#and i only kinda edited xP
frugalkubal · 5 months
I'm such an idiot for overlooking these two. ಠ⁠‿⁠ಠ
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I realized just now, when I'm already done with the main story and AFK stages (for now, while no update yet) that I could've gotten more XP Books, Soul stones and Equipments thru them throughout my journey. 🤦
Though, I do kinda remember that when I first discovered Keith's store, I was like, "Oh, neat. I'll just get these XP books~ *taps* Thanks, Keith!^^" and then went on my merry way... and forgot to come back to him until now... like the forgetful idiot that I am. ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ
This was what it looked like when I came back to Keith's store:
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Well, I just spent my remaining Holistone coins (tho there's still some coins left).
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Here's what I got from the Soul Stones and XP Books:
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(I managed to ascend 2 heroes, Silvina and Mirael. Both went from Elite+ to Epic.)
I also had to buy some of Keith's Equipments in order to buy the stuff I actually need. Then, I just used Quick Recycle on them.
Speaking of equipments, I'm so disappointed of myself for overlooking all these cool stuff Bowa has. 😓
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I'd like to help this humble businessman, but I don't need any of those stuff anymore since all my equipments are "super upgraded," as it says. ಠ⁠‿⁠ಠ
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(idk if the upcoming major update will make changes to this tho)
Anyway, if you're reading this and you recently started playing (+ also didn't know about these until now), do spend your Gold/Holistone coins wisely in those stores. Get stuff you need for your journey. 。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。 Don't be an idiot like me. lol
EDIT: Btw, I maxed out my Equipments days after I finished the main story and AFK stages. Meaning, it's not necessary to have them all maxed out for you to finish the main stuff. Though, I'm not sure if you'd be able to max them even if you wanted to. 🤔 Maxing them requires a lot of forging materials (specifically Forging Stone V). If you've been forging your equipments along the way, then you've obviously used up much of the materials. You can get the required forging stones by dismantling level 180-240 equipments — which you can get from Corrupt Creatures and AFK Rewards. (Probably also in a few big treasure chests in Remnant Peaks, tho I'm not entirely sure.)
I think the only way you can max your equipments before finishing the AFK stages and main story is if you've stuck around long enough in the later AFK stages (probably around stage 1000 and beyond), where you get them as AFK rewards. 🤔🤷
EDIT/Update: [in notes/comments]
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gamebunny-advance · 8 months
Kun3h0 Custom Doll Repaint
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So, here's what I've been working on for the past month or so. I've wanted to do a custom doll project for a long time now, and I finally got the opportunity to actually do it. I don't think she's bad for a first doll, but there's a lot I feel I could do better and differently.
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Once again, my pictures hardly do her any justice... mostly due to color balancing.
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I tried to edit these pics to make them a little more accurate, but it also yellowed out everything else, so... yeah. A photographer/image editor I am not.
That said, aside from the poor quality of the images, I'd say that the pics capture both her good points and her jank.
(More about the process and other thoughts under the cut.)
So, she started with a Cave Club doll as the base (I believe her name was Fernessa).
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I unfortunately didn't take any pics of this doll with her clothes on, but I'm sure you can search pics of the original base doll yourself.
Besides being very cheap, I really liked the proportions on this doll for Kun3h0. I like the short torso with the long legs and the huge feet. Even the face is kinda Kun3h0-esque (though, a little more on that later).
I've had the idea to customize a Kun3h0 doll for a while, and I always thought the best base would have been an LOL OMG doll since they also have the big head, small torso, and long legs. But, I was always on the fence about them because their hips are a lot wider than Kun3h0's, and I felt like that would always bother me. But once I found out about Cave Club and also found out they're bascially cheap as dirt for the amount of articulation you get, I knew that this was the best match for Kun3h0.
Sadly, the hands aren't as big, and I did consider resculpting them to be more accurate to Kun3h0, but I lack the materials to make that look good enough to be worth doing, so in the end I just repainted the original hands. So I guess this doll is gonna have the non-standard 5-fingers XP. (I forgot to take pics, but the back of the hands do have the heart detail on them. )
Because I have to tie this back to NSR somehow, I think this doll would be a great base for some NSR characters, or really any other stylized character like this. I could def see a cute Mayday coming out of one of these (but not from me~ If I made a Mayday, then I'd want to make a Zuke to go with her, and I just cannot imagine how to make a Zuke doll without him becoming way too top-heavy).
However, I did resculpt the legs to become her boots, so she stands a little taller than the base Cave Club. While I think doing this works for Kun3h0 since she's a robot, if I want to make some alternate outfits for her, they're gonna have to include these boots, or I'm gonna have to get another doll to make some alternate legs.
Unfortunately, my only material I have for body mods is air-dry paper clay, and it doesn't transition as well into the plastic the same way something like apoxie sculpt probably would have. It's not super noticeable at a distance when they're painted, but under scrutiny, you can see a clear transition. I also forgot to detail her heel, so the shoes are flat even though they shouldn't be~ They do help her to stand on her own though, so I guess it's not the worst thing in the world~
While I was doing the sculpting, I also made the wig.
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Finding a yarn that would properly convey Kun3h0's hair color is nigh impossible, given the cartoony shading of them, so I settled for a median between the dark rasperry and hot pink and got this regular raspberry yarn. The unaltered pics make it look a little more purple than it actually is. It really is a warm raspberry color.
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(I'd say that this is closer to the actual color, maybe a tad darker.)
Let me tell y'all, brushing out yarn wefts is not fun. I also felt like I wasn't doing it right since I lost a lot of material brushing it out. From the little research I did, this seems to be a common problem, but it doesn't sit right with me for so much of it to get wasted like that~
Another challenge I had is that there (of course) aren't very many resources for getting yarn wefts curly or how to make curly hairstyles using yarn wefts. I know that this is relatively easy to achieve with actual doll hair through boil washing, but that wasn't really a viable option for a yarn wig like this. Since I really wanted the hair to look naturally curly as opposed to looking like it was curled after the fact, I curled the hair before gluing it onto the wig cap, which was a mini-nightmare. I followed a video tutorial about how to make a pigtails wig, I just applied the methods to the curly hair.
I don't know if I just didn't make enough wefts to make the tails poofy enough, or if this method just wasn't suited for curly hair, but I just didn't get the volume I was looking for.
To achieve the fuller look that Kun3h0's puffs have, I glued some scrap yarn fluff in the center of the original puffs and just tried to manage the shape from there. It's not perfect, but I think I've more or less brought her original hair to life. It's hard to see since they get lost in the mess of hair, but I was even able to get those stray curls that she has to look nice~
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However, for some reason, the wig really doesn't like to stay on. I dunno if it's the ears pushing it off, or if something else makes it loose, but it really doesn't like to stay on her head. I might try applying heat to the cap to see if I can get it to reshape around her head properly, but I don't have high hopes for that.
Overall, having made the wig and seen it in real life, I've confirmed something that I've kinda felt for a while: Kun3h0 really needs something on her head between her antenna. I feel like her antenna and the top of her head create a sort of "empty box" that is just asking to be filled with something. I recently did a drawing of Kun3h0 where I have her an ahoge, and I think it helps a lot.
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It's a little too late to add this to the doll (and I don't even know how I'd go about it), but I think from now on, she's gonna have a curl that sticks up on the top of her head.
Moving on: the face.
