#anyway shion is dead
gloryseized · 10 months
A hand clapped on the younger hero's shoulder. The former hero had seen just how much the young man before him had grown in so many ways. He had seen his willingness to help others, his courage that always shined through in every situation. He might not have been there every step of the way but he was there when permitted. "You've done well, Link, very well." As he spoke he moved his hand to the others chin lifting it his face. He wanted the other to know he was genuine and that he was proud of him. If the smile didn't give it away the look on his eye would. They had formed a close relationship through their time together sometimes like close brothers other times a mentor to the other. At this very moment Link needed to know this, needed that encouragement and the once hero was all to willing to let him hear those words now. @bravelink
The hand on his shoulder drew his eyes away from the Castle to the older hero's face. The Castle in the distance had been haunting him for months--an ominous presence on the distant horizon, taunting him with what he knew was inside, a promise and a threat of what he would one day have to do. And Link didn't have an excuse any longer to wait. The Four Divine Beasts had been freed of Calamity's touch and he reclaimed the Sword that Seals the Darkness from the base of the Deku Tree. But still he was afraid, breath strangling in his throat when he thought of needing to fight this foe again.
He'd already failed before, what was to say he wouldn't fail again?
But the older Hero spoke, drawing Link out of his thoughts with a gentle touch to his cheek and reassuring words. His knees felt weak, the kind gesture given by someone he trusted meaning more than the words alone. This wasn't just some villager who had faith in him or even Impa or another one of the Sheikah that had been there. This was another Hero, this was his friend who had been with him and guided him.
Leaning his head into the touch, he reached up with his hand, holding the Hero's hand in place over his cheek. And the words themselves weren't so simple despite being so brief. He'd done well! The other Hero thought he did well! Despite everything. Shion's lip wobbled a moment, eyes overfull as a strangled gasp escaped his mouth. He couldn't cry. Not yet. Not when there was still the Calamity to defeat.
He nodded solemnly, giving the other's hand a final squeeze. ( @bravelink )
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douwatahima · 2 years
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the fact that goodsmile uploaded this image to show that the shion and nezumi nendos were up for preorder is my villain origin story
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kazutora-kurokawa · 3 months
How do you think Tenjiku's boys would react to his (somewhat drunk) girlfriend flirting with them?
Tenjiku w/ Kinda Drunk!Flirty!Girlfriend
♡ SFW, fem reader, drinking and intoxication, kissing, violence ♡
Characters: Izana, Kakucho, Ran, Rindou, Mochi, Mucho, Shion
note: thanks for requesting anon ♥️ okay last request of the day babes because I have a hot date 🤭 jkjk I'm single asf 🥲 nah but I'm just tired lol, I had like 3 hours of sleep and have been up since 7am writing and my brain just isn't in it rn + I haven't eaten anything yet so yeah 😭
🎴 Thinks your flirting is cute and flirts back twice as hard (always trying to one-up somebody 🙄)
🎴 He's lowkey drunk too, he doesn't drink much so he's a bit of a lightweight
🎴 Ends up punching a guy at the bar for looking at you, guess he's not the only one who can't resist your charm
🩷 Gets flustered by your flirting and tries not to show it
🩷 Takes away your drink privileges like the responsible boyfriend he is
"I think that's enough darling, you look a bit...tipsy. We should head home."
💜 Flirts back and gets touchy with you, he's probably dead sober too, he just can't keep his hands to himself
💜 Starts a competition with you, who can say cheesier things to the other? (you don't even know it's a competition 😭 you just think he's being sweet)
"No you're cuter, my precious little angel ♡"
🩵 He's DJing at the club you two are at and your flirting throws him off his game
"Baby chill, I'm busy. Just gimme a quick sec okay?"
🩵 Ends up flirting with you instead of doing his actual job, it's much funner anyway
🍡 Laughs at your flirting and kisses you just to see you get all flustered
"Look at your little face! You're all flushed and nervous sweetheart~"
🍡 Will bring up other times you've been drunk or intoxicated just to embarrass you
🔷 Lets you flirt with him and safeguards you from strangers because he knows how shady people can be
🔷 Watches your drink and stays sober while you have fun around the club, he's always a few steps behind you though
🔷 Drives you home so you don't have to get a ride, leaves aspirin and water on your bedside table before he leaves
🥀 He's fucking hammered and probably doesn't even realize you're his girlfriend when you start flirting
🥀 In his mind he's like damn this chick is hot, wonder if she has a boyfriend ☠️
🥀 He's all over you for the rest of the night and eventually wakes up the next morning to you teasing him, it's worth it though since he made you laugh
@arlerts-angel @i-literally-cant-with-this @trevengersprincess @giugiette @katkusuo @happy-trenchcoated-impala @drunkcheesecake @darkstarlight82 @reiners-milkbiddies @manji-hoe @southside-otaku @xxchthonicreaturexx @evergreen-endo @hanmaslilslut @dystop4in14nd @mysouleaten
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camslut7 · 8 months
Ain’t no way
Pov: Tenjiku’s top members go to the Haitani brothers’ house for a meeting, but they meet the third Haitani
Including: Izana, Kakucho, Ran, Rindou, Shion, Mochi, Hanma
Tw: curse words?, a little suggestive at one point
Reader is a female.
I got woken up by the slamming of the front door. Assuming it was my brothers coming home, I tried going back to sleep, but failed to do so because a couple minutes later i heard it again. And then again. I mean really, who the fuck was slamming the front door that many times.
