#nonnie this ask kinda makes me want to pick it up again but the lack of notes really puts the kibosh on it
mybrainproblems · 2 years
Do you ever think about continuing ALYNA? Especially with AoT ending? ALYNA really was a brilliantly well thought out piece of writing. I still reread it every now and again. Thank you for sharing it with us. Hope all is well with you!
Oh nonnie, this is actually such a lovely ask to get.
I will be honest and say that every so often I do think about ALYNA but the story is dead by virtue of a series of extremely unfortunate events; mental health issues, work issues, people being unpleasant in my inbox, the notebook with all of my plot notes sustaining heavy water damage (mostly the latter)... I think at some point I must have thrown out that notebook since I didn't find it when I was moving a few months ago (and I did actively look for it). Enough time had already passed by the time my notes got destroyed that I didn't remember a lot of the final arc which was like. The "tie everything up" arc (-_-;) so there are some vague bits that I remember but I don't have the motivation to try and remember or think up a "new" way to wrap it all up. However I do remember exactly what the epilogue was and where everyone ended up. I feel like saying that and not sharing it is kinda cruel but there is this tiny tiny part of me that always thinks that someday I will finish it and I don't want to spoil the plot... that I will likely never write. Sorry about that, nonnie.
It's funny bc I only know aot ended since I followed one last final blogger who was still into it but also I stopped reading the manga in fall 2015 and have no interest in engaging with it again. From what I understand it took some ideological Turns that sounded really unpleasant.
And super seriously while I don't want to engage with the fandom this was a nice message to get and I appreciate it a lot. Pretty much the only asks about ALYNA that I've been getting for literal years are berating me for not finishing it and somehow performing a bait and switch for discontinuing before I got to the ereri of it all by readers who went into it knowing it was incomplete. So yeah. This was such a nice ask to get like I never think about the fact that ppl might continue to reread it bc why would anyone want to read or reread a discontinued fic? So nonnie, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for sending this and being kind.
(And I'm doing well, I hope you are too.)
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purple-babygirl · 3 years
request if open; daddy!bucky had a bad day and little!reader is just trying to comfort him but he accidently lashes out and yells at her/pushes her and immediately feels guilty but she regresses even more into her little space and is scared of him, you can kinda play around w this and figure out how it ends! xx
Pairing: Mafia!Daddy!Bucky Barnes x f!little!reader
Word Count: 3,423 (you know you love me)
Warnings: ddlg dynamics, yelling, harsh treatment, crying, angst turned fluff?
A/N: thank you so much for sending this in, nonnie. i took your request and ran with it to angst land. Hope you enjoy xx💜
signature needed
She could see Bucky’s frown, the lines on his forehead wrinkling his handsome face up. She knew it meant he was upset and she never wanted Daddy to be upset. She knew he never left her upset.
Bucky’s been looking like that since he walked through the mansion door that morning, barely acknowledging her when she greeted him. He almost forgot to give her her welcome-home kiss even.
“Not now, angel,” Bucky murmured, proceeding to flip through the papers covering his desk, huffing and puffing every now and then at the mess he was stuck trying to fix.
“Wanna show you somethin’,” she whispered, biting back a smile.
“Later, angel. I’m busy right now.”
He regretted telling her to come in. He should’ve known she’d be nothing but a distraction.
“Dada, jus’ take one look,” she bounced on her feet before slipping a neat sheet of paper on top of Bucky’s desk, momentarily blocking his view of the contracts he was angrily staring at. Now that made Bucky mad.
“I said I was busy!” Bucky shouted as his head snapped to her, his hand slamming down on the paper without even seeing it, blindly crumpling it and throwing it on the floor at her feet. She flinched at the sudden outburst, taking a step back.
“Dada,” tears filled her eyes as she looked at her discarded paper. Bucky just broke her heart.
“Why don’t you ever listen!” Bucky grabbed her arm tighter than usual, pulling her back to him, “How many times do I need to repeat the words for you to understand! I said not now, didn’t I?!” He let go of her arm with more force than he’d intended, making her stumble a little.
She was terrified now. Her heart pounded in her chest as she looked at Bucky with wide eyes. He has never lashed out on her like that, not even when she was big. She was scared. As her breath picked up, she wished she’d never left her playroom.
“Get out and don’t step into this office again until I tell you you can, you hear me?” Bucky growled, oblivious to the signs of regression and horror showing on her face.
Her quick nods set off no alarms in his head as he watched her run out of his office.
Bucky felt bad about taking his anger out on her the second she fled the room. He flopped back down with a huff, flipping through the contracts again and again with no focus. He threw them down carelessly, running his fingers through his hair, tugging at the roots in frustration.
Cracking his hurting neck, Bucky regretted raising his voice at her. He couldn’t see the words on the contracts; her teary eyes flashing through his mind every time he tried reading.
Why did he have to yell? He could’ve just looked at her paper. She was likely trying to show him a drawing. Why couldn’t he just go with it? He’s sworn he’d never let anybody hurt his angel and then he goes and does this?
Bucky was ashamed. What kind of Daddy was he if he treated his little like that? It was no excuse that he was still getting used to being a Daddy. Bucky knew that wasn’t how a man should treat his girl.
He bowed forward, picking up the balled paper by his desk. He carefully straightened it, deciding to fix his angel’s damaged drawing and make it up to her.
Only it wasn’t a drawing; the paper was a handwritten Daddy-Angel contract. It even had colourful flowers, bees and butterflies decorating the paper and everything.
She was probably trying to play office with him; probably just wanted Bucky to pretend he was signing her paper too.
A sad smile spread across Bucky’s lips as he read the paper. The contract stated that
- Dada will smile
- Dada will not be angry no more
- Dada will let me sit on his lap (will be quiet pp)
- Dada will play with me after work
Dada: ……………..
The paper ended with a free space for Bucky to sign in case of agreement to the ‘terms’.
There were a lot of moments where Bucky wished he could turn back time, but not being able to do so in this very moment seemed to torture him the most. He was an asshole.
She just wanted him to calm down. She respected that he was working and she wasn’t trying to interrupt, she merely wanted him to smile. She even pinky promised to sit quietly in his lap.
Bucky has messed up and it was for nothing because the damage to his work has already been done. He shouted at her like she was responsible when she was just trying to help him feel better.
Bucky got his pen out of his pocket, signing the empty place by his name, remorsefully sighing at his utter stupidity.
“Angel,” Bucky called, knocking on the door before opening it.
She wasn’t in her playroom, but Bucky could see her round table full of similar papers to the one he had folded in his pocket.
She’s made at least 6 of these ‘contracts’, some of them were written in different colours or had spelling mistakes.
She’d obviously worked hard until she settled on the paper to give him and he ended up throwing it on the floor.
Bucky’s hand rubbed his face, frustrated at himself and his lack of control. An asshole was what he was. An asshole.
“Angel, where are you, baby?” Bucky sighed, opening the bedroom door to see her sitting, hugging her knees on the large bed.
She looked too tiny bundled up like that and her muffled sniffles punched at Bucky’s heart.
She only lifted her head up when she felt the bed dip under Bucky’s weight and panic flashed over her delicate features.
“Baby, don’t cry,” Bucky said, his hand instinctively moving to wipe her tears only to have her flinch back, squeezing her eyes shut as if she was awaiting a blow.
Bucky’s heart stopped beating for a second when he realized what had just happened.
She was scared of him. His angel had flinched away from his touch. A huge lump formed in Bucky’s throat as she opened her eyes again, “angel?”
“Please don’ hurt me. Won’ come to the office. Won’ leave the room.” She shook her head and sobbed, scurrying back on the bed and away from Bucky.
This pained Bucky more than any punishment he thought he deserved. The look on her face was enough for him to want the walls to open up and swallow him.
“Angel, I would never hurt you. You know that.” Bucky whispered, sniffing back the tears about to spill down his bearded cheeks.
He needed to hear her say she did. He needed to know she knew Bucky could never hurt her.
She looked from Bucky to her left arm where his metal hand had grabbed her earlier. His fingers had left a mark around her arm. The skin was still pulsing as if his hold on her never loosened.
It was too late and it didn’t matter what he said because he’d already hurt her and the evidence was on her body.
Bucky’s mouth opened and closed as he swallowed again. He didn’t know what to say. He was supposed to be the one protecting her, not the one hurting her. How could he do such a thing to his angel?
“Oh, baby,” he breathed, shaking his head regretfully before trying to get closer to her.
Her instant reaction was to crawl back further and Bucky’s heart sank to his stomach. He felt his soul leaving his body when he looked her in the eyes and saw fear.
A tear betrayed him, falling down, gliding by his lips. Bucky wiped it away quickly, sniffing and clearing his throat.
“I signed your contract, angel.” Bucky got the paper out of his pocket, opening it and putting it on the bed for her to see.
Her eyes looked down and more tears left them at the sight of her once fine work now ruined.
“I’m so sorry, angel. Daddy was bad, baby. I’m sorry,” Bucky pleaded, his fingers reaching out for hers.
She pulled her hand away quickly, hiding it behind her back and Bucky knew he had really messed up. It was no use trying.
She was scared of him. His touch frightened her and was no longer a symbol of comfort to her.
He took his hand away, straightening his back and getting off the bed.
“I-I’ll see you at lunch then.” Bucky sniffed again.
“And angel?” he called from the door, getting her attention.
“Thank you for caring for daddy. I love you.” Bucky has never heard his voice as weak as he did in that moment and he felt even worse when she didn’t say it back.
When the table was set and Bucky came out of his office to find her chair empty, another lump was quick to form in his throat.
He wasn’t even hungry. He had no appetite to eat; he just wanted to see her but didn’t have the guts to peek into their bedroom again.
“Angel?” Bucky was ready to knock on the bedroom door but it was already open.
He carefully pushed it and took a look inside to find the bed empty. He tried not to freak out as he knocked the en suite bathroom door and got no answer. When he opened it, she wasn’t there either.
Bucky could hear his own blood pumping in his ears because she was no where to be found in her playroom as well.
She left. She left him and she had every right to. How could he lose her? How could he lose the one good thing in his life?
Tears distorted Bucky’s vision as his hand clutched the side of the door. His heart clenched at the thought of never seeing her again, never hearing her sweet voice call for him again; never getting to smell her on his pillow again.
The sound of her feet padding on the floor behind him pulled Bucky out of his head and he thought he’d imagined it for a second. He turned around and she froze when his eyes fell on her.
She shifted on her feet, hiding one behind the other and internally hoping Bucky wouldn’t notice she was roaming around with bare feet when he’d specifically asked her not to before.
That was the last of Bucky’s concerns at the moment though. He was just relieved she didn’t leave him even if he deserved it.
“Where were you, angel?” the tenderness of Bucky’s tone let her know he wasn’t mad at her for walking around shoeless.
“Couldn’ fin’ PinePine,” she replied softly, referring to the white feline, “’s lunch time.” Her eyes remained fixed on her feet as she avoided Bucky’s.
He was secretly thankful for that, not wanting her to see him in tears twice in the same day.
She was so pure; so caring and loving to everyone around. Bucky found himself slightly jealous of his own cat for a second there.
“Where did you find, PinePine?” He asked calmly, just wanting to hear her speak to him.
“Downstairs,” she answered shortly, leaving Bucky disappointed.
“Let’s go then. The table’s set.” Bucky smiled, hesitantly offering her his hand.
