#i don’t think im a runner lmaoo
lazyspeedy · 10 months
me, prob unwell: i should pick up running
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tartagliaxx · 3 years
hihihi this is really important i have spotted a fellow barbie enthusiast and the chILDE HC ADKNRWOFKS
your fav movie and why? least fav movie? fav love interest? FAV S O N G/SOUNDTRACK? 😳 thank u for your service ❤️
pls i will do anything to discuss barbie movies with ppl 😃
this is so chaotic...on another note i’ve been dying to talk to u but i’m too s h y lfmaofjs you’re so lovely so thank u barbie for being the gateway for me to say smth to u again 😎
hope ur keeping well and hydrated!! 🦋💞 xx (i—don’t know if u can remember me via my trademark sign off 😃 but that’s ok if u don’t lmaoo)
HELLOOOO!!! ofc i remember you bby!! so nice of you to drop by 💕✨ i am doing very well, thank you for your concern! i hope you are too uwu! i also see a highly intellectual being who’s both a childe simp and a barbie enthusiast 👀
huge and long barbie analysis utc!
my favorite movie is probably princess charm school ONLY because delancy was a bad bitch and i stan her and bc that horrid, horrid scene w blair tripping and busting into this wack ass modern hiphop dance in the middle of nowhere is so ridiculously funny. i am sure its both the worst and best thing they could ever have done. also the harry potter wannabe is an accurate representation of my last standing brain cell. least favorite movie is probably nutcracker? no specific reason i just dont vibe w it very well. OMG my favorite one is ken in fashion fairy tale. he carried the whole movie ahahahahhaha. literally would pay to see more of the exasperated, ‘im-having-the-worst-time-of-my-life-in-paris’ ken. i remember the airplane scene and the one with the pig AHAHAHHAHA peak comedy. as for the favorite song,, might be cheating BUT all the songs in the diamond castle soundtrack is a bop and i love it.
feel free to send in more barbie brainrot. lowkey also curious about your answers to the same questions🤧
i am inclined to say that his fav movie would be three musketeers bc duh action (childe lives for that scene where they make their weapons and clothes... also the training montage) BUT listen... childe would one hundred percent love princess and the pauper bc of preminger. he totally lives off his dramatic ass and jokingly copied his antics to piss off his siblings but somehow, some of it stuck w him and now he sometimes unironically act like him w/o him noticing. least fav movie would be barbie diaries. he HATES it. he thinks its corny and stupid and cheesy and just... he gets nightmares over the horrid animation (ngl he does like a few lines tho). his favorite love interests? are the twins in diamond castle. he loves the humor and the jokes and the charming (in his eyes at least) vibe. i would go as far as saying he probs acts like them on purpose when trying to woo someone of their feet. second runner up would be aidan for that sass and sarcasm but still reliable vibe. fav song is a round back to preminger’s solo: how can i refuse. i just see him singing it in the shower ahahahhahaha. or maybe the twins’ song in diamond castle. the uhhhhh double vision? one. imagine him doing the guitar riffs in the air w stupid guitar vocalizations. he would be so ashamed if someone sees him but he cant help it... it’s his true nature 👀
oh my god this ended up being so long ashajallajsal my bad my bad. i got carried away and did this word vomit. barbie just gives me so much nostalgia and i want to flex my useless knowledge over it bc my family had a passed down cd compilation of barbie films and its just— i binged them every single day after classes. i loved them bc princesses duh but now i love them bc its just so.. full of crack mentality and i totally live for that.
and pls,, feel free to send an ask about anything! like i dont mind you telling me abt your day, or asking for advices or questions and even more brainrot like this! i understand how it feels to have extreme shyness but i promise!! i dont bite and i would love to be friends ❤️
you’re so sweet and take care of yourself bby!!
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soldier-poet-king · 5 years
i was tagged by @llleeerrroooyyy and @westerings thank you friends!!!!!
Rules: Tag 21 people you’d like to know better! (If you don’t know 21 people  that’s fine too, just tag who you want)
Nickname: frankie, fran, cesca, never EVER franny
Zodiac: cancer?? i think??? i know nothing about zodiac but i like constellations, you cant see them in the city tho :(((
Height: 5′2′’
Last movie I saw: i watched into the spiderverse last night and it was A DELIGHT
Last thing I googled: how to spell daniel handler’s last name bc i kept writing it as hadler
Favorite Musician: ????? i cant pick one im literally all over the place
Song Stuck In My Head: st vincent’s new york and also regina spektor’s samson
Other blogs: @and-the-sun-shone-upon-her but that’s like my mental bullshit blog, so like, proceed with caution friends it’s for rambling when things Get Real Bad (i try to tag most triggers but still)
Do I get asks: sometimes!!! ive had some really nice anons lately!
