#i don't really like living with strangers so the roommate situation would kind of suck but. maybe when i make enough money
gideonisms · 1 year
sometimes I'm like wow there is truly someone for everyone who really wants to fall in love. then other times I think, that sounds like an awful lot of effort though
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eddie-van-munson · 2 years
Concept: Roommate!Eddie jerking-off in the shower because he knows you can hear him through the wall.
Warnings: Smut (M Masturbation, Voyeurism, Mentions of M Receiving Oral), Gender-Neutral Pronouns, Cursing.
This is inspired by a fic I read a long time ago for another character! The blog has been deactivated, but if there's a way to credit the writer, I would love to!
-You and Eddie have been rooming together since you guys started college.
-You’d called his number off of a flyer he’s put up in the student center. He needed a roommate, and the price was good, so the two of you met over a beer and the rest is history. You're stuck with him ;^)
-Everyone was really nervous about you moving in with a virtual stranger, but you were desperate to find a cheap place to live. 
-It's funny to think about how worried they were, now, because Eddie's a fuckin' goofball. He couldn't hurt you if he wanted too.
-He's easily your best friend.
- I mean, you've lived with him for years now and you're absurdly close. You're always sticking your noses in each other's shit. 
- You get back from your classes on Thursday and realize he's still home, singing in the shower (or as he would refer to it, ‘performing’). It's weird, but you kind of just shrug it off. He probably skipped.
-You whack your hand against the bathroom door on the way to your room. It startles him, and you give an evil laugh when he yelps at the sound.
-His singing quiets a little as you change into an old t-shirt and climb into your bed. You could barely keep your eyes open in chem. 
-You have half the mind to ask Eddie if you can nick some Indica and knock yourself right out for the afternoon, but he shower shares the same wall as your headboard, and the sound of the running water is comforting enough to where you don’t even need it.
- You’re already half asleep when you hear...a moan. Like, an actual moan. 
-And guys, it is NOT quiet. It’s not like he’s trying to be discreet here. Your eyes fly open and you just stare at the ceiling. Maybe you’d imagined it. Surely, you’d imagined it. 
-But it happens again. And then it keeps happening. It’s so lazy and relaxed, like he doesn’t mind that you’re sitting less than two feet away from him through the drywall. The walls are thin...He knows you can hear him. You know he knows.
-You blush fire red, squirming to throw off the covers as your skin heats. You're annoyed, because he's doing this in purpose, that little shit! He's totally fucking with you!!
-He ups the ante, saying actual words now. He sounds fuckin’ delicious, which isn’t helping your situation. You can literally decipher every sharp inhale and exhale he takes. You’re almost positive you can make out the slick sound of his hand, that menace. 
- “Oh, fuck… just like that, sweetheart...So fuckin’ good for me, aren’t you?”
-“Jesus, your mouth...God, you look so pretty on your knees for me, baby. That's it. Suck my cock."
-You have the realization that you could definitely just bang on the wall a couple of times and tell him to knock it off. That’s what you should do. But… you don't exactly want to?
-Because he’s starting to pant now and all of his filthy words are dissolving into the absolute prettiest sounds you’ve ever heard a boy make.
-He's choking out whines, and you can hear him fucking his hand clear as day now. His movements have sped up and he sounds so desperate that you're clenching your jaw for him. 
-Christ, he sounds like he is right beside you. If you closed your eyes you’d be none the wiser. 
-You kind of feel like a perv (which you know is ridiculous because he definitely is intending on you hearing him), but you’re only human. You can’t help but put a mental image to the sounds. 
-His pretty curls would look even darker than normally do, all stuck to his neck and shoulders with water. God, his neck...
-His dark brows were probably furrowed, his pink bottom lip clenched between his teeth as he whines and curses.
-He’d be so pretty like that, water streaming over his skin...his tattoos...happy trail...tummy...hips...