She stood unmoving for a few seconds, eyes still casted down, before she decided to hold onto Bucky’s pointer.
He sighed, knowing she was still scared but didn’t want to reject him. She was so sweet on him even when he least deserved it.
When lunch was over, Bucky let her know she could come to the office whenever she wanted, although he doubted she would. She gave a small nod before running back to the other room as Bucky shouted an “I’ll get back to work then.” behind her.
He didn’t actually get back to work. He couldn’t focus. He couldn’t think of anything but the way she pulled away from his touch every single time he tried to come near her, or the way she forced herself to hold one of his fingers as they walked less than 10 steps together to the dining room. She'd even begged him not to hurt her earlier.
How did he let himself fuck up so bad? When did they get there? What was he going to do now? How does one get forgiven after being this awful?
A lamp lit above the mafia boss’ head and he grabbed a clean sheet of paper before he could lose the idea.
Bucky was going to write his angel a contract. A pardon contract.
His Daddy-Angel 2.0 contract stated that:
- Angel will forgive Daddy
- Angel will not be sad with Daddy no more
- Angel will sit on Daddy’s lap (even if she doesn’t wanna be quiet)
- Angel will play with Daddy after work if she still wants to
Angel: …………….
Bucky sighed as he tried to draw anything other than sloppy hearts in the empty places around the words to decorate the paper but he was terrible at this. He was desperately in need of his angel’s forgiveness though so he scratched his beard and kept working.
Bucky needed to know she wasn’t actually scared of him; not her. Anyone but her. He wouldn’t be able to take it. He wouldn’t be able to ever tolerate himself if she didn’t forgive him.
Bucky’s tongue was hanging outside the side of his mouth as he drew another birdie on the bottom of the contract. It didn’t really look like a bird, unless of course that bird was struck by lightning a hundred times before, but Bucky thought it would do. After all, he was no artist. He didn’t draw. He didn’t deal with colours; he dealt with weapons. His hands were rough for a reason. But he would do anything for his angel. Anything to win her over again.
A knock on his door cut off his focus and Bucky groaned.
“Come in.”
He felt sorry for whoever had the bad luck of interrupting him during his contract-making, ready to yell at someone.
Bucky looked up from his desk when he didn’t hear anyone speaking, and his face has never softened so fast.
It was his girl who’d come into the office. She had her folded contract in her hand and her eyes were looking kind of puffy from crying.
Bucky just stared at her in remorse, pushing his chair back a bit as he watched her walk closer to his seat.
He wanted to tell her he was sorry. He was so sorry. He’s never been sorrier in his life. He wanted nothing more than to take every word and every harsh touch back.
She stood there for a second, waiting to see if Bucky was going to kick her out this time too. When he didn’t, she rounded the desk and stopped by Bucky’s chair.
Bucky remained speechless, not wanting to scare her away again. She came to him. She came on her own. Unless she came to throw the contract in his face and break up with him, that should be a good sign.
Her tongue peeked outside, wetting her lips nervously before she stretched an arm out, ever so carefully nearing it to Bucky’s thigh. Her gaze was glued to Bucky’s face, gauging his reaction. When Bucky’s frown didn’t show up she let her palm touch Bucky’s leg.
Bucky didn’t understand what she was doing but he wouldn’t dream of questioning her. He was just glad she was okay with touching him again at all after what he’d done, even if she was doing it so cautiously it broke his heart to a thousand pieces.
With her stare trained on Bucky, she stepped forward, slotting herself in the small space between Bucky’s chair and his desk, facing him. Her hands moved to grab on Bucky’s strong shoulders, still watching his face. She swallowed before effortlessly climbing on, cozily curling herself on his lap.
Bucky’s heart swelled as he felt her nose nuzzle his shirt. His own emotions overwhelmed him and tears gathered in his eyes.
“Angel?” his voice was barely a whisper as he looked down to her, careful not to startle her.
She looked up at him worriedly, thinking he didn’t want her where she was.
Her eyes showed fear for a short second before she unfolded the scrunched paper in her hand, a finger pointing to the third term.
“Dada signed,” she said, her eyes so innocent and Bucky couldn’t contain himself anymore.
“Oh, angel,” Bucky’s tears uncontrollably rolled down, wetting his beard.
He held her so close, she could hear his heartbeats drumming in his chest.
“Baby, I’m so sorry.” Bucky cried, wetly kissing her forehead over and over.
“I’m sorry, my angel. Forgive me,” he repeated, leaning down to kiss her bruised shoulder before lifting both hands to his lips and kissing them, “I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.”
“Dada,” her smaller hands cupped Bucky’s cheeks as sadness covered her features.
She’s never seen Bucky like that. Not even at his father’s funeral did he sob like that.
She didn’t know it but to Bucky, the thought of losing her hurt more than the actual loss of a family member who never gave two shits about him.
She was Bucky’s everything. His love, his partner, his companion, his baby angel. She was the one who stole his heart and took good care of it. Bucky would give up anything and everything in life and choose her to forever keep, protect and love.
Her short thumbs wiped under Bucky’s eyes, pushing his tears away. She turned to straddle him and wrapped her arms around his neck, laying her cheek on his shoulder.
The smell of her hair calmed Bucky’s heart down as he turned his face to kiss her head, hands settling on her back, “I will never hurt you, angel. Please tell me you know that, my love.”
Bucky’s hoarse voice had her pulling away from the hug. She sat back and looked her man in the eyes, her thumb brushing his chin, “I know,” she whispered and Bucky could see it in her eyes. She did. She believed him. She knew he wouldn’t hurt her.
She stroked Bucky’s cheeks as he sniffled, smiling gratefully at her reply. And his whole world lit up again when she smiled back, timidly pecking the corner of his pink lips.
Oh she was a real angel. No one’s ever been this kind to Bucky before, only her. Bucky kissed her hand one more time, quietly thanking her for forgiving him.
“I made you a contract too,” Bucky told her with a chuckle, pointing to the desk behind her as he wiped his face with the back of his hand.
Her mouth opened in a silent gasp, her smile reaching her wide eyes. She turned around in Bucky’s lap, planting her knees on the chair between Bucky’s open legs and stood on them to take a look.
She took her time reading the words and then she was off Bucky’s lap and bolting out of the room.
The man was about to lose it again, thinking she’d remembered his cruelty towards her and changed her mind when she came running back inside the office.
She climbed back on the chair between Bucky’s thighs, her glitter pen in hand.
Bucky sighed in relief, his lips spreading with an adoring smile as he watched her write her name letter by letter in glittery ink where her signature was needed. Bucky held her waist, kissing her back as he admired how focused she was.
She closed the cap on the pen, placing it on the desk before picking up the contract to show Bucky.
“Angel signed,” she beamed, plopping herself against Bucky’s chest and clinging to him, earning a hearty chuckle from him.
“I love you so much, angel. More than anything in the world.” Bucky gently held her face by the chin, giving her lips a short kiss.
“I love you too, dada.” She smiled, blushing as she hid her face in his chest again.
Bucky wrapped his arms around her, holding her to him and closing his eyes, just enjoying the feel of her body against his once more, silently promising his angel to never hurt her ever again.
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bittybattybunny · 3 years
I hope your not feeling down on your writing skills because I haven't caught up and commented on your latest releases. It's not you it's that I pick too many fanfics to follow and they all update a lot and I've been so busy and I've fallen behind on so many fics from various authors and sometimes my depression just makes me want to lie in bed all day doing nothing and it doesn't help I have to spend my limited spoons helping family everyday. I know these aren't good excuses, but I do sympathize with the lack of energy feeling at least. But your work really does bring a lot of joy to my life. It's so fun keeping up with your various AUs, and your latest one that features Kaya as Spider King has me really hyped because I want to learn more about Kaya, she's so fun! And Ruclipse is such a good comfort ship that just hits all the things I like seeing in a ship. You're so amazing and creative and it's awful that anyone would try to make you feel otherwise! Like your newest OC, Justin Tyme seems like such a lovable dumbass bastard. I love his wild, curly hair and his dapper outfit. I can't wait to see what dumb shit he gets himself into! I know this is really long and rambly, but I hope you know you have fans who genuinely love your work. I don't know if you're still thinking about that one comment you mentioned that got you really down, but honestly, fuck that guy. I don't know what they said but it must have been pure BS to have you doubting your hard earned art skills. I wish I could do more to prove you're awesome and that your fans really admire you, I just hope you don't stop sharing what you love because some rando was nasty for no good reason. Because we love what you do!
It's not like anyone one person nonny so please don't blame yourself. This has been an ongoing thing for a few months actually...
it's just a general thing over all lately like. I mentioned this in dm's with a friend but overall past few months I've had lower engagement overall with my works and it really does a number on my confidence. More so because like your latter point.
yes, I am still very much thinking about that one negative comment. Because that person also has the need to comment on other things and I even had a thing asking why I took a few weeks to update (when reality I posted to another ongoing fic and my TLC chapters are long chapters) and just the fact they could tear into a character (yes it was a comment on a character specifically and not even a main character it's a side character who has an important role for Snatcher's growth as a person down the line) then go saying "why didn't you update" when I posted a double update that week---
Like it lives in my head rent free and I want to literally cry because like the character is a focal in an upcoming chapter and I can't deal with another "why are they back" type thing. because "everyone finds them annoying"
And I'll be honest. it was Kaya. Like I've been trying to have fun with my BCU stuff with her as Spiderking because it's engaging for me and me and @/doodleimprovement even came up with a b-plot involving Kaya and Hattie trying to hook Nell and Marcus together and it's one of the best things as well as Kaya and Nell having a really good relationship.
but because of that one comment it makes me hesitant to do anything with Kaya despite she's one of my oldest ocs, my most thought out ocs and I adore her beyond anything. Like yes she's over powered and such and in TLC rn she comes off as a know it all, but upcoming chapters will show she's just a spacey kid who's trying to fit into a role others decided for her and isn't really as all mighty as she seems. Snatcher even ends up thinking of her as a little sister more than anything. Like fuck I'm even hesitant to share anything on her actual story despite how much work is in it. Like she's my favorite Oc (that's why shes my discord icon, and I'm pretty sure she's my twitter icon as well)
And like the points in the comment just. IDK they didn't fit to her, if anything the points are more suited to be shot at Eclipse.
Which is another thing I just get iffy on. I love RuClipse and everything with it. I love writing and drawing the dorks. But I'm now so afraid if Kaya could be attacked for only showing in a handful of chapters that don't even touch on who she is, when is someone going to finally tell me off on my wolf? who's going to tear into a character I pour a lot of personal shit into to try and comfort myself?
