#i don't know how sindarin or quenya syllables are stressed
ithrysslurks · 1 year
The Fall of Gil-Galad: Bredlik version
his name was Gil and he was king, of him the har- pers sadly sing; his names mean 'prinse' and 'shiyning star' — but non know hu his parents ar.
hes Fingons son, haf many guessed, its sung in songs brot to the West, but theres much douwt he had a wiyfe, for Maedhros was his fren for liyfe.
the third age har- pers sing this some — from Orodreth he could haf come, but Gil was grayte, this elf, less sharp — of him the sing- ers rarely harp.
could Finrod fair haf been his dad? of this the har- pers think real sad, for Finrod lovd Amarië — and bak in Val- inor she stayd.
of Fëanor, some grasp for hints, or Sindarin: a long-lost prinse? a random elf got hipnotiyzed? or Findui- las, in disguiyse?
they call him Gil — Ereinion, ruld Lindon once, but now its gon; of sord, and lance, the harpers piyne, on shield and helm the stars did shiyne.
'but now hes ded!' cry harpers sad, not even El- rond knows Gils dad; unfinished til the Dagorath — the anchient tale of Gil-Galad.
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