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I really wish I could get some clearer pictures here, because the eyes really aren't as bad as the pics make them look.
While I am trying to keep her right covered as much as possible, I did still paint both of them with acrylics. I don't have MSC or watercolor pencils like most of the pros do, so I made use of what I had. I'm certainly not getting that "crisp lineart" look that Kun3h0 is basically built on, but I don't think the results are horrible. They're sealed with a gloss varnish, so they don't photograph well, but I do like how the texture is very different from the skin, it almost sells that they're made of glass.
As for the other details, I did do the lining in dark purple, like I usually do for her lineart. I'm on the fence on if this works IRL or not. On the one hand, I feel like the purple lineart is a part of the character design, it helps balance out all the pinks, but when I only use the purple on the doll for the face (and her stomach paneling), I do wonder if it looks strange, and if I would have been better off lining her with dark brown instead.
In fact, I did the original sketch with brown for the paneling.
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(Right eye not canon.)
But when I made the actual doll, I wound up doing purple anyway to match the eyelashes, so they wouldn't look as out of place.
Other details I wanted to mention are that the upper eyelashes/eyelid is actually a piece of painted foam that I glued on. I really wanted to achieve that cartoony look of how I usually draw the lashes over her hair, even if it doesn't make logical sense.
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I wasn't able to do the same thing for the brows, but I still did something a little "special" with them.
Instead of making myself cry trying to get an accurate color-match with paint, her eyebrows are actually flocked using some of the leftover yarn. I've hardly seen anyone do this for a doll repaint, but I don't think this look would suit most brows anyway~
Overall, I'm only a *little* unsatisfied by the face-up, but my disappointment is mostly in the eye-shape. I didn't want to go against the face mold too much, but that meant that I couldn't really make the eye taller like Kun3h0's actually are. If the eye was any taller, the brows would have been right against the hairline, and that wouldn't be a great look IMO. I feel like 80% of Kun3h0's identity is in her face, so having it be even a little inaccurate does bring her down a little.
Lastly, I think all that's left to talk about is clothes and accessories.
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I am personally really in love with the shorts and it's why I chose them to be the preview for this project. I added the beltloops after I took that pic, and I think they turned out so cute, even if you can see the stitching of the belt to the shorts.
I went through quite a few patterns trying to get them right. The Cave Club dolls don't seem to be super popular in customizer circles, so there aren't many if any patterns out there for them. At first I was just eyeballing a shorts pattern from this video and going through some trial and error trying to adapt them to the doll's body.
I made 3 or 4 pairs of shorts this way, but they all ended up too tight. In the end, I wound up using the "wrap-and-tape" method of pattern making, and made the shorts from there. I honestly wasn't too confident in the results, so I very haphazardly made the trial pair with this new pattern, but they fit so great that I wound up using the test shorts for the final product.
The top was not as successful. Unlike the shorts, I didn't start making test tops until I'd already done the wrap and tape. So the pattern making wasn't actually the hardest part: it was putting it together that was a nightmare.
While I was making the top, I would of course have Kun3h0 put it on to test the fit, which stretched out the fabric to a noticeable degree. This was one of the last things I worked on, so I was getting really fed up with working on this for so long, so I told myself that I would probably just hide it with paint later.
That was mistake number 1.
As I should have learned from painting Green's face, the paint hardened the fabric tremendously, giving it almost no stretch. Originally the plan was to use velcro to close the top in the back, but the pattern didn't account for the lack of stretch, so it's actually too small to close edge to edge. So, I had to cut velcro to extend beyond the actual clothes to close it up. So basically, there's a gaping hole in the back of her outfit and is the main reason why I refuse to post back pictures of this doll.
For the time being, I do consider this top to be a "prototype" and I'll probably remake it in the future with some improvements. But, painting the fabric after stitching it together is not the only mistake I made.
Since this top is a prototype, there's a lot of other things that I did in a bad order: I really should have done the hemming and put on the accents before putting the pieces together, but since I wasn't sure if the pattern would fit first, and thought I would have the energy to make a second better top, I didn't bother with it. This included the cuffs of the sleeve.
That was mistake number 2.
The way I made the sleeves is that the arms are really just a large trapazoid with the shoulder shape at the top. The idea was that I would just sew the large side to a piece of shorter elastic band which would serve as the cuffs. I figured this would cause the sleeve to look "ballooned" at the end. And it kinda worked. You can kinda see how it turned out on her right sleeve in the first picture, but actually sewing it together was kinda terrible because the only way I could think of to do this was to sew the cuff and sleeve separately first, then sew them together, and that just seems ass-backwards to me, but I couldn't think of any other way to do it, and it came out with the cuff being mostly obscured anyway. I tried a different method on the left sleeve, so the cuff is more visible, but the sleeve shape is worse.
So if/when I remake this top, I'm still gonna do this in my ass-backwards way, I've just got to figure out how to keep the sleeve from eating the cuff.
Otherwise, I think the top would actually be pretty cute. I was really getting tired of working on it at the end, so a lot of the details are actually hot-glued on instead of being sewn. The faux-zipper pull is a *little* large, but it's something I had that I thought would work, and I actually really like the oversized look. It works for the proportions of the doll and helps bring in the heart motif that's getting a little lost in the sloppiness of my painting~
The last thing I think worth talking about is the mini GAB.
I thought I'd taken a pic of it by itself, but I guess not. Anyway, the only thing I wanted to say about it is that there's a little "clip" on the back made from wire that allows it to hook onto Kun3h0's belt and be held in her hand. I dunno, I just really like the little accessories, and that little feature amuses me~
But that's it for now. I am actually working on two other accessories for her:
The doll came with a pet dinosuar that I'm currently turning into her GAB.
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It's just about the right size to be in scale with Kun3h0, and the hair is basically already the same as GAB's. I've already modified the base with clay and cut off the bits I don't need. It's mostly a matter of sanding and painting right now. I have no idea how or if I'm going to get the collar onto it without it looking bad, but I'll give it a try. If all else fails, I'll just make a tiny bow-tie like GAB!classic~
I don't have a pic of this one, but the doll also came with some sort of flower pot thing that I'm turning into her drill using a metal piping tip for the drill head~ I'll post about them in an "accessories DLC" when they're both finished.
But wait... if you've made it this far, and you saw my preview post, then you might notice that there's one accessory missing.
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Well, this mask doesn't actually fit Kun3h0...
But it does fit someone else.
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silly-goofy-kai · 3 months
About this blog! and me, kinda
(pls read!! if you already read this, read it again pls. I might have changed something)
last edit: September 18th 2024
hi!! my name is kai!! (not irl btw)
I'm an artist :3
I take requests!! Click the "Ask stuff!! (pls)" if you want me to draw smth >x3
I might make a separate blog just for the drawings later, but this is my only account by now :P
Main Fandoms!: Eddsworld and Gravity Falls
(Tom, Matt r my faves :3) (they're so silly, I want to put them in a microwave so bad/j/vpos xP)
Other cartoons/medias I like n probably reblog (and maybe make fanart of): Homestuck, ATLA, Adventure Time, DHMIS, TOH, IZ, SU, Spider-man, Venom, etc
I don't mind rarepairs nor crackships. i find them interesting :3
I'm still learning English, so I might have some spelling mistakes or grammar errors :'v
DNI!!: transphobes, homophobes, racists, MAPs, Zionists, com/dark/proshippers and other varieties, BING SUPPORTERS >:(, NSFW/18+ blogs, weirdos in general >:v
I'm a minor. so, please, don't send anything nsfw or 18+/srs, I will block and report you if you do
aaand.. I think that's all by now
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(dis is me btw :3 /j)
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therpgconnoisseur · 2 months
can we talk a minute about attribute usefulness degradation in dnd? its a change that started in 3rd with the implementation of its skill system but its really dire in 5e.
to put it simply for those not familiar with older editions, your attributes used to be more relevant both when doing things actively and passively. Attributes where much more central to roll resolution (roll a d20 under your attribute to succeed), with the awkwardly named "non weapon proficiencies" (what are now skills) being either more of a slight bonus or a determinant on weather or not you could even roll (mostly for knowledge or profession based skills, you either knew about the subject or didn't) and some "nwp" being more similar to feats, allowing you to do a specific think like blind fighting.