I use Ruclipse to deal with my own romantic heart, they are what I wish I could have so I love to write them, I hurt them but i like to make them happy in the end. Someone who can deal with your highs and lows. No ones perfect but you can still figure it out and love even the negative parts (I am a heavy romantic OTL)
he is in fact a lovable bastard. i have fun plans and he gives me an excuse for why Cel is so tired and having to be the brain cell and how she even wound up working with the time kids when she's so much older than they are. Currently I'm trying to think of how to use him and honestly I think he's gonna wind up hella comic relief fun guy who's just making a mess and do his own side story while Hat and Bow are busy in subcon----
thank you, I don't mind the rambly it kinda gave me a chance to get this off my chest... like I've typed this kinda response up time and time again and I always delete. I feel like I'm whining because I get upset but it's just, I spend so much time making things, I use all my spoons on either working or creating, I just want to know if it means anything but then negativity lives in my head because what's a functioning meat cube??? I try to stay positive but it's hard. Like another thing is Moon Guardian; the reason I haven't updated? because I have had someone bothering me about it. weekly I get asked about how I'm doing on it but it's not from a place of "want to read it" it's because I told them they couldn't post a certain thing until the chapter is done so it feels pressuring to constantly get asked because I feel the only reason they want to post is to boost their thing and I'm just the machine to boost it with my characters and comic.... like it feels they've taken the comic from me and it sucks because I have so many fun things planned. Like I accidentally went off on Nina about a thing with Alpine skyline and Eclipse as well as a thing with a Time Rift and a Jelly ghost.
Sorry kinda went off, just I've sat on this thought train since like early april. I've done my best to ignore it and just keep going but it's gotten really hard with the fact my health hasn't been really great. I've spent a lot of time lately bed bound because I just hurt so badly. if I'm not resting, I'm at my day job which is incredibly stressful rn as I only really work mornings and I see things that are being missed so then i report it and it still gets missed and i can't get it fixed after a point cuz we're back to full service and need the people so I can't nitpick but just.... I'm bitter okay like if I left this shit when I worked I would have gotten yelled at but now we just let it slide??? and this stresses me out which then causes my body to freak out because I'm stressed which puts me in more pain. and then like at work have people acting shocked I have my cane or soemthing and just skfdslkfksdf
so my energy is so tanked. and then the negative comment in my head, no idea if people like things cuz I have no idea if I hear nothing, just has had me doubting why post. Like I should go back to just not posting my stories and sketches or w/e and slink back to my hole like I was before.
idk Its just. a bad night in the house of bun. I've had these thoughts festering and I guess today was the dam breaking. It's probs cuz I'm nervous posting Chimeras because it's a very dark au.
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winchest09 · 4 years
Our Virtual Lockdown - Lowdown
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Hey everyone!
Our lockdown livestream was once again one filled with laughter, smiles and support and it warms my heart to see so many of your faces each time we do this. 
6 and a half hours we were talking…SIX AND A HALF and again, I loved every single second. It was so nice to see so many gorgeous faces, and I’m so happy that so many of you joined us! The support from you guys for each other, the love in this fandom; I can’t express how much I adore it. 
Me and @katehuntington​ love holding these events and we are already planning the next live stream (date to be announced) but it will be soon!
This is the lowdown for the fourth lockdown party!
Below you will find:
Everyone who joined - their tags, what’s coming up fic wise and their masterlist.
Q & A with our writers and readers. 
Blogs who want to help with your writing
Can you help us?
Fic & blog recs
So without further ado… *cracks fingers*
To everyone that joined…
You are the guys that make it the live stream what it is.  So below is a list of everyone who was on the chat last night accompanied by their masterlist and what they have coming up soon! In no particular order…
@katehuntington​: Kate is currently working on the next instalment of Ride With Me, All I Want and she has JUST posted an adorable little oneshot/drabble called Wedding Bells! 
Her masterlist can be found HERE
@flamencodiva​: This babe is currently working on a multitude of things and we are super excited to see them come out. She wasn’t with us for as long as normal so we didn’t hear what she was working on at the moment but we know its gonna be good! Head over to her page and send her some love! 
Check out her masterlist HERE
@whatareyousearchingfordean​: Alex is currently writing the ending to her Jensen fiction Et Cetera AND she has decided her next fiction!
Firefighter Dean x OFC Marina. From what we’ve already heard...it sounds amazing! I won’t give away any plot points that we were told just yet but it’s one to be put on your watch list! 
Her masterlist can be found HERE
@talesmaniac89​:  This beaut also has a lot that she’s working on at the moment. The next instalments of The Man in Apartment 43. The next chapters of Lost (which is a little darker), she’s also working on a Heist AU and something that we’ve had a sneak peak at! 
She’s created a fake website called HunT and is creating a social media AU set in the universe. The whole story will be told through text messages and emails. It’s NOT one to miss!  
Check her out guys, her masterlist is HERE
@superfanficnatural​:  This babe is currently working on the next chapters of The Bringer of balance as well as the next chapters of The Choice! The fifth chapter of Bringer of Balance came out two days ago. Also working on a Oscar Isaac request as well as a new Smut Series, RPF Series and Benny x Dean smut! 
We’re living for it! 
Go and give him some love, his masterlist can be found HERE
@emoryhemsworth​: This beaut is still fleshing out the series she was writing last time we did the lockdown and she is also working on a sequel to a previous fic called Because Of You. The sequel will be in the hurt/comfort category so she is definitely gonna be stretching those angst muscles!
Check our her masterlist HERE:
@malfoysqueen14​: This lovely lady is new to the Supernatural fandom and is trying her hand at writing fanfiction! Her first fic “White Flag” is Dean x OFC and it’s going in a very interesting direction! Worth a read!
She hasn’t yet got a masterlist but you can check out White Flag HERE
@ellewritesfix05​: Another new writer to the Supernatural scene but guys, she’s a doll and her writing has me smiling! She’s currently working on a fiction called “Midwife Crisis” and it’s so good. 
You can check out her masterlist HERE
Me: I’m currently working on two series, Life for Rent and Man’s Best Friend! I also have a couple of Dean series being worked on in the background as well as a couple of oneshots…one which is gonna be called “Wasted on You” 
Watch this space!
To the new writers…
These guys are all new when it comes to terms of writing and are yet to create masterlists for there work. However, we do know that some of them have W.I.P’s right now and we are SO excited to hear more about them next time we do another stream. 
Fingers crossed, we’ll see some content from them soon! They have some amazing idea’s that I, personally, cannot wait to read!
Remember guys - we’re all here to love and support you! My inbox is always open if you want to talk fics, want me to look over one etc.
Go and follow and give them some love!
@janicho88​ @imjustadrummer​  @impalaprincess​ @waywardbeanie​
and to the readers that joined…
@leissa1287​ and the few nonnies we had! 
We love you, we thank you for reading and we thank you for all the support and love you give us constantly. Thank you for joining the chat and we hope you had an amazing time <3
Q & A with our writers & our readers! 
During this live stream, we asked everyone to join in and to ask the writers and readers some questions! We had a few so the write up for this is below! I hope you enjoy reading them. 
Q) What comes first? The title then the story or the story then the title? 
Most of us: (in chorus) Stories then title. 
Mert (superfanficnatural): All I will say is, summaries are the devil!
Alex (whatareyousearchingfordean): If i’m honest, I don’t like the title Et Cetera so I’ve decided that I will be changing it once I get to the end of the fiction. 
Me (winchest09): For me it depends, sometimes I can get a story from a song and the title just fits. I had Life for Rent as I started writing it. Other times, when it comes to oneshots, it’s always the story that’s there but I have no idea what to call it and i’m bugging Kate or Sian (@deanwanddamons) for help!
Kate (katehuntington): I think of the story entirely first. I need to know what’s going to happen and I have to plan it all out and once that’s done, I can then think of the title. I like to put the title in the dialogue sometimes too. Ride With Me is gonna be a line in the fic!  
Alex (whatareyousearchingfordean): Yeah, if i can’t think of one (a title), I  generally pull a sentence from the line of the fic. A line that is of some significance or that could be important to the story.
Emory (emoryhemsworth): I love it when fics do that!
Q) What’s the way you write a series? Chapter by Chapter or have it all set out with a start middle and end before you set out to write it?
Mert (superfanficnatural): Chapter chapter but it kinda depends on the fic itself.
Elle (ellewritesfix05): Chapter by chapter!
Alex (whatareyousearchingfordean): Chapter by chapter but it depends on my mood. 
Me (winchest09): I generally have it all planned with my start middle and end. At least bullet pointed before i divide it into my chapters. But it’s all subject to change. Fics take their own life sometimes and you just have to roll with it. But i like to have a direction in mind. 
Kate (katehuntington): I do the outline, but I usually writer chapter for chapter publishing wise. But I definitely know where I'm going before I put down the first words
Q) Do you guys (writers) know how many chapters you’ll have when you start?
Kate (katehuntington): *laughs* No.
Me (winchest09): No, not all! I never expected Life for Rent to be this long and yet I still have chapters to go. I’ve also had to split chapters too with how long they’ve gotten!
Mert (superfanficnatural): Sometimes but not all the time. 
Q) Do readers feel pressured to leave feedback?
Shelli (waywardbeanie): No, not really. 
Emory (emoryhemsworth): In some instances...yes. When blogs point out and make people feel bad for the lack of feedback. I understand it’s important but it does add the pressure to leave a comment. 
Q) What do you do if you get writers block?
Angel (malfoysqueen14): I read comments, or I like to speak to people who are interested in reading my fics. Talk the story over with them, get the buzz going again. 
Emory (emoryhemsworth): I get up, walk away and have a break from it. Take a shower, have something to eat, have just ten minutes for myself then come back to it with fresh eyes. 
Kate (katehuntington): I feel like 70% of the time, I cant get it out. I can’t get the words out. I wish i could push over 1K a day but sometimes it doesn’t happen for me. 
Angel (malfoysqueen14): Another bit of advice would be to just write, even if its terrible or you think it’s terrible. Put it down and get some words out!
Alex (whatareyousearchingfordean): Yeah I agree. For ‘Et Cetera’ I actually wrote part 17 before I wrote anything else because that’s what I had the inspiration for at the time. Then I had to work out how to link it all but I got there. If that doesn’t work, then change projects for a bit and start something fresh. 
Kate (katehuntington): Yeah that’s what I did and why I wrote ‘Wedding Bells’. It definitely helped. 
Q) Do you write it chronological order or not?
Mert (superfanficnatural): Sort of. Like, in my head when i’m writing, I envision the scene, then as i’m typing i can see where the scene could go, like I have many different options to go down. Then i pick one as I get there! 
Kate (katehuntington): Yes, cause i feel like it’d be swiss cheese if not. Full of holes! *laughs*
Me (winchest09): No. I always think I’m a little bit of a strange one for this but I write all over the place. I can write the ending first, then the beginning, then the middle. I’ve got a scene written in my ending but i’m nowhere near that yet! I write what I have the inspiration for at the time then thread it all together. 
Emory (emoryhemsworth): My inspiration always comes out when i’m at work when I cant write. 
Me (winchest09): Oh that happens to me all the time! Especially when I’m driving! 
Angel (malfoysqueen14): I end up writing notes on pieces of receipts *laughs*
Shelli (waywardbeanie): A good idea maybe to record notes on your phone!
Mert (superfanficnatural): Yeah spit out ideas on your phone. That way when you feel like you’ve lost the inspiration, you can always listen to it again and it’ll give you the spark back to write it! 
Me (winchest09): Ok random...and this might make me look crazy but...does anyone else act out their dialogue?
Everyone: Yes! 
Me (winchest09): Thank god! *laughs*
Mert (superfanficnatural): It’s actually a good idea because it can help you channel the emotions. 
Q) For someone who hasn’t written smut before or had any experience to go on, what do you do?
Kate (katehuntington): Watch porn *laughs*
Me (winchest09): Read, read read read. Fanfic, normal books, talk to someone you’re comfortable with about it all, get them to have a look over your stuff if you want them too.
