#i don't plan on going anywhere i still have hella muse
biitchcakes · 8 months
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As an update ⸺⸺
Long rant incoming because I can never be concise about anything 💀
Alright so lately I've been feeling a little burnt out in general, which has unfortunately lent to having some Negative Thoughts about my time being on here. Transitioning from Depression: Winter Edition back into the regular run-of-the-mill flavour is never pleasant, and at the moment I've just been constantly sick (just about over a bad ear infection and then aunt irma comes to visit, that's rad -), which makes it worse. BUT instead of letting those get the better of me, I want to try to say here and keep writing (and attempt at being more social but that's a whole other beast entirely frankly).
All that to say - I'm probably going to be a lot slower on here activity-wise. It'll likely be pretty sporadic, with random bursts of insane activity and then nothing for a couple days. I'll still send out memes and prompts, but I ask for your patience when it comes to my replies. To help keep inspo for myself going, I'll also likely make a bunch of those ch. study posts since I could rant about Jessica forever - no matter my mood.
Discord is a good place to reach me. Feel free to ask for it but I will be pretty selective with who I get it out to. Otherwise, I respond to IMs on here whenever I can. Jsyk I can be pretty reclusive - tho this is something I'm really working on.
Thank you for reading, I greatly appreciate it. 🩷
TL;DR ⸺ My glacial pace is about to get even slower folks. Occasionally will probs spam the dash from time to time tho.
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thedyingmoon · 5 years
🖤 I See My Future Before Me 🖤
It was the happiest moment of my life. The moment we spoke our vows, the promise of our unending love, the feeling when he slipped the ring on my finger, and that time when we kissed,...
... it was as if the universe conspired to make everything perfect for the two of us as husband and wife.
But, that was a year ago. Despite our efforts, we could not help but be crestfallen for the thing we desired the most but could not gain - offspring.
We consulted every possible expert we could think of but, it seemed that it really was impossible for me to conceive. And one day, we just,... stopped trying. I knew there was something wrong with me, and I could never deny it.
But, my husband, despite this condition of mine, stayed with me and remained patient and understanding. He never gave up on me and never once left me. He gave me all the love that he could, despite the fact that I was unworthy of it to begin with.
No, he never thought of me as unworthy. Never.
Then, one day, he gave me the most wonderful gift in the world. Gifts, in the form of three very different, yet precious, little girls who stood before me that one morning during my birthday.
He called them Galatea, Andromeda, and Cassandra. They were the three sisters of fate - The Bearer of The Past, The Protector of The Present, and The Aspect of The Future. The three loyal Muses that served him and guarded him.
Despite them not being human, and also not Demonic, in nature, they do mimic everything that normal little girls do. They play, sing, dance, they ask for bedtime stories, they yearn for love. And they were the most beautiful beings in all of existence.
They were,... perfect.
From that day onward, they have become my three darling daughters who stayed with me at all times, protecting us and making us whole and happy,...
"Talk about a fine line between love and hate.
We've lost more than our direction of late.
Talk about a fine line between lovers and friends.
We've never been lovers now we're not even friends.
In this invisible war, it seems we're waging an invisible war.
Everyday I seem to lose you more in this invisible war.
Wounded deeply the scar is here to stay,
Opening up the little things I do or say.
You always want things to be as before.
So I make you angry and you bleed a little more.
In this invisible war, it seems we're waging an invisible war.
Strained maneuvers keeping silent score in this invisible war."
"Where is V?" You asked Nico for the third time that day.
Instead of saying that she didn't know, the freckled woman sighed. "Is there something wrong, hon?" She inquired as she repaired one of Nero's Breakers.
"Ah, nothing." You let out with a dejected sigh.
"You sure?"
You nodded.
"Whatever you say,... "
It was a really cold and cloudy day. Nero was snoring loudly on the sofa, Nico was doing some more Breakers for him to kill time, V was, indeed, nowhere to be found,...
... and you?
Ever since that strange encounter you had with him earlier, you couldn't help but feel unnerved. It's like a part of him drastically changed the moment he went back from his talk with Fleminger. You so wanted to ask him what's bothering him, to comfort him and to offer a shoulder to lean on.
But, the fact that you just saw him got hurt with something unknown? It was like watchig a loved one suffer from the other side with bars separating them, making it impossible for one to reach the other. And it really took a toll on your sensitive emotions.
You just couldn't stop thinking and worrying about him. And it awfully hurt not to see the usual V you have grown to admire and adore.
Silly, yes. But, you missed him so much,...
