#i don't draw louis enough and that's a crime :(
murfpersonalblog · 3 months
IWTV S2 Ep8 Musings - Loumand (Spoilers)
This was so effed up, wow; I'm FURIOUS with Armand, even though I've been expecting this from him since Season 1. Cuz the ish he said just never lined up right; the most unreliable narrator's been Armand the whole time! Louis' brain is scrambled, but at least he's SINCERE. But THIS mofo has been deliberately LYING since JUMP.
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Longest divorce proceedings ever--took 77 years, dang. Armand said it was the night Madeleine was turned--Mr. They Gave Me A Choice. I Chose. But that's a effing lie, too!
Cuz in Ep6, BEFORE Louis even told Armand he was gonna turn Madz, Santiago was busy committing all those "strange crimes reported;" climbing the Eiffel Tower to wake up Lestat, and breaking into cinemas to steal their color film reels for the Trial's projector.
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They threw Sam under the bus as if HE wrote effed up Trial script--but THIS was when they actually started writing it--with ARMAND's input & direction.
But I'm jumping ahead.
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WTF is going on here?! O_O Is this a human the Theatre keeps around for the plays, zoned out so they stay alive until they're on stage? So Armand's punishment is the shame of having to feed the "cattle"? And HOW MANY nights was Lou in there? :(
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Louis was locked up for over a MONTH!? 😨 While Armand just SAT THERE?!
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Lou's not screaming from starvation, MORON--he starved himself for YEARS. His DAUGHTER is DEAD.
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The frame of Paul is wild--Louis was ready to end it all. U_U He didn't want to be "rescued"--he wanted his baby girl back. "What was left to endure for?"
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Man's a consummate actor--everything you're about to see is FAKE.
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A "sacrifice" for the "god" Armand serves, eh? (AMC got my guy out here sucking on rocks, omg. XD I hope they taste like chips or popcorn or something.)
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Louis CONSTANTLY shushing people on this show, I love it!
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LIES. Lou's WAY too good for Armand; I'd've been like SURPRISE! 🔥 "My rage and madness were asleep--" chile. You loved Armand, and thought he'd cared enough to save you, which is why you were able to swallow that weak AF I Could Not Prevent It excuse from a 500 yr old vamp.
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Daniel is on the hunt! I LOVE how they're introducing Raglan like he's just some kindly ole assistant/researcher/editor. Honey, you've got a big storm coming! "Reciprocation"--Daniel's a vampire now, so you KNOW Raglan's gonna start cashing in them I-O-Us from Dan! 💀
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77 years later.... 😬
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200 years is a mighty long time to maintain a relationship built on death threats, power imbalances, and lies.
Lestat was right--even 77 years was a effing miracle--extra time bought at the price of Louis' memories being oh-so-conveniently erased.
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THEY rehearsed it--LIE. There Armand goes, deflecting culpability.
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Louis sleeping in Claudia's coffin, stop, my feels. U_U
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Omfg Armand; of COURSE you don't remember the last thing y'all said to e/o in Paris b4 y'all left Lestat to travel Egypt--but you can "remember" alllll this other bullcrap, eh?
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So they've already done Trinity Gate?
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Not Sam being in Daftpunk, y'all need to stop IMMEDIATELY. (But now I know wtf was going on in the Season 3 announcement--I was so confused why they were mentioning Sam!)
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ARMAND told the coven to let the audience read Claudia's diaries and VIOLATE her body (of work), omfg 😱
Mr Frankenstein disrespected her at EVERY turn!
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I could forgive spitting over "Come to Me" and how Loustat met in NOLA, but I draw the line at spitting at adding the animation of Lestat killing that dear sweet racoon! XD
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Armand had the NERVE to look away when they bum-rushed Claudia & Louis with the Mind Gift.
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"It's their turn to hurt--" ARMAND said he didn't think Louis would love him for 200 years, so he SOLD THEM TF OUT--to DIE.
They were HOBBLING AROUND WITH GASHED ANKLES, LAUGHED at, and stuffed in RAT BOXES! And ARMAND was in on the whole thing!
This is WILD, AMC, y'all are sick for this, but I love it!
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Is DANIEL using Armand's "slave name" and abusing him, y'all? HUH? It's all BULLCRAP--Armand's BEEN in control, with all the real power the WHOLE. EFFING. TIME.
EFF what you call him, or whatever kinky ROLES he PLAYS.
ARMAND decides who lives and dies, as THE coven master--eff who's called Maitre!
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Armand was gonna let Lou DIE. "He just took credit for it when the opportunity presented itself." Wow.
He let Louis suffer in that crypt for over a MONTH before he FINALLY had a change of hear/conscience and pulled him out!
And even then he wasn't gonna go WITH Louis--he expected Louis to flee Paris! ALONE.
He stayed with Louis cuz Louis destroyed his whole effing coven! Who else did Armand HAVE but Louis after that? HE CHOSE THE COVEN.
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Poor dear; he wasn't held enough between ritualistic fledgling executions. 🙄😒 "We are teachers of one another! Louis, everything that gives you happiness gives me...." WHAT? What does it give you, Armand? (I cannot WAIT for S3 to do more DM, cuz I've been HATING Armand connected in any way to Louis & Claudia. I don't like not liking Armand; he's my fave book character! But AMC's bound & determined to make me spit every time he starts talking.)
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Excellent grounds to get the house, the dog, the Farm, Damek, AND Rashid in the divorce! XD
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And this gremlin's got the audacity to STILL be lying, even when caught LITERALLY red-handed with his notes to Santiago in the effing margins--meanwhile CLAUDIA was CONDEMNED TO DEATH for premeditating Lestat's death in HER written diaries--which ARMAND had passed around like candy at his carnival of horrors!