Kate (katehuntington): I have the perfect post to help with synonyms! It’ll be included in the lowdown (Check below in the need help section) 
Mert (superfanficnatural): Definitely ask someone that you speak too to beta it for you if you want them too! 
Alex (whatareyousearchingfordean): What also helps if you don’t have experience with a partner or a partner. Experiment with yourself. You’ll know what feels good and how to describe it. 
Need Help with a fic?
We’ve got you covered!
Need to has out a plot with someone?
The lovely @malfoysqueen14​ has offered herself up to be a plot buddy to anyone that needs it. Stuck on a plot point, want to talk through a story line with someone? Give her a message! She’s here to help <3
Also want an aesthetic making for your fictions? 
She also wants to help people by putting her photoshopping skills to use! Want an aesthetic being made? Give her a shout! 
Need help writing those all important fight scenes?
Give our babe @imjustadrummer​ a message! They are filled with knowledge and even give us a demonstration on how to punch correctly on the livestream! Definitely one to have on your contacts list! <3
Need help with research for a fiction?
The most wonderful @waywardbeanie​ has offered herself up to be a researcher for anyone who wants help with their fiction. She has been a die hard SPN fan forever and she’s like the Ellen of our live stream.
Need a researching buddy? Give her a message! She’s a doll <3
Need help with some sweet smut writing?
Our girl @katehuntington​ has got you covered! Check out this link HERE
Can You Help Us?
We are putting out the bat signal for our lovely @imjustadrummer​ who is after a blueprint to The Bunker’s garage! If anyone has one or know any information about layouts...please give her a shout! 
Fic & blog Recs!
In our live stream, we want to highlight what we’ve been reading and the amazing authors behind the words. So below is a list of all the fics that we recommend for some good ol fic binging!
Fic Recs
Sons of Lawrence by @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan​
Summary: You ran, ran as far as you could from your previous life, ran so far you ended up in Lawrence, Kansas of all places. You had no intention of getting involved with the most notorious biker gang in Lawrence, a biker gang that trafficked illegal drugs, weapons, and anything that might make them money. But Dean Winchester was impossible to resist. One look into those green eyes and you were gone. 
The Man At The Side Of The Road by @supernatural-jackles​
Summary: Driving down the road, going well over the speed limit. You come across a man walking in the opposite direction with a bouquet of flowers in his hands. His head cast down as he walked. Your gut instinct is telling you to check on this man, no matter what your parents told you growing up. Little did you know just how much this would change your life. Dirty Little Secret by @pink1031​
Summary: You are a new character on the show Supernatural, a new hunter named Riley. You are just starting your second season as a regular. Even though you have known Jensen for years and have been close friends, your relationship grows into something more during filming.  You both know that you shouldn’t act on your feelings but you just can’t help it.  What will happen if you do? 
Nicotine by @talesmaniac89​​
Summary: Dean has his vices, but they all pale in comparison to how he craves you. Yet he pushed you away, leaving him gasping for air.
Side by Side by @talesmaniac89​
Summary: You go looking for Dean on the eve of another hunter’s death anniversary. Knowing he’s lost, and needing to comfort him.
You’re Home by @impala-dreamer​
Summary: N.A but this looks like a must read! 
Home Is Where You Are by @muggleishly​
Summary: N/A but this looks adorable! 
The Voices by @fictionalabyss​
Summary: N/A but this looks angsty AF. Go read!
Who Do You Think You Are by @flamencodiva​
Summary: Dean and Y/N have a friends with benefits deal. But what happens along their journey.
Every Time You Leave, I Hit Rock Bottom by @arazialotis​ 
Summary: Scenes from the up and downs of Dean and Y/N’s relationship as they struggle to balance his life as a hunter.
Sky Full Of Stars by @smol-and-grumpy​ 
Summary: He’s Dean Winchester, ex mobster boss, still a little cocky, less ruthless and not at all short tempered anymore. Instead, he thinks he’s hilarious (she doesn’t agree, though). They both try to live a quiet life. And Dean hopes, very hard, that his former life won’t come knocking at their door.
Cross My Heart by @smol-and-grumpy​
Summary:  After opening up a letter, the life as she knows it, changes forever. Her husband hires Dean Winchester to protect her but is Dean really who he said he was? And is her husband really worried about her safety?
One Good Reason by @sunlightdances​
Summary: Dean never brings women back to the bunker. It figures the one time he breaks his own rule, the state issues a lockdown. Navigating the next month is an exercise in trust, patience and falling in love. 
Protector by @fictionalabyss​
Summary: I couldn’t find a summary but this is a Biker AU and it looks AMAZING. 
Shattered Like A Stone by @thoughtslikeaminefield
Summary:  The Mark is demanding and the demon in Dean won’t deny it.
Marked by @there-must-be-a-lock
Summary:  This is a story about trust and control. It’s about the Mark of Cain, trauma and recovery, BDSM, vulnerability, honesty, and the marks we leave on people we love.
Playing Pretend by @supernatural-fangirl1967​ 
Summary:  When you confide in a stranger that you need a date for a week with your family, you don’t expect him to show up offering his help. You try and act like a happy couple, but things get complicated when you start to actually fall for this man. Could you pull it all off and get through the week as more than friends, or do secrets from his past show up to ruin it all?
Logged In by @talesmaniac89​
Summary: Sam tells Dean and the reader about a new online community for hunters and they both scoff at him, but secretly use it and end up drawn to each other.
Shackled by @itmighthavebeenintentional​
Summary: After nearly ten years, Sam Winchester calls Miriam Bard to collect on a life debt. Unfortunately for Miriam, Sam leaves out a few important details.
Blog Recs
@ne-gans​ , @saxxxologybookshelf​ , @negans-lucille-tblr ,  @samsexualdeancurious​ by @emoryhemsworth​ 
“I really love these blogs and the work they produce! Some stuff is only available on patreon but if you love their work, it’s definitely worth it”
@promptandpros​ by @superfanficnatural​
“This blog writes a lot of male reader fictions! Check them out! “
@impala-dreamer by @katehuntington​
I love her stuff. I love that she can do really angsty fics and then come up with crack fics off the top of her head, fics that have me laughing my ass off. Check her out! 
PHEW! I definitely think we have enough fics on here to last us for a few days if not weeks!…don’t you? ;) Please guys don’t forget to give these writers some love when reading their fics, comments, reblogs, asks. It means the world.
Interested in roleplaying & DnD?
@imjustadrummer​ has set up a Dungeons and Dragons campaign set in the Supernatural (main) universe!
If you’re into role playing, fancy bringing one of your OFC’s to life or just wanna be badass yourself…why not consider joining?!
All the information you need on this is HERE
Make some new friends, live out your dreams of being a hunter, angel or demon and HAVE FUN!
We some wonderful announcements to make once again!
Mert ( @superfanficnatural​ ) on June 6th, our darling Mert will be in the @spnfanficpond​‘s discord channel as a special guest! He will be there to give advice to anyone who wants it from the male point of view. Go over and say hi! 
Please note that to do this...you will need to be a member of the pond to participate in this but it’s super simple to join, the how to is on the page, and we are all a lovely bunch of coconuts (didleedum). But seriously...we are all lovely and friendly. 
Me and the wonderful @katehuntington​ are excited to announce that we will shortly be launching a podcast series! The name is still pending however we will be talking about all things fanfiction, all things life and everything else in general! We will have special guests, we can take questions or talk about issues that you guys wanna go over! 
Watch this space...
This is only for you guys in the USA but wanna receive birthday texts from the darling Misha...we have his number for you!
Have fun! 
I think that’s it!
Thank you so much once again to everyone who joined the chat, we had 6 hours of laughs and i cannot wait to do it again. I’d appreciate it if you could share this to spread the love of the fics and authors on here!
Keep an eye out for the next date for our next livestream! It will be in a couple of weeks, date to be announced. If you guys have any idea’s or want something included, let us know. If you want to be tagged when we announce, let us know!
@deanwanddamons - tagging you babe as you asked so you can catch up on what we talked about <3
58 notes · View notes
incarnateirony · 5 years
*chef's kiss* Your "honk honk" seems of a different... attitude. I can't help but think you got information, and I wonder if it's the "‘Supernatural’ Boss on Season 15’s ‘Chance to Let Both Boys Be the Star of Their Own Story’" interview on Variety. If it's nothing, that's cool. If it's something else, I'm intrigued. Most of all, /if/ you write something about it, I/we always love hearing your thoughts. 🤡🤡
Hokay so this is going to be difficult to write out, because I do want to clear this up. Given, it took considerably longer than I intended, a few life kidnappings and one really strong IPA later, so if I get rambly, forgive me, I’m kinda buzzed.
That said, arrogant as it may sound, I’ve been told many times that people take me as a sort of seat of common sense and realism in this fandom, and “honk honk” can have many readings, so let me explain where I’m at in regards to the show, our canon, DeanCas and everything in this tangled web.
For those somewhat new to my blog, I didn’t really “ship it” until season 13, episode 5-6; I’d argue myself in reverse that my foundation was shaken by 12.19 in reverse, so put it somewhere in that time frame. Before that, I simply defended the validity and, frankly, sanity of Destiel fandom for seeing what they saw after years of them being gaslit, times confusion spawned from fandom levels that birthed all kinds of weird bitterness.
I kept it at arms length because realistically, on a production level, it just wasn’t a thing until somewhere in the ballpark of S12, which is when I joined fandom, and for a reason I will continue to vague blog about but I think some people have picked up on.
Even still, I have always endorsed being mindful of ones’ own emotions and expectations, and despite my honk honk, that still floats as a background element to everything I am about to say.
The TL;DR is that, quite frankly, any babbling about marketing or production issues aside, since season 14, Andrew Dabb has been seriously fucking my head up. Seriously.
I don’t know how long you’ve been with me, Nonnie; but early S14 I started blogging about the God of Control, Ialdaboath, Abraxas and other shit but also said I had no faith in it since in S11 already the network shut down killing god for fear of pissing off the fundies, and still, making him the villain holds about the same effect even if cruising on technicality. I built entire meta series pondering the pattern and direction of our canon, laying out how it was due to be Chuck, in reflection of Yellow Eyes and the sins of the Father, and then Dabb turned around and smacked my reservation out of my mouth in 14.20.
I spent hiatus blogging on about the next alchemical step being death of the relationship for birth of something new by Art and Lovers arcana; I referenced that old meta project, but spent equal time dismissing the balance of it, too Destiel, too front facing, to not expect it at all. Season 15 turns around smacking us with divorce and marriage shit all around and knocked that reservation out of my mouth too.
I blogged about Belphegor and patterns having a DeanCas breakup by 15.03 within mythology, but not to expect it to be forward facing; and ep 3 was so loud TVG and soap reporters started calling a spade a spade. Dabb knocked that reservation out of my mouth.
Structurally speaking, we continue to tread forward into louder and louder territory, and any time I try to apply any form of reservationist logic to it, Dabb cockslaps me into the dirt so hard I don’t know what to call logic anymore.
The interview may be part of it, for sure, but full honest I’ve been honking since before that.
Now, what “honking” is lacks a specific goalpost. As someone fully at peace with the level of effort our crew has been giving us beyond restrictions, as someone respecting the low key textuality plugged into this season even if it failed to meet “good representation” boundaries as people have identified, or the performative release anyone’s after, I have no specific expectation beyond:
It’s going to get louder. It’s going to get harder, and harder to miss. And they aren’t shy about it anymore.