-Your breath hitches, eyes widening when Eddie groans. His voice is starting to get more broken and high-pitched as, you can only assume, the muscles of his stomach tighten.
-”Shit, baby. Shit! ‘m gonna cum. ‘m gonna cum in you. Wanna fill you up so fuckin; good, sweetheart I’m so- Ah! Ah-” 
-The last words are practically a sob, and the whole apartment goes quiet as you try and figure out what the hell just happened. 
-You think about your roommate's head falling forward with pleasure against the tile as his stomach spasms, cock pulsing as he spills over his fist.
-Your face is incriminatingly red. You feel like you're whole body is thrumming as you lay there in your bed, irritatingly hot where you're pressing your thighs together.
-He turns the shower off a few minutes later and exits the bathroom—having the audacity to hum as he does so.
-You’re going to kill him.
-You absolutely jump out of your skin when he knocks on the door to your room, sitting up quickly. God, you hope you don’t look as flustered as you feel. He peeks his head in, his curls dripping and mussed.
- "Gareth's coming over. Should I order pizza?"
- You nod, failing your go at looking nonchalant. He pauses, his pretty brown eyes sweeping over you, and grins wickedly.
-“Oh, by the way...shower’s open.”
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Roommate au with Saeran x MC?
Ohh cute!
Roommate AU with Saeran:
Warning: fluffy as fuck
So you had suddenly been kicked out of your apartment, due to not really having enough money to keep on paying
It obviously sucked because now you had no idea where to actually live, or how to even pay. It wasn't as if you were made of money!
You were a struggling college student, and you had no idea what the hell to do now! You couldn't really get another job, when would you find time to study?
At one point, during class you sat beside one of your closest friends, and so, you started venting in front of him, about how you were in a really bad need of a home that was cheap
"Oh wait listen Y/N! My sister's friend had a situation similar to this too! You know that guy that always hangs with us, Zack? The one that never stops doing that thing with his shoes? Well the thing is he got in the friend group because of how he met my sister's friend, they were roommates."
"Oh my gawd they were roommates! You're a genius! I can go and get an apartment with a ROOMATE!"
You friend nodded. "And I was talking to someone who was actually telling me about this really nice apartment, it's pretty cheap. Do you know Yoosung Kim? You should go and talk to him, he'll probably help you with everything!"
And so, you got an apartment! A really nice and cheap one, that you were supposed to share with one of Yoosung's friend's.
Finally came the day that you would move in to your new home! You were kind of nervous since you hadn't had a roommate before, but hey, its a great opportunity to make new friends!
Yoosung presented you to your apartment buddy (who was really cute, if you would say so yourself) named Saeran. He didn't really seem to talk much and appeared to be a bit serious. To be honest you were a bit intimidated at one point.
As you went to your room to leave your bags there and everything, Yoosung entered and told you that Saeran was actually just moving out from his brothers house. Yoosung couldn't tell you anything specific but he asked you to take care of Saeran. And you agreed.
The first few weeks were awkward and uneventful. You weren't really used to sharing a home with a stranger, and Saeran didn't seem to want to talk much and become friends, although it didn't really matter because you were always out most of the time during classes, and both your schedules never seemed to meet, with you having classes and having to wake up earlier than Saeran, and then coming home from work when he was already sleeping or just hanging around in his room.
That was, until one Saturday morning, you woke up to the smell of some delicious eggs, bacon, toast and....PANCAKES
You immediately ran out to the hall and into the kitchen, and almost gave Saeran a heart attack as you poked your head to look into the kitchen. Saeran almost dropped his pan with the pancakes and glared at you.
"Sorry Saeran! It's just, I woke up to this AMAZING smell, and then I just saw you were making pancakes!!! I didn't know you could cook! Can I have a bit? I'm exchange I could wash all the dishes."
Saeran blinked in surprise before mumbling something, and then before you could ask him to repeat himself, he shrugged and told you that alright, deal.