And the sad song on the radio was really not helping with your current situation, at all!
Nico noticed your behavior and cleared her throat, which succesfully gained your undivided attention.
"If you're just gonna grumble all day, then we might as well try out my new invention."
"What's your new invention?"
The Artisan at Arms proudly smiled and crossed her arms.
"Oh, you'll see what I'm talkin' about." She gloated with a wink.
A few hours later, the two of you arrived at the farthest and most abandoned site in the city away from Fleminger's mansion.
Nico dropped her huge rucksack on the ground and took out several pieces of unflattering clothing from it.
"What are these?" You curiously asked as she handed them to you.
"Those are special clothes made from a very durable and expandable fabric that absorbs extreme heat and pressure. I was developing it a week before this whole fiasco began."
"And this is for me?"
"Of course!" Nico answered, crossing her arms and looking very proud. "You can't burst out of your clothes every time you transform into that thing! We need to innovate! And we,... " she took out a video camera from the rucksack, turned it on, and focused it at you. "... are going to test that right now."
Staring at the woman, clueless, you muttered, "Ah, so I have to change now?"
"Of course, dummy! And make it quick!"
After scrambling to a secluded, hidden place to change, you came out wearing Nico's invention looking like a huge walking fashion faux pas.
"Is this it?" You questioned, looking at the huge sleeves of the gray jumpsuit - like outfit that was several sizes too large for you.
"Pretty much, yeah." Nico answered as she settled her video cam on a tripod. She took a peak at it and waved her arms. "Hey, uh, I need you to move farther away."
You took a few steps away from Nico. "Like this?"
"Honey, I mean, further, further away. I don't want to get disintegrated!"
You walked several feet away from Nico, trying to measure just how much the impact of your transformation would make, and when you faced her once more, she finally gave you a thumbs up.
"Okay! I need you to transform on the count of three!"
"Whenever you're ready!"
"I' am!"
"Alright, then! ONE, TWO, THREE!"
You called the entity's name, summoning it, and when you felt its presence, it instantly took over your body, enveloping you with that blinding light and disintegrating everything within your immediate vicinity.
"Never gets old, (Y/N)." Nico said, whistling as she captured your mind - blowing transformation on camera. "Never gets old."
The entity hovered on the ground for a moment, waiting for a command, until Nico finally gave it.
"Alright, hon! You can go back now!"
The seven - foot creature spread its arms, enveloping itself once more with light. And after a few heart - stopping moments later, you changed back to your original form,...
... butt - naked from head to foot.
And from the moment you realized how exposed you are, you gasped in fright, covered your private parts, then hustled back to that secluded place where you've been before to put on clothes.
A few minutes later, you were back, horrified to see Nico laughing non - stop,...
... and the camera still recording!
"Are you really my friend, or not?!" You shrieked at the woman, not caring in the least that your movements were being documented.
"Dude, chill! I need this for documentation!"
"Of your crappy invention?!"
"Hey! It's a - HAHA - work of - HAHA - art!"
"Ugh, SHUT UP!"
Despite your complaints, you were back to where you transformed, wearing another one of Nico's inventions but, this time - in the form of a school uniform.
"What,... IS THIS?!" You yelled at the woman, disgusted at how extremely short the skirt was.
"Uhh, never mind that!" Nico, who was fortunate that she was far away from you and, therefore, could not be seen sweating, answered nervously. "Another round!"
You sighed, shook your hands, took a deep breath, and morphed once more into the entity.
And, once more, Nico recorded it, along with how you morphed back, and how you were naked again.
"THIS IS NOT WORKING!" You shrieked like a depressed banshee as you made your way towards your hiding place to put on clothes.
"You're almost there!" Nico reassured you a few moments later as she recorded you once more, this time with you wearing what looked like a risqué pop idol cosplay. "Don't worry! You look hella cute!"
"Just get on with it!"
And so, you transformed once more, went back,...
"THIS IS NOT GOING ANYWHERE!" You angrily shrieked, this time not even bothering to run away to get dressed. You just strode angrily towards Nico, who was still filming you in all your naked glory. "And why do you have to film me getting myself naked? You're planning something, aren't you?!"
Nico laughed nervously, her sweat instantly giving her away. "What do you mean by that?! I'm so not going to let V see this!"
"UGH!" You let your frustration out as you facepalmed. Of course, she's planning to let V see all this!
However, at the mention of the poet's name, you heard a noise coming from somewhere not far away. Nico stopped panic explaining as soon as she saw you getting your guard up.