When it comes to corporate level shenanigans, there’s other things at play; some associated with certain topics I vagueblog about; others less vaguebloggy but related, like the WB losing 5 of its and its sister companies’ CEOs in the last year and complete corporate turnover that led to Pedowitz’s recent promotion to make CW more self-standing without babysitting as much by its parent company (not even minding the CBS-facing Moonves disaster which makes it 6 in CW’s blast radius).
Whether it be the first-female-WB-CEO making a change in how the business is handling its business decisions and marketing decisions, or simple “Forgotten Child Syndrome” that has given Dabberens the right to get away with everything but murder, in all we know of the crew, and all we see, the direction is only one thing: Louder.
And for that, I’ll gladly honk to death right now.
This crew is taking it as far as they can, and I will gladly blast the circus music announcing them in their wake.
We have truly reached a “roll the dice” point, which at no other point in history have we been at a horizon of beyond the curtain. We could still turn up snake eyes. That’s fine. Or we could nat 20. Or it could be a tepid 10. But the fact that the dice are rolling at all – honk honk.
I don’t know what’s real or logic anymore at this point, it’s one big muddy mess. So I may as well enjoy the ride, throw the dice, honk my heart out and see just how far these fuckers manage to sling us. 
But if I could get in a TARDIS and zap back to season 7 fandom and try to tell them what was going on, right here, season 15, the final season, with Dean and Cas, everybody would tell me I was on crack or full of shit, and that’s the kind of perspective this bitter ass fandom desperately needs to wrap their heads around and hands over rather than being lost to waves of irrelevant arguments.
I mean let’s look at S8-9 fandom that weren’t paying attention to the production curve at the time. A large sum convinced themselves it was “going to go canon”. But where, when, how? What was canon? They didn’t know, they just knew they got mad when a corp exec went “dafuq is a Destiel” in sum, because he was rightfully blindsided and everybody went bananas and didn’t come down from it since. If you had asked them then what “going canon” meant, you’d get a million different answers much less explanations why they thought it, some being really bizarre meta about fish or other RANDOM shit that literally makes you go “the FUCK?”.
And that has plagued the DeanCas community ever since, frequently addressed as “moving goalposts”, wherein person just needs XYZ and then it happens so somebody else makes a new thing they want and so on into eternity.
But as of late I’ve noticed a large, and I mean large section of fandom has detected certain patterns in Dabb era and have pretty unilaterally set an idea– for example, fandom has come to realize Korrasami, right down to the handholding, seems to be putting off beacons and pulses in the show time and time again. It’s not the loud rep some want, but a great deal of people are out here, seeing this groundwork laid down. There’s a how and a where and a when and I really can’t think of any other time in the history of this fandom that’s actually been in conversation, and I don’t think fandom has really grokked that as a difference, as well. 
Because it’s, for the first time, actually been handled like a genuine potential. How far that potential goes is up in the air, but it’s no longer punch line subtext or weird “oops I tripped and fell in the gay” shit. It’s not even just lowkey background parallels. It’s entire goddamn story arcs crafted front and center with loud cultural resonances, partial text level breaking dynamics and more, just lacking the affirmative sentiments people want– and suddenly, fandom actually has a formulative idea of what those sentiments might look like in the show.
And that my friends? That’s different.
Honk honk.
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lizzybeth1986 · 6 years
Sorry for this XD, but 1, 4, 9, 11, 26 and 27 for the salty ask? If it's not too much, of course
Don't say sorry! 😁 Thanks for the ask Nonny and apologies for the delay.
I must caution you, the post is going to be long and and there's too much salt in my responses for even me to handle.
1. OTP in fandom that you just do not get.
IDK I most don't give much of a thought to OTPs that I don't get. Like that is the nature of any fandom, that you can see potential for ships even without a say-so from canon.
What I really don't get is the absurd double standards that I see sometimes - how some fans will pull down other LIs/characters to make a favourite look good, how some LIs will be nitpicked to high hell while others can say the grossest things and not be judged. How one character can be judged for the same thing we will admire in another (I'll get to this later).
It's weird, considering the app literally allows you to choose who you will fall for (unless you're wlw or like a character that's a person of colour in a majority-white cast, in which case they will dangle scraps in front of you once every ten chapters, I suppose). You don't need to trash one LI to justify your choice of another. They're there. Stop tearing down an LI while deliberately tagging the character's tag and ship tags for your notes. Go generate (and promote) content for your own ships and characters instead.
4. A personal NOTP? Are they considered an OTP in the fandom?
Hana x Madeleine. Fortunately, lots of people had plenty of problems with this pair and the way it was written in Book 3. The narrative was subtly pushing that ship over the course of Book 3, but the backlash was strong enough that they got Madeleine to issue an apology for her bullying in the epilogue instead (I doubt they even remember the chocolate allergy scene, given that the MC acts like this information is brand new).
It still left a bad taste in my mouth, because it showed me how little the writers cared for Hana as a character, but at least the fandom made sure it didn't become a ship.
9. Most Disliked Character(s):
Hoo boy. I have a freaking list. Besides the really really obvious ones:
• Drake Walker: has way more privilege than he knows what to do with. Narrative acts like he is the Voice of the Commoner...well. I feel sorry for the commoners that don't get to practically live in court without having to change their attire or yap all day about steak, burgers and whiskey. And whose sisters don't have friends that will fleece their entire ancestral house's already-plummeting finances to keep her house running while her brother trash-talks the same friend in Book 1.
• Damien Nazario: is a hypocrite. That is all.
• Constantine: Almost every apology of his has to come punctuated with an excuse. Even if it involves orchestrating sexual assault.
• Madeleine (TRR) and Mallory (RoE): The demonic duo of People PB Wants So Desperately For Me To Forgive™. Without them even having to earn that forgiveness, too (Nana deserves to be on this list too, except the question of forgiveness doesn't even arise when it comes to her. She is worshipped in this series!). I see a small step towards change in D&D Book 2 with Lady Grandmother, but only time will tell if they will actually execute the "will never forgive you" route properly.
• Penelope: is so, so fucking entitled I just can't. I understood how her condition, and manipulation from people like Constantine and Bastien, got her to the point where she would be ready to harm someone. But I can't for the life of me understand how she can forget this so easily after the tea party.
I was hoping for a redemption arc where Penelope recognizes what she's done and unconditionally tries to make amends in Book 3, but that never happened. There was not a single reference in Book 3 to the harm she did you in Book 1. We had to do an immense amount of coddling to convince her to come for the wedding, and there were consequences if you didn't call her your "best friend" or support her demands. The narrative has Drake Walker...Drake "Ambassadors Go To Dangerous Areas, Lady Kiara (So Get Over It)" Freaking Walker...reassure Penelope in a way that Kiara never gets from anyone in the group, and she suffered a knife attack. Ezekiel is literally created out of thin air as a reward for her.
Why does she need a reward again? Who knows.
• Ajay: Didn't apologize.
11. Unpopular Character that You Like that Fandom Doesn't.
(This is going to be loooong. I'm not sorry. This rant has been really, really building up. It's like a dam).
Kiara. It's popular to sorta kinda like her now, but back when she started showing feelings for Drake she got a lot of hate...hate that I feel bled into the treatment she got in the third book.
It took me a while to warm up to Kiara, but I think what did it for me was her friendship with Penelope. She was protective and supportive, even though she lacked an understanding of what Penelope was going through. I was even more pleasantly surprised when she spoke about her bond with Savannah. There was a warmth and a sweetness about Kiara in Book 2 that we didn't see much of in Book 1 and she slowly won me over. When they spoke about her injuries in Book 3, I was looking forward to seeing that story explored.
I will always maintain that Kiara in Book 3 is what happens when both the writing team and the louder, more vocal portion of the fandom are heartless towards a particular character. Heartless is a heavy word, and a word I don't want to be using willy-nilly, but I've seen enough to come to that conclusion in this case.
Kiara was often called an opportunist and a host of other names in the fandom for not supporting the MC through the scandal. Except that we all forget she never promised anything beyond supporting your claim to being picked as future Queen. She tells you straight off the bat in Book 1 that she is looking for allies and not friends (guess who is often admired for that mindset? Madeleine...well, until she harms Hana for flimsy reasons). Meanwhile we have Penelope being all adorable and happy and congratulating you knowing that you're going to be slut-shamed, humiliated and dragged out of court for a scandal she helped generate. Kiara on the other hand was honest. She wanted a job in the ministry and a bomb married life while she was at it. I'd rather have an ambitious (but won't abuse her power like Madeleine does) Kiara in my corner than a person who lies to my face about supporting me, does little more to help than just tell me who her boss was, then expects me to call her my best friend later.
Kiara had to only look at and flirt with Drake for people to hate on her. Meanwhile Olivia could spring an unwanted kiss on Liam in public, and the fandom would still be blaming Liam for not loving her back. In regular fandom content Kiara was mocked and sometimes suspected of having an illicit affair with Drake, in fanfic that featured her she was often either villainized, or written as the "other woman". Which is okay - fanfic is your own personal sandbox, after all - but it does highlight a pattern.
In canon...Kiara was made a survivor of a terrorist attack and nobody cared. Not the MC, not the country's king, not her closest friends, not the man who got injured at the same ball. It was bad enough that her parents were considering leaving the goddamn country (they should have). She was ignored in her own estate. The MC speaks to her not with sympathy and reassurances, but instead reminds her of her 'duty' and pressurizes her. (@callmetippytumbles illustrates this amazingly in her ask here, having Liam say "have a apple and buck up for Cordonia". No lie there. No lie there at all). All the 'sympathy' goes to a brother who has absolutely nothing to do with court.
She was suspected and interrogated at Lythikos. The MC has the option to be dismissive and to minimize - by labelling her "not as driven" - as Kiara literally pours her heart out about her trauma. Sample this:
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(Ngl folks. Reading this was really, really triggering for me. I know exactly what it feels like to have my trauma dismissed like this. It doesn't feel great. Fuck you MC. Fuck you Drake. Fuck you TRR writers)
There are no consequences for doing this to her, btw. She still returns and she still fights at the boutique and she'll still speak very positively about you to her mother. I imagine if Joelle found out the truth of how the group really treated her daughter, she'd verbally destroy them and never support the kingdom again. And she'd be right not to.
On its own that scenario looks bad enough already, but when you hold it up next to how we treat the other ladies? Pure, stinking trash:
Madeleine: A diamond scene to console and encourage her, and all the right options are meant to support her to her parents. If you don't succeed in making her parents understand what she wants, you lose out on their support. There are consequences.
Penelope: A diamond scene to comfort and reassure her that they will not be like Madeleine. Immense coddling from the group. If you don't call her your best friend or altogether be nice and supportive to her, that negatively impacts the way Landon responds to you. AND I have heard that if her parents don't believe Penelope is safe with you, she doesn't even join the tour. There are consequences.
Kiara: No diamond scenes to even figure out how she is or what she thinks. A one-minute scene to convince (emotionally blackmail, actually) her to "do your duty", which will happen no matter which option, then a diamond option for her brother...who exists only because they want to give Penelope a reward for something I still cannot fathom. Her brother's response depends on his own issues and the presence of Penelope, and Hakim and Joelle's depend on what you do at the Festival. Kiara's situation of being an attack victim should have warranted the kind of coddling Penelope felt entitled to, yet when it comes right down to it her plight matters to literally no one.
