#i dont actualy care becasue whatever way
flufallo · 4 months
You're refreshingly talkative :)
I have no idea who this is but THANK YOU ScmGdfNgfD
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I'm in love with my bestfriend, i have been since we met 3 yeras ago and there hasnt been a moment where i thought i wasnt in love and yeah sure theres been times when hes annoyed me or sligtly off-put me but i love him non the less and he makes me feel safe, he makes me feel human and like i belong and hes always took the time to make me feel loved in some way shape or form, i would trade the world for him and i know he'd do the same for me but who knows maybe he wont i mean he's yet to brake up with his girlfriend but i dont wanna be a bitch but like i mean i just really wish he was mine already it sucks and i have no idea when or if he will ever be with me and honestly out of the 2 people ive known for more then 2 or 3 years hes the only one i want to spend my life with or would feel safe spending every waking hour with even if were not together in a romantic way i just wish i could hold him and tell him how much he means to me and tell him how much i love him,tell him how gratful i am to have a friend like him and how i want to spend the rest of my life with him. When im 16 i want to run away with him that way im the legal age to get almost any job i need or can and im old enough to drive and legaly old enough to live on my own, even if i half to give up my family and leave eveything behind for him i would and i would do it as many times as it takes to have him next to me i love him in more than a platonic friendish or childish way, i love him more than words can could ever discibe , more than the world could ever know. He knows i love him, a couple days ago he asked me to list 20 reasons why we would make a good coiple and i could only list 5 and for whatever reason i hate myself for only being able to list 5 i know theres probably more reasons than that but my mind cant find the right reasons right now and i wiash i could show him this so that he could know how much he means to me and how much i long for him, his touch, his voice intertwined within mine, his hands cupped around my cheeks, his presence in the same rooms as mine, and i wish he could know how much he truly means to me and how much i long to be with him to be HIS to not half to wander if he actualy loves me or if he actualy cares for me in more than a platonic childish way and i know im re-peating myself rn and i know how cheesy this would sound if he ever read this. I'm not sure if ill ever show him this or if i will even live long enough to be in his presence, i just hope he feels the same way atleast a little bit and im so scared that if he ever sees this, if i ever tell him that he'll not feel the same way becasue ive never feared anything more than losing him because the day he leaves this earth is the day i will forveer lose myself. I know ive lost myself many times before and even rn im lost and im not sure when ill be back or if i ever will be but when i say ill lose myslef if i lose him i mean it in a diferent way, i mean it in the way you would describe the most fragile porcelain doll braking, in the way you would describe the braking of the tides in the ocean the way you would describe the braking of silence in a room full of deff people hearing for the first time, ok maybe that last one didnt make all that much since but to me it makes more since than anything else even if i dont understand what i mean. But all i'm trying to say is that i love you, i love you more than me or you could ever understand, more than anything in the intire god damn world whatever that means.10/15/2021
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