You swore that whoever's watching you, they would not get out of this alive. Not when you've exposed yourself over and over.
You took simple, wary steps to your left.
"Hey, Nico," you began. "I think I left something at the van."
"What's that?" The woman played along, knowing your plan by instinct.
"V's jacket! I remember he told me to mend it,..."
And surely enough, the two of you heard the noise once more. It sounded like,... a squawk?
Your eyes widened. You gave Nico a subtle nod and made a quick dive behind one of the boulders.
There was a struggle, a lot of noises and curses, and a few agonizing minutes later, you finally came out, dragging a blue demonic bird by its beak.
"MHMH! MHMH! MMHHMMHH!" Griffon yelled through his muffled beak.
"Ohoho, so the little chickee really wants to be cooked in a steel pot, after all!" Nico taunted, making the bird struggle even more, to no avail.
"BRING OUT THE STEEL POT!" You madly boomed, not letting go of Griffon's beak. "I WANT TO KNOW WHAT THIS BIRD IS BREWING UP!"
"MMMHHHMMM! NNNYYYEEERRRHHHGGG!" The bird panicked once more but, this time, he was able to let out a weak electrical current, enough for you to let him go.
"FUCK! FUCK! FFFUUUCCCKKK! I THOUGHT I'M DONE FOR!" Griffon squawked, flying just a few inches above your head. "WHAT'S YER PROBLEM, WOMAN?! YE TRYNA KILL ME BY COVERIN' MA NOSE?!"
"Ah,..." you stuttered but, then, remembered that you wouldn't do such a thing to him if he didn't start anything in the first place. "YOU CAN'T BLAME ME! You know, all you need to do is ask and I'll definitely allow you to come along,..."
"Wait, don't tell me Chickee here knows the secret?!" Nico exclaimed, pointing at you and Griffon.
After a minute or so of explanation on how Griffon came to know your secret, Nico nodded knowingly, finally accepting the fact that the bird was now in on all your secrets from that fateful day onward.
"So, let me get this straight, Chickee knows the secret but, V doesn't?" Nico questioned.
"Y - yeah,... ?" The bird hesitantly answered.
"WHAT'S THAT? YOU TOLD V, DIDN'T YOU?!" You yelled at the bird as you grabbed his wings.
"He's telling the truth." You finally admitted as you let him go.
"WAIT!" Nico, who seemed to not let go of the issue just yet, stopped you. "If you're here, then V is here, too!"
Griffon's eyes widened. "Hehe, well,..."
"AHH!" You shrieked in embarrassment as you covered your parts and literally collapsed on the ground, feeling your body heat up.
Now, it was Nico's turn to grab the demonic bird by his beak.
"Keep messin' with us, and you'll really have to say bye bye to your pretty little Shakespeare!"
After a few more threats to the poor bird, you three had finally managed to settle down. You, now fully dressed and officially through with Nico's experiments, were taking a nap, leaning against the wall inside the abandoned building. The freckled woman was putting the camera back to her rucksack,...
... and Griffon? It was safe to say that the bird has started sniffing you for some unknown reason. Your friend noticed this and called his attention.
"Hey! I know that's a chick you're sniffin' there but, ya just can't do that without V's permission. He'll get real mad!" Nico mumbled in a whisper to avoid waking you up.
"Ah! Haha! Well, tryna sniff some bugs out,..." Griffon nervously lied, then whispered, more to himself, "That's weird, I can't smell anythin'!"
"I heard that!" Nico retorted as she quickly made her way towards you and him to shelter herself from the impending rain.
"Can't ya smell anythin' weird about her?"
"Weird? You mean bad odor, or - ?"
"Not bad odor!" Griffon shrieked.
"Oh, sorry."
Nico raised an eyebrow as she sat next to you and wrapped her arms around her knees for added warmth. It really was getting a bit colder.
"You've been actin' weird. Especially that Shakespeare dude! Where's V, huh? And you better start tellin' me the truth."
"He's,... ah,... somewhere! Yeah, somewhere,... "
"Well, I can't really tell ya! Just know that he's out there but, not close here, yeah?"
"Whatever." Nico said, rolling her eyes. She pushed the rim of her red - framed glasses closer to her nose bridge and went on interrogating the bird. "And what do ya mean by that odor?"
If birds could sweat, Griffon could probably produce buckets by now. Fortunately, it was slightly hard to see through his real emotions due to his brash nature.
After all, Nico would surely suspect something if he told her that V sent him to spy on you.
And for what reason?