"An insignificant detail delivered by an insignificant mortal"--Rolin must hate Armand, he's not giving this dude an INCH. XD And SAM delivered it, not Daniel. SAM snitched on the coven. (WHEN?! And WHY?)
I don't like the whole "you should fear the other one--" only for Raglan to be like SOS GET OUT OF THERE NOW. Didn't Raglan know Armand was lying his arse off? Or was it misdirection--fear Louis' retribution when he busts a cap in Armand's lying arse?
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DanLou nation RISE! ^0^
This was beautiful; I'm so happy for them. They started off TERRIBLY, but look at that bond just blossom like a magnolia tree Armand tried to clip and prune and graft and manipulate--only for it to flourish wild and free!
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devils-acre · 2 years
Historically Accurate POTC Designs, Maybe??
Tried drawing some historically accurate Pirates of the Caribbean designs, with my best effort(s?) to keep the spirit of the original costumes!
Research rabbit holes below:
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I set the clothes in the late 1720's, 1728-1731. At this time, coats were very full—almost skirt-like—with big cuffs, and the waistcoats sometimes had long sleeves!
For Will, I decided to give him just a waistcoat since most of his costumes in the movie don't have an overcoat, and it makes more sense for a blacksmith, I think! I also decided not to give him a wig since I don't think he would be wealthy enough or be able to work with one.
For (Captain) Jack, I really just wanted to give him shoes with red heels. They were popular in the 17th century, but carried over to the early 18th!  Wearing them meant you were in favor with King Louis XIV (who ruled at the time) and were rich enough to wear the color red. Since Jack is obviously none of those things I thought it’d be funny—he probably stole them. The T on his hand was supposed to be the equivalent to the P brand Jack has in the movies. Branding was a thing, just not for pirates! A T burned on the hand was for “thief.” Usually brands were like a warning, and if the offender committed another crime then they would be hanged—pirates, however, didn’t get a second chance.
For Elizabeth, her dress was hard to research. Technically the popular gown at the time was a Robe Volante, but I don’t like the way it looks so I found a different one haha :D What I could find from a few paintings was what apparently is called a “round gown” and was often worn with some sort of belt or ribbon thing at the middle. Not sure what that part is called, maybe a girdle? Technically, a mantua would be closer to the purple-red gown Barbossa gives Elizabeth, since it has fabric bunched up in the back, but I thought a different style could work too.
Elizabeth’s pirate outfit is just based off of what I could find for general 18th-century sailor’s clothes, which were difficult to find for the 1720s in particular, but didn’t seem to change much throughout the decade. However fashionable, boots (sadly) weren’t actually worn by pirates, and most sailors would go barefoot or just wear the current fashionable shoe at the time! She would also probably be wearing a knit hat, but I thought the tricorne was too iconic to take away.
And, lastly, for Norrington! He’s wearing a Ramillies wig (named after the battle of Ramillies in 1706) which was the style for people in the military, or really for anyone who couldn’t wear a full periwig (the really big curly wigs.) And for his clothes, since British Navy Uniforms weren’t introduced until 1748, I just put him in blue and gold.
And that’s it! I’m only a very amateur fashion history enthusiast and could be wrong about a lot, so if anyone knows anything about 1720-30s fashion or anything like that feel free to let me know about any mistakes or other interesting historical facts!
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peterlorrefanpage · 2 years
Idea: Peter Lorre Tarot Deck
Just the Major Arcana, even. Which of his characters go with which trump? What's your interpretation? No deeply arcane knowledge necessary!
Starting it off with just a few. Feel free to add, argue, dispel, change.
0 The Fool - Polo or Louis "The Dope."
Because neither character is one-dimensional, nor is The Fool - that is, I take this meaning in a more positive light. Such as, willing to behave as a fool for his own gain (Polo), or single-mindedly able to bumble one’s way to lobsters with thermidor (Louis).
1 The Magician. Gogol, with his magic hands? Or perhaps Dr. Einstein, who can work wonders with his own hands and escape the law as well?
2 The High Priestess. Editor Stix with his worship at the shrine of woman could be enticed into far more personal experience of womanhood.
4 The Emperor - I keep thinking of Colonel Gimpy/The Baron, because it takes a hell of a lot of strength to play a dual role like that, plus all the pressures of command. But then there's Mr. Moto, who is also always very much in command even when he's tied up in a sack. And a certain fervent Peter Lorre robot character by @soapkaars that should be canon now...
6 The Lovers - Johnny from Three Strangers, with Icey, was an actual scripted Lorre-as-romantic-lead. That could be nice. But then there is just about any Lorre/Greenstreet pairing, a la Maltese Falcon or Mask of Dimitrios. And what about Gogol and his wax figure? A delightfully macabre image that would be!
12 The Hanged Man - I'm looking at duality here again. This card is about temporary limbo, but to me also has a sense of complacency. Hmm. I don't know enough about Galy Gay, yet I wonder about that role. I still need to watch Crime and Punishment. Perhaps Paul Hyde?
And hey, anyone want to draw these? 😁
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[ID: A digital piece of fanart showing Louis James Moriarty from Yuukoku no Moriarty. He can be seen from the waist up inside an ornated golden frame. His head is slightly tilted to the side and he gently holds three yellow and orange narcissus flowers with both hands. His expression is neutral and his eyes are closed. The entire drawing is colored with a palette of blue, yellow and orange hues, Louis being depicted entirely in blue. Yellow light shines from the top, illuminating the scene. The background is dark blue with yellow lines streaming from its center. End ID]
Process gif under cut :)
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[ID: A gif showing the creation process of the previous image. It shows a sequence of images; first the sketch, then the line, then the base colors and finally the finished piece. End ID]
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