#i dont feel like i blong anywhere
fly-sky-high-09 · 7 months
Yet another 4am staring at the phone
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drkcnry67 · 4 years
we will split the gatherings (day 10)
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A/N: @obxmermaid​ this is day 10, this is gonna be where both the readers parents and dracos dad meet the young couple for seperate dinners or so we think. full of twists and of course turns. here is another pile of word vomit. so sorry about the word vomit. 
pairing: Draco Malfoy x reader
prompt: visiting relatives
tags: none that i can think of 
mentioning @obxmermaid​  &  @sweetness47​
25 days of hogwarts
the events of this story take place after hogwarts finds out about yours and Draco’s relationship. after you both had spiked nog at the three broomsticks, after those events it seemed appropriate to set dates to meet with both yours and draco’s parents and introduce you guys as a couple to them. 
after sending a fire message to your parents they said they would meet you over the break in london to have dinner. you didnt tell them about draco, you wanted it to be a surprise. 
Draco got a response from his father that said leaky cauldron, 3pm dont be late and your mother will not be joining us. 
that was it it was all set. one day would be your parents, the next day draco’s father. draco knew why his mother wasnt gonna make it but you and Draco talked to Minerva and got permission to use flue system to get to london for the day. told her you both would be back the next evening.
she agreed and released you both to use the flue, to meet with your parents first in london. you walked through the streets holding on to the arm of your loving boyfriend. 
YN: im so nervous...
Draco: love, everything will be fine. please dont worry too much bout this... alright we go in, have dinner with them, talk with them, then we will head to stay at the 3 broomsticks for the night and meet my father tomorrow afternoon and use flue to get back to hogwarts right after that. 
YN: i hope that this goes well cause this is going to make things easy for us. by that i mean if our parents bless our being together we could be married right out of hogwarts... or ya know at least living together. where would you.. ya know...
Draco turns you to face him as you both stop walking. 
Draco: i will be happy anywhere you are, you have my heart, you hold it in your hands. i dont care what my father or anyone says i belong with you as you belong with me. these jewelry pieces proove that no matter what we blong with each other and thats what matters. we make our own destiny and we have to seize the moment. so lets go in and have this dinner and then head to diagon alley to shop round before we head back to hogwarts. 
YN: that sounds perfect. 
you set it up, you walked in holding Draco’s arm and a waitress approached you.
waitress: may i help you?
YN: we are part of a party of 4, its under YLN
the lady looks at her tablet for a moment before grabbing 2 menus and leading you and Draco to a booth near the fountain and a semi-secluded area. you watched the look on your parents faces when you approached with draco at your side. 
draco took your coat and hung it on the nearby coat rack the same one your parents stuff was on. thats when your mom and you stood up and you hugged her to which she returned the hug, your father approached you next with another hug.
laura (your mom): its good to see you daughter we have missed you.
yn: its been a long time mother...
Dillon (your father) : I trust daughter that you have a perfect explanation as to why you did not mention that you were bringing a male to this dinner. Where's Hermione?
Yn: father mother this man beside me is my boyfriend Draco Malfoy. Hermione couldn't come anyway she had divination. We came here to introduce us as a couple and we wish to ask for your blessing. It's a long story.
Laura: it's very nice to meet you Draco. Daughter please tell us the story of how your relationship came to be. We would love to hear this. Wouldn't we Dillon?
Dillon stares at Draco for a moment before his eyes go wide and he reaches for his wand.
Dillon: his father and mother are supports of he who must not be named. How can you sit here with us and act like everything is alright.
Yn: father he is nothing like his parents. I saved him from his parents. 
your father looks at you in complete shock. 
Dillon: YN have you lost your mind. his parents are followers of you know who and they will not rest till the will of him is done. what is to stop this boy from switching to the dark side and killing you. what makes him different and worthy of your love. 
YN: cause he is my soulmate. i hid this from you guys for almost 2 years cause i knew how you would react. so what you would rather me marry some snobby pureblood jerk. i gave Draco my heart, he has my heart and my love dad. im beginning to think this dinner was a bad idea. 