V actually didn't fully believe everything that Fleminger person told him. He said to him the exact opposite of what he truly believed in, and, confused to the core he may be, he wanted to make sure if the guy was telling the truth, or not. He just couldn't do the spying, himself, as of the moment. It just felt wrong to do it to a lady such as you.
After all, he did come to adore you despite the really short time you've been together. And he's not letting anyone ruin that.
Not now when,...
So, he wanted to make sure by first sending Griffon to you. If the demonic avian failed to produce results, then he'd be the one who will do the interrogation, himself but, only as a last resort.
He would never believe that YOU were the Dreadnought, and he's willing to prove it so that he could slap that hard truth to Fleminger's face. Along with Shadow's scratches to boot.
The only problem was, he didn't know that you were hiding secrets from him, yourself. That alone was truly suspicious, and Griffon knew all that. The Demon just opted not to tell V that, for he had also learned to love you as a friend after the Malphas event. You've been a really good person and a protector to him, and he, like V, hoped that Fleminger was wrong about you.
"Hey!" Nico said, snapping her fingers to get Griffon's attention.
"The odor? I was asking about (Y/N)'s odor."
Ah, crap, Griffon thought. Should I let this woman know?! She's her friend! She could easily tell whether (Y/N)'s the fuckin' Dreadnought or not!
"Well! I, uh,..."
"Speaking of which," Nico interrupted, much to the bird's rotten luck. Or, was it? "... Nero has been bugging me with this non - existent apple pie he's been sniffin' round about three days ago. I mean, I can't even bake. But, if it's Kyrie then - !"
"If the pimple kid's a Demon, then that makes total sense! I - " Griffon blurted out without even thinking, making the woman stare at him in disbelief. He gulped audibly, his nerves getting the better of him. "Ah, oops?"
Nico raised an eyebrow in suspicion. "And what does that supposed to mean?"
"Ah, what?"
"AH! AAHH! NNRRGGHH!" Griffon squawked and started flapping his wings wildly in panic.
"HEY! I'M ONLY ASKING A QUESTION!" Nico said in an effort to make the bird calm down. "Unless,... " she stood up and pointed a tattooed finger at him. "... YOU'RE REALLY HIDING SOMETHING FROM US!"
Griffon was moving too much that he accidentally scratched your arm in accident.
"DUMBASS!" Nico grabbed the bird's talons, taking them away from you. "LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE!"
"G - guys,... " You muttered, finally waking up due to the noise and the sudden pain in your arm. "What's happening?"
"It's the chicken's fault!" Nico shrieked, shaking the bird in annoyance.
You gave them a confused look, then glanced at the now bloody wound on your arm. You shook your head in disbelief.
"Do not be too hard on the creature. I will heal." You tiredly responded, standing up and making your way outside despite the rain.
"Hon, it's still raining." Nico pleaded as she finally let Griffon go.
"It matters not." You answered monotonously. "This body would soon perish, after all,..."
"Come again?"
It took both Nico and Griffon a few seconds to realize that your voice sounded different, the way you moved looked suspicious,...
... and your eyes seemed a different shade,...
"(Y/N), is that you?" Nico asked, wary of her own movements.
"That is the name of our vessel." You answered, further confirming that you were taken over by the entity in a space of only a few moments right after waking up.
"Our?" Griffon added. "What do ya mean by that, sweet pea?"
"Feeble minds would never be able to comprehend the meaning of our existence. Humans and Demons alike perceived us as one." You glanced back at them, only for them to see that you have completely changed your appearance.
To Nico and Griffon, you now looked like a tall and slender woman with beautiful dark skin and equally dark and abundant hair. Your large, mournful eyes shone brightly and looked upon them with such enigma that none of them dared to utter a word.
"We are one. However, at the same time, we are three. I' am the Aspect of The Future." You, or the entity, made yourself known. "I' am here in this crucial moment to partake of a vital information from the near future."
"Future?" Nico bravely asked whilst Griffon remained silent. "You have a prediction for us?"
The entity, or The Aspect of The Future, bowed her regal head.
"In four days time, two hearts would be ripped open, blood shall be spilled, and emotions will clash upon uneven ground. A Prince will awaken and a King shall rise. The Pale Ones would make their move and engulf the whole world in darkness. Only then would the third and final heart, the one who would regret the most, be stabbed by their own doing."
"That sounds,... cheerful,..." Nico added sarcastically to somehow lighten the mood. She might have poked fun at you for changing into that light being who can disintegrate your clothes but, she just couldn't make fun of this particular entity who made unfunny prophecies.
