay you little slut?” “mm-hmmm” she whined back. big sis bottomed out in her sister as she released all of the pent up stress of the day into her…oh god, she just came in her little sister. she pulled out, her mind no longer hazy with needing to get off and instead left with dread of what might happen next
“i’m so sorry, i shouldn’t have done that…fuck, please don’t tell anyone, we shouldn’t have let that happen”
little sis, blissed out beyond belief just turned around to face her sister, her cheeks now flushed with embarrassment
“i’m glad you came in me, we should do that more often”
big sister’s face lit up, finally excited for what the future held
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lusciousbeast-blog · 6 years
Initially, writing about getting married seemed like a GREAT idea. Now, judging by the fact that I’ve barely managed to write once every six weeks or so, the whole thing seems rather pointless. Even now, my brain is really struggling to put a sentence together, due mostly in part to the fact that it’s completely clogged, courtesy of my overconsumption of cheese and eggnog over the past few weeks (if you haven’t tried the Harmony Organic Eggnog, do yourself a favour and get some next Christmas– it’s fucking incredible).  
Time feels like it’s racing. Normally, when I have something really big to look forward to, everything seems to grind to a halt. Not so when you’re planning a wedding. We are now officially less than 8 months away from getting hitched. Now, I know 8 months to most people probably seems like a long time, but when I think it’s been more than that since we got back from Zimbabwe, it’s mental to me. While I’m obviously ridiculously excited to be marrying Craig, the anxiety that has come along with all of it, is overwhelming. So much so, that when I started seeing a naturopath recently, she told me that to her, my body seems like it’s in a constant state of Fight or Flight.
 (In all likelihood, this is something that has been building for a while, long before Craig asked me to be his forever person).
Most of my adult life has been spent planning the next big event to look forward to, while juggling multiple jobs and constantly changing my mind about what I want to be when I grow up. Not one to settle into one thing too easily, (I get SUPER bored if I’m under stimulated), I think it’s all catching up to me now.
When reading all the magazines and other stuff that is the creation of the gazillion dollar wedding industry, I have yet to see an honest account of the “not so pretty” bits of planning what is often billed as the BIGGEST EVENT OF YOUR LIFE.  So that’s going to be my mission today – sharing with y’all some of the things that to date, have almost broken me. In no particular order, here we go.
Back in the summer, Craig and I were at an audition for a show that was looking for a real-life couple to co-host. While in the waiting room,  we ran in to some friends of his, and he told them about our engagement. After congratulations were given, the husband offered some advice – enjoy every second of it, and know that you will likely get into one big ‘ish fight during the planning process.
When it came to invites, we decided to scrap the whole paper invite thing. For one, because it seems like such an absurd waste of paper, and two, that money could be better spent on say, the open bar, or our photographer, or our kick ass wedding band, or pretty much ANYTHING.  
I’d also perused a bunch of websites and thought it would be a creatively fulfilling process. WRONGO!
After doing the initial research as to what were the most user friendly and aesthetically pleasing sites to use, I started my trial with WeddingWindow. After running into bumps early on (difficulty with picture layout and such), I moved on to (and quickly ditched) WedSite, SquareSpace, Wix and Luvbirds,  before finally deciding to bite the bullet and use Riley and Grey, because they were having a Black Friday 50% off sale. All the sites I tried before them were missing key elements, or were annoying when it came to picture layout and such. Riley and Grey looked very promising, and was going very smoothly, until I tried to upload the picture for the Welcome page, and was met with the spinning wheel of death on my computer screen. This went on for several attempts, at which point I sent a very choicely worded, totally passive aggressive email to customer support, outlining my issue, and explaining, “politely” that what was supposed to be a fun part of an even more fun event, was filling me with rage and almost resulted in my basically brand new computer meeting a premature death.
The gentleman from their support team who got back to me fairly quickly, was incredibly apologetic and spewed out a bunch of tech speak the jist of which, was telling me that they’d just switched their photo editing platform, because Adobe (who powered it previously) basically sucked. I responded with a huge thank you, that I hadn’t quite pulled all my hair out yet, and that he’d saved my iMac from being chucked off my balcony.
I’m pleased to report that the website is now finished, filled with loads of fun pictures and information, and that I checked that fucker off my list.
Hm. The Dress. Turns out that buying off the rack is probably the simpler way to go. I’ll keep it simple here by saying that after my first fitting with the dress maker (thankfully only with a cotton muslin version of it), something wasn’t sitting right. I looked frumpy, and the more I thought about it the more I panicked about moving forward with the current design. After much back and forth with my dressmaker (who is LOVELY) and a huge amount of very constructive input from my step-mother, I’m starting from scratch with a new, similar, but more modern and clean version of the initial inspiration I went in with. I was supposed to have the first consultation for this new look last week, but the good old TTC (Toronto’s transit system) ensured that I missed that appointment, even though I gave myself almost two hours to get there. World Class City, incredibly sub-par public transport.