The two of you sat on the table, and you happily ate your pancakes while Saeran watched you with a raised eyebrow.
You laughed and looked down at your food. "Sorry, it's just been a while since I've had a breakfast like this. Most of the mornings I don't really have time to make breakfast, so I either don't eat at all or just get some plain bread."
Saeran wrinkled his nose (which was adorable and made you giggle)
"Y/N are you sure that's healthy? And I mean, just eating plain bread for breakfast? That sounds awful and gross."
"Aw Saeran don't tell me you don't like bread?" You said jokingly.
Saeran gave a small smirk to your reaction and shook his head. "I've never really liked it...I won't eat it unless I have to of course."
"You are the first person that I have met that actually doesn't like bread. Wow. Well but at least you can cook! I suck at that, honestly I wouldn't be able to even make cereal for myself haha. Where'd you learn?"
Saeran opened his mouth but then closed it and looked at the ground, his face suddenly becoming null and cold.
"I have to go to work now." He said, as he grabbed both your plates.
You winced. Did you say something you shouldn't have? "Oh, thanks Saeran. And thank you for the food too. It was delicious." He nodded and went to the kitchen. He didn't really come out and so you had to leave the house without saying goodbye, which was a real shame, but you didn't want to press the matter any further. After all, you had made some progress with Saeran today, you had actually had a conversation! And you were afraid that you had screwed it up. Dammit Y/N!
Thankfully, Saeran didn't seem to be one to hold grudges for long.
That Monday, you got up to get ready for school, just like always, and you quickly went to the kitchen to grab some of that awful bread that Saeran seemed to hate so much.
But as you made your way to the kitchen you stopped as you saw a plate of food on the table, with a little note attached to it.
I accidentally made too much food, so here you go. It's actually good, since now you don't have to live just on bread until lunch. You better eat it all, I don't want you suddenly fainting from malnutrition. -Saeran
You couldn't help th big, dorky smile that appeared in your face, and you happily ate everything!
Breakfast wasn't the only thing Saeran seemed to be making too much of though, eventually he would knock on your door and tell you that that night he had made too much chicken and rice, so have a bit, or that he hadn't calculated the amount of curry that would come out so why don't you have a plate?
At first he quickly left as soon as you got your plate, and you would eat in your room, but as time passed you decided to go and eat in the kitchen, where Saeran usually had his dinner.
As more and more time passed, slowly Saeran opened up to you.
He had a flower/toy shop that he owned with his brother (who was a twin, and that made you gasp and ask a bunch of those stupid twin questions everyone asks, like can you feel when one gets hurt, or can you feel each other's emotions, even the one asking if they could read each other's mind.)
That last one made Saeran laugh, which was something he seemed to be doing more often, and he shook his head asking how did people ever come to those conclusions.
Eventually you did ask to meet his brother, after all, you wanted to know even more about Saeran! He hesitantly agreed, and the day his twin was supposed to visit the two of you, he pulled you aside at one point and told you that his brother was super weird, and that you had to be careful of everything because he loved pulling pranks.
So of course you immediately became best friends with Saeyoung. It was funny seeing how similar yet different the two were, and you found it adorable whenever Saeyoung would tease his younger brother and how he'd get all pouty and bushy
Eventually you met Saeran's friends, after months of not having them come over, you convinced Saeran that it was fine to invite them to your home!
It was an amazing friend group and you loved every single one of them. Normally you'd get pretty nervous around new people, but you already knew Saeran, his brother and Yoosung! So you managed to loosen up and become friends with everyone.
As time passed your relationship with Saeran seemed to grow more and more each day. You had gone from sitting awkwarly at the kitchen table to sharing a blanket in the sofa while watching some silly movie you had found on TV (they were all mostly hallmark movies btw pft)
Everything seemed to be going smoothly. Until one night you woke up to sobs and shouts and, well, someone banging against the walls.
You slowly got up and found Saeran pacing around his room his hands pulling and gripping his hair, breathing hard with tears forming in his eyes.