Griffon flew towards the entity before Nico could even stop him.
"You said something before about crying and kneeling, and whatever that was." The demonic bird questioned. "What's up with that? Another twisted plot on a fuckin' t.v. show?!"
"My answer remains the same." The entity answered calmly. "At the final hours of the evening and the last radiance of the wounded moon, the past will weep, the present will kneel, and the future will die."
"The future will die?" Nico cut in. "Is that what you mean by your body perishing soon?"
But, the entity did not answer. Instead, she went past Griffon and made her way towards the woman.
"Would you weep, human?"
"Uh, it depends,..." Nico said matter - of - factly. It's the plain truth! Why would she cry at the prophet's death?
"You are strong and vigilant. Remain as such until the promised hour." The entity answered, then went back towards Griffon.
"Ahh, ya have somethin' for me?" Griffon asked.
"Remain true to your instincts." The entity told him. "Even in the face of true danger."
"Okay,... WHAT?!"
The entity nodded, then faced away from them, glancing at the depressing weather outside. Nico, who was curious to know more, followed suit.
"Why are you telling us all this? Isn't the future kind of forbidden to tell? And why show yourself now? Because the world is ending and some shit?"
"And so, you believed me?"
"Well, yeah! I believed in my friend, and her power comes from you! Of course, I believe you."
"Such innocence,..." the entity simply stated, then released a sound that sounded strangely like a chuckle. "There was a time when I was stoned by my own people for warning them of such dangers. No one believed me, and that is my eternal curse. A curse for turning away a powerful lover. He gave me this power."
"No one's stoning you here." Griffon said, joining the two. "That's just barbaric."
"Is there a way to prevent all this bad stuff from happening?" Nico finally asked, positively itching to know the solution. Well, there must be! "Like a plan B, or somethin'?"
"There is no alternative. Everything I told you is inevitable."
"So, that's it, huh? All of us will fuckin' die?" Griffon slightly yelled at the entity for being so pessimistic.
She looked at him and gave him a meaningful glance. "There is,... an alternative."
Griffon and Nico's eyes widened as they looked at each other in utter surprise.
"And it all depends on one." The entity finished.
"One what?!" Both Nico and Griffon questioned, to which they were just ignored as the entity glanced back at the weather outside.
"By then, the past shall still weep but, not for long, the present shall forever kneel but, the future,... may no longer die. That is,... a nice thought. If only,..."
"If only,... ?" Nico asked in an attempt to keep the entity talking.
However, the strange creature remained silent as she watched every single drop of the rain.
"It has been,... a long time since I watched the rain." She quietly said, her voice as gentle and calm as possible. "It is so calm, so peaceful. A fitting start to an end."
Nico sighed. They never truly heard something positive from her other than her proposed plan B, which was still very vague, much to their distaste.
"I'm afraid I'm keeping your friend." The entity told them. "I must go, for her strength must be replenished."
Both the entity and Nico looked at Griffon, surprised at what he just blurted out.
"Speak, creature of the night."
"I, ahh,..." Griffon began, unsure how to bring up the Dreadnought issue. "I just wanna know, is,... is (Y/N) an, ah, err, an,... ah, how to say this?"
"Just spit it out, Chickee!" Nico blurted out, crossing her arms once more.
"Is (Y/N) an enemy? I just wanna know." And just like that, the words were finally out from him like removing a thorn piercing his heart.
"I see." The entity said. All of a sudden, her body was engulfed with light, like she was catching on fire. "It entirely depends,... on the beholder."
And with those final words, the entity vanished, leaving behind her vessel.
Your eyes were closed shut, and when you finally opened them, you were surprised to see both Nico and Griffon staring at you with open mouths.
"Did I just do something weird?" You asked them, which made them convinced that you did not remember everything that just happened.
"No!" Nico answered with a nervous laugh.
"That's it! I just gotta tell V that she's not an enemy, right?!" Griffon said to himself, entirely forgetting that you and Nico could totally hear him.
"What are you talking about?" You asked him.
"Ah! Nothin' ! Gotta go!"
And, just like that, the demonic bird flew away, his strange words and behavior making him even more suspicious.
~ A V X Reader set in an Alternate Universe wherein heavy rain means lost videos and Apocalypse. 🖤
~ Tagging @heaven-on-a-landslide , @lessy86 , @boundbysoul , @simmy-ships , @ehrzeth , @ceruleanworld , @gxthghoulfriend , and @diabeticsugarush . Thank you for all your support.
"I will wait for as long as it takes. I only ask for one thing: don't forget about me."
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