#i don't know who to tag since sarah already tagged everyone i'm friends with lol
runningfrom2am · 1 year
the sea around us; chapter eighteen
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In which Rafe Cameron has to choose between his dad and a pogue who's changing his outlook on life more and more every day.
(rafe cameron x f!oc)
(eventual!jj maybank x f!oc)
warnings/tags: violence, drug/alcohol use, smoking, sexual content (if you squint), slowburn, older brother’s best friend, (these tags are obv not exhaustive but regardless it’s pretty PG13)
wc: 1.7k
my masterlist
series masterlist
After we realized we literally, actually found the gold, our first move, was of course, to celebrate. We fly back to the Chateau, and we were high before we even made it back, all piling into the house and still chanting.
"Full Kook, Full Kook, Full Kook!" Everyone is yelling, dancing around as John B holds up the gold like it's a trophy. We can't believe it.
I feel my phone buzzing and I pull it out, seeing it's Rafe. I guess I have a tell, because Pope points over at me and calls me out. "Snowy, got your boyfriend on the line?"
"Yeah it's Rafe." I smile, taking the drink Kie hands me. "But he's not my boyfriend and you know it, Pope." I laugh.
"Hey, woah, woah, woah, don't tell him, okay? He can't know." JJ reminds me and I nod.
"Okay I won't tell him- shh.." I say, going to pick up the phone. Five high teenagers being told to be quiet only can have one result: laughter.
"Hi Rafe!" I giggle as I look at my friends, holding my finger to my lips as I step out the door and close it behind me.
I hang up and lean back against the side of the house. I think he believed me- and it's not like I'll never tell him, he'll find out when the time is right. I pull my vape out of my pocket and take a hit while I text him.
S: Rafeeee
I don't get a response right away, but I wasn't expecting one. He said he was busy anyways. I go back inside while I wait, catching John B pulling his shirt off, since he's entirely covered in mud.
"Oh my god, ew, go take a shower." Kie laughs, throwing her now empty can at him.
"Yeah, will do.." He chuckles. "Sarah, care to join?"
"Gross, man.." Pope says.
"Boo..." I laugh, as the two of them head off down the hall. Just as I finish downing my drink and going to grab another one, I feel my phone vibrate in my hand.
I grab my drink and decide I should step back outside for some fresh air- it just feels so much better when you're high. I wander out to the hammock and lay down, deciding now to answer his text before I forget.
R: yeah?
S: hi :)
R: Hi
S: what doing
R: what doing?
S: i'm laying in the hammock
R: were you asking what i was doing?
S: o, yeah i was
R: i just got home from the club
S: ooo fun, was it bumpin tn?
R: ... the island club? never
S: ohhhhh the ISLAND xlub
R: are you with anyone?
S: not right this second S: eveeyone is inside
R: you should go back in R: you shouldn't be alone if you're drunk
S: nooooo S: i'd rather talk to you :))) S: also john b and sarah are in the shower together and i'd rather not be a witness to that lol
R: gross. thanks for sharing
S: welc
At this point, after a minute or so, I realize he's done talking to me so I put my phone down and close my eyes. I'm using my one leg to rock myself back and forth on the hammock, just relishing in the butterflies in my stomach until my phone starts ringing.
"Hello?" I answer, eyes still closed.
"Hey." I can hear the smile in Rafe's voice.
"Hi Rafe." I giggle. "I missed you."
"That weed is really peaking right now, huh?" He laughs.
"Yeah, kinda."
"Yeah I could tell, since I just texted you and you already said you miss me." He says, making me laugh more.
"I forgot about that!" I laugh, sitting up.
"Are you going back to Tannyhill tonight?" He asks.
"Uhm... yeah I don't think so. Unless you can come get me?" I ask hopefully. I want nothing more than to see him right now.
"Uh.. well, no, I mean yes. I mean, no I probably shouldn't..." He says and I furrow my eyebrows.
"Why not?" I pout. "I want to see you."
"Fuck- yeah, I know." He sighs, and I can practically hear the gears turning in his head. "I want to see you too, I really do, but I can't pick you up right now."
I sigh. I know what that means now. "You're high."
"Just a little- just a little bit and I don't want to make you feel unsafe but when I come down I'll come get you, okay? How does that sound?"
"No, no, don't do that." I insist, I don't want him to put himself in that spot. "Let's just talk, yeah? I wanna talk to you." I smile.
"Yeah, okay, that sounds good." He agrees. "What do you want to talk about?"
"I don't know." I giggle. "Maybe... could we talk about us?" I suggest, biting my lip. I swear, the best thing about being high is that consequences don't exist anymore.