Blogs following: tOO MANY (675 - im working on narrowing this shit down so im less stressed)
Amount of sleep: uhhhh anywhere between 5 and like 10 hrs??? it’s BAD i know my doctor and counselor and group therapist have all told me this
Lucky number: 2, 4, 7
What I’m wearing: jeans, tshirt, cardigan
Dream job: ???? a hobbit?? a hobbit beekeeper who runs an orphanage??? with a side job as an academic??/ im INDECISIVE OK
Dream trip: GREECE i spent so long studying this shit i wanna SEE IT, also, the Holy Land, New Zealand, southern France (i spent like 2 days in Nice once, but i wanna go to the countryside)
Favorite food: carbs and grains in any shape or form, give me that good good bread/pasta/rice/potatoes
Play any instrument: flute!!! i havent picked one up in years but i still remember my scales (i ought to get a used one someday, i think i’d like it)
Languages: english, very rusty french, italian (i can understand calabrese dialect and i can read proper italian pretty well, struggle with speaking it), latin, ancient greek
Favorite songs: INDECISION
Random fact: EDIT - I missed this question and still had Krista's answer lmaoo - Im surprisingly flexible for someone who very rarely exercises, my new gym buddies are a runner and a cross fit gal and I'm more flexible than both (definitely far far far less strong or fit tho lmao)
Describe yourself with aesthetics: old books and medieval manuscripts by candelight (we’ll ignore the fact that all the manuscripts i work with are digital scans), dandelions growing through sidewalk cracks, feeling sunshine on your face on the first warm day after winter end, floral prints, brown oxford shoes, tall trees for climbing and napping under, small clear lakes in hidden valleys, a warm homecooked meal shared with a loved one, soft and gentle hands, wild frizzy hair, springtime rain, fat slow bumblebees, espresso first thing in the morning, self-sacrificial devotion
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eledritch · 7 years
For the character headcanon ask, I'd like to know what you think about all six paladins (b/c, why exclude Allura now?) and 1, 4, 5, 7, 11, 14, 18, and 20. Sorry it looks a bit on the long side.
hooo boy ok let’s do this:
1. Their physical weak spots
Shiro: where his arm was amputated/his entire right side to some degree, though he does a good job of hiding it
Keith: his chest, since he’s smaller if he was hit head-on he’d go down faster. also his neck, i dont have an explanation for this other than keith being choked is. well it’s something.
Allura: nowhere. she is Impenetrable and Mighty (jk jk probably her hair? she’s got a lot of that, if you got a big handful and yanked it would be a) unexpected and b) painful for her)
Lance: his legs, he’s got a lot of them haha, and being a fast runner doesn’t matter if your legs get hit
Hunk: head, probably, he’s so focused on his core strength that I think he pays less attention to his noggin’s safety
Pidge: Face/eyes, it would hurt like hell if Pidge’s glasses got shattered. yikes, as a fellow glasses wearer i’m cringing just thinking about it
4. Best places to kiss on their body
S: scars and chest/nipples, im sorry was this supposed to be innocent kissing? is innocent nipple kissing a thing, sure, let’s go with that
K: neck. definitely neck. also forehead kisses
A: mouth, cheek, hands, nape of neck
L: hips, inner thighs, forehead, cheek
H: tummy, mouth, shoulders, cheek, head
P: nose!! also cheek and hands
5. Guilty pleasures
S: watching The Notebook (and other sappy romance movies). he will forever deny it, but he cries every time
K: snuggling. keith is super clingy and snuggly when he sleeps but pretends he’s completely unaware of it. also, fingering himself lmaoo this was ALMOST innocent sORRY
A: she would totally be the kind of person who watches dozens and dozens of Internet marriage proposals/cute boyfriend/girlfriend tag videos and just gets so much secondhand happiness from it
L: obsessively cleaning ears with q-tips. apparently ur not supposed to do this but fuck that, lance does (and so do i)
7. Their tickle spots
S: tummy!!
K: armpits and back of neck
A: Alteans don’t get ticklish. She’s just very confused and slightly offended.