Strength added to damage done by attacks and since it determined how much you can carry in a game where loot=xp that was much more significant, wizards where maybe the only class that didn't benefit all that much from it. In 5e its all but useless to characters that aren't specializing in two handed weapons.
Intelligence determined how many "NWP" you got, so even melee focused character benefited from it, as it gave them access to a variety of extra things they could do. 3rd edition kinda kept this but your class became your main source of skill points so intelligence was more of a slight bonus that was considered very sub optimal to focus on for most classes, 5e basically turned int into the academic knowledge stat, vital for wizards and artificers but otherwise not much use (there are a few subclasses that use int but my point is that it used to be useful for anyone).
Charisma is in a weird spot, it used to be the social skill, which included active social interactions (i roll to persuade) but also determined your ability to attract followers and their loyalty, pretty useful for anyone. In 3rd edition as social skills where introduced your class and even your intelligence had more of a role in how successful your character was at convincing people, with charisma being a bonus that got less significant as you leveld up, it influenced getting followers but only a little bit and that aspect of the game got very optional-y anyway. The designers seem to have noticed so they turned it into the casting spells stat for anyone who wasnt a wizard, cleric or druid. Every new class introduced had a 95% chance of being a charisma caster, this sucked since it was a useless stat that you where forced to take for many interesting classes, making the few intelligence based casters vastly more preferable (since that at least gave you a few more skillpoints). This is why most casters are charisma based in 5e i think, the design correction just carried over even though they made charisma a tad more significant for social interaction.
Constitution and Dexterity have changed little, but as the other skills got less useful constitution and dexterity have shot up in power, currently those two are the only attributes that everyone get a lot of value out of, the two adding a lot of survivability to any character as they make one have more hp and be harder to hit respectively as well as being the two most called for saving throws, even characters that dont use finesse weapons and wear heavy armor get use out of it.
Wisdom sucks and has always sucked, it is a poorly defined mix of perception, willpower and ...faith? that should have been gutted and split into the other two mental stats from day one imho.
This creates very uneven design for classes, and once you notice it it just feels like shit. Its, i think, the reason "minmaxing" got its bad reputation, its because the game encourages it to an insane degree, where as in older editions (and honestly most other ttrpgs) having a "dump stat" is making the choice of being bad at something, rather than be something players do because in most cases the stat in question does fuck all.
conclusion: uhhhh idk play another game and so on and so forth
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ravenwitch45 · 1 year
Hi quick question!
Are you willing to write a striker x gn reader?
The plot anything just make it fluff pls!
Sure why not! I'm willing to write practically any kind of reader, and I've done GN before so sure! Pretty sure this is my first solo thing for Striker so apoligies on being rusty on him, either way I'm not great at open concepts, so hope I thought up something suitable XP
Also later edit, I'm sorry for the slight delay on this one, Thank @aveismaschine for giving me the idea for the plot on this one, thank you so much Mark, I don't know what I'd have done without you XP
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Muddy Feelings
Competitions weren't usually your thing, but you happened to be in wrath at the time of the famed Harvest Moon Festival was going on, and since being scammed at actual carnival games was even less your thing, you joined in on the Pain Games to kill some time.
Now you were pretty physically fit, you didn't think you'd win but you thought you'd stand enough of a chance to have a good time at least. And you were doing pretty well, until the mud wrestling event.
The guy you got matched up with, looked like the most stereotypical wrath denizen, full cowboy look, hat, bandanna and all, and didn't even take off the hat or his jacket to compete, okay then, these were all things you observed from a distance of course before the match started of course.
When it did, you were pretty well matched it seemed, not an easy win or a crushing loss on either side so you tussled for a good bit, till the movement in the mud had made both lose your footing so your both pratically lunging at eachother trying to pin eachother down to end this thing, At this point you can feel yourself getting tired but his pants of exertion make it clear your not the only one getting winded.
Still feeling it's anyones match you give it your all, until you get pushed down hard enough that it makes you wince at the pain that shoots through your back before looking back up at your opponent with a glare, that quickly melted at what you looked into.
Now you had never actually had gotten a great look at his face, you had gotten glimpses, even noticed he had a golden tooth, but this was the first time you had gotten a good look, especially at his eyes, his ringed golden eyes which almost seemed hypnotic, that and the afternoon sun glinting off his golden tooth and casting him as a whole in a pleasant lighting. It made it clear that well...
He was attractive, but you ignored the slight darkening of your cheeks and tried to keep going, trying to lock your legs around him to try to throw him off you, but ended up freezing when you encountered a certain hardness in his lower region, only darkening your cheeks more and making your eyes go wide before a voice only further sent you into a flustered spiral
"Your certainly enjoying this lil pardner, Not that I mind~"He said with seductive grin, and you barely have time to stammer at a response before he pushes you back down into the mud, uses his tail to tie your arms together and pin you down, and before you know it the match is over, you still blushing and wide eyed.
He walks off complimenting on giving him a good time and challenge and winking at you, you feeling way too awkward to respond before going your own way and finding a place to change out of your thoroughly muddied clothes.
You tell yourself that's the end of it, but your mind has other ideas it seems. Your not mad you lost, you expected you would eventually, heck you didn't even know what the prize was let alone cared, No all your thinking was on your much too charming opponent.
You realized you didn't even catch his name, it was announced with your own at the start and end of the match of course but the crowd kinda drowned the announcer out, so here you were in your hotel room obsessing over an Imp you didn't even know the name of. Great.
Eventually you decided to get some fresh air, taking a good walk which made you feel a lot more clear headed, but upon heading back you almost get run over by a Hellsteed of all things in the middle of the parking lot, turning back and yelling at the rider only for your yells to die in your throat at seeing who it was.
"Heheh sorry about that, didn't... Oh, hey there lil pardner~"The Cowboy greets teasingly, and you roll your eyes, questioning what he's doing here as he get's off his very nice horse admittedly, getting the oh so pleasant answer that he's gonna check in at this very hotel, him already guessing you live here for the moment too, you crossing your arms with a huff.
With a chuckle though, he cuts the teasing, saying you gave him a good challenge and he can respect that, introducing himself as Striker and offering his hand to shake, which you awkwardly take cause why not, introducing yourself, and giving a bit of teasing of your own, remarking about his own clear enjoyment during the match, making him blush and chuckle awkwardly.