In Lythikos no special diamond scenes for her either, just an interrogation. While we can choose to view Kiara as innocent in Chapter 11, her leaving is branded "suspicious" by both Drake and the MC by default the next chapter, and Maxwell literally says (disappointment writ large on his face) "jeez, that's one suspect off our list" after we're done. We go to her pretending to be her well-wishers, but in reality we're interrogating a traumatized woman, and not even ashamed when she trusts our untrustworthy asses with her secret.
You get the option to forget what happened to her (for which she rightfully slams you). You get the option to be a trauma-minimizing pile of steaming fecal matter (for which she doesn't slam you, even though she should). No matter what, Drake is your puppet and will agree with you, and you get away with all this. Drake stands there and minimizes her experiences with you, and shows zero remorse for putting an attack victim in that situation.
Like, it's actually quite shameful the more you think about it. Kiara was interrogated. After two traumatic experiences that at the very least should have her questioning whether we are worth her support at all. In a scenario that any fool would realise was at least scary to her if not altogether traumatizing. Madeleine and Penelope feel entitled to good treatment, Kiara has to make do with the crumbs we throw at her. She is never given a chance to speak of this as problematic, and the group never gets truly called out on their bullshit.
Even if you do pick the absolute nicest options...the fact remains that the MC, Duchess of Valtoria (and possible future Queen) and her group of influential friends, ignored the concerns a person who was badly injured at their event, pressurized her into showing support for them, didn't do jackshit to ensure her safety, suspected and questioned her when she rightfully withdrew public support, and dishonestly interrogated this traumatized woman, while still keeping the expectation that she support them. All without earning a shred of that support. They felt zero remorse, every last one of them, for putting her in that position.
Kiara not getting much attention isn't exactly a surprise. She has always been given the least focus among the ladies of the court and Book 3 wouldn't have been an exception...if they hadn't made her a victim of a terrorist attack!! Once they placed Kiara in that position, she deserved to have her concerns addressed, and addressed properly. What happened to her was a highlight of the failure of the security system at the palace and Royal Court, and to have that ignored while we had all the time in the world to address Madeleine's parents' petty family squabbles was disgusting. That there are absolutely no consequences for doing this to Kiara, while there are for not attending to Penelope or Madeleine's concerns, and it all ends with Kiara praising us to her mother, is disgusting. That the writers were more busy trying to backtrack on Driara and make the ship impossible to happen in canon, than on focusing on Kiara's own story in her own estate, is disgusting. And I cannot ignore that the latter decision sprung in a large part from the hate the fandom was spewing on Kiara for most of Book 2. The writers wouldn't have dared to do such a thing to Penelope, and it was clearly because there would be a backlash. They knew they could get away with insensitive writing for Kiara easier than they would with Penelope - and they did.
The other thing is this. Back in Books 2 and 3, loads of people in the fandom used to aggressively ship Liam and Olivia (to the point where he would be blamed for not returning her affections). Loads of people would also find excuses to hate on Kiara once she began to show she liked Drake. Nowadays, it's popular to state that "Olivia deserves better" (I'd be inclined to agree if it weren't for the way that argument is often framed. She deserves a man who loves her completely) - again, in a way that blames Liam for not returning her affections.
Yet, when people speak of Kiara's feelings being one-sided? Little to no blame for Drake there, even though he was rude or dismissive to her more than once (for me, personally, Lythikos was the last straw). Hardly a handful would say "Kiara deserves better than Drake". I can bet if Liam treated Olivia even half as poorly as Drake behaved with Kiara, we'd be bashing that man to the high heavens. I guess it's because it's Kiara who is the recipient of this kind of treatment that it matters to so few. I shouldn't be surprised.
26. Most shippable character?
Hayden xD Mostly because they're so much fun to customize, yet there's a very strong inner core there that does not change and that grounds the character.
27. Least shippable character?
I don't know. Nana?
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18!! and maybe paired with 6? idk they kinda go together in my head lol
Here you go, nonnie! True story I started writing fluff then I deleted it and this came out I’m sorry
18. Who gets clingy after they’ve been apart for a while?6. Who always has to be touching the other?
Everything still feels forbidden.
Jughead isn’t sure what it is, but he feels suspended between two places; on the one hand, he knows Betty’s body like the back of his hand, better even. He knows the places that hitch her breath, turn her exhales to gentle sighs. He knows she’s ticklish just under her ribs and at the base of her neck. He’s mapped the patterns of moles and freckles that pepper her skin, knows that his palm fits nicely against the base of her spine, her head in the crook of his neck.
He knows, with completely certainty, that when their lips press against one another’s, they slot together without room for air, moving in a well rehearsed dance that leaves his whole body tingling.
But all that knowledge has shifted, been coated in a milky white film that turns it hazy and unclear. It’s like he’s remembering something that he only ever saw from far away, never really got to experience up close, and it makes him falter.
‘I don’t want you here, you should go’. Those were the last words he spoke to her, the last time Betty was touching him. Her fingers were under the collar of his jacket, cold and trembling, pressed against the overheated skin of his neck.
She hadn’t asked him why, hadn’t voiced her protests at his stupid attempt at protecting her by sending her away - for good this time. Betty’s face began to crumble before she put her expression back together. If he’d blinked he would have missed it. And then she was nodding, tongue slipping out to wet her lips, fingers drifting over his skin one last time before she was no longer touching him.
Betty had picked up her coat from the back of the chair, turned, and left the trailer for the last time. Jughead realises after she’s gone that he hadn’t even touched her one last time; he would have liked one last moment to run his thumb over the high ridge of her cheekbone, the soft apple, before it was over.
A year is a long time. A lot can change in those twelve months.
When they decide to try again, that things are as stable as they are ever going to get in the town that balances on the tip of a blade, things are different.
She’s thinner, he notes. Some of her curves are replaced by the hard jut of bones, and her thighs feel more powerful and muscular beneath his palm.
Her hair is longer too - darker. When he twists her ponytail around his fingers while they’re side by side in a booth at Pop’s he thinks that it doesn’t look how it used to. Jughead realises that his own hands looks different as well, broken bones not having set properly, joints popping out of their sockets one too many times to go back to how they used to be.
The skin of his fingers is littered with the calluses of hard labour, rather than filed smooth with the constant tapping against keys, and he wonders if his touch feels new to her, too.
For a moment Jughead remembers that time that gossip filtered down to him that Betty had been seen holding hands with Trev Brown outside the old sweet shop on Maple Lane once, and he can’t help but wonder if she compares the feeling of two sets of hands now.
Jughead loops his arm around her shoulders and tucks her tighter against his side, dropping a tentative kiss to her temple before holding her there. If she notices he doesn’t let go for the rest of the night, eating one handed when their food arrives, she doesn’t say anything.
“Juggie, I have to go to the bathroom,” she says quietly, giving him a pointed look. He stares back at her, wondering why she’s directing this particular sentence at him, until he realises that she needs to extract herself from under his grip. He flushes and uncurls his fingers, only now feeling how cramped they are. She smiles sadly and slides out of the booth.
The length of his right side feels colder instantly. The ghost of cold fingers press against his neck again and he tucks his collar tighter around himself.
He laces their fingers together first every moment they meet. When she needs both hands, Jughead finds a way to rest one of his against her shoulder, the back of her neck, the dip in her waist or the curve of her hip.
When they make love, he lays Betty out on his navy sheets, her skin glowing alabaster just like he remembers, and traces every inch; he remaps the moles and finds that there are new constellations of freckles where she’s spent too long beneath the sun. He pictures long, lazy days with pink lemonade and Sweetwater River and that smile she doesn’t smile for him anymore.
His own skin is paler now, lacking some vitamins and being a longtime friend of the shadows. After she’s lifted his shirt off he kisses her hard and deep so that she has to close her eyes. He presses as close as he can get without crushing her as he settles between her legs and slides inside.
It feels as good as he remembers, more so. She’s drawing him back in with her hands clawing at his shoulder blades, with the high mewls rising from her throat, the intense heat between her thighs. It’s all encompassing, and Jughead can think of nothing else except the fact that it still doesn’t feel close enough.
Betty tightens around him and he shudders against her, arms quaking before they give out and he collapses on top of her. Jughead buries his face in the pillow by her neck so that she doesn’t have to see the painful pinch between his brows.
Eventually her hands stop carding through his hair and begin pushing at his shoulders as she breathes out, “Jug, you’re suffocating me.”
He knows he is. He knows.
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deaf/HoH or blind sterek?
I see you, Nonny, sneaking multiple asks into one  :P  I do like these types of fics tho.  :P
anonymous said: Hii! Do you know any sterek fics where one of them or both are deaf, blind, or can’t speak? If you could put a mix of them in there that would be great (: thank you so much your amazing !         
This list fills your ask too, but also check out our mute!Stiles tag for those fics (cause this post is already kinda crazy long, lol).
Enjoy the fics!  -Emmy
First up:  Deaf
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(Ooooooh…he gives me Derek vibes :D )
You Don’t Have to Hear Your Heartbeat to Feel It by redhoodedwolf
(1,186 I General I Complete)  *sterek, college au, TA!derek, college student!stiles
It took Stiles longer than he’d like to admit for him to discover his TA for Mythological Studies was deaf.
Little Gestures by Stereksale7
(1,976 I Teen I Complete)  *sterek, driver!derek
Derek is a deaf Uber driver.
He’s hardly thanked by his passengers, and when he is, it’s seldom genuine.
In comes Stiles Stilinski, who changes it all.
Give Me a Sign by WhichWolfWins
(2,215 I Explicit I Complete)   *sterek, loss of virginity
Stiles decides to learn sign language so he can communicate better with Derek and he ends up using it to communicate his feelings for him.
Laughter is the Best Medicine by literaryoblivion
(4,432 I Teen I Complete)  *sterek, human au, doctor!stiles
He hasn’t always been deaf.
Although, sometimes, he wishes he was. Mainly because he knows what he’s missing. He remembers what the rustle of the wind in the trees sounds like, remembers what kids playing in the playground sounded like, what laughter sounded like.
He misses it. A lot.
Speak to Me by Ember
(9,168 I Teen I Complete)
Derek became deaf from the fire that took his family long ago, and has refused to speak since. But when he is forced to speak in the court case of the woman who betrayed him long ago, he begrudgingly accepts the help of a newly graduated speech pathologist. Stiles, however, is about to teach a whole lot more.
Bones Straining Under the Weight by weathervaanes
(15,645 I Explicit I Complete)  *sterek, au, food blogger!derek
One of Stiles’ favorite things about life is Derek Hale’s food blog. He never expects to meet the man in person.
“Derek,” he says again, and the name feels very strange on his tongue. “You don’t mean Derek Hale.”
His professor’s eyebrows reach up, eyes widening. “You read his blog?”
“Uh. Worship. Would be a better more descriptive word. That is Derek Hale?”
Jimmy chuckles. “Good-looking guy, huh?”
“You mean to tell me the Food Network hasn’t snatched him up to dethrone everyone else from daytime TV.”
Jimmy smiles a small private smile. “I don’t think TV is his medium.”
Stiles raises an eyebrow. “Shy?”
The man laughs heartily at that. “No, I wouldn’t say that. He just has particular forms of expression, like eyebrows and chili powder.”