"Saeran...?" You asked. He immediately looked at you and stopped, putting his hands to his side.
You both stood in silence for what seemed like hours, and when you moved towards him he quickly took a step backwards and made a stop motion with his hands.
"Saeran are you alright? I...I just want to help you."
"N-no" he panted. "I- I'm alright, just had a nightmare. You should go back to sleep, sorry for waking you up."
You didn't leave though. And Saeran once again told you that he was fine. You pressed your lips into a thin line and quickly went over to him.
Saeran flinched, and became pale as you quickly went towards him but then he froze as he felt your arms around him.
"Saeran..." You said softly. "Please...let me help you. You don't have to act strong...I don't want to see you like this so please, if there's anything I can do or say just tell me."
".....Why...?" He asked. You pulled away and raised and eyebrow at him. Saeran couldn't seem to meet your eyes and then asked again. "Why...why do you want to help me?"
"Because I care about you! And I can't bear to see you like this...I really do want to help."
"But why...why do you care about me? I mean, I'm not...I'm not someone you should be compassionate to. I'm weak. I'm worthless. I'm nothing. You should hate me."
You quickly shook your head, and grabbed his hands. You were shocked to hear him talk like this about himself, usually he would always appear to be calm and collected, just like Jumin. But today....he was frightened. He looked like a child, afraid and worried.
"Saeran...." You said, and you placed a hand on his cheek to make him look at you. His eyes were wide and he seemed to be almost trembling. He was truly afraid.
"Saeran. You're the kindest, smartest, bravest and most wonderful person I know. You are not worthless, don't even think that. Never. You are capable of so many wonderful things, I mean look at the flowers, look at the food you make! It's absolutely amazing and I love everything about it. I love how passionate you get when you talk about gardening, or your brother or your friends. How your face lights up when you talk or do the things you love. I love everything about you Saeran. I love you. I love you."
You felt your voice waver a bit as you confessed your feelings for him, you face heating up. You were also getting nervous, since Saeran just seemed to have frozen up all of a sudden.
You nervously laughed, and quickly pulled away and say some silly excuse as to why you had to suddenly leave the room, but as you turned away you suddenly felt Saeran grab your hand and.....pull your lips against his.
Saeran tightly put his arm around your hip, and tangled his fingers in your hair while guiding your face to his. You gasped but slowly closed your eyes, enjoying the moment.
It was a chaste kiss, Saeran's tongue lightly dancing against yours, but at one point, the once slow and sweet kiss became a desperate and passionate one. You pushed Saeran against a wall and kissed his neck, his cheeks, his collar bone. He let out surprised gasps every time your lips made contact with his skin.
Then he made you look up at him and warmly smiled, your noses touching each other. "I love you too, Y/N. More than anything in this life. I love you."
That night Saeran explained a bit about his past. He told you about his mother, and how sometimes there would be moments where he could have a panic attack, or just get really depressed all of a sudden.
Slowly Saeran explained about everything in his life to you, mint eye, th RFA, his father. He was a bit scared that you wouldn't want to be with him once he told you, but you reassured him that no matter what, you loved him.
A few weeks later Saeran asked you out officially, and you became a couple! Everyone in the RFA was happy (and a few were jealous) about the two of you, but they wished you all the best!
You would always tell Saeran how much you loved him, and would kiss him in the nose randomly. It always took him by surprise and made him do an adorable face.
It also worked really well while you were playing video games or scrabble in the living room, although he would push back twice as hard and suddenly pin you on the floor and fully kiss you and you would end up so flustered that Saeran would always end up winning. Dammit you precious human being!
And so, that's how oh my gawd they were here roommates turned into oh my gawd they're now roommates that are MARRIED to each other!
And Saeyoung got you t-shirts with the when they were roommates I'm not kidding, he actually make a whole thing about it, until Saeran got tired of the bs and chased him around the house with a pillow lol
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