L: feet and chest
P: nobody knows, because nobody has tried, they like keeping their hands too much (but it’s everywhere, particularly right under her chin)
11. Bad or petty habits
S: drinking and/or consuming ridiculous amounts of chocolate/caffeine
K: picking at his skin and biting his nails
A: making the other paladins get up extra early for training if they’ve irritated her lately, using the electric maze thing if they pissed her off
L: leg bouncing, am i projecting onto lance, absolutely
H: adding extra salt to people’s food/food goo if they’ve pissed him off lately
P: compulsively checking and rechecking stats/info/the time, etc
14. Ingrained habits/forces of habit
S: sleeping on the floor/on hard surfaces and waking up early/at any sudden noise
K: talking to himself since he spent so much time alone, sometimes he just forgets
A: mentioning her dad/Altea in the present tense before quickly remembering he’s gone :((
L: skin care routines (and general impeccably cleanly hygiene). you can pry his clay masks away from his cold dead hands
H: stress eating. and maybe also forgetting to eat when he’s REALLY stressed
P: pretending to be a boy/lowering her voice/always staying fulling clothed
18. Things they’ll never admit
S: all the horrible things he was forced to do as the Champion
K: the reason why he was kicked out of the Garrison, or how close he was to just giving up everything after they gave him the boot
A: a part of her likes the idea of the Altean Empire. really likes it.
L: sooooo many things, like how he feels like a seventh wheel, how he’s always been jealous of keith, how he wishes he could go back home more than anything. but lance would probably say anything under enough pressure
H: I honestly cannot think of anything…Hunk is a pretty open book
P: she still considers leaving team voltron to find matt on her own and take him home
20. What-ifs/Alternate Timelines
S: well, we already got Sven, but I have several existing AUs where Shiro is an ex-Garrison commander (in this AU the Garrison is an organization kinda like Starfleet/the Federation), one where he’s Earth’s ambassador to the Galra, and one where he’s a faery hunter. also, I think it would be interesting if Shiro and Keith’s roles had been switched.
K: born and raised in the Galra Empire Keith, Blade of Marmora Keith, Galran Prince Keith, Galran Champion Keith
A: ALTEAN EMPIRE EMPRESS ALLURA, I’m also a huge fan of the human Allura AU, where her and Shiro’s places are switched
L: Altean (Prince) Lance is always fun, faery Lance is my current fav, bounty hunter Lance is a good concept i wish i saw more, evil/corrupted by the Galra Lance can be interesting to explore too
H: Balmeran Hunk ahhh!!! I’ve also grown really fond of the Galran Hunk aus, and wEREWOLF HUNK SIGN ME THE FUCK UP. 
P: whatever alien species Slav is…imagine Pidge as that. and cackle in delight with me. also, conspiracy theorist Pidge, astronaut Pidge, cryptid hunter Pidge, spy Pidge, I just love Pidge a lot any Pidge is a good Pidge
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I was tagged by the lovely @sivanaddict <3<3<3
bold the statements that are true for you! (or put a random thing next to your answer idk do whatever u want live ur life aye)
appearance: i am 5′7″ or taller i wear glasses i have at least one tattoo i have at least one piercing i have blonde hair i have brown eyes i have short hair my abs are at least somewhat defined i have or have had braces there is something I would change about the way I look (I would make my nose smaller and give myself longer eyelashes because mine are practically nonexistent)
personality: my hogwarts house is: gryffindor, hufflepuff, ravenclaw, slytherin (my friends and I think I am a gryffindor but pottermore says im a slytherin) i am an introvert i like meeting new people people tell me that I’m funny helping others with their problems is a big priority for me i enjoy physical challenges i enjoy mental challenges i’m playfully rude with people i know well i started saying something ironically and now i can’t stop saying it there is something i would change about my personality
ability: i can sing i can play an instrument i can do over 30 pushups without stopping i’m a fast runner i can draw well i have a good memory (depends on what I’m trying to rememeber) i’m good at doing math in my head i can hold my breath underwater for over a minute i have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling i know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch i know how to throw a proper punch
hobbies: i enjoy playing sports  i’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else i’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else (i would love to join a choir but I don’t have time with soccer) i have learned a new song in the past week i work out at least once a week i’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months i have drawn something in the past month  i enjoy writing fandoms are my #1 passion (kinda lmaoo) i do or have done martial arts (have done)
experiences: i have had my first kiss i have had alcohol i have scored the winning goal in a sports game i have watched an entire season of a tv show in one sitting i have been at an overnight event i have been in a taxi i have been in the hospital or ER in the past year i have beaten a video game in one day i have visited another country i have been to one of my favourite band’s concerts 
