#i don't remember if we figured out a non-link name for your link aha
gloryseized · 10 months
A hand clapped on the younger hero's shoulder. The former hero had seen just how much the young man before him had grown in so many ways. He had seen his willingness to help others, his courage that always shined through in every situation. He might not have been there every step of the way but he was there when permitted. "You've done well, Link, very well." As he spoke he moved his hand to the others chin lifting it his face. He wanted the other to know he was genuine and that he was proud of him. If the smile didn't give it away the look on his eye would. They had formed a close relationship through their time together sometimes like close brothers other times a mentor to the other. At this very moment Link needed to know this, needed that encouragement and the once hero was all to willing to let him hear those words now. @bravelink
The hand on his shoulder drew his eyes away from the Castle to the older hero's face. The Castle in the distance had been haunting him for months--an ominous presence on the distant horizon, taunting him with what he knew was inside, a promise and a threat of what he would one day have to do. And Link didn't have an excuse any longer to wait. The Four Divine Beasts had been freed of Calamity's touch and he reclaimed the Sword that Seals the Darkness from the base of the Deku Tree. But still he was afraid, breath strangling in his throat when he thought of needing to fight this foe again.
He'd already failed before, what was to say he wouldn't fail again?
But the older Hero spoke, drawing Link out of his thoughts with a gentle touch to his cheek and reassuring words. His knees felt weak, the kind gesture given by someone he trusted meaning more than the words alone. This wasn't just some villager who had faith in him or even Impa or another one of the Sheikah that had been there. This was another Hero, this was his friend who had been with him and guided him.
Leaning his head into the touch, he reached up with his hand, holding the Hero's hand in place over his cheek. And the words themselves weren't so simple despite being so brief. He'd done well! The other Hero thought he did well! Despite everything. Shion's lip wobbled a moment, eyes overfull as a strangled gasp escaped his mouth. He couldn't cry. Not yet. Not when there was still the Calamity to defeat.
He nodded solemnly, giving the other's hand a final squeeze. ( @bravelink )
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