#i dont have any other attollo ocs i think about it but im sooo attached to alice at this point that anything else feels.. fake?
retconomics · 9 months
🥳🎉🎊🍾 <—— me when you return to attollo. there’s about ten of us attollo ppl at any given time and i love us all for it. tell me more about whatever the fuck alice and dw have going on or give me fun facts about Alice. what’s her favorite color is he a good gift giver? omg do you have any other attollo ocs?? also happy new year!! i hope this year/school/work treats u well and you get everything u want in life. 💃
JAHSBDHASBJD YOU ARE TOO SWEET happy new year and well wishes to you too!! but fr i am proudly wearing my 'small but mighty attollo fanclub' badge always
I AM BLOWING U A MILLION KISSES thank you for being interested in Alice she is my favorite little princess..
favorite color used to be periwinkle blue but too many scrubs come in that color so he got kinda sick of it (so now I guess it might be marigold? whatever that really deep rich yellow color is).
She's an ok gift giver in that his sleuthing ability is pretty good (he'll ask a few months in advance in the hopes the receiver might be surprised or will ask other people what the receiver might want) but is terrible at coming up with things people might like on the fly/agonizes over 'what if they have this already' 'what if they don't like it' 'i shouldnt buy them something they won't use...' . Alice's 'giving' love languages are acts of service and words of affirmation i think (and 'receiving' is probably physical touch)
one of the best recent developments in the alicewalker story imo is just how much she HATES his vibe the more that goes on ... especially now that i've stumbledtrippedfallen into the sysba route with her. The comedic potential of sysba's bestie and sysba's paramour wanting to tear each other to bits but begrudgingly tolerating each other for sysba is <333 to me. I don't really know what's going on with them yet since we don't have much DW content but if i had to describe what i'd wish for their root, it would be two planets on a collision course because they're too foolish (is it foolish?? is it?? is desiring intimacy not the human condition??????) to stay away from each other (and so get pulled into each others' orbits). Equal but opposing forces slowly but surely pulled together and the closer they get the more inescapable that bond feels but if they allow it to run its full course and reach its natural conclusion the only thing waiting for them is mutual destruction (i really believe, of all the ROs and characters, DW's goals and views of the world are most directly opposite Alice's and vice versa like they could not be more different, so them even being together at all means both of them stepping outside of their natural equilibrium and sacrificing some degree of themselves/their values goals etc.) like its doomed to fail! before it begins!! but it's beautiful while it lasts!! the worst mistake they ever make but they don't regret it for a second!!!!
anyway im normal about it. invested a totally normal amount.
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