I will report on the progress in the early part of the new year.
Between all the different weddings I’ve attended and the ones I’ve worked, you’d think I’d have the timeline down. It’s proven to be one of the most anxiety inducing parts. Largely, I think, due to the fact that when I think about things like walking down the aisle with 150 people watching, and giving a wedding speech, I want to throw up a little. My cousin - who is an actor - shared this sentiment when she told me that in spite of her comfort with performing, the thing that she was most unprepared for on her wedding day, was how uncomfortable she felt in the above- mentioned situations. So, I guess it’s normal? Regardless, wanting to make sure people aren’t bored at ANY point, is a big deal. From what I’ve witnessed, most wedding timelines aren’t fully adhered too anyway. This doesn’t change that fact that I think it’s hilarious and sad all at the same time, that someone (me) who organizes the hell out of her life, crumbles at the thought of putting together a timeline, for ONE DAY.
Craig can confirm, that barely 48 hours after he proposed, while we were on the flight from Harare to Victoria Falls, I’d already done a rough guest list. Initially I think we both thought we’d be able to contain it to 120 or so people. At last count, I think we’d invited 182 (including kids, who may get left behind).  Our guest list seems to have exploded, and we don’t even have big families to blame! What we feel very confident about however, is that we have the makings for one of the best parties, ever. We both agreed that looking back we’d be more regretful of certain people not being there, than the money we saved trying to contain things. After all, your wedding day is quite possibly the only other time apart from your funeral, where you can bring all the people you love most in the world, together at the same time, and THAT my friends, is pretty awesome.
Perhaps it has more to do with the fact that our wedding date is uncomfortably close to when I will turn 40, but the past few months have been filled with self-doubt, fear of the future, questions about my choice (or lack thereof) in career path, guilt over the way I handle certain situations, etc. etc. etc. If it can be doubted, it seems I will doubt it! Thankfully, the one thing I have not doubted, even for one second, is my choice in partner. I am reminded of this on a daily basis. I have managed to find someone who indulges my every impulse (from buying Wally’s World Mugs to drink eggnog out of while watching Christmas Vacation, to immediately agreeing to spontaneous road trips to visit friends, to jumping into the gorge of Victoria Falls attached to a bunjee chord), embraces all my quirks, and stands by patiently, as I anally retentively count every piece of rice his 11 yr has just dropped on the floor while eating take out. That, my friends, is called HITTING THE JACK POT.
When I wrote this (last week) I was on a train to Morrisburg to start our Christmas rounds with family and friends. On New Years Eve, I barely made it to midnight, was having body aches and chills, and was dealing with an angry back.
The next night, Jan 1st, 2018, I could barely move without feeling like someone was stabbing me in the back.
Here comes the raw truth of what has been going through my mind now, for several months. I’m TERRIFIED of dying. Always have been.  Even more so now that I have a wedding date a little less than 8 moths away. Usually an optimist, now that I have a date looming I can’t help but think about all the possible ways the universe might interfere with me actually getting to that day.
On January 1st, I felt like death. Exhausted from all the visiting, and over indulging, and sleeping in older, not so supportive beds, AND dealing with INTENSE back pain, as well as an upset stomach, my mind got flooded with memories of my mother when she was going through chemo. Before I knew what was happening, I was uncontrollably sobbing, because I am SO scared of ever having to go through it too.  I don’t know how long this lasted, but I can tell you in that moment, when Craig held me and let me cry so hard I was hyperventilating (at which point he helped calm me down, you know, so I could breathe), I’ve never been more certain that this one part of my life, is super solid. Craig is there with me in my most vulnerable moments, free of judgement, always.
The next morning, after another sleepless, pain filled night, I found out that a contract I’ve had for 4 and half years, was coming to an end, due to a network re-brand. A day I knew would come eventually, just with really sucky timing in this case. Again, Craig was there at my side as I cried. And cried. And cried some more.  In my “PLAN,” this job would have kept going at least until the end of the year, allowing me a little breathing room after I got married, to figure out my next move.
It was not to be.
Today, I’m feeling a little more optimistic. I’ve had a few different physical therapy sessions on my back, and am trying to look at the bright side of not being bound to a weekly gig. I’m choosing to put my energy into focusing on what’s next, the possibilities that await, and mostly, that I have the partner I do, to move through all the unknown with.
What has this got to do with the wedding?
We can try and plan the shit out of this wedding, but the reality is, some things might get dropped along the way, or may not go down exactly the way we picture it in our heads, because that’s life.
Chances are the one thing I can guarantee, is that I will be a blubbery mess (tears of joy obvi) because I get to marry Craig , surrounded by most of my favourite people on the planet. Can’t get much better than that really. 
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