He admits he get's real into it if someones a good challenge which you did, before saying he wouldn't mind taking it outside the ring with you. And despite you blushing in surprise again, you note how odd a pickup line that is, which he admits is true but he hardly cares suddenly cupping your face for a second and slipping his hand down to the collar of your shirt, grinning in satisfaction at your blush before walking in, saying he'll see you around, and you try to ignore hearing the room he's given as you walk to the elevator, which just so happens to be close to yours, yay.
It isn't until you change for the night that you find the slip of paper in your shirt, with presumably his phone number on it, your self respect kinda screams at you when you decide to stay in wrath for a bit longer in the morning.
Whew! That ended up way longer then I expected, but hey, I'll admit it was fun to write, hope your okay with me writing him as a bit of a dork at times, It's just how I do him I guess, and I hope this qualifies as fluff, hope you enjoy!
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cavegirlpoems · 1 year
the thing about dungeons and dragons fifth edition - once you ignore all the stuff about the effects its dominance have on the wider medium - the thing about D&D 5e, right, is that despite how it lies to you, its only geared for one thing. Like, the marketing for D&D is a lie. The 'three pillars' is a lie. They say the game has 'roleplay' and 'exploration' and 'combat' but that's bullshit. There's no mechanics for social/emotional/relationship stuff in there beyond 'roll a skill check to succeed'. D&D has basically never had those mechanics, because it started as a dungeon crawler and turned into an action combat game. The mechanics and focus just aren't there for D&D to be a game that cares about all that touchy feely stuff. And that's fine, you can go play monsterhearts or something. D&D's for different genres. And then exploration... exploration *used* to be a thing. In early editions, you had the exploration turn, encumbrance mattering, xp-for-gold, more focus on traps and logistics and stuff. It was a little muddled, but it was there. D&D cared, to some degree, about exploration. OSR games and retroclones and the like kept that stuff and built on it. Buuuut, it got stripped from modern D&D, to the extent that in5e, it again basically comes down to 'roll a skill check'. So it's not an exploration game either. Fine, so what is D&D 5e then? Well. It's a combat game. Specifically, it's a game about set-piece fights with empowered protagonists. Big dramatic pre-planned encounters where a team of diverse heroes take on this encounters baddies, and win, but with some dramatic tension along the way. Y'know, it's fantasy The Avengers. And that's fair enough. People like a good fight scene. I watch hunter X Hunter and Jojos and shonen stuff like that. If you want a tactical fighting game, that's hella fun, go for it. And when you look at the mechanics, that's what D&D's built for. Every class is able to contribute well in combat, has a niche. The mechanics are mostly combat, and there's systems to balance those fights, and enemies are described mostly in terms of their combat capabilities. D&D is, if you look at what the mechanics care about, very plainly a combat game. But then we get to the thing that's really sad, or - depending on your approach - funny. The wonderful bitter irony of it. D&D 5e kinda sucks at tactical combat. In a world where 4th edition exists - a game with beautifully fine-tuned, intricate combat that makes every fight an interesting, exciting puzzle - there's just no reason to play 5e. It's designed for one style of game only, and is just worse than the edition it replaced. I dunno, man. It's kinda funny how even when you take it on the exact terms it's made for, it kinda sucks. In conclusion, play D&D 4e instead, it's better I promise.
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doggendoodle · 11 months
I keep seeing the funny Corporate Clash cogs from you so I looked into it. How’s it compare with Rewritten? I doooon’t really wanna play both (they’re gonna scratch the same sorta itch) and I’m wondering which you prefer, pros/cons, etc
Like? I’m enjoying the nostalgic vibe of Rewritten being more or less the same as I remembered, down to the dated graphics, but ngl I’m kinda yearning for QoL changes. There’s a loooooot of archaic ideas in Rewritten for the sake of faithfulness that my 🌸 Delicate 2023 Constitution 🌸 chafes against
Well as an aside before I start Clash-shilling, it should be noted that there's currently more QoL updates in the works for Rewritten, with adjustments to parts of the late-game and possibly more I don't know about. So that might be worth waiting for, or at least keeping an eye on.
But more to the point, yeah, I very much enjoy Corporate Clash more than Rewritten. They still share a lot of the same DNA, both being Toontown and all (plenty of grind, a lot of the same areas and NPCs, etc), but Clash is, like, the Xenoblade 2 to Rewritten's Xenoblade Definitive Edition. As for pros and cons of switching to Clash, that's under the read more.
Con: community is a lot more niche outside of Tumblr.
Most people who play Toontown nowadays play on Rewritten, in no small part because it's literally the game that originated the term "rewritten" for fan-run private servers of shuttered MMOs. You're a Zero Escape fan, so you get it - small but very passionate fandom that occasionally catches a few passersby for a little.
Pro: a ton of quality of life improvements.
Much larger jellybean jars and banks, and you can get jellybeans from every activity, even fighting Cogs. Once you unlock a third Gag track you get the ability to refund and switch tracks on the fly for free, and you keep all the Gag XP you had in the track whe you switch back. You can save up to 20 Outfits from your Shtickerbook, too, for quick changes.
Neutral: game is a lot more complex and gets a lot harder in the endgame, but has a lot more strategic depth.
Owing to the additions of Manager Cogs, a new level of Gags, the entirely new Zap Gag, higher level Cogs, revamped bosses, cooldowns for every boss reward, and every Gag working at least a little differently than in TTO/TTR, there's a lot to learn and re-learn.
The Clash Wiki has strategies listed for every boss, and the addition of groups last year makes it possible to co-ordinate Gag choices before entering bosses - and you'll need that co-ordination, especially for the harder Kudos manager boss fights.
Neutral: the progression system is completely overhauled.
Instead of doing random Toontasks in each playground to build up your Gag track with a few full task chains for Gag pouch, jellybean jar, Gag and Laff upgrades, there's a more traditional level and experience point system that fills up as you complete tasks and fight Cogs, and leveling up is tied directly to progression. Side activities like Fishing and Golfing have their own, smaller experience gauges, and you still earn Laff by filling them.
Neutral: tied to the above, the way tasks work is also completely redone.
Now you have one Toontask that is perpetually dedicated to the core story until you reach the (current) end, with every task in that story being custom-made rather than random. You visit the playgrounds in the same order as in TTO/TTR, with the additions of an entirely new medieval-themed playground and a massively-overhauled Acorn Acres along the way, and the locations of the Cog HQs are moved around so that you visit and complete each one as part of your first visit to the playground (they're also rebalanced to account for the different levels you take them on at).
Each playground also has a few Sidetasks, which are optional but reward you with things like Nametags, clothes, and teleport access to each playground - if you only do one Sidetask from each playground, make sure it's the one that gets you teleport access. You can see what the reward for each Sidetask is on the relevant page in the Shtickerbook, as well as where you have to go to start it.
And, once you complete the story in a playground, you unlock the Kudos Board for that playground, which takes the place of Just for Fun tasks while also doubling as the method by which you unlock each playground's Kudos Manager boss fight.
Con: the shopkeeps are jerks.
A lot of the shopkeepers you interact with as part of tasks are rude. Like, really rude, for no good reason. Not "deliberately stop playing to avoid helping them" rude, but it's definitely A Choice.
Pro AND Con: the Cogs get a lot of love. Like, a disproportionate amount.
As you've probably gleaned by how much art of the Cogs I reblog compared to the Toons, one of Corporate Clash's selling points is how much it focuses on bringing the Cogs closer to the Toons thematically. Whereas in the original Toontown Online they were deliberately more serious and lifeless to emphasize their robotic nature, Corporate Clash makes them closer to, like, Captain Planet-style cartoon capitalists, as well as giving Cogs as a species a lot more personality and backstory as a whole.
