#i don't mean to single you out but you're like the tenth anon in the past week since that post
honeyhotteoks · 1 year
Did you stop updating completely?
no, i didn't. honestly, i'm not sure how many ways i need to say this, but i am not done writing, i just cannot post at the same pace i did last year.
i've updated my pinned post to be more clear about this, but essentially please just read this.
i will no longer be replying to any messages (anon or not) about my update schedule, if i'm done posting, when the next chapter is coming, when book 2 is coming out, etc.
i wrote over 500K words last year. that's over a thousand pages. i physically cannot keep this pace any more and it's honestly not normal for fic writers to be posting that amount anyway. i am not a machine churning out content, i physically can't do it.
the sheer amount of people who ask me on a daily basis for updates on my writing isn't flattering anymore, it makes me not want to do it.
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uhm, hello! i've been lurking around some jkk blogs and finally decided to come out of the shadows,,,
one thing i noticed between most of armys collectively, be it jkkrs, tkkrs, ot7, solos, etc, is... that they don't really seem to trust JK very much? take their 10th anniversary for example. just because JK was the last one to post a message about it, people already startes doubting that he'd post anything /at all/, questioning it, wondering why he didn't post anything. but for real, its his group's /tenth/ anniversary, people really think that man wouldn't post a single message about it? JK? the man who is ever so considerate and caring to armys?
i'm using this as an example, but i feel this stretches to everything else. people doubt JK and question his behaviors every time a rumor pops up. people often times take those rumors as being the sole truth regardless of what JK says himself. i'm tired of people thinking he isn't serious about what he does and says.
and obviously, this stretches to jkk too. even to tkk, because many tkkrs love to throw him under the bus to explain their own delusions. why do his actions need to be questioned and explained and scrutinized every single time? why, for everything he does, it must have an underlying meaning, a hidden message, something that he isn't telling us? why do people feel the need to explain his every action and words? why him making a live to see JM content has to be under scrutiny? can't it just be JK watching content of someone he loves and wanting to cheer himself up? and when i say this goes for tkk too, is exactly because tkkrs love to add explanations for what JK does and to tell everyone that "it isn't what you're seeing that is real actually". and i imagine that, a lot of the biggest ot7s blogs and pages being tkkrs themselves, this mistrust spread to regular armys too.
and this is a callout for those jkkrs who throw themselves in a well of despair when JK seemingly acts like "he doesn't care for JM anymore" too. the man himself said a hundred times that he is shy, that he doesn't like to expose himself too much, that he has a hard time taking selcas, etc. how many times people believed jkk just "don't interact anymore" just for us to find out months later that they hung out as they always did, they just didn't post about it or tell us about it in their lives?
why can't people trust JK more? he more than once told he communicate his feelings and thoughts to us through lyrics, is honest and straightforward in his speeches, says lyrics have meaning to him and that he never does anything without being intentioned about it, always makes it clear to say what he means even if he doesn't find it easy or believes he isn't the best when it comes to expressing his feelings. i don't understand why many people see him as this shallow puppet, as this dumb guy who doesn't know what he's doing, who doesn't know the meanings of his /own creations/, be it songs, lyrics, GCF videos, posts, etc. as this guy who isn't to be very much trusted, when JK is so trustworthy and earnest. that's the only reasons i can come up with to explain how some "fans" rather believe in rumors and leaks than JK himself regarding what he does with his life and his art and music.
i know you're JM biased but i also know you're very fair in your judgements and is always defending both of jkk. i hope this ask make through, especially now where there are so many "leaks" and negative rumors spreading again about him.
Hi anon,
I love this. Thank you for taking the time to post this. I'm happy to know that Jungkook has a fan who defends him like this and who loves him so much.
Everything you said is on point.
"Why can't people trust Jk more?" This is my take on this question and I'm curious to know what others think.
I will speak in general terms, ok? I think we doubt Jungkook because:
-We let tkkrs get to our head and therefore don't think all Tae & Jk interactions are only platonic.
-We let the weekly Jk and random woman dating rumors get to our head.
-We believe the "fuck boy" image this fandom has tried imposing on him.
-We believe Jikook is fan service.
-Genuine people don't exist so he can't be genuine.
-We feel a hunch.
-We don't understand that he won't act according to our fantasies because he is an actual human being and not a fictional character.
-We think he plays the parasocial relationship card really well.
Maybe it's a combination of these things?
But you are right. It is unfair to Jungkook because everytime he has talked to the fans, explained, sang, and/or demonstrated his love he has been 100% genuine.
And his actions towards Jimin have been 100% genuine too.
I think the issue is not Jungkook. The issue is us. That simple. And how sad.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
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