Laura takes your hand, you takes draco’s, Laura takes Dillons, together you and Draco show your parents the love the bond between you both to make them see that this union is not going away. 
once the connection is broken, your father breaks into tears. he now realizes what you both have been through the sneaking around, the lying, the rivalry rouse, telling your friends, confessing this to the entire student body plus the professors at the feast, the laughter, the passion, the gifts of recent. 
Laura: my my its happened. he is your soulmate darling... 
YN: yes he is, and it took us almost our entire eduation to realize it. when the professors found out we were confronted by our main teachers and the headmaster but we were given their blessing to bring our relationship into the light cause Dumbledore saw the love we had for eachother. we didnt bother hiding it from them after we confessed. I'm so sorry I hid this from you guys. I wanted to tell you but I was sure that we would not have a civilized dinner or conversation if I had been blunt about it and not approached this with caution.
Laura: I guess I have my choice made... What about you Dillon?
Dillon had to think about this, for he knew that if he didn't give his blessing you would never ever ever forgive him for that. But if he did he would gain a son-in-law that would keep his little girl safe.
Dillon was about to speak when a magic barrier appeared inside the restaurant, you all readied your wands just in case. None of you knew what this was but it was a good thing that no muggles could see this cause you 4 were in the magic section.
Thats when lucius and narcissa malfoy walked into the restaurant, and up to your table.
Draco: mother, father. What are you doing here?
Lucius: i had a feeling about why you wanted to meet, so i tracked you here. Who are these people and why is there a brat attached to your arm boy.
Dillon: why dont you grab some manners malfoy?
Lucius: ah dillon still running around living among the non magic folk in these streets.shocking.
Dillon: i was just about to guve these children my blessing... they are in a relationship.
Lucius and narcissa both took haste in pulling out their wands. Aiming them for you ans draco.
Narcissa: draco, lets get out of here and away from these people. So you can fill the purpose that the dark lord has for you.
Draco: never. I'm not going anywhere with you guys and i do not serve he who must not be named.
You smiled as you kept one hand attached to Draco and one hand pointing your wand defensively at his parents. Your parents then stood in front of you both then and there between you and Draco and his parents.
Laura: you both are treading on dangerous ground. Leave now or give them your blessing. There is no need for this to get ugly.
Lucius: I have a better idea.
He takes his wand and points it at you.
Lucius: either you both stand down or I kill your brat.
Draco: you won't harm any of us again today..
With the wave of his wand you Draco Laura and Dillon all disappear in a cloud of smoke. Only to land in olivanders wand shop. Your parents cloaked all of you.
Dillon: draco you just saved our lives. You both have my blessing. Now I assume that the plan is for you both to finish school first.
Yn: yes and we are gonna work very hard to make sure that we both graduate and make sure that no harm comes to any of us.
Laura: and how are we gonna feeling after that mess of a dinner.
Yn: honestly not sure how I'm feeling I'm just happy we are all OK. It wasn't easy though seeing them taunt you guys and Draco like that. I wanted to use some of the dangerous non vocal spells that I know on them but I didn't for our safety and that of the people around us.
Laura was by your side at that moment so was Dillon they surrounded you and Draco putting a cloak on you both that hides you both from any evil thing.
Laura: now we have to go tell the ministry what just happened with Draco’s parents we wont speak about you 2 but you might want to speak with cornielius sometime soon. But we will be in touch soon.
Your parents both disappeared after hugs were exchanged. This left you and Draco in diagon alley in olivanders.
Draco: your still shaking love.
Yn: I thought I was gonna loose you.
Draco: that's not gonna happen. your not gonna loose me ever..  the ring and the necklace are like promises that one day in our lifetime in our near future we will be married and this will serve as a forever reminder of our love. 
that was quite the day to be had. this was the most excitement of their entire relationship. but the journey isnt over yet
~to be continued~
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