In most respects this is fantastic - it makes the gameplay experience a lot more fun, and it allows the Clash team to really flex their creative chops while expanding on TTO. However, the downside is that the Cogs sometimes get a lot more focus than the Toons do. This is something they're aware of and actively curb whenever it rears its head, though. On the whole this is definitely more of a pro than a con.
So, on the whole, Clash is quite a lot different from Rewritten, despite being its younger sibling. Plenty of people do play both, to get the nostalgia from Rewritten and the novelty from Clash, but personally I prefer the latter.
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Have a dancing Chip, and have a good day!
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mobolanz · 9 months
7, 12 & 18 for the oc asks 💓
Ty Em (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡💞💞💕
7. Have any of your OCs gone through major revisions in the year 2023?
Shocking reveal up until last April Evelyn used to look like this 🤧
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Ultimately her eyes and hair swapped xD
I do kinda still love this pallette I need to reuse it with someone else maybe. Cecille considering they were sisters in early drafts during the attempt to insert Evelyn in bnha? Idk.
Then one day , year and two months into shipping her with Reiner, I was like "WAIT WHO TF IN AOT EVEN HAS BLUE HAIR OR DRESSES LIKE THAT MAYBE THAT'S WHY I'M UNINSPIRED ON ART IT FEELS UNNATURAL- " (no Rico doesn't count mappa made her blonde anyway)
I had 3 options between Auburn (low-key could work?) , blonde (nahhh she'd have looked like hisj clone xP) , and scarlet that ultimately won for me. ( and thematically one that makes most sense 🍎🩸🤧)
Nowdays you have this absolute beauty, and she's even got a pre-timeskip design! 🥰🥰🥰
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It got extremely long to show it's been 4 years....
Someone else too let me see... I feel like next ask would expand on it 😳😳
12. Were any of your older OCs revived in 2023?
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Almost. Were late 2022 to count I'd have answered with Kaguya & Kira (my secondary AOT & BNHA ocs). But that said might need to look into their cases again for this year since it's been a while and I had major steps with the others meanwhile. Like I said with Evelyn's previous blue hair,,, I'll need to do something with kaguya but still have her recognizeable BC I'm sentimental 😆 but otherwise Mia & Evelyn were the ones for the 2023 spotligh-...
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Silly me, as I type this I remember Towa during my sailor moon s1 rewatch 🤭 who underwent her third name change (kiyo in 2018 (it was from before i watched fruba i swear- )> Rei in 2019 until that point when i realized i want to insert her in the sm universe anddd can't have her share name with an already existing character xD and ber hair was brown/black. > Towa by now) .
her current characterization from what i wrote down is giving her more of a challenge with it being how she's precieved as dull and invisible for granted , being reserved and thinking it's natural and only logical. Until,,, whoops. She also reveals a more cynical curious and snarky to her.
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And also my third character attempt to ship with nephrite. Mia was first edgy attempt in 2016( or maybe I'm too harsh. I was a teen in bad place and the only person I shared with was kinda toxic about it) . Evelyn was the second in 2019,( not talking about this one because really.... nothing came there xD bbygirl underwent about 5 ships before I figured who her true love really is (🛡️🍎) I think and glad it's him 😆😆😆)
What were your biggest inspirations for developing your OCs in 2023?
Answered it here ^^ 🤧
oc wrapped: 2023 edition!
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poryphoria · 1 year
ok like i swear im not insane when i say that i don't figure crackpots cult as an actual cult in the real life, "actively harmful to the members within it" sense. i don't think it's the most morally sound thing to be doing (esp bc it targets vulnerable people, in mentally weak positions) but at the same time i think it could be so much worse (especially when you're up against the "WE MASS PRODUCE HUMAN BEINGS TO SEND THEM TO DIE" factions!)
like. so many of the people that crackpot is indoctrinating aren't just random strangers. they're coworkers, people he used to know and work alongside, people he can sympathize with for suffering through similar mental ailments, and people he was ALREADY rallying to have freed from the asylum before nexus fell!!! (one of the snoopables is an email chain between him & hofnarr, requesting that his patients be released & insisting they weren't insane, just prophets)
none of the fanatics give any sign of being afraid of crackpot either, and if krinkels wanted him to read as an unsympathetic asshole like the rest of the faction heads he certainly could've added that in, like idfk a line where some fanatics r like "ohh noo we must stop you or His Buoyancy will hit us with rocks XP !!!". fear is a very strong tactic of rule in real life cults.
im not denying crackpot has an ego (have you seen the statue in the commercial district??) but i don't think it completely defines his actions like phobos's did- if anything i feel like the fanatics revere him out of a legitimate respect and he encourages it bc no one's ever given him any FUCKING respect b4.
if anything really the cult is just one big survival tactic. the nature of nevadeans is just that they need to form groups to survive and usually those groups require a strong belief system to be held together. The Agency could frankly be considered a cult in the real life definition, it just doesn't look as much like one outwardly because it's not directly said and they don't have candles and sermons and cartoonish shit like that.
also i feel like i should point out they're the only faction that managed to make peace with zeds n r taking care of them as actual people instead of monsters? because u know. zeds are people and have been shown via tricky to be capable of some level of sentience.
just saying all this bc im kinda sick of seeing crackpot portrayed as a mustache twirling villain who eats babies for fun or something. yes his actions are reprehensible but i still do not believe he is an evil person.
EDIT: UGH I FUCKING KNEW I WAS FORGETTING A POINT there is also literally the line where he refers to the fanatics as HIS CHILDREN and himself as THEIR FATHER. HE'S TAKING CARE OF THEM!!!!! GEEEUUHHHHH
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This is an amazing way to word it, and I'm stealing that, bcuz this is also exactly what happened to me lol. I'm 21, I've watched MC vids for 6 months now, I've played for 2 xdd
No immunity, only blocks lol
Also, let's unite in being anti-chest-monster, I very quickly realised how overwhelming digging through chests of junk can be for me, it just sucks the enjoyment right out of the game. I've been looking into building some sort of a redstone sorting system, cuz I discovered I really like redstone, but I don't think I'm on that level yet haha
But I love exploring, flying around, collecting pretty blocks, and orgainising everything into neat stacks (that last one scratches my autism brain pfftttt), so it's only a matter of time before I attempt a storage system like that
And I must unfortunately dissappoint you, for I have no real rhyme or reason when it comes to planning my builds 😅
Ideas and block combos just usually pop into my head, and then I try them out straight in the survival world. I sometimes mess up, change blocks, remove things, so it's not an efficient way to do things, but it does work for me. Plus I've noticed I'm kinda like Etho, my houses are mostly just interior lmaoooo. It's usually a hot mess of things I thought are cool at a time, and a consistent building style is something I lack xd. For example, my island is decorated with moss, spruce leaves, ferns, a fire pit, etc. (cabin in the woods vibes), my fields and animal pen are on interconnected artificial islands on my lake, my potion lab is in a basement I dug under said island and I made it with blackstone and a lot of the nether warped stems (evil scientist style), and the house I made is on top of a... futuristic tree I made from glass and leaves, and said house in itself looks like a Rich Person Seaside Mansion, and it's in white and blue
I supppose this is a real representation of my brain xdd
Also, I'm the person who makes farms for communal use, I was sleeping under the sky for SO LONG, cuz I made a gunpowder farm for my friends, an xp enderman one, now I wanna build a gold one in the nether, and I'm wrangling villagers into a trading hall rn (they are a nightmareeeee xddd)
Oh gods redstone scares the crap out of me, i feel like i definitely fall on the builder side of things rather than being a more technical player-- but then i also havent messed with it much yet, so maybe i will surprise myself!!! Still, building a redstone sorting system seems real fun!!! Me when i can just sort things automatically.... the autism is Winning™ truly.