I looked at the clock on the nightstand, it was 1:15am. Groaning i fell back on my pillow, trying to return to my sleep, but i heard talking.
Getting up from the bed, i looked in the mirror. I was only wearing a black crop top and my underwear, so i decided to put on some leopard print pyjama shorts (idc if y’all like leopard print it’s 2006 and I absolutely love it).
I went out of my room and to the bathroom to pee. I mean hey, i got woken up anyway so why not pee, go drink some water and scold my brothers for waking me up.
While i was doing my business in the bathroom, someone tried entering. And i mean full on pulling the door open with all their strength.
“Why the hell are you pulling on the door so hard? Can’t you see it’s locked?” I yelled at the door, mentally thanking myself for locking it.
I heard someone groaning in annoyance on the outside, walking angrily back downstairs. And then i heard multiple people talking. Like more than two.
What is going on? Have my brothers brought someone to our house without telling me before hand?
Already kinda mad at them, I quickly washed my hands, checked how I looked and went downstairs to see what the hell was going on.
Walking down the stairs I yelled “Ran, Rindou, did you seriously bring someone to our house without telling me?!”
And at that moment, I looked in the living room. There were 7 guys, including my brothers, sitting in the living room, now looking at me like I was some god sent creature. I was dead ass looking at them like 🤨.
I few seconds of silence passed “Okay, what the fuck is happening right now? Why are you random boys in my house?”
“Hey, who are you calling a boy? Can’t you see im older than you.”
I looked at the guy with piercings and big ass tattoo on the side of his head.
“So what? Can’t you see I don’t care?” I said back at him.
“Who do you think you’re talking to, little lady?” Said a very big guy with some funny eyebrows. Seriously, someone needs to fix them.
“And you are?”
“That’s enough.” I turned to the side to look at the tanned boy with platinum blonde hair. “Ran, Rindou, who is this?”
“That’s our little sister.” Answered Ran.
Sighing, Rindou asked “Y/n, what do you want? Why are you so angry?”
“Why am I angry? You’re the ones who woke me up in the middle of the night. I wanna know why there are people in the house, at 1am, making noise and waking me up.”
“Woah, calm down, baby. You don’t wanna mess with us.” Replied a very tall guy, with blond on the front of his hair… Damn was he fine, but damn was he tall af.
“Yeah, what are you gonna do? Yell at us for waking up your highness?” Said the guy with the tattoo on his head.
“Um, guys, I don’t-“ Rindou tried butting in, but i cut him off.
“Oh yeah? Wanna fight? You would win, right? Since you’re being so cocky. Although, I think you’re a pussy.”
“Okay, that’s it, little bitch” And at that moment, the guy with the tattoo tried swinging at me, but i quickly dodged it and sent a right hook to his jaw, knocking him out.
I cracked my knuckles, making eye contact with every single one of them, stopping by a boy with a scar on his face and mismatched eyes. Oh, he cute, I thought, and hot. Looking at him up and down, I noticed the boy blushing.
Smirking at him, I said “Okay, who’s next?”
They were all looking at me as if I just did a miracle. Except Ran and Rin, they’ve always known that I could do that.
“What? Scared?” I smiled, focusing on the tall guy with the blond strand on his hair.
He scoffed “As if.” “Well, it sure looks like it.”
“Okay, Y/n, that’s enough.” Ran said, standing up from his spot on the couch and coming towards me.
“You should go now. And put something with more…” he stopped, searching for the right words, looking me up and down “more coverage, you know.”
And as he said that, all the guys in the room looked me up and down, now noticing how short my shorts are.
I scoffed “Oh my god, as if I care. You’ve annoyed me all, I’m going to sleep.”
“Good night, sis” Called out Rindou.
“Nighty, Y/n” Said Ran.
“Sleep well, princess.” Said the tall guy. I should really learn his name.
I went up the stairs and into my room. Closing the door, I sighed. What the fuck was all that?? I layed in my bed, going back to sleep, hoping that they won’t be here in the morning.
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eggtartz · 2 years
a/n : writing this instead of falling asleep, who needs sleep anyway
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summary : how you patched tenjiku members after their recent fight with toman (no one died in the incident don't worry we're all happy 🫶🏻)
cw : poly relationship where reader is dating tenjiku members, slight angst?, mentions of dying, reader is a bit too late to the fight and failed to stop izana, fluff 🫶🏻
"izana must you go and fight your brother? can't you just i don't know let go?" you said to one of your lovers that has been holding a grudge ever since he discovered the truth about his family. sure, izana has found family amongst his friends but he somehow feels like his grudge towards the sano is endless. only one way to end it is by killing them. he has heard that shinichiro has died, now he is targeting emma to weaken his main opponent, manjiro.
