#i don't go here anymore i promise but i do love anansi he deserved much better and a bigger fandom
kiaraspeaks · 4 years
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Mr. Nancy x Female!Reader: Prey to Me.
You hunt Gods and he is tricky, slippery, and sly. The Gods in America are worn down and bent out of shape. Some Gods are too lazy, having had sacrifices laid at their feet for hundreds of years. Others pick up jobs, live as humans do until they're eventually forgotten in the minds of all those there, slowly they fade away but not him. Your family has been hunting the God that swindled your great great grandfather but to no avail.
The name feels wrong on your tongue but you've finally found him, or more so you feel that he has found you. You tracked him to a weekly poker game, after that he returned to a humble little apartment above a shop in the dingy part of town. He hummed a little song as he spun into his place. He looked at you, and then directly through you. It's a chilling feeling to be so small, to stand in the room with the God who could easily end you, and have them think you not worth the time. You never really will adjust to that no matter how many times you do this.
"So which one are you supposed to be?" He asked and plucked his hat off his head. You had been sitting here with this gun in your hand, bullets imbued with enough strength and energy to kill a God. Yet he seemed indifferent to you, the gun, and quite possibly by the idea of death itself. He could as easily be talking to you about the weather.
"You swindled-"
"Your great-great grandfather Jebidiah. Won all his land in a card game.” He said and snickered to himself while placing the hat on the coat rack, he slipped out of his jacket with ease. At this point you should be shooting, blasting your guns until he’s left bleeding and writhing but you don’t. You hate yourself for it but you’re a bit enamored, years of training and back breaking labor has led you to this moment. It’s also caused a bit of an obsession, you've learned all you could for this moment, and he doesn’t look like the creature from legend, at least not yet. “Which story they tell you? Obviously not the true one.”
“Watch your tongue, shifter. I know how you lie.” You said and he turned to look at you, and without even a wiggle of his fingers your chair is sliding across the floor towards him slowly. He’s playing with you, toying with you the way predators toy with their prey before devouring them. You felt something crawling up your hand and jumped, you mean to shake whatever off your hand and somehow sent the gun sliding across the floor like an amateur. One moment he is in front of you without it and the next moment it’s in his hand and he's far too close for comfort.
“I deal with a lot, but not rudeness.” He said and twirled the gun like a cabaret girl and then aimed it at you. He pretended to pull the trigger, taking pleasure in the way you flinched if the brilliant smile on his face meant anything. “I wonder if these bullets could even kill a human?”
“Nothing wrong with a healthy dose of curiosity, as long as it stops there.” You said nervously.
“That land he lost, he lost fair and square. Of course ol’ Jeb is always telling half stories.” Anansi said and walked across the sparse, tidy living area and disappeared down a dark hallway before reappearing with two glasses and a bottle, you barely paid attention to the third hand holding the gun. “Would you like something to drink?”
“I came to kill you, and you’re offering me something to drink?”
“You really gotta stop thinking the worst about everybody you meet. Some of us actually have manners. Now, relax.” He said and then sipped from both cups. “See, not even poisoned.”
“What do you mean by half stories?” You asked, you finally move from the comfortable leather chair and take the drink, he could kill you and he hasn't and he's had the upper hand all evening. You don’t drink it but the least you can do is take it.
“Jeb bet his life for mine, in the end I just took his land, half his land, the other half went to his mistress who threatened to come forward if he didn’t give her what she wanted.” Anansi said. “It’s quite dull actually, a direct beginning middle and end, I’m offended to even be included in it.”
“So I’m not going to kill you today?” You asked, you only kill God's who deserve it, not that the council likes that, you have a code and the Council hates that. They want you to kill with impunity but you don't see the reason to hurt those helping humanity.
“You have walked past so many awful Gods just to get to me.” Anansi said and placed his hand over his heart, or where you thought his heart might be, “I’m honored, but saddened your hatred was built on a lie. All that misplaced passion.”
“How am I supposed to know that’s the truth?” You asked, you knew he had no reason to lie to you but you couldn't bring yourself to just believe his words. He was the Spider. Trickster. Story teller. Anansi. But he was a God too, and they saw no reason to lie to humans. Humans weren't worth their weight in salt to Gods.He held your life in the palm of his hand all night, why would he bother lying to you?
“A Kiss.” He said
“You’re a pervert as well as a swindler. I’m old enough to be-”
“I stopped counting in years long ago, of course I am not trying to bed you, at least not yet.” He said and held out his hand to you. Perhaps everything has been leading up to this, when you’re foolish enough to trust a trickster. Anansi. The word swarms around in your head like an angry little bee, you're a fool to trust him but he has the gun, the power and upperhand in this moment.
Still, you slipped your gloved hand in his, he places his other hand on your hip and pulls you closer and it comes to you in flashes. His lips are warm, and his breath sweet and fresh as if he has been chewing mint leaves. He's really good at this, for a moment you forget the world, it's just you and Anansi. Then you see it. You see the sprawling land, the mistress, even the card game where Jebidiah did his best to cheat and swindle Anansi out of his Godhood.
You know how the rest of the story goes.
Damn. Damn your entire lives being based around a lie. All that time wasted and nothing to show for it.
Damn the council for probably knowing the truth and allowing you to waste valuable time training.
“How did...you do that…” You said and felt as if you have been pulled both in and out of your body all at once. Your lips still tingle from the heart of the kiss, and he's still holding you close to him.
“Jeb had the same question, it’s not a party trick or something I share with Godhunters.” Anansi said, and he hasn’t let go of your hand yet. You’ve been ordained by others to hunt the Old Gods, to spill their blood, but your fury and rage has been cooled in this moment. Perhaps what you mistook for a predator playing with their food was something more. But are you still prey? If you bed a God then the council would be severely disappointed with your actions, but then again the council still believed you were a virgin. What they didn’t know wouldn’t hurt. “What are you thinking, Godhunter?”
“Why did you let yourself be caught?” You asked, it's a foolish line of thoughts. Bedding Gods has led greater humans down more desperate paths, is that what you want? For the first time in your life you're not sure what you want, you’re not guided and molded by vengeance anymore. Still the idea is there, and he is still so close, and the kiss of a God is still as sweet and forbidden as the Council warned you it would be.
“I am the Spider, I am never caught in my own web.” He said and ran his thumb along the top of your hand. It elicits a single shiver down your spine which you're sure he feels. You've yet to move back away from him, "But Jebidiah was an interesting human.”
“You believe you’ve caught me.” You said.
“I know I’ve taken root in your mind, and what more can a God ask for.” He said, and damn him to ten types of hell he'll never see but he's right. He is there, he's been there your entire life planning this moment. From a young child bouncing around your grandparents home while they regaled tales of remaining vigilant against spiders, to a buxom teen waving off the stories as nothing more than make believe, and through hard training through your early twenties and thirties. He’s always been there and you’ve had no other choice than to accept him and let him in, but how far are you going to take this? You can see him watching your realization and relishing in it.
"Gods always ask for more." You said, it’s never going to be just enough that you won’t be chasing after him. He wanted you and you were going to give him what he wanted, but no tricks involved this time...you hoped.
"Can't blame us it's in our nature." He said. He's still close. Your lips still burn from the kiss. Going against your very nature from hunting Gods to being seduced by one. You're not just allowing it, you want it. "Just like it's yours to destroy what you don't understand."
"You don't know that."
"I think I know that well enough." Anansi said, you watch each other for quite a while before you finally take his challenge, you raise the glass to your lips. "The council will know now that I'm not dead.."
"I think the council has always known about this...you... us." You said bitterly, "They just needed another fool for their cause. Well I've embarrassed myself enough for one lifetime I think it's time I go, unless you don't plan on letting me leave."
"You're welcome to leave." He said, he dismantled the gun quickly, removing the bullets and the one in the safety before taking it apart. No, you never stood a chance against him if the rate at which he moved meant anything. "Or you can stay and I can tell you more about Jeb."
"You're trying to use my deceitful great great grandfather to get in my pants."
"Is it working?" He asked and began to unloosen his tie.
"You're just interested in fucking one of the Godhunters."
"And you're avoiding the question." He asked, "You're not the first of your kind to show up on my doorstep with a gun and a chip on your shoulder."
"But I am your first Godhunter?"
"I forgot how interested you humans are in numbers. Counting. Math." Anansi said and took a seat, no he won't be dying tonight. Shit. She really had planned on killing him but she also hadn't planned on questioning the council tonight as well. "So, are you coming to dinner?"
"I know you didn't eat tonight." He said, it's true, you had a bowl of soggy cornflakes earlier than that morning but nothing else since. So you allow yourself to be taken to dinner, and you eat, and you laugh and you do end up fucking a God that night. You don't suppose you can go back to the council after it's all said and done. Later that night he lays in bed, exhaling smoke from a cigarette you never saw him light. "I think I'm going to miss you following me all over this country."
"I was focused and committed." You admit, "But now I have a new task."
"And that is?" He asked, he killed the cigarette in the ashtray next to him.
"I never questioned why they wanted God's dead, just that they did." You said, "I want to know what they're up to."
"Be careful." He said, "The spider rarely makes the fly aware of it's plan."
"I'll be subtle." You said, you cover your face with your hands for a moment as the entire night dawns down on you. "At the worst I'm banned because they'll know I ...shit, I've really done it now haven't I."
"If that's what the kids are calling it." He said and snickered.
"What have you done to me?" You ask, your mind is still very much your own but you have so many questions, questions you never had before. He slides back between your legs with ease, but not to ravage your body one last time, he looks down on you before leaning in to kiss. You see the world, the future, the past, and the council and the Gods that sit atop it. Shit. 
"Oh my, you have your work cut out for you.” He said. 
"Seems I do." You said and look up at him. A God you spent most of your life loathing is here. And looking at you like you're anything but his death. You lean up to kiss him but it's different, it's not for secrets or to unlock a hidden past. When you leave here you'll never see him again, you both know that. You want to make the most of your time before hell descends down on you.
"But you'll be able to do it."
"Let's do something else first." You said, you both take advantage of the moment. You've hunted Gods all across America, and the Trickster is the most honest one. How many Gods have you destroyed upon a lie? When you're done being teased and titliated you'll make this right.
But for now it's just you and Anansi, the way it has been for quite some time.
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