Tbh out of all my friends i am the person with the most Planning Brain. Cannot do a single thing on the fly it Must be scheduled, hopefully about three business days in advance at least /hj 😂😂😂😂 this apparently applies to minecraft in that i will open CSP and meticulously edit a screenshot to reflect what i want the area to look like, then meticulously plan a build outline, then carefully mull over multiple ideas for the block palette, then go BACK into the creative world to double check ive got the right measurements from the outline before ever setting foot back in my survival world 💀💀💀
Your builds sound so cool and unique though, thats amazing!!! Glass tree..... looking so intently at that tbh. Also gods i am dreading the part where i need to wrangle villagers for farms 😭😭😭😭😭 especially bc im entertaining the idea of putting all my farms underground so they're beneath/within the ruins i plan to make under the lake near my base. Luckily there is a village literally on the edge of the lake so at least theyre close by 💀
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topsyturvy-turtely · 2 years
Hey, turtely! Hope you're doing better xoxo
For the ask game: 😎, 💘, 🚦?
i am! sleep is healing haha i also FINALLY watched enola holmes 2 and it was actually amazing imo!!!
edit: i am actually feeling kinda sick sooo let's hope it's not covid!
thanks so much for the ask! (from this ask game)
😎 What fics do you prefer on a scale of canon compliant to wildly original?
woooaaah very good question! i do like both... i love uni!lock - used not to that much but i love the innocence and just idk the vibes~? there is just no stress of the canon plot lines and sometimes those are needed :P
but i also love canon compliant- fix it fics are gold!
i don't really read or write fantastical fics if they don't apply to the universe (*cough* as if i ever read/write anything but johnlock *cough*) so like... not vampires etc - tho i am sure there are good ones out there! okay actually i already wrote a mermaid au sooo there is that but it's far from my go-to genre xP
does this even answer anything...?! i feel like i am just babbling
💘Is it easier to write angst or fluff?
ohhh another good question! i think it is easier to write fluff. that i can write any time but angst only when i am angry/sad etc.
🚦What sort of endings do you prefer to write: ambiguous, bad, happily ever after, etc.?
definitely happy endings! i think ambiguous endings have their own flair but i don't like bad endings - those are depressing and life itself is depressing enough xD
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💬💬💬💬💬💬💬💬💬💬 all 1
✈️ (10) | 🌸 (5) | 💬 (10)
1✈️: My nonhumanity, even recently gained ones, are almost all linked to each other. This is weird, since I kinda have control over them, but also not.
2✈️: Hive and Hivemind parts of my alterhumanity linked to each other so much, that I can't even separate them even if I want to. Also they are connected in some way to Cybertronian nonhumanity forming insecticon paratype. Weird...
3✈️: I have another warfaren term to re-upload, and also I need to fill warfaren archive again, bah
4✈️: I have returned to our Social Media, but I don't plan on using it, only for getting role-play lines for these little silly games
5✈️: Turns out sometimes I write without any 1st person pronouns at all.
6✈️: Since change of theme, I have the weird urge to be referred differently. When @/catgirlprotag called me Whiteout it was THE BEST second in my life. Holy shit do I really need to switch between personas sometimes. Being close to singlets on median spectrum is weird.
7✈️: Also I plan on remaking my hoard... again. Remake my PT ID blog, and add Alterhuman coining blogs and Edit blogs too. Idk, I want everything organized... But that also makes me want to make another blog with different theme, since Amore makes angel, sweets and love related themes, I want a new one for.... something, idk. My median brain want's more personal blogs.
8✈️: Also about our system (sub-system) function! I have several ways to switch and make new facets, but it's uncontrollable, it's something that happens as the urge. If I get the urge to be perceived as someone else on a different blog be it a new or an old one - it's system thing. If I get to act differently even on my blog, and want to be perceived as someone else at this time - it's a system thing. Also sometimes facet might rewrite my subroutines, and take over my own blog. That happened with all my blogs, but since people still talk to me like to Iacon they know, I'm still acting like Iacon (though that does feels like heavy masking and also it sometimes draining)
9✈️: I don't know why I make PTs to be honest, It feels like I do it for the pleasure of feeling of accomplishment almost if I'm helping someone, but also I need to see the results, and since I see none, I feel weird xp
10✈️: I feel outside of aspec community since I believe that aspec means only "little or no attraction", but not the "EW EW I would never participate in relationship" kind of thing. I get upset every time I see someone making or headcanoning a character as aromantic or asexual and claiming that they would never get into these relationships or something. Because holy shit, what about gray? demi? what about non-repulsed folks? This thing was the exact thing out of two that got me out from the aspec community for good. Because I was bullied that I am not aspec because "You have attraction and you want relationships". Please, can we live together and stop fighting between repulsed and non-repulsed folks? Because I do see more positivity towards repulsed, but as a non-repulsed I feel so outcasted.
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🌸: Mindless by DavZ
🌸: Phantom Anomaly by GRIMOIRE
🌸: Death Star ( Contiez Remix ) by Kontrol
🌸: Miss Me by Digitalz and Drymer
🌸: Disco Man by Madeaux
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💬: IDW post by Me
He asks a question and does not hear any answer in response. But he feels how con gathers words and thoughts together, tries to find a worthy answer.
💬: Post by partner
"Well… They're not injured, are they? So everything is fine." - He shrugs. "Alas, even now I am not ready to fall on my knees to make them feel better. They're gonna have to suffer through that."
💬: Post by partner
"Kaon," and then, after a little thought, he moves his hand pointing at Levi, right at the open chelicerae on one side of the seeker's face. "Levi!"
💬: Post by partner
Or maybe he wanted to see him first.
💬: Post by me
"Oh, if that were the case, I would have rushed far away from him." The seeker grins. "And he doesn't need my help for anything, I'm sure."
💬: Post by partner
Saber awkwardly looks away and for the first time in their entire conversation does not know what to do next. Of course, if he still treated Leviathan as an envoy, it would be easier. But how to treat Levi when one look at the seeker confused him. Especially now that he was… Cute? Joyful? Happy?
💬: Post by me
The whole conflict forced them both to withdraw all emotions in the same way, so that later, without explanation, without anything, they could reunite again. And how? By the light that bound them together.
💬: Post by partner
You are the one who lit me up, who kept my flame burning all this time, melting yourself. Let me support yours this time.
💬: Post by partner
Will the seeker then be the one he really loves, or will he just turn into his puppet. Fake and weak-willed.
💬: Post by me
"I won't hear your voice anymore." The seeker whispers in a trembling voice, trying to remove the stutter from his vocalizer as quickly as possible. "I won't hear your sweet voice again, not a single word of yours." He can't contain his pain. "Not a single word from you. He sighs with a noticeable shudder and the shuttle runs his finger along his cheek. "I'm sorry..."