"y/n let's go, let izana think about it yeah?" rindou pulled your forearm and dragged you out from the hideout, leaving izana and kakucho inside.
outside, mucho sat you down on his lap "do you have to do this? i get it that this is the better for tenjiku but im worried. what if? what if tetta means ill? what if, what if i never get to see you again?" you sobbed on mucho's chest, soaking his uniform in the process. the other members gave each other looks to comfort you so ran kneeled down to face you, "you mustn't worry too much, bubs. tenjiku has more members than they do, your boyfriends here are the strongest guys in the are. nothing would go wrong, i promise". he hugged you and the others joined in a big hug, sandwiching you in their big arms.
the next day, you grew restless. it was the day of the fight between tenjiku and toman. izana has instructed his underlings to prevent you from coming at the location, however you have slipped past their security and diligently searched for the place.
you boyfriends has been awfully secretive with the locations or details of the fight so you had to find it yourself. after a while searching, you heard gunshots and car tyres screeching. you rushed to the source of sound and saw one of izana's recently recruits, kisaki tetta dead on the highway. panicking, your knees wobbled and you ran to a direction who knows where.
images of tetta's corpse, his red uniform now red with blood so horrifying that you imagined your boyfriends in the same predicament. your sobs came to a stop when you passed by an alley, where you saw people using the red uniform. rushing over them, you saw shion, mucho, mochi, ran, rindou blankly staring at the ground.
kakucho? izana? your eyes widened as the world fell deaf and everything felt like it was in slow motion. you running to your bloody lovers, bleeding to their death while the other was too stunned to move.
"oh my god, izana can you hear me? wait izana we can make it to the hospital don't close your eyes! kakucho? baby you need to stay with me okay? stay with me please!" you hold their intertwined bloody hands and kissed their knuckles. izana let out gasps of air, struggling to find words while kakucho cried so much, his eyes blurry.
"ran! call the ambulance, just goddamnit come here!" you urged your boyfriends that stood afar approach you so ran took your phone out of bag. ripping mochi's oversize shirt, you put pressure on the wounds on izana telling mochi to keep pressure there. you went to kakucho's side, him still crying "don't worry kaku-chan you'll make it. you have to, remember the promises we made?" you said while bending down to kiss his scar. you pulled shion to put his head under shion's lap, and to keep talking with kakucho so he won't lose consciousness.
"god all of you are all bloody, rindou is your lip okay?" you asked rindou that looked as equally as injured as the others, all beaten up. you raised to your feet when you heard ambulance sirens, some flee, some stayed.
your silently sobbed when you saw izana got on the stretcher as well as kakucho. riding the back of the ambulance with them, you held their hands and sobbed on their chest, hoping they would make it.
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blinking his eyes, kakucho's mismatched irises adjusted to the brightness of the hospital lights. he awakened with a back pain, as well as pain at the ribcage but either than that he was fine. he looked at his right and saw his friend, still on a life support but stable. looking around again, he saw you dozing off on mochi's broad chest while shion head was on your lap. rindou and ran was leaning on each others shoulders due to lack of space in the room. mucho then entered the room bringing a plastic bag, the big stoic looking man now waking up everyone.
"oh god kaku? how are you feeling? ran, call the nurse please" ran went out the door and came back with some nurses and a doctor who inspected kakucho. he asked some questions to him and kakucho groggily answered, he wondered how long he was out.
the doctor then walked at you and gave great news "good thing is, his condition seems to be well. he can discharge by tomorrow if his condition gets better by tonight" all of you gasped in relief and said thankyou at the doctor as he closed the door.
"hey baby? we'll wait outside and pack his stuff. you talk to him okay?" rindou said softly while kissing the top of your head. ran kissed your temple, shion kissed your cheek. mochi kissed the back of your ear and whispered "everything's gonna be alright" while mucho pecked your lips. turning to kakucho, you sat down on the bed while staring at him. his eyes too are staring and soon, tears started welling up again.
arriving at the hospital weeks ago, the doctor wasn't even sure if they could make it. their blood lost was significantly high and luckily the hospital had blood supplies just enough for the two of them. izana had a worse fate, him having been shot had to go through surgery to discard the bullets. after the surgery, he fell into a coma. he doctor informed that he was doing fine, the bullet not hitting any major organs but he needed rest therefore the coma.
kakucho reached for your hand and you slowly hugged him. just thinking about losing him breaks you, how could you ever lived without them being here? "im sorry princess, i couldn't stop izana. you were right, tetta did betrayed us. im sorry princess, won't do anything like this again"
"you.. you better be! the others and me were worried sick! you weren't showing any responses at all, we were so worried. i couldn't sleep, couldn't eat. don't do that again, kakucho please i can't lose you. i can't lose either of you" you cried in his arms, now his hospital attire wet. while kakucho was mumbling apologies under his breath, you two stopped until you heard "tch kakucho im not here for a while and you're taking all her attention"
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following weeks izana and kakucho got better and went to fight more despite your nagging. but the fight doesn't get too serious, the leader and his members went low and only participated in small meetings with other gangs, avoiding bigger ones.
"did y/n seriously pulled your ear shion?"
"yeah no shit! she was so scary too!"
"you're gonna get it again if you try to do anything smart madarame"
"she also climbed our laps what's up with that y/n?"
"shut your mouth the position was comfortable alright! your head was bleeding!"
"she gave you a lot kisses when you were out izana, maybe i should get into a coma too.."
"try doing that haitani you'll sleep on the streets"
truth is when they arrived at hospital the other members had to get treated too however the nurses there were ogling, no stripping the uniforms with their eyes not even bothering to hide the fact their staring at their abs and everything exposed. in frustration you forced the others to go home right that instant and took the job instead. it was free, quick and you don't have to be jealous all the time.
shion noticed your demeanour and teased you a lot about it, in return you pulled his ear and he whined in pain like a child. the other got patched up later, after taking a shower you told them to show you the wounds the got.
you were distracted for once or twice (lie) and was teased about it too making you blush furious red. you'll ended you having a full make out with them, pushing all your boysfriends away when they whined for more.
their whining resulted in their wounds got pressed harder.
it wasn't a perfect relationship between each of you but you try to be the best partner for them. even if they're deliquents and idiots, you still loved them. you loved them so much.
