#i dont know how to properly make a masterlist or link stuff correctly??
chocafe · 6 years
prom — zhu zhengting
summary: being prom queen was always your dream while zhengting’s shared the same dream, but as prom king. since you both wished for the same thing; how about be prom dates, perhaps? pairing: popularboy!zhengting x reader a/n: linong + xiaogui + ziyi + xukun + chengcheng + yanjun + zhangjing + i’m making a prom series for every member in nine percent, so i’ll link them all once i’m done!
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ever since you were little, you’ve always dreamed of becoming queen at your very own prom
it seemed like something so wonderful when you see it take place in the 