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madamegixxysticks · 6 months
Microsoft Windows in a Nutshell
(Treat this like you would Vegetable Justice and don't take it seriously or get offended, even if I pick at your favorite OS here.)
1.0: Yikes that's bright, good thing this is the first one AND you can change how bright it is?
2.0: Well, at least- hey, wait a minute...
3.0: It's too bad you got forgotten as soon as your ".1" version came out.
MultiMedia Extensions: Actually, it was you who was the first one with a startup sound.
3.1: YIPPEE! Dododo do~
N.T 3.1: For the extra nerdy nerds... And business people, apparently?
95: Now we're cooking! ... And it celebrated being shut down?
N.T 4: Huh, it took you until about 1996 to be as easy to use as your home counterpart?
98: Good thing Microsoft realized you needed a quick fix, so you got a 2nd edition.
ME: 2000's evil twin.. Make that "Incompetent" twin.
2000: A forgotten legend...?
Whistler: ... You know, that watercolor theme is kinda cute.
XP: Don't mind people comparing you to a Fisher Price toy... You are AWESOME!
Longhorn: Man, if only we got that Samsung the- er, beautiful original theme~
Vista: ... At least you look nice? They could've specified on the specs.
7: Vista but with less complaints from everybody.
8(.1): But my computer can't even become a tablet!
10: You're okay, but I don't need the junk you occasionally want me to set up.
12: You better not try and shove A.I down my throat-
0 notes
jupitercl0uds-art · 1 year
hi im @jupitercl0uds and welcome to my art blog!!!!!!! my pronouns are they/them/xe/xem and you can find more about my personal stuff on my main >:D
i do not reblog others' art on this blog, all the posts on here are mine (including reblogs; those are from my alt accounts). art is tagged #art and text posts are tagged #not art (even if they're about art). i DO reblog art, however only on other blogs.
i also take requests and in the future, maybe even commissions!
i draw a lot of mario (mostly waluigi) and sonic fanart, but i also have OCs and stuff!!!
hope you like my blog ^^
FAQ (PLEASE read before giving an ask, the questions are super massive and bold so you dont have to do much reading to find your answer!):
'What programs do you use?'
for the majority of my stuff, whether it be illustration or animation, i mostly use krita!!! i highly recommend krita if you have a computer and tablet, its free, open source and has loads of great tools!!!! apparently tho, it doesnt always work on mac :((( im on windows (when i use krita) so i dont know if this issue is still big or not. still tho, highly recommend!!!
it has animation capabilities, too, but if you want to export it as anything but a png sequence youre gonna need 7-zip
alternatively, i occasionally use opentoonz, but i sometimes avoid it when its too complicated
i also like to use flipaclip and ibis paint from time to time!!! this is mostly when im on chromebook/phone ^^ these used to be my main 2 programs and i still love ibis so definitely recommend!!!!
occasionally i use ms paint or kleki, but i usually tag it as such
if i ever post any music or video editing stuff, then i use a whole load of programs for that so idk
'What hardware do you use?'
i usually use my laptop/chromebook and xp pen deco mini tablet!!! on some older posts, i've actually used my old deco fun L tablet, but that's broken now lol (not actually an appropriate use of 'lol' i unironically mourned that tablet). i recommend both, but generally, unless you want a bigger/cheaper tablet, go for the regular deco instead of the deco fun if you're doing art ^^
sometimes i use my phone and my finger tho!!! or one of those cheap styluses from time to time lol!!!!
'What traditional art supplies do you use?'
loads. at the moment, i mostly stick to daler rowney stuff, except for watercolours. i like to use koh-i-noor brilliant watercolours. they are, as they say, very very brilliant, in both ways. they arent all weird and powdery and VERY saturated!!!! they look quite generic but theyre literally so good, particularly for the cold colours - that being said, the black kinda sucks. the fineliners i use are uni pin fine liners and i HIGHLY recommend!!! everyone says 'buy microns' but i prefer them to microns. something about them idk. i also like to use tombow ABT markers for watercolours sometimes, particularly seeing as the koh-i-noors dont have a pink pigment.
for the links: i did buy the majority of my products in physical shops, but i tried to find a good online equivalent NOT on amazon.
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leafdrake-haven · 5 years
The Origin of a Nickname
I had an idea for a little one-shot between my bant fanwalker Rhynn and her mentor/adopted sultai dad Elrick. He calls her Dove as a nickname and I wanted to write the little story about where that came from :) 
(This is a fanwork and not endorsed by WotC etc.)
     "I wouldn't do that if I were you."      Rhynn froze with her hand halfway into her satchel. She looked up at Elrick, who was fighting to keep the sides of his mouth from twitching up.      "Do what? You don't even know what I was going to do," she said. Elrick chuckled at her.      "Oh I know exactly what you were going to do. I know you keep all kinds of animal food in your bag. And I know you were eyeing those doves up ahead. I'm telling you right now, that feeding them will be a bad idea," Elrick said. He was amused by the look of indignation on Rhynn's face.      "Those are not doves," she said flatly.      "Oh?" he said lifting an eyebrow.      "Of course not. They're pigeons. Well, ok sometimes doves visit this plaza too but those over there? Definitely pigeons and not doves. Same family, different things," Rhynn said matter-of-factly. Elrick almost thought she was copying his own lecture tone and his amusement grew.      "Hmm, well close enough. They both coo, same birds to me," he said and then shot a sly grin at her, "The point I'm making still stands for both, however. Do not feed them." Rhynn stopped walking and put her hand on her chest in mock outrage, though Elrick was fairly certain there was a speck of real outrage hiding at the center. He resisted the urge to laugh again.      "I can't believe you would be so careless with words! Also I can't believe I call day-lilies the same thing as regular lilies once and I got a twenty minute lecture on leaf shape and stem structure and yet here you are doing the same thing," she said staring him down flatly with her arms crossed in front of her and her hip cocked to the side. Elrick finally chuckled.      "Are you trying to look like me right now? Because the resemblance is uncanny. Also, those are very different groups of flowers," He lowered his voice and enunciated slowly, "They do not both coo," he countered dramatically, leaning down so they were face to face. Rhynn laughed and playfully shoved him away by his shoulder.      "Wow, you really are in a good mood today; laughing out loud in public and everything. You better watch out or else people might think you're a nice and friendly person."      "Bahh, don't go around spreading nasty rumors you rotten girl!" Elrick said while forcing his face into a grimace. It was a little difficult; he truly was in a good mood.      "Aww, there's the Elrick everyone knows and loves!" she said with a giggle and then suddenly she threw a bunch of seeds in the direction of the doves. They all jumped on them with relish. When had she managed to get some from her satchel? She really had gotten better at sneaking; he was so proud. "See look! The pigeons are just having good harmless fun."      "You don't know what you've unleashed. It may not be today, or even this week," he began darkly, "but you will reap the consequences of this action." Rhynn stared at him, eyes wide. Then she stuck her tongue out at him and threw another handful of seeds. The birds gladly swarmed this new pile and looked at their benefactor lovingly. Elrick sighed deeply. "Well you can't say I didn't warn you."