"Sure." Rafe responds.
"So..." I can hardly get one word out without giggling. "Yeah. That's all I got." I can hear him laughing slightly on the other side.
"So... yeah." He repeats mockingly.
"I'm just nervous, okay?" I laugh. "Leave me alone!"
"Don't be nervous." He says softly, and somehow that makes my heart flutter.
"So..." I start again. "I hear you're not one for relationships."
"Typically? It's not really my thing." He says and I frown. "But since I've met the right girl, why not?"
"Fair enough." I nod a little. "I'm not either, but to be fair that's only because I've never had the chance, I mean, yeah I just don't think I'm a super likeable person overall. That's what Kegs told me once anyway-" He interrupts my rambling.
"Snowy." He chuckles. "That was me asking you." He laughs, but I'm floored.
"Wait, actually?" I ask.
"Yeah." I can see his smile in my mind as he replies. "I've been meaning to ask you that for a little while."
He actually wants me to be his girlfriend? I guess if he's looking past where I live and who I hangout with he does really care. I don't think I have any reason to believe that this is all an elaborate prank meant to embarrass me.
"Uh, then yeah! Yeah of course." I giggle, answering before my mind gets the better of me. "My friends already call you that anyways so we'll continue business as usual."
"Business as usual." He agrees. "But maybe not actually, maybe a little different."
"Snowyyy!" I hear JJ yelling from the porch.
I go to say something to Rafe but he speaks first.
"Go hangout with your friends, okay? I'll talk to you in a bit. Call me before you go to bed." He tells me.
"Yeah, I will. Bye Rafe!" I say into the phone.
"You're so funny when you're high." I can hear him laugh before he hangs up.
"JJ!" I grin as I stumble out of the hammock, immediately face planting on the lawn.
"Oh, shit Snowy you are on fire." JJ jokes as I make it up onto the porch.
"Thank you." I laugh and he wraps his arm around my shoulder, guiding me back in.
The next morning, we decide our move is to melt down the gold bar and try and sell it, so we can buy supplies to go get the rest of it out of the well.
Kie and JJ work on melting it down, as I lay in bed in recovery mode until we have to go in probably the early afternoon.
I get the summoning that we'll be leaving in ten minutes, and take that as my cue to get up and get dressed. I put on some of my jeans that I find on the floor of John B's room, and a tank top I had laying in a drawer. I quickly grab my bag, and we're out the door.
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When we pull up to the pawn shop, we elect JJ to do the talking, since he is probably the best liar.
"Fuck you guys- I think Snowy is better." JJ groans, and I give him a pat on the back as we walk in. Showtime.
The older woman working does every test on our gold in the book, skeptical that it's real since a bunch of derelict kids brought in a gold bar worth over 140k. She was more skeptical after JJ says it's made of his moms melted down jewellery. I make eye contact with Sarah as we try not to laugh, going back to looking around.
The woman excuses herself into the back for a moment to talk to her boss, and we wait around quietly. We're all so nervous, and so excited. We're just all smiling at each other like a bunch of idiots.
"I can do fifty for it." She tells us and we all kind of look at each other, giving disapproving looks.
"No, no ma'am. This is worth one-forty at least, you didn't think I'd walk in knowing the spot price?" JJ insists as I walk up next to him.
"Honey you're in a pawn shop- this ain't Zurich." The old woman chuckles. "So I look Swiss to you?"
"Ninety- or I walk." JJ replies, and I give him a subtle pat on the back, resting my arm on the back of his shoulder.
"Seventy, that's half price," She says, leaning in a little. "And I don't ask questions about where y'all got this..."
JJ and I look at each other, and then to John B, who gives a nod of approval.  "I'd like that in large denominations please." JJ says, nodding at her.
Unfortunately, because nothing for us can be easy, we have to go to some busted warehouse in the middle of fuck all nowhere to pick up the money ourselves.
We're on our way out, when Sarah and I start to give each other looks portraying how we just aren't feeling right about this.
"There's nothing but weeds out here, guys, somethings not right!" Kie insists to them and Sarah nods in agreement, just as we hear sirens and see lights behind us.
"Cops? Out here?" I say, as John B pulls over.
"We didn't even do anything!" Sarah adds.
"Guys, chill, hide the gold." John B says as we throw everything under the seat. "JJ, you didn't bring the gun right?"
"No, dude I didn't bring the gun." JJ sighs.
John B rolls down the window and we all stop talking when we see a gun pointed right at his head.
"Get out of the car." The man holding the gun says. He's got a bandana covering his face, so only his eyes are visible. "Get out of the car and let your friends out." He says, keeping the gun pointed right at John B as he slowly gets out, arms raised until he opens the back door for us. We all climb out, raising our arms as well. My hands are shaking so bad- I feel like I could throw up.
