#i don't want to engage directly with the larger fandom or manga but privately i'm okay with
mybrainproblems · 2 years
Do you ever think about continuing ALYNA? Especially with AoT ending? ALYNA really was a brilliantly well thought out piece of writing. I still reread it every now and again. Thank you for sharing it with us. Hope all is well with you!
Oh nonnie, this is actually such a lovely ask to get.
I will be honest and say that every so often I do think about ALYNA but the story is dead by virtue of a series of extremely unfortunate events; mental health issues, work issues, people being unpleasant in my inbox, the notebook with all of my plot notes sustaining heavy water damage (mostly the latter)... I think at some point I must have thrown out that notebook since I didn't find it when I was moving a few months ago (and I did actively look for it). Enough time had already passed by the time my notes got destroyed that I didn't remember a lot of the final arc which was like. The "tie everything up" arc (-_-;) so there are some vague bits that I remember but I don't have the motivation to try and remember or think up a "new" way to wrap it all up. However I do remember exactly what the epilogue was and where everyone ended up. I feel like saying that and not sharing it is kinda cruel but there is this tiny tiny part of me that always thinks that someday I will finish it and I don't want to spoil the plot... that I will likely never write. Sorry about that, nonnie.
It's funny bc I only know aot ended since I followed one last final blogger who was still into it but also I stopped reading the manga in fall 2015 and have no interest in engaging with it again. From what I understand it took some ideological Turns that sounded really unpleasant.
And super seriously while I don't want to engage with the fandom this was a nice message to get and I appreciate it a lot. Pretty much the only asks about ALYNA that I've been getting for literal years are berating me for not finishing it and somehow performing a bait and switch for discontinuing before I got to the ereri of it all by readers who went into it knowing it was incomplete. So yeah. This was such a nice ask to get like I never think about the fact that ppl might continue to reread it bc why would anyone want to read or reread a discontinued fic? So nonnie, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for sending this and being kind.
(And I'm doing well, I hope you are too.)
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