#i don't have word so copy/paste messed up with the format when i transfer it here
leafdrake-haven · 5 years
The Origin of a Nickname
I had an idea for a little one-shot between my bant fanwalker Rhynn and her mentor/adopted sultai dad Elrick. He calls her Dove as a nickname and I wanted to write the little story about where that came from :) 
(This is a fanwork and not endorsed by WotC etc.)
     "I wouldn't do that if I were you."      Rhynn froze with her hand halfway into her satchel. She looked up at Elrick, who was fighting to keep the sides of his mouth from twitching up.      "Do what? You don't even know what I was going to do," she said. Elrick chuckled at her.      "Oh I know exactly what you were going to do. I know you keep all kinds of animal food in your bag. And I know you were eyeing those doves up ahead. I'm telling you right now, that feeding them will be a bad idea," Elrick said. He was amused by the look of indignation on Rhynn's face.      "Those are not doves," she said flatly.      "Oh?" he said lifting an eyebrow.      "Of course not. They're pigeons. Well, ok sometimes doves visit this plaza too but those over there? Definitely pigeons and not doves. Same family, different things," Rhynn said matter-of-factly. Elrick almost thought she was copying his own lecture tone and his amusement grew.      "Hmm, well close enough. They both coo, same birds to me," he said and then shot a sly grin at her, "The point I'm making still stands for both, however. Do not feed them." Rhynn stopped walking and put her hand on her chest in mock outrage, though Elrick was fairly certain there was a speck of real outrage hiding at the center. He resisted the urge to laugh again.      "I can't believe you would be so careless with words! Also I can't believe I call day-lilies the same thing as regular lilies once and I got a twenty minute lecture on leaf shape and stem structure and yet here you are doing the same thing," she said staring him down flatly with her arms crossed in front of her and her hip cocked to the side. Elrick finally chuckled.      "Are you trying to look like me right now? Because the resemblance is uncanny. Also, those are very different groups of flowers," He lowered his voice and enunciated slowly, "They do not both coo," he countered dramatically, leaning down so they were face to face. Rhynn laughed and playfully shoved him away by his shoulder.      "Wow, you really are in a good mood today; laughing out loud in public and everything. You better watch out or else people might think you're a nice and friendly person."      "Bahh, don't go around spreading nasty rumors you rotten girl!" Elrick said while forcing his face into a grimace. It was a little difficult; he truly was in a good mood.      "Aww, there's the Elrick everyone knows and loves!" she said with a giggle and then suddenly she threw a bunch of seeds in the direction of the doves. They all jumped on them with relish. When had she managed to get some from her satchel? She really had gotten better at sneaking; he was so proud. "See look! The pigeons are just having good harmless fun."      "You don't know what you've unleashed. It may not be today, or even this week," he began darkly, "but you will reap the consequences of this action." Rhynn stared at him, eyes wide. Then she stuck her tongue out at him and threw another handful of seeds. The birds gladly swarmed this new pile and looked at their benefactor lovingly. Elrick sighed deeply. "Well you can't say I didn't warn you."
     A few days later Rhynn was walking with Elrick through the plaza again on the way to his shop. Suddenly a dove flew out of nowhere and landed right on Rhynn's shoulder and started nuzzling her. She managed not to not jump but her surprise was evident. "Oh, hello there little friend. Aren't you precious?" She said to it and started petting it just under its beak. Elrick knew it was only a matter of time after she starting feeding these cursed birds. He was very glad he was going to get to be there when she realized what she had done.      "Did you summon a new friend?" Elrick asked her innocently as they continued walking. She looked over to him, bird still on her shoulder looking pleased with itself.      "No actually, he just flew here on his own. Must have been one of the pigeons I fed the other day," she replied. Just then two other of the birds flew over and crowded themselves on her other shoulder. Elrick worked hard to keep his face neutral. "Oh hello, you brought some friends!" Rhynn looked bewildered but pleased. "They must have really liked those seeds. I'll admit, I did come back and feed them the next day too. They are such sweet little creatures," she said while nuzzling one back. She really had doomed herself and hadn't realized it yet.      "Just remember," Elrick said, still keeping his tone even, "I warned you." He saw them approaching before she did and he took a few long strides to put distance between the two of them. Rhynn's eyes were on him and she looked confused at his meaning until suddenly she saw the cloud of birds heading her way. All she could do was stare with her mouth slightly agape in awe. Dozens of doves then landed on and around Rhynn. She was blanketed in feathery bodies landing wherever they could find space, be it on her shoulders or head. She held out her arms in surprise and as many as could fit landed there as well. The rest surrounded her on the ground. A cacophony of "coos" and other bird noises surrounded her and Rhynn just looked amazed and shocked. Elrick smirked at her, seeing the results of a warning that was not heeded. "See what happens when you don't--" he was cut off with Rhynn's laughter. He frowned and cocked his head to the side.      Rhynn's face had brightened up with one of her signature smiles and she was laughing with such delight. "Elrick! Look at them all!" she beamed in his direction though there were so many feathers near her face he wondered if she could even properly see him. "I have a whole army of pigeon friends!" she said merrily and she actually cooed back at them. Elrick smiled warmly at the sight in spite himself; all plans of gloating dissolved. He sighed and shook his head.      "You know what, I'm not even sure why I'm surprised. Of course you would be the one person on all of Ravnica who thinks being mobbed by an army of pigeons is a good thing."      "Aw look, you called them pigeons. I guess I can pay more attention to the differences between lilies from now on," she said and poked her nose into the beak of one of the birds. He had to admit it was a charming sight.      "I will hold you to that," Elrick said and then sighed again. "Now come along Dove. We've got a shop to open. You're new friends can follow for awhile but they are absolutely not allowed inside the shop." Rhynn laughed and stepped around the pigeons on the ground to follow him again. She looked ridiculous but Elrick felt content as they walked on their way to their destination.