relationship: i’m in a relationship i have a celebrity crush (like ten) i have a crush on someone i know i have been in at least 3 relationships i have never been in a relationship i have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them i get crushes easily i have had a crush on someone for over a year (never that long) i have been in a relationship for at least a year i have had feelings for a friend
my life: i have at least one person i consider a “best friend” i live close to my school my parents are still together i have at least one sibling i live in the united states there is snow right now where i live it (not now but a week ago) i have hung out with a friend outside of school in the past month i have a smartphone i have at least 15 cds i share my room with someone
random shit: i have breakdanced (i think) i know a person named jamie i have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce i have dyed my hair i’m listening to one song on repeat right now i have punched someone in the past week i know someone who has gone to jail i have broken a bone i have eaten a waffle today i know what i want to do with my life (i wish i knew) i speak at least 2 languages fluently i have made a new friend in the past year
I tag: @http-sehun @spookyjimandtyler @i-really-dont-care-98 @always--and-forever @spooky11 and @glownigeyes
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i want to remember this feeling
31st July 2019 11:35 AM i said i love you for the first time- its july 30th. tuesday. saba house. i told him im in love with him 
It’s July 30th, Tuesday, and I told someone that “I’m in love with them too”-for the first time in my fucking life???? And he said it first ???? HOW DID THAT HAPPEN LMAOO and i know I was being a fucking weirdo and day dreaming about the possibility of what a future with him would be like,, like PROPER future... but I NEVER told him that dude and I was so sure he didn’t feel the same way and I was so deep into denial also ke haan I like him more but I’ll get over it ASAP and it’s not a big deal that I’m this invested in him-and DUDE IT WAS SO HARD FOR ME TO SAY IT BACK LIKE I knew I wanted to say it back but I was TeRRIFIED BECAUSE THIS IS UNKNOWN Territory dude///   but !!!!! I feel so happy and fuzzyyy hehh it’s so weird I really like it and I’m really happy right now okay, whatever happens between us, from this point onwards, I’ll always have this. The feeling of tHIS MUCH Happiness. -it’s scary though. It reminds me of this line from the kite runner that went something like- “I’m scared, because they never let you be this happy for a long time, it’s a sign that something bad is about to happen.” But I genuinely don’t wanna have that mindset right now. // The point is, I’m happy right now dude. Like very happy. I know it seems fucking basic and cliche that I wanna remember feeling this way and I’m writing my thoughts out but it’s because this feeling feels GREAT oh my god,,,,, what does it means to be this level of intimate and vulnerable with someone? -like man, FUCK. I would pretend to shit on it ,, but I would always wonder what it would be like- being in love and have someone you can call your boyfriend and they’re going to be they’re for you in the fucking bank when you’re trying to keep your cool but you’re having an anxiety attack and he’s just there for you and he’s supporting you????? Like fuck dude. I genuinely didn’t think I was the kind of person that was meant for all of that. but I told someone that I was in love with them, today. And it was hard but I meant it, I really did. And we even talked about how no matter goes down we won’t have drama between us and we will always be friends and THAT gives me so much peace///  and he’s such a kind, good person and he cares so much about me like when we were discussing what we will do and what we will be when he’s gone to university and I straight up told him if he wants to see other people and fuck around just don’t tell me ((unless it’s a crazy story)) and I’m fine with it and he just told me that he’s cool w that too but the problem is that he cares about me too much and I was like well, fuck, I care about you too but LOGICALLY long distance shit never works out so this could be a solution and we could be together when we are in the same place, but then He asked me what I wanted , not what was logical And I laughed - what my heart wants huh? I thought to myself, “I want to be with you yaaaar “ I say because how else do I make this intense af situation less intense And he’s the same way so he laughs And he says okay, so we keep it going and see how it goes,, going with the flow like we are/// and then there was just this peaceful silence where we didn’t need to say anything else and we were being all cheesy af and smiling at one another -or at least I, Ifrah, didn’t think there was anything else that we needed to say And then He just says it In the coolest way he could “Dude, I love you” And my heart stopped I’m like “what?” “I love u, I just had this thought so I said it” “Are you sure?” I look straight into his eyes looking for ??? Something? His eyes are so pretty also, so genuine, I can always tell what he’s thinking- “Yes, I’m sure” “Dudeeee” i Bury my face in my thighs Take a deep breath and just think to my self- I know I love him too but am I ready to say it to him? Like I’m kind of fucking scared and then I realized I’m no pussy ass bitch so I’ll say it “I love you too” “but I’m terrified “ “ME TOO!!!” and then we laughed And that was that And this is now And I’m happy.
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