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8bitsupervillain · 2 months
Higurashi When They Cry Hou Ch. 5 Meakashi pt. 22
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Skipping ahead a bit, we rejoin Keiichi and Shion in the torture shack. Or as the manga refers to it: the Saiguden. Which I can only presume means ritual storehouse, but that's fan translations for you isn't it? All according to keikaku and so on. Shion takes Keiichi through the torture basement where at some point between last time she was here and now she decided to dispose of the bodies of Kimiyoshi and Satoko. Which seems an odd choice if her aim is to convince Keiichi that Mion is a vile killer, but hey, the bodies weren't there in chapter two, so they have to go this time around too. Shion is giving him the guided tour when gadzooks! It's Mion in the cell! Shion gives him the ol' stun gun treatment and drags him to the rack to begin his painful torment. In between reading this part of the VN and typing this I watched this scene play out in the 2006 anime. In the anime rather than stun gun him, Shion just clonks him over the head with a big rock. Which is funnier, but it's another weird deviation from the visual novel I don't quite understand.
Actually, let's a brief digression here. In the visual novel itself it describes Satoko as lying on a cross shaped table, which I took to mean just one of those X shaped torture racks you occasionally see in media featuring medieval torture devices, or a Saw film maybe. What I didn't expect from both the manga and anime is Satoko is just crucified.
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Just for fun there's a million dollar Shion smile. Odd changes between the mediums but there it is. You'll just have to take my word for it about the anime though.
Also I don't know if I mentioned it in an earlier part but Shion has come to terms with the fact that she's now nothing but a demon because she failed to keep her promise to Satoshi. Also she's just plain vexed by the fact that Keiichi is a willfully blind fool for refusing to see his best friend for the vile murderer she's trying to portray her as.
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Shion, pal, I really think you should have Kasai try to get you a refund for this stun gun. It seems to be pretty useless against everyone lately. Maybe you used up all the juice when you accidentally killed Oryou with it, but that thing doesn't seem to be any use whatsoever these days.
Anyway the whole business about how the demon awoke because Keiichi was an insensitive clod gets brought up, and demon demon demon demon demon demon demon demon demon.
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This character is exhausting.
Anyway Shion decides to not kill Keiichi. Because... and zaps him with the stun gun, so two seconds later she does it again and again and eventually just beans him with a giant novelty hammer that actually puts him out of action for longer than it takes to scratch your nose. She locks the door and goes back to the cells where Mion is. Where she decides to free her and takes her to the top of the corpse well.
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Mion seems to realize there's no chance she's actually going to walk out of this alive so she tries to talk to Shion about her motive. Also to just completely crush her motive like a bug really.
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It's kind of surprising just how easily Shion accepts what Mion says at face value. Perhaps she's simply taking it as the words of someone who knows they're dead regardless, but it's surprising how she just grabs on to the idea that Mion and Oryou aren't lying about the disappearance of Satoshi. But it does raise a good question, if Oryou really isn't behind the disappearances then who is?
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But alas such questions will have to go unanswered. Shion's a demon Kaz, and as such kills Mion by zapping Mion in the head while she's on the ladder leading down the well. I like how for a split second it looks like Mion might have got through to her murderous sister only to crush that faint hope and have Shion kill it along with her sister.
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Not quite the end of the chapter as yet, but we finally got a "please solve this mystery for me, Maria Usihormiya" that we didn't get from chapter two. I have to admit to feeling a certain amount of irritation when it came to this section of this chapter. I don't know if that came across at all, I can be pretty inscrutable at times. I don't know if it was just residual annoyance I felt from this section of Watanagashi come back to poison this section for me, or if my tolerance for the characters' bullshit just hit its limit. I wish to circle back to the very start of the chapter for a moment.
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And this might be one of the dumbest questions I can ask, but Shion isn't the perpetrator they mean here right? I can only assume that this is referring to the one who is behind the Oyashiro curse killings, Hinamizawa, the whole damned affair. Because if it means Shion, her motives aren't too terribly complex to figure out. I just disagree with them and think they're not particularly great.
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yurisorcerer · 2 months
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The only way out is trusting the process.
Okay, no, let's stop for a second. What is this show? I thought I knew. In fact, as of the end of this episode, I thought I might have some idea again, but I'm now sitting with it and thinking and....seriously, what is going on here?
In theory, Narenare could not be simpler. It's a show about cheerleading. That's a little unusual in the context of the "girls do stuff" supergenre of anime but it's nowhere near the weirdest of these things in premise. But that hides how strange the execution of this all is. In this episode, we see several scenes from the last two weeks involving the character Suzuha. Except this time, they're from her perspective, and we see that far from being the cool, aloof near-cryptid we've been presented with so far, she's actually just extremely shy.