Counting to Infinity by artenon
(15,763 I Teen I Complete)  *sterek
When Derek goes deaf, he finds himself going to Stiles for help. Stiles does.
Want You To Shut Up (Even Though I Cannot Hear You) by ChairmanChurch
(19,487 I Mature I Complete)  *sterek, college au, roommates, alive hale family
“Wait, wait,” Scott scrutinized him suspiciously, “is all of this about the killer thing or just that you want to ogle at your roommate’s body?”
“No way, dude. I have my standards. Not the guy with eery green grey eyes, perfectly trimmed stubble and stupid bunny teeth.”
(Or the one in which Derek is deaf and Stiles doesn’t stop talking, and Isaac’s finally being helpful)
The Music Of your Body by GameCake
(2,389 I Teen I Complete)  *sterek, dancer!stiles
Derek inspected the paper with curiosity. It was a poster that seemed to be advertising a dancing event. There was a dancer in the middle, dressed in ballet clothes, body toned and hard, but the movement that was captured screamed smooth and melodic even from the picture.
I don’t understand. He signed with a frown.
It’s an invitation. I am one of the dancers in the group and I would like it if you came. Stiles replied nervously.
Hush by gryvon
(5,101 I General I Complete)  *scott/stiles, alive hale family
Scott becomes infatuated with Derek’s friend Stiles.
Heartbeats by lizleminem
(5,441 I Mature I Complete)  *scott/stiles
When they’re sixteen they steal some of Stiles’ dad’s alcohol. They’re a little tipsy when Stiles starts whining about how he’s still never kissed anyone. He makes a face and signs, “I’m sixteen, Scott. This is ridiculous. I’m gonna wither up and die before I ever kiss anyone.” His signing is a little loose and sloppy from the alcohol, and when he finishes he collapses backward on the bed, sighing like the world is crumbling around him.
Scott leans over him, rolls his eyes, and signs, “I’ll kiss you if it means you’ll shut up about it.”
Savagely Wicked by KrAuEd
(6,241 I Mature I Complete)   *sterek, model!stiles, nerd!derek, alive hale family
Stiles Stilinski, also known as the most famous model any underwear company has. He’s on billboards, magazines, covers of packaging. Anything and all. Most people say he’s popular just because he’s gay, others say it’s because he’s hot, or because he’s deaf. His life is busy and he works a lot, but it all changes when he meets Derek, a local man who treats him like a normal person.
(Previously known as ‘Really? That’s how you want to play?’)
Communication (And Lack Thereof) by impalagirl, wilddragonflying
(7,761 I Mature I Complete)  *sterek, proposals, weddings
Sheriff Stilinski has been waiting for this day for a long time. As he watches his visitor walking up the path, he thinks about everything that’s happened in the past year and his fingers twitch for his gun. But he can’t do that; he can’t shoot this man, as much as he might like to sometimes. Maybe he can go one worse, though.
Wild Tonic by officerstilinskihale
(11,010 I Mature I Complete)  *sterek
Stiles nodded and smiled again, his teeth flashing brightly and he signed something again, before looking frustrated with himself.
“You’re welcome,” Derek told him, feeling a wave of relief when Stiles’ face brightened. That would’ve been awkward if Stiles hadn’t been trying to say thank you.
“I had a really good time, so yeah. I’m glad you came with me,” he said, feeling his face grow hot. Derek wasn’t usually like this. He wasn’t confident. Sure, he had the looks and he could flirt shamelessly when he got hit on, but he always got shy around the people he genuinely liked, not that there was too many of those.
But Stiles didn’t let him dwell on that. He gripped Derek’s arm, grinned cheekily and pointed at himself before lifting two fingers. It took a while for Derek to get it but when he did, he couldn’t stop a smile from spreading across his face.
Me too.
And the Rest Was Silence by Reaping
(13,417 I Explicit I Complete)
April 16th: Noise
“Still can’t hear, go away.” He forms the words carefully, not sure how loud they are, but sure the wolves will get it.
Passing Notes to Say I Love You by AceLotti
(18,618 I Mature I Complete)  *sterek, college au
Love is Deaf. You can’t just tell someone you love them. You have to show them.
Silent by Handsofred
(28,313 I General I Complete)   *sterek, mates, kidnapped stiles
Alone, Stiles could feel the tiredness start to run through his body, the cuts on his body aching and other places hurting which made him wonder how they were hurting before he blinked a few times, eyes lifting towards the windows and the grey sky, Stiles hoped that the pack would find him. Slumping down in to the bonds, Stiles dropped his chin to his chest as tears gathered in his eyes, he felt scared for the first time since the car accident and he hated the fact that he couldn’t hear for anything which could creep up on him, hated that he couldn’t protect himself, squeezing his eyes shut tightly, Stiles tried to keep the tears away as he finally let the tiredness wash over him.
Silence is Loudest by codarra
(132,553 I Explicit I Complete)  *sterek, human au, sick!stiles, hurt!stiles, first time
Monday dawned fresh and cool and with a lack of Stilinski.
The buzz in the school changed over the week, once Derek started paying attention to it. No longer was the student body talking about where the students were going on vacation, or lack thereof for the more middle-class populace. They were bandying about a different series of words instead.
“Car crash.”
“Hit and run.”
“Sick. Really sick.”
“Brain damage.”
“Brain dead.”
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Blind Guy Walking Here by foodunderstandsme
(1,141 I Mature I Complete)  *sterek
Stiles could remeber the last thing he saw, it wasn’t the car that was about to hit him it was Derek Hale. Stiles is now Legally blind hiding his secret from his friends for Three years now their back and his life is turned upside down and all he can think about is Derek.
It’s Just Like You To Come And Go (series) by wednesdays
(2,469 I Teen I Series WIP)
Stiles is blind. Derek may or may not like him a little lot.
Blind Trust by FairyNiamh
(3,255 I General I Complete)  *sterek, high school au, human au
Derek hates his life, hates moving, and hates that some kid keeps staring at him.
I see You Better by theroguesgambit
(4,686 I Teen I Complete)
He dreams, sometimes, of his last moments of seeing.
At the church in Mexico, Stiles is blinded by a Berserker. Derek uses his new wolf status to act as a guide dog, while Stiles adjusts to his new reality.
In the Darkness by Boy On Strings
(7,817 I Mature I Complete) *sterek
Stiles is blinded in the final showdown with the Alpha, Derek tries to comfort him after realizing he almost lost something forever.
Can’t Stay Away by mommymuffin
(10,689 I Not Rated I Complete)  *sterek, magic!stiles, mutilation
“It’s really quite simple, Derek,” Deucalion drawls. “You pick one to kill tonight, you kill the rest later, you become part of my pack.”
“And if I refuse?” Derek growls.
“We’ll kill one of them anyway.”
Heretics and Bastards by JusticeBanana
(13,229 I Mature I WIP)  *steter, historical au, medieval au, nobleman!peter, magic!stiles
Peter is sick of court and the drama it entails. His sister is creating a life for her and her children in a new and promising land that Peter finds cold and horrid. Soon he is dragged into something much bigger than himself and the usual royal court happenings. This boy he thinks he failed to keep from harm may not be safe but he is alive.
Love is Blind by super_queer
(14,238 I Not Rated I Complete)  *major character death, sterek, werewolf!stiles, alpha!stiles
Stiles loses his sight in a terrible accident, but Derek is determined to give him a good life regardless.
Sinking Like a Stone by iamnightbird
(20,012 I Mature I Complete)  *sterek
Derek Hale is convinced he can protect his pack from anything. Kanimas, other packs, even the supernatural that remain myths (like demons and the such), but an event hits him like a punch to the gut to remind him that the things he can’t protect his pack from are the everyday horrors in which life makes us her bitch. [Blind!Stiles]
What Big Eyes You Have (Series) by A_Lesbian_With_Pink_Hair
(20,978 I G-E I Complete)  *sterek, mates
An AU ‘verse in which Stiles is born blind and is Derek’s mate. The rest of the world is just going to have to adjust accordingly because if you think that’s going to stop the boy who runs with wolves, you are horrendously mistaken.
Serendipity by mynamjo
(45,141 I Explicit I Complete)   *sterek, artist!derek, magic!stiles, florist!stiles
Derek moves back to Beacon Hills to open up his new art gallery when he meets a blind boy who won’t leave him alone.
Cornerstone by Vendelin
(83,738 I Explicit I Complete)  *sterek, marine!derek, ptsd!derek, human au
Suffering from PTSD, ex-Marine Derek Hale moves back to Beacon Hills to open a bookshop and find a calmer life. That’s where he meets Stiles, completely by accident. Stiles is talkative, charming and curious. Somehow, despite the fact that he’s blind, he’s able to read Derek like no one else.
He Sees Me For Me by Karlarado
(23,999 I Not Rated I WIP)  *sterek, dad!derek
Derek and his adopted daughter move to Beacon Hills to try and start up a normal life. They meet Stiles in a park with his service/seeing-eye dog and while Malia bonds with the dog, Derek ends up bonding with Stiles.
Windows by dr_girlfriend
(83,015 I Explicit I Complete)  *sterek
Derek has a new neighbor who won’t stop looking.
Definitely Actually a Love Story by saltyavocado (rainglazed) 
(2,057 I General I Complete)  *sterek, Scott and Derek are brothers
Second and final part to the Bigbro!Derek verse.
The Colors of the Rainbow by MagnusBanewood 
(3,425 I Not Rated I Complete)  *sterek
When Derek arrives at his new high school he is afraid that people will make fun of him again. But then he meets Stiles and slowly falls in love with his voice.
Feeling You by secretfanboy 
(6,158 I Teen I Complete)  *sterek,
When Derek loses his sight and hearing saving Scott from an attack, the Stilinski’s take him in.  As nurse and patient Stiles and Derek grow closer, but what will happen when Derek gets better?  Will Stiles be left with a broken heart?
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comebackwhen · 7 years
All of them for the Rescue verse?
I actually laughed out loud when I saw this. In a good way. Nonnies love the Rescue Verse, I guess! Thank you for submitting this.
I did it, but it’s longish so I’ll put it under the cut. All the Rescue Verse love below!
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way?
I’m pretty sure this was the first time an nonnie wandered into my ask box and just dropped random awesome for me to build off of. To this day, I have no idea who to thank for starting the Rescue Verse, but I love them anyway.
2: What scene did you first put down?
I had never intended to flesh it out into multiple stories. I made up a vague, “things happened and now boyfriends!” sort of background and then just jumped in right at the first line of Rescue. Things went out of control from there.
3: What’s your favorite line of narration?
Let’s go fic by fic for funzies!
Rescue: It’s more a paragraph than a line, but this section is still my favorite.
As he walked, he drew on traits from the men he had grown to love. He pretended he had Angeal’s unflappable composure, the confidence Genesis exuded with every step, and Zack’s friendly cheerful nature. He used those things to take on a persona much like Genesis had. He became a bright eyed, eager Third who had just spotted a beautiful woman.
I liked the idea of Cloud taking things he admired about the others and putting them to use in his own way. It’s also a bit of a play on Cloud thinking he was Zack for part of the OG.
A Lil’ Head Injury: Zack’s hugs might be the most enthusiastic, but Angeal’s were the warmest.
Mission Start: Cloud put on a burst of speed and rushed to cover Sephiroth’s back. Cloud could feel the heat of him along his spine and caught a whiff of vanilla and rose from Sephiroth’s hair as it whipped in the breeze.