     A few days later Rhynn was walking with Elrick through the plaza again on the way to his shop. Suddenly a dove flew out of nowhere and landed right on Rhynn's shoulder and started nuzzling her. She managed not to not jump but her surprise was evident. "Oh, hello there little friend. Aren't you precious?" She said to it and started petting it just under its beak. Elrick knew it was only a matter of time after she starting feeding these cursed birds. He was very glad he was going to get to be there when she realized what she had done.      "Did you summon a new friend?" Elrick asked her innocently as they continued walking. She looked over to him, bird still on her shoulder looking pleased with itself.      "No actually, he just flew here on his own. Must have been one of the pigeons I fed the other day," she replied. Just then two other of the birds flew over and crowded themselves on her other shoulder. Elrick worked hard to keep his face neutral. "Oh hello, you brought some friends!" Rhynn looked bewildered but pleased. "They must have really liked those seeds. I'll admit, I did come back and feed them the next day too. They are such sweet little creatures," she said while nuzzling one back. She really had doomed herself and hadn't realized it yet.      "Just remember," Elrick said, still keeping his tone even, "I warned you." He saw them approaching before she did and he took a few long strides to put distance between the two of them. Rhynn's eyes were on him and she looked confused at his meaning until suddenly she saw the cloud of birds heading her way. All she could do was stare with her mouth slightly agape in awe. Dozens of doves then landed on and around Rhynn. She was blanketed in feathery bodies landing wherever they could find space, be it on her shoulders or head. She held out her arms in surprise and as many as could fit landed there as well. The rest surrounded her on the ground. A cacophony of "coos" and other bird noises surrounded her and Rhynn just looked amazed and shocked. Elrick smirked at her, seeing the results of a warning that was not heeded. "See what happens when you don't--" he was cut off with Rhynn's laughter. He frowned and cocked his head to the side.      Rhynn's face had brightened up with one of her signature smiles and she was laughing with such delight. "Elrick! Look at them all!" she beamed in his direction though there were so many feathers near her face he wondered if she could even properly see him. "I have a whole army of pigeon friends!" she said merrily and she actually cooed back at them. Elrick smiled warmly at the sight in spite himself; all plans of gloating dissolved. He sighed and shook his head.      "You know what, I'm not even sure why I'm surprised. Of course you would be the one person on all of Ravnica who thinks being mobbed by an army of pigeons is a good thing."      "Aw look, you called them pigeons. I guess I can pay more attention to the differences between lilies from now on," she said and poked her nose into the beak of one of the birds. He had to admit it was a charming sight.      "I will hold you to that," Elrick said and then sighed again. "Now come along Dove. We've got a shop to open. You're new friends can follow for awhile but they are absolutely not allowed inside the shop." Rhynn laughed and stepped around the pigeons on the ground to follow him again. She looked ridiculous but Elrick felt content as they walked on their way to their destination.
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sparepartsbacc · 3 years
A List of the Mods I Use: The Finale
Finally! The last one! And it’s long too. Because I use too many mods. Thank you for not abandoning me through this journey. Anyway, these mods at the ones that I couldn’t categorize any other way that I thought of at the time. I could probably think of a way if I tried, but “other” is always a good category.
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Social Powered Reward Trait by Triplis - This one is hard to categorize, so I thought “other” worked well. This is a reward trait that makes it so your extroverted sims will literally gain energy just by interacting with other sims. This is one that Kalliope and Montana both have, so they don’t sleep much. More Umbrella Variations in the World by LittleMsSam - I got tired of only seeing the black umbrellas in the world, so I downloaded this because it makes it so townies use more of the umbrellas, not just the black one. DARMODE by Arnie - This mod doesn’t add any extra gameplay or anything, but it makes much of the game’s UI elements and background things dark, rather than the bright white, and it feels better on my eyes. Give me Some Talent by FDSims4Mods - This is the mod I now use for talents and weaknesses. This one is less random than the one by Lumpinou, and when your child sim ages up to teen it will generate talents and weaknesses based on how they did on their skills as toddlers and/or children. Ghibli Clouds Override by Miiko - This mod is just because the sky in the game can be kinda boring, and I wanted prettier clouds. The Mood Pack Mod by Lumpinou - This mod is required for several of the other mods I’ve listed here, because it adds several new moods to the game, like disappointed, suspicious, affectionate, etc. Custom Moods for Some Game Moodlets by Lumpinou - This mod uses the previous mod, taking some of the moodlets from the game and directly editing their code so they use the custom moods from the mood pack so that they make more sense (proud instead of confident when your sim puts out a fire). Automatic Preferences by Lotharihoe - This mod makes it so that the preferences are automatic. Even though it makes things more difficult for me sometimes, I prefer having my sims make their own decisions based on what they like and dislike. Hobby Mod by MissyHissy - This mod adds hobbies based on the hobbies from The Sims 2: Freetime. I wish they were random, but I still really love it because it adds whims based on the hobby they like. Custom Whims by MissyHissy - These are the custom whims that the hobby and personality mods use. Personality Mod by MissyHissy - This mod adds several different personality reward traits that are based on the personality types from the Sims 2. No Make-Up and No Accessories on Randomized Sims by SimplyAnjuta - This mod does what it says. When you randomize a sim in CAS, they won’t be randomized with make-up or accessories. Better Father Winter by Zafire - This mod is a simple, sweet mod that adds more moodlets and reactions to Father Winter showing up on Winterfest, since without this mod sims don’t seem to care that he’s there. No Holiday Failure Drama by andiberlin - Changes the types of moodlets your sims get from holidays failing, because not everyone is horribly sad about holidays failing. No Lifestyle Loss Tense Moodlet by ClaudiaSharon - This makes it so sims losing their lifestyles will no longer get that annoying tense moodlet. Lifestyles were a good idea, but they’re so annoying. Sim Spawn Overhaul by lotharihoe - This improves the types of sims that walk by, the service sims, pets, etc. Better Familiars by LittleMsSam - This improves a lot of functionality of the spellcaster familiars. When they are summoned, spellcasters have increased xp gain, spellcasters can build relationship with their familiars, and familiars can send items to their spellcaster. Out of the Dark and Into the Light by lotharihoe - These mods are just visual mods that take away the blue aura that’s all over the game. I haven’t gotten the last of the trilogy, Purple Skies, yet but I might test it out later. Guests Only Order Drink When Not Busy by LittleMsSam - This tones down the amount of sims ordering drinks at the bar so that the bartender can actually keep up, and increases the types of drinks they can order, as well. Influential by lotharihoe - This mod makes it so you can use your Eco influence points to influence other sims to do things. Disliked Things are Boring by Zero - This mod just changes the moodlets that sims get from doing disliked things to bored, instead of tense. I thought it made more sense, I mean I don’t usually feel tense when I’m doing things I don’t like, I usually feel like I’d just rather be anywhere else. Unlimited Likes and Dislikes by Zerbu - This mod makes more sense to me, because it allows for way more than just 20 likes and dislikes. Because I like and dislike more than 20 things. Why can’t my sims? Tune Down Idles by Zero - This mod makes the game faster/run better by turning down the amount that certain idles happen. Famous Sims Gain Followers Automatically by LittleMsSam - This mod just makes sense, because why wouldn’t a famous sim gain followers automatically? Auto Light Fireplace When it’s Cold and No Present Opening Cooldown by LittleMsSam - These two mods make things much nicer during the Winter, and the Summer since sims no longer auto light the fireplace when it’s hot. Reveal the Handedness Traits! by Spazmunki13 - This mod just makes the handedness traits visible. Unfortunately, this mod is incompatible with KawaiiStacie’s Slice of Life, but since I don’t have that anymore I quickly installed this one.
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