The show lets us in on her inner monologue by way of a chibi version of herself that hangs out in thought bubbles and occasionally just rides around on her head. It's hardly the strangest thing I've seen in an anime this season (Nokotan is airing, after all), but it's a notably weird way to present this information given the show's genre. This is a general trend that's true of everything in this episode; Kanata suddenly getting "the yips" about cheerleading (treated with grave seriousness by those around her, possibly having something to do with her dead[? {Seriously I have no idea what's going on there}] friend), Shion's singer-songwriter aspirations and so on. The show seems allergic to anything that would make its several running plot lines any easier to follow. Things are mostly followed up on by having them plonked onto the existing storyline in a decidedly odd way.
A friend compared this to Pride of Orange, another Girls Do X show that clearly had no idea what it was doing. But to be honest, I don't really see it. Pride of Orange's main flaws were an overwhelming lack of interest in its own premise and cast, and just a general deep cynicism toward the entire idea of the hobby/club anime. I don't get that off of Narenare at all. It is clearly sincerely trying to present an inspiring and straightforward sports girls narrative, but it seems either unable or unwilling to understand why those shows usually present things in the way that they do. The result is a strange alienating effect, in a way that feels uncannily GoHands-y in vibe if not looks. (Despite a shared affinity for weird color filter bullshit, Narenare looks much nicer than anything GoHands have ever done.)
Anyway, I plan to keep watching, because I am interested in if this effect is intentional or not. My guess is that it isn't, this thing has three different people on script and you could absolutely get something like this just by having too many cooks in the kitchen, but still, I'm curious to see if it manages to pull something out of this regardless or if it just completely crashes.
OTP, btw.
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miku-meeku · 9 months
Gurl, Variable Barricade was literally the first otome game I played.
I'll give you a quick run down, our MC Hibari is an independent girlboss who's just awful at romance. She's from a powerful family so she expects an arranged marriage but her grandfather was like 'LMAO, no. You have to choose from these 4 trash men instead and your gonna live with them for a while'.
So for our 4 love interests are as follow, marriage fraud who is Ichiya Mitsumori who is also the ultimate male wife, the gold digger which is Shion Mayuzumi (material girl), submissive and bully-able Nayuta Yagami and finally gambling addict Taiga Isuguri (personal fav)
The game is very much a sort of rom com, our lovely Hibari has to pick one of them to be her husband which is hard when everyone seems like they would be a dead beat spouse. It's dangerously hilarious, like girl I was laughing every 10 mins
Also to me Taiga is definitely Whitney, hands down no arguments. Shion could be Robin since ya know, Robin doesn't do jack shit and is only there for eye candy, Nayuta is Kylar mostly because he would just straight up do anything Hibari says to the degree that if she said she wanted him to be her dog he would woolf, Ichiya is... I can't really see him as Sydney, well atleast corrupt Sydney, idk he wouldn't fit
Anyways play Variable Barricade
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i feel like literally only one character suits one of the LIs in DoL and its just Whitney BAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA
Shion is too pretty to be Robin (no offense Robin) but then again, I did a lil digging (cuz blonde boys makes me drop my pants) and wowie this mf doesnt do anything other than loiter, hes just like me frfr- and Robin also doesnt do anything other than loiter (sorry for Robin slander, ily Robin)
Nayuta's dog traits and obeying yada yada does seem to fit Kylar's but this guy is too happy, he reminds me of someone that I can't pinpoint HMMM,,, you think if i color his hair black, he'd look more like a happy version of Kylar,,,
and the one who doesn't fit anyone is Sydney BAHAHHAHA, I read a lil abt Ichiya and they literally have nothing in common, rip Sydney
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anws its actually kinda funny, back then i always look away from bad boys until recently with Whitney cough, TAIGA LIKES BRITISH ROCK BAHAHAHAHA ISNT THIS JUST WHITNEY FR, i wonder if he sounds like floyd from twst since hes voiced by nobuhiko okamoto or is using more of his bakugo voice instead (i really love nobuhiko okamoto sm)
honestly would love to play this game to immerse myself in romancing a Whitney look-a-like but....
no money
no nintendo switch
im poor sobs
goodbye japanese whitney voiced by nobuhiko okamoto
maybe one day in the future...
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kosmicpowers · 9 months
Shiryu bringing an incredibly injured and unconscious Seiya back to Lushan with him and Dohko has a flashback of seeing Tenma's corpse because they look so alike. Everyone is really confused because they know he's the Libra Saint now, but they don't actually know anything about his past. He's trying to keep the stoic master thing up but he just can't. He's scolding himself because he was so reckless and stupid back then and couldn't save anybody. (Except Shion, who is also now dead anyway and nobody even noticed.)
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aaaaaa new blog from paralive yesss so ammh I would like to ask for relationship headcanons for gokuluck with a fem mc who has an unnatural tenderness and purity (as cute as a baby puppy video) who always attracts people's gaze but this doesn't matter to mc or is indifferent because she doesn't fully understand idk simply I like the idea when opposites attract xd , thank you very much for creating the blog have a good day(♡ˊ͈ ꒳ ˋ͈)
Kenta Mikoshiba: 
There’s parts of him that find your innocence annoying, and that might be because he’s not as ‘adult’ as he likes to reflect. He didn’t expect to end up in any sort of romantic situation when he was locked away as he was, so you being quite special to him meant you garnered a little more of his criticism. The fact his words seemed to float in one ear and out the other grated on his nerves, but even he knew there was no point in beating a dead horse. He still did like to tease you and knew he’d get away with it as you didn’t always understand exactly what he was teasing you about, but Kenta is considerably less malicious towards you than he is others.