"Don't worry, beautiful.." He chuckles, pressing the gun to the side of my head. "Don't run, and I won't shoot." He tells me and I nod a little, a tear falling down my cheek.
The man directs us to lay down by the ditch on the side of the road, telling us to kiss the ground and if he sees any of us move, he'll blow our brains out. Great. Just great. The man then climbs into the van, no way he's not looking for the gold. That old bitch set us up.
While I'm focussing on not bursting into tears and panic running down the road, I see some movement to my left and slowly look up. John B is slowly getting up- eyes trained on the Twinkie. "John B, don't be a hero man." JJ whispers as John B gets up and runs over to the man's car, climbing in the back seat and ducking down just before the man steps out of the Twinkie, gold bar in hand.
"Fuck, man.." Pope mumbles, just as the gun is pointed back on us.
"If I see any of you move, I will run you over- understand?" He shouts. None of us move. He walks backward toward his car, and as soon as he climbs in, John B is on him.
"Guys I've got his keys!" He yells, throwing them out of the car in our general direction as we all run up to help, and they fall out of the car fighting. John B somehow takes his gun, and when the man is back up, JJ shoved him into the side of the car. He puts up more of a fight until Sarah slams his head with the car door, and we all just stand looking at him.
JJ goes up and pulls down the man's bandana, and sighs. "Man, I know this guy. Sells drugs to my dad."
"He probably knows my brother.." Sarah mumbles, and we look at each other. We're in deep shit now for sure.
JJ takes his wallet, and John B grabs his car keys and throws them out into the woods to buy us some time to run. We get the gold back, and quickly climb into the Twinkie and take off.
Begrudgingly for all of us but JJ, our next stop, is Barry's house. We arrive, and JJ gets out and runs in.
"Guys, this is such a bad idea I feel sick." I tell everyone. "We've got the gold, let's just get out of here."
"I'll go talk to JJ." John B agrees, running inside after the blonde.
"Sarah, we're so fucked." I whisper, for no other reason than my body still being in full fight or flight mode.
"Yep." She sighs, running her hand through her hair.
"Guys, seriously, Rafe can't know about the gold." Pope says, extremely unhelpfully.
"Pope, I swear to god.." I say, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. "Do you think Barry isn't already on the phone with him right now telling him what happened? It's completely out of our hands now."
Kie shakes her head as I drop my head into my hands. Just then, JJ and John B burst out of the door, arguing by the looks of it. We all quickly climb out of the van.
"Here we go everyone, about 5k each for reparations.." JJ smiles, holding a huge wad of cash.
"JJ.. JJ no.." I say quietly, shaking my head at him.
"Do you know what happens when you steal from a drug dealer man? They come after you, Bro." John B says, trying to shake him out of it.
"Listen, did you like looking down the barrel of a gun? He had it right between your eyes!" He shouts, putting his fingers against John B's forehead to prove his point. "You and Snowy both!"
"Dude- obviously not, I just-" John B says, pushing his hand away.
JJ just shakes his head and turns his attention to Pope. "Look, man, this will pay for my restitution."
"I didn't ask you to do that."
"Well I did it." JJ snaps. "And I'm paying it back, right here, right now, by myself." He says, getting right up in Popes face before turning around.
"You know, I'm probably better off on my own anyways." JJ says, starting to walk off.
"JJ? JJ wait!" Kie calls after him but he ignores us.
"We need to seriously let him cool off." Sarah says and I nod in agreement.
"We also seriously need to get out of here before Barry comes back." I say, and everyone agrees as we get back in the Twinkie and take off, leaving JJ to fend for himself.
A/N; I bit the bullet and finally had them get together slayyyy -R
taglist: @boo22sstuff@madelynie (message me if you want to be added!!)
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cherriegyuu · 6 years
777 WIP Challenge
Rules: go to page 7 of your wip, go to the 7th line, share 7 sentences, and tag 7 more writer bloggers to continue the challenge.
tagged by the sister who I share a name with @yehet-me-up
this is from a one shot i should have finished for bbh’s birthday lol
The idea that now you had to report to someone pained you the same amount that it angered you. Of course that you weren't angry at him, just like it had happened to you Baekhyun had little to no choice in the matter.
It was just that much worse that that the person you were supposed to be with was Baekhyun. You had known him for most of your life, went to same schools, had the same circle of friends up until high school. The problem was that you never saw eye to eye in situations, from something as simple as deciding where you would go after class or more pressing matters - like wanting or not to be a part of your family's business.
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