I’m a sucker for Cloud and Sephiroth fighting together.
Uncanny Luck - One: He leaned against a wall with his eyes shut, looking for all the world like he was napping at the edge of a battlefield. A few Troopers were eyeing him, unsure if they should attempt to wake him or not.
I love it when Genesis is being a shit. Firaga runs and wild stories about how he burns Troopers alive are all well and good, but I think he would actually be a little more subtle about it.
Uncanny Luck - Two: To the surprise of everyone who was not Zack, Seventh Heaven was quite pleasant.
Dunno. There’s just something about that line that I like, even now.
Unrequited: Angeal thought that the moment should feel more significant, but somehow everything seemed ordinary.
That’s seriously my ASGZC aesthetic. It should be complicated and weird edges all crammed together, and yet it all just happens and it’s good.
Adjustment Phase: Cloud loved and hated the way Sephiroth said his name. It was practically a caress and Cloud always felt it as keenly as he would if Sephiroth were actually touching him. A small part of him wished Sephiroth were actually touching him.
Cloud really struggles with his inner monologue during this fic. I feel like this line really showed that.
Gen/Ang Sickness fic: Even if he pretended that he was above their country roots, Angeal knew Genesis occasionally liked to be reminded of home.
Genesis and Angeal alone together was the easiest to write. Angeal knows Genesis too well to be impressed by his BS. Genesis knows Angeal really knows him and enjoys not being on display for a change.
4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
Rescue: Oooh… that’s tougher. Hm. I’ve always been proud of Genesis calling his admirer an “odious little pervert.” I also really liked Cloud and Zack’s “It wasn’t like that.”/”It was exactly like that.” exchange. My favorite though is probably Sephiroth’s line: “In fact, I believe you will be joining me for every public appearance I have for the rest of my life.”
A Lil’ Head Injury: “He came here almost immediately after leaving you to talk to me because he believed he was unfaithful to me. Either that’s love or a complete lack of self-preservation.”
Mission Start: “You’ll stay?”
There’s just something great about how vulnerable Sephiroth is in that moment without really saying anything at all. Though the innuendo at the end about Sephiroth calling Cloud sir is pretty great too.
Uncanny Luck - One: I really like the exchange near the end that’s a callback to the original fic. I was pretty proud of it:
“Are you sure that was him? He seemed kinda, I dunno, innocent-like to be the guy Natalia was talking about.”
“I’m sure. Short for a Solider, blonde spikey hair and blue eyes… always with the Soldier leaders. I saw him fight with the General and then talk with Commander Fair for a little bit. It has to be him.”
“Obviously Natalia was lying about what happened when she tried to flirt with Commander Hewley. I bet she never even talked to him. She was just trying to play it up by saying a Soldier tried to pick her up. Now we both look like idiots for panting over that Third.”
Uncanny Luck - Two: “Besides, I’m pretty sure burning down the building was Sephiroth’s plan for his next night out.”
Unrequited: “I will tell you the same as I told the brute in the kitchen. If you are going to reward me with kisses, that will make me want to quote Loveless more often, not less.”
This line is just so Genesis that I can’t believe I wrote it.
Adjustment Phase: It’s a straight toss up between, “He washes up, just like the rest of us… only with way more shampoo.” and “Hey  there, sexy pants.”/”I’m not even wearing pants.”
Gen/Angeal Sickness fic: It’s no wonder you’re tired, dear, you’re wound so tightly that you can’t even have fun in my imaginary scenarios where we sneak off to a town in the ass end of nowhere to annoy our little trooper friend.”
I can picture Genesis planning elaborate scenarios in his mind when he daydreams and having the more pragmatic Angeal and Sephiroth shoot them down with logic.
5: What part was hardest to write?
The little sexy bits. Zack talking about Genesis’s little game and Sephiroth talking to Cloud near the end of Rescue. Some parts of A Lil’ Head Injury too. I always feel like it reads as awkward as it feels when I write it. Of course, I have no idea if it’s true or not because I’m viewing it through my own awkward filter...
6: What makes this fic special or different from all your other fics?
Honestly, it was the fact that someone asked me to write it. I’ve been in the fandom a while under another penname. When I decided to come back, I scrapped the old stuff that was from when I first started writing and opened a fresh page under a new name. Even when I wrote before, no one came to me for content. They enjoyed it if I created it and put it out there, but they didn’t ask for it. Having someone want me specifically to give their idea life was a really awesome feeling.
7: Where did the title come from?
Zack’s line: “Tonight you learn something new about our relationship. I like to call it the rescue.“
It fit with the prompt too, but that was the line that made it work for me  as a title.
8: Did any real people or events inspire any part of it?
Mostly in the Uncanny Luck follow up stories. I’m definitely that Cloud. I’ve had friendly, fantastic conversations with strangers only for my friends to tease me after for breaking the guy’s heart.
9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
No real alternate versions, but I scrapped a plan where I was going to write a bunch of prompts using various mixings of ASGZC and post one a day for a month. I had the first three or four done but I wanted to post them so badly that I just went for it.
I guess you could say that Cloud’s B-Day fics from 2015 are a kind of alternate timeline. I was going to try and make them Rescue Verse stories but they never quite fit the world in my mind.
10: Why did you choose this pairing for this particular story?
Besides it being part of the request, ASGZC was my go to happy place at that point. I had just gone through a rough break up and liked to imagine people being happy together.
11: What do you like best about this fic?
It’s kind of uncomplicated. Whenever I find a prompt I want to use for the boys, I don’t have to worry about fabricating a back story to justify why they’re together. They just are… and it’s awesome!
12: What do you like least about this fic?
By not planning it out, I occasionally write myself into a corner. Once I had a few stories written I wanted to go back and clean it up. There were events I had already alluded to and then had to write around. The more I add to the verse, the more of that I have to work around. It’s also occasionally a struggle to figure out where in the timeline things fit.
13: What music did you listen to, if any, to get in the mood for writing this story? Or if you didn’t listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to to accompany us while reading?
It’s been so long, I don’t know what I did throw on to write to, but I would guess OC Remix’s Voices of the Lifestream album. It’s usually my go to when I write FFVII fics… if I’m not listening to the original soundtrack.
Particularly fond of Daydreaming Again and Sleep My Sephy.
14: Is there anything you wanted readers to learn from reading this fic?
Not learn, exactly. I more hoped that it would inspire other writers to get into the pairing. I enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it.
15: What did you learn from writing this fic?
It was a good, “you can’t plan for everything” kind of story. I wouldn’t say I plan everything before I write, but I like to know the basic plot before I set fingers to keyboard. This was an exercise in “fuck it, let’s just do the thing!”
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killian-whump · 6 years
10, 19 and 34 for the asks :)
Sorry for the slight delay, Nonny… but I’m remarkably lazy and I had to scroll back, like, two whole pages on my blog to see what the questions were for those numbers and the fact that I literally put it off multiple times because that seemed like soooo much work should probably answer a lot of questions people have about me, like why I don’t post more stories or do more liveblog responses to things or even finish any of the projects I start or some days make it out of bed at all. At any rate…
10. Name one character you would love to see/read whump of but can’t find any.Oh, daaaaaaaaaaaaayum, that’s a good question. Generally speaking, if I really wanna whump somebody and there isn’t any whump of ‘em… I just write some for myself. So I’m gonna take that out of the equation for my answer to this, because otherwise there wouldn’t be anybody XD
That said, I was dismayed at the veritable lack of whump for Sesshoumaru in Inuyasha. He gets super hardcore blasted by Inuyasha at one point (it’s when he meets Rin) and he sort of lays in the grass and recuperates, but… eh. It did nothing for me, really. He also lost an arm early on in the series, but it was really more like a “Yo, your arm’s gone.” “Meh. They’re like kidneys. You only need one.” “That’s… not true at all, but okay?” and that was about it.
But usually, for me… It goes the opposite way around when it comes to me picking favorite characters. Like, if they have a good enough whump scene somewhere… LOOK AT MY NEW FAVORITE, EVERYBODY! And absolutely no one is even polite enough to act surprised. It’s terrible.
I will say that I spent a LOT of my teens and twenties lusting after musicians and rock stars, and that was kinda a weird time for me. Sometimes, I’d be lucky and they’d have done a video or photo shoot that involved some peril or bondage… but usually not. I did write a lot of RPF then, but I never shared it with anybody XD Hey, a girl can have terribly inappropriate dreams, can’t she?! (The correct answer there is YES, of course she can, with the strikeout or without it ;))
The worst for me was my obsession with Oasis. I loved them SOOOO hardcore and there was just… nothing. I mean, the ugly band member who got kicked out before I even got interested in them got buried in one of their early videos, but that was no good. Noel and Liam did ONE photo shoot sometime early on where their wrists were tied with some comically large blue rope and I literally bought a $10 magazine imported from Japan just to get my own copy of the pictures (this was before every picture ever made of every celebrity was just a click away online). That’s probably the most desperate I’ve ever been XD
Oh, another not-quite-the-answer-but-sort-of-the-answer would be Lorenzo Lamas in the 90s TV show Renegade. Check out that HIGH GRADE 90s era schlock right there. Action! Drama! Random Hot Chick! Fighting! Explosions! Hot Man Pouring Water Over Himself in Scorching Desert Heat! Wait, what? I loved this show, because it was basically just eye candy for women and that’s always nice. And it seemed like Reno Raines ended up tied up or injured in almost every show, to the point that young KW was pretty sure someone working on that program knew exactly what they were doing. At any rate, it seems like there’s about 10 copies of this show on DVD in existence and the rest are all figments of our imaginations, so there’s only some clips in the same potato quality as that opening sequence I linked to, so while I know the whump exists and I’ve seen it and it’s great and I wanna relive it… I can’t T_T
But seriously… TELL me you don’t wanna see this get whumped:
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19. If you were a character in a whump scene, would you be the caretaker, the whumper, or the whumpee?Well, if I could only be ONE, I’d be the caretaker. *smooshes all the whumpees to her bosom* MY BABIES and the caretaker. I have role-played some scenes as a whumpee, but it’s not really something I’m comfortable with in a general sense. That said, I tend to write a lot of whump scenes from the POV of the whumpee, but that’s mostly because it makes more sense that way, seeing as how the whumpee is usually the main character and the villain is someone I made up five minutes ago and named Bob, because it was the first thing that came to my mind. Also, exploring the scene through the whumpee’s point of view allows me to enjoy all their pain and peril even more voraciously. From the whumpee’s POV, you can share details about how hopeless they feel and how their heart is aching to see their beloved one more time before they die in this hell and how every breath is agony… Whereas the POV of the whumper generally amounts to, “He looks so pretty covered in blood. Wait a minute. What if… there was even more of it?! I’M SUCH A GENIUS. Come here, cutie-pa-tootie…. Why is he running away?!” and you can just as easily have them SAY that TO the whumpee whilst simultaneously detailing the shudders running down the whumpee’s spine at hearing those words and knowing the hell they’re in for… *content sigh*
34. Screaming in pain or crying and whimpering?I answered this one already, actually… but I’ll do it again :) I almost always prefer crying and whimpering! Screams are such short-lived little things, aren’t they? But crying and whimpering… Well, that’s a lifestyle choice ;)
You Guys Can Ask Me Whump Questions If You Want
I won’t have to scroll back as far if you do, because the link is here now :D
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