Ryoga Tosa: 
Ryoga feels an inherent need to protect you. He thought you might just be messing with him at first with your naivety but after awhile of knowing you, he realized it wasn’t an act. He thinks it must be nice to have seen so little of the hard parts of life that it allowed you to exist as you were without worrying about the attention you gathered, but it could be dangerous, too. You weren’t the type to be involved in shady business but Ryoga couldn’t help but keep an eye out for you anyway, teasingly called your guard dog with how reactive he was when anything happened involving you.
Shion Kaida: 
That innocence added to your charm perfectly. He thinks it’s interesting that you don’t mind having attention on you, becoming even more surprised when you have no idea what he’s talking about. There’s a part of him that wanted to live that way but he had accepted his lot in life, instead focusing on keeping your ‘purity’ in tact. He’s quite protective over it and while he’s not the type to react in violent ways, he’s always sliding in when necessary and ushering you away from unneeded conversations without hesitation.
Yuto Inukai: 
You stress Yuto out a bit. Not understanding that you attract the attention of dangerous people makes him worry about you even more, and he can’t be around you as often as he’d like due to his day job. He tried to teach you a few tips and while you put them into practice, you’re not exactly the intimidating type. There are some people who mess with you who suddenly start seeing a red-eyed demon in their sleep, haunted by its image so much they always come back to you the next day to apologize for bothering you. 
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the-sun-princess · 1 month
Emi Plays Revue Starlight: El Dorado Part 14
okay mahiru nana stageplay time aka i screencap all the mahiru praise
starts off similarly to the futaba claudine version
carmencita gets at Least one more line lol
intewesting...instead of immediately opting to take salvatore under his dad's wing, alejandro suggests bein a soldier over a sailor. ends up in the same place tho.
oo zulfikar doesn't surprise them with isobel, they pinpoint him before he attacks
FINALLY the mahiru gushing i've been waiting for this entire time. are u feeling it now, mr krabs
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ok rude. i mean it was a first impression but rude.
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mahiru is the shiningnest brightnessest
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mahiwu legy
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mm nana's alejandro is leadin mahiru's salvatore into certain actions
mahiru literally the Only One of the seisho girls here who that description actually fits
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salvatore actually inviting isabel along If he ever gets to sail bc apparently he's Not going with alejandro? he's doomed to be in charge of the household on land (not rlly, obv, but the 'plan')
honestly a way better lead into salvatore pulling isabel into a kiss than the others like it actually felt Fitting
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also nana/alejandro reaction shot lol
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can my ac shut the fuck up i wanna hear mahiru. lol alejandro finishes off his dad
funny how its the opposite in this one
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nana time to praise mahiru
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ok tbf hikari + karen did that, not junna, but i guess junna did kick ur ass about ur pity party afterwards
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and u lifted me up like a child. literally
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doting gf karen-chan
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claudine n kaoruko what will they talk about
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honestly i thought kaoruko was talkin about mahiru n claudine nana akjhkdjhf welp. they are similar like that
amemiya getting flustered at nana calling her shion-chan as if i havent been wondering the whole time Why nana of all ppl was using last name-san
.....she still referred to masai as masai-san tho kjfkjshdfkjh
~interlude for me to shower~
oh carmencita's not dead. yet. maybe
i should Not be surprised mahiru and nana have similar ranges in this bg song- they are also a duet irl with harmoe
i can pick apart who is who in this song just bc im very used to mahiru's voice ksjdhfjh
interesting. alejandro baits zulfikar with miguel, not el dorado this time
i Am curious why they would even Need zulfikar now- is it just for a boat
isabel just hopped along with alejandro no need to stowaway this time
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THAT'S EVEN FUNNIER. also for a master assassin zulfikar sure is cheaply bought
oh now theres' the jelly
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sjdkfhksj this is extremely funny to me rip alejandro no royal pussy for u
....nevermind lmao jealous the other way around.
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dude u need a crew to get there anyway whats another person
rip to everyone mahiru salvatore captures everyone's heart. lol
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this salvatore is way more fun skjhdkfjdh "spite"
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even tho he has the Option to fulfill his promise with alejandro. once he learned alejandro used him he's like Fuck You which valid. like. his best friend allowed his dad to rape him- i wouldnt forgive that either
yeh u are mahiru
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he does tell alejandro if he wants to come he as to follow him he aint just gon take ale with
ah salvatore still gets slashied up by ale. into the ocean he n isabel go
o actual epilogue
alejandro killed himself i guess. rip. miguel hooked up with zulfikar. and isabel and salvatore made it to el dorado
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also goddammit where is hikari
but good yes praise mahiru
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after party time cmon hikari. cmon. show up
oh image limit well we got thru the stageplay. after party time
<<part 13 part 15>>
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felixcloud6288 · 1 month
Higurashi Festival Accompanying Chapter 23
Okay, so Mion wasn't as smart as thought she was. No one realized that Rika's "manga" was her telling them about her situation.
Satoko realized the situation when she saw Rika talking with Akasaka and company, while Mion would have learned everything the night before when Rika and Satoko came to her house.
At this point, Keiichi and Rena are the only ones who hadn't been informed and you can see the cogs turning as they try to process such an unexpected occurrence.
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Hanyu is the only one who remembers Massacre and how Keiichi was able to rally everyone to unite against something no one thought they could defeat. So she's getting him to start beating the drums again. And the whole club gets fired up to take on Tokyo.