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stillebesat · 5 years
I, uh, also had a question. I want to post a Sanders sides fanfic I wrote on here, but I dont know how to format things or do multiple chapters. Would you be able to help me? You have a bunch, so I just thought I might ask. You don't have to, but I would appreciate it. P.s. I love your stories so much.
Sure! I can try to help out. :D  Though I do believe Tumblr works differently between Mobile posting and Laptop/Desktop posting.... I tend to do the Desktop posting.  But really what i do (and there could be an easier way)  Is that I open up a Text Post. (The Aa option) Then I type in the title in the top bar. (Aka I would write In These Tangled Webs 3/11 as my title)  And then in the main part of the post I usually copy/paste my story.  Though me personally I tend to do a little “Blurb” Which you’ve seen where I list the Characters Involved, A short summary of the story, what type of fic it is (Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff etc) as well as potential triggers for readeres so they’re not caught off guard. 
-How you choose to set up your story is up to you. Other Authors will just go straight into the chapters, while others will give more details/summaries before they post the chapter. Basically find what you’re comfortable with and go with that. :D  As for the chapter itself. I usually Copy from the document I was working on and paste into the post I’m creating.  -I use Google Docs but i do know that the post formats different depending on if you’re doing Word, Google Docs, or another writing program.  For me none of the ‘special effects’ usually transfer over, so after I copy/paste if I have Bold or Italicized words then I manually have to go through and add those in by highlighting the word and then hiitting B or I (or other options) when those symbols appear above the word I highlighted. (Or Ctrl B, Ctrl I will also do it) 
I sometimes also have to manually readjust paragraphs and spacing between paragraphs as those don’t always transfer well either. :S 
Depending on the length of your chapter, there is also the ability to add a “Read More” to the post (usually I do this if the chapter is longer than twoish pages) so that the length of the chapter doesn’t take up people’s feeds.
To find the “Read More” you want to pick where you want the ‘cut off’ to be at and after that line hit Enter
Then to the side four boxes will appear. (sometimes it takes some messing around to get those four boxes to appear to the side, Tumblr can be fickle some days)  Of those four options you’ll want to hit the one that looks like “...” in order to get your read more. :D 
As to multiple chapters. 
It’s basically just doing multiple posts.
But if you want to link the chapters together you need to have the link to each chapter handy. So usually when I post a chapter I then go to the post itself (so the post’s link is the one that shows up on the webpage) And copy/save it somewhere so it’s handy. 
Then to link the chapter’s webpage to the next installment of the story, you’ll want to do write something like Chapter 2. Then like when you Bold/Italicize you’ll highlight the Chapter 2 and a symbol should show up next to the H that looks like a slightly slanted 8. That’s your “Linking” symbol. Click on that, and then paste the weblink into the space provided and hit Done. And tada!! It’s linked! :D 
So Example:  If I wanted to link Chapter 3 of In These Tangled Webs. I would go to the webpage of just that post. Which the link is:  https://stillebesat.tumblr.com/post/186477907848/in-these-tangled-webs-311  But since I don’t want to have that long of script in the story I then write Chapter 3 Highlight Chapter 3 Hit the 8 symbol.  Paste: https://stillebesat.tumblr.com/post/186477907848/in-these-tangled-webs-311 into it and hit Done.  So then if you Click ---> Chapter 3 It should then take you to the desired chapter. :D
I hoped that helped a little! :D  :S If not, feel free to send another ask, or you can always IM me. :D I’m happy to chat either way. <3 
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