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The club members are not combatants. They foster a spirit of winning through trickery and deception. In military terms, they're guerilla fighters.
Rather than just bunkering down and waiting for Tomitake to fix things, they're going to take an offensive by sabotaging the enemy's offensive weapons. And the way to do that is by exploiting how it's not actually possible to determine if Emergency Manual 34 is necessary until it would be too late.
No one actually knows for sure if Rika's death would cause the villagers to go insane (it won't) and the entire premise is an educated guess (that's wrong) and the manual is only used to prevent an outbreak (that won't happen).
Honestly, invoking the manual has a better likelihood of causing an outbreak of Hinamizawa Syndrome considering that in the timelines where it is used, many people from the village who left went insane from the stress of finding out their home and families were killed.
Anyway, Rika's friends all realize that if Rika is found dead after 48 hours, then Emergency Manual 34 loses all its power. So they're going to keep her hidden until the morning of the Cotton Drifting, and then Ooishi will declare that Rika was found dead and had died more than 48 hours ago. So Operation 48 hours begins.
While Keiichi, Rena, and Satoko were shocked when Mion brought up Rika dying, Rika just stared at Mion blankly and Hanyu smiled.
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The next day, Ooishi goes to visit the construction manager's grave and brings white bellflowers with him. As he talks about what he's learned and the plan Mion's group has come up with, he thinks about how someone always brings blue hydangeas to his grave each year. And as he questions who that might be, the answer arrives.
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I figured I should look up flower symbolism for this scene. What I found is hydrangeas symbolize unity and togetherness in Japan. Meanwhile, bellflowers symbolize happiness.
Akane and Ooishi talk about the Dam War and how it's over so all the hatred and animosity from it needs to go away as well. The biggest regret that Oryou and all the Sonozakis have is they couldn't make amends with the manager.
I personally assume this is not something common across other timelines. I don't think Oryou and Akane were secretly bringing flowers and ohagi to the manager's grave every year in every arc. Instead, I think this is a knock-on effect from Massacre. Keiichi and his friends had to fight to make the village move on and start healing their wounds from the Dam War.
What I think happened is that sentiment was carried forward to this world. Somewhere in her mind, Oryou remembered how Keiichi fought to unite the village to save Satoko and he confronted the negative sentiment still existing. So this time, she's gained an opportunity to help heal the village like she should have, and part of it is doing what she can to make amends with the man who represented the opposition.
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This is a story about repentance, forgiveness, and second chances.
This is the first time that Shion has actually appeared in this arc. I'm going to headcanon that she managed to convince Oryou to put an end to the Sonozaki-Hojo feud back in 1982. I just want her to have some claim in crafting this world since she's the only major character who isn't involved in anything yet.
Ooishi and Akane talk about how the war is over and they need to move on to a new era. As they talk about making amends and becoming friends, a butterfly flies by. To add to all the symbolism in this scene, butterflies are symbols of change. So we're given a not-subtle-at-all demonstration that Ooishi's heart is changing for the better as he can finally let his grief and hatred go.
And now Ooishi has his answer to what he should do. He's going to help fight Tokyo by assisting with Mion's Operation 48 hours. And he's not going to regret the consequences.
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awesomesauce2929 · 2 months
Character opinion on Aries Shion
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Character ask meme Aries Shion. I dislike him mostly due to his actions he took, whilst I understand why he took some of his decisions but I find it hard to root for him sometimes. But what I do like about him is his unhingedness, his strong petty ex vibes with his best mate Dohko which technically counts for both toxic yaoi and old yaoi but with young bodies both given by the Greek deities (?) and his complexity for making sure the Sanctuary is strong for the next holy war and being killed by a Gemini makes him quite interesting in the sanctuary arc, even being dead, he wants to be mentioned and remembered as he always wanted. He is a beautiful Muvian, and the only one who is the tall person in his dynamic with Dohko which makes him outstanding slightly in his own right. I feel he can be capable to love and he does have a caring side but he is missing half of his braincell and can be manipulative and cruel to use others for his goals, which often is excused a bit due to the goals is seemly good aka "in service of Athena" and Shion enforcing that cultish system and enabling that for the next generation. It is in the grey area considering of the next holy war and Hades would take over the earth anyway and it was barely stopped thanks to the bronzes which would be never came to be if Shion didn't die. But thank you Shion for giving blood to the bronzes after throwing them to the sky. Some of his antics are hilarious to me, especially yeeting the bronzes to the sky lmao. Dohko and Shion's talk after they finish fighting and before Shion disappear, is heartbreaking. In ND I wish to see Shion more and how he became like this not just looking at his future via magic mirror and boom character development in 5 secs. Interesting dude, thank you for the request xD
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archer3-13 · 2 months
the first naruto shippuden movie is weird. I can't in good confidence call it a good movie, because it frankly just isn't. suffering from a dull and overly weighted in all the wrong places first half, and a confused half assessed ending with odd implications of naruto being shions baby daddy. The middle is probably the best part of the movie where they have a clear structure in mind combined with solid character relation building between naruto and shion that ends up making the romance aspect between the two actually rather believable and better executed then narutos actual cannon love interest [within the context of the run time anyways]. if anything I think this movie would have benefited from cutting lee and neji out entirely to give more time to character building between shion naruto and that one other guy who dies, given that the only thing lee really does is have a cool fight scene and we could have instead given that to sakura who otherwise does jackshit besides embarrassing herself as usual and ya know. would have been well suited to having a fight scene against dark medical jutsu users when her specialty is medical jutsu in shippuden? doctor fight anyone? that woulda been cool?
ironically the coolest aspect of the villains has nothing to do with the boring ass dead air nothing demon and everything to do with them being evil doctors.
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A Quick Overview Of Why You Should Vote For TsubaKuro
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Look I know CatAdora is going to sweep because they're fucking CatAdora. But why not consider a ship you've never heard of instead?
At the very least, read this if you've never seen She-Ra, because if you're going to vote based on second-hand knowledge, you should at least vote based on second-hand knowledge about both sets of characters.
And by secondhand knowledge, I mean I'm going to post dialogue straight off of the wiki. I'll try my best to include context, but it'll be short since I wanna focus on the stars of this poll.
The most important context is that Len'en is a bullet hell game, and thus for most of the on-screen time, people are going to be fighting.
Reason 1: Kuroji is always going on about being inferior to Tsubakura.
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(Note: The Tsubakura here is a fake Tsubakura. Still, Kuroji hadn't realized it at this point so their response is genuine.)
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Tell me there's a heterosexual explanation for this. I mean, you're allowed to interpret Tsubakura and Kuroji's genders in a way that would make them straight, but even if they're straight, that still doesn't make them straight.
(Note: Yabusame is a mutual friend of theirs and works with Tsubakura at the shrine you'll see talked about in these dialogues.)
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(Note: Saragimaru is someone Kuroji blackmailed into doing their bidding because they're an asshole. This is a section of the game where KuroSara and YabuTsuba fought because the game creator didn't have enough slots to fill in all 6 stages otherwise, and a bullet hell game's gotta have 6 stages right? This isn't a critique I love all the duo attacks, themes, and character interactions that came out of this arrangement.)
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(Note: Shion is a newborn youkai made up out of many souls that got entrusted to YabuTsuba after the third game.)
Reason 2: Kuroji vagues Tsubakura even when they're not around.
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(Note: "black" here is used because Kuroji has kinda black hair and Tsubakura wears mostly black. I assume it's more natural in Japanese.)
(Note: Shou and Lumen are boss enemies in the second game.)
Reason 3: Witty banter
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(Note: "The dumb one" is Yabusame.)
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(Note: This is after Tsubakura said that Kuroji is actually a good person sometimes. You'll see that bit of dialogue later.)
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Reason 4: Tsubakura has praise for Kuroji too!
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(Note: This is YabuTsuba's bad ending for the third game. I actually forgot to include this in my submission! Anyway, the joke is that Tsubakura died but got brought back to life by a magic flower, and everyone is acting like they're still dead for the bit.)
(Note: Jinbei is the familiar of the shrine YabuTsuba work at. They help out with various duties.)
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Reason 5: This Conversation
This time I'm going to give the context beforehand, since this conversation is a bit long. Some dialogue for the upcoming Len'en game was released a year ago, to give us a teaser. This dialogue consists of two characters, NiLU and Tom, going over the dialogue for the first game for the sake of information gathering.
Mainly it's just an excuse to have the dialogue from previous games in there at all (since it's a mobile game that the creator plans on using as an entry point for people that are interested in his series).
You remember from before when Kuroji said something like "You always, always surpass me"? This is the reaction to that.
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Reason 6: I dunno where to put these two interview questions so they're going here:
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Some Fanfic Recommendations:
This is mostly so you can experience the same thing that the runner of the poll did when I sent them a submission. Remember, these are not a reflection of canon. They are, however, fics I like (yes I know one of them is mine, that's because I'm proud of it).
Typhoon Commute by Nobelium
The Next Step by Nobelium
I Kept It Warm For You by FatalYeet
Only A Fool by MagicalMelancholy
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avionvadion · 2 years
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Hehe... hehehe... not me avoiding drawing his armor in any way that I possibly can... hehe... 
Anyways! Have some Iliana and Toga! I wasn’t going to name their daughter Shion- I purposefully looked up a list of, like, four hundred names and their meanings to avoid doing so, but, alas, I love the name and it works so well. So their daughter is gonna be named Shion. She is a feral gremlin that takes after her mama in personality who wants all the hugs but looks so much like her daddy. 
Legit, the second Iliana finds out the random demon she saved turns out to be Toga she is trying to patch him up as quickly as possible to get him to leave so she doesn’t ruin the timeline, but whooops guess what-? Timeline’s ruined now, most certainly. Sesshomaru is about have a younger, and Inuyasha an older, half-sister. 
Will Iliana and Sesshomaru ever meet in the earlier stages of the story? Probably not, because she would be freaking obliterated on the spot because of his daddy issues and human hate. Shion and Sesshomaru, though? Hells yeah. She would try to hug him because “Big brother!” and Sesshomaru would try to kill her. And it just continues. An endless cycle. 
The plot is destroyed. Chaos ensues. Inupapa goes into a slumber instead of dying, and Sess gets pissed because that means his dad has just been playing dead all these years- it wasn’t his fault, sir, tenseiga saved him at the last second because of lasting regrets- and the second he wakes up Sess goes after him and Toga is just kind of tired dad sighing like, “Really, son?” 
I still don’t have certain time travel shenanigans figured out, but. It’s so fun. 
Everything is chaos. Forest Deep is so serious but this one is just. Absolute silliness with the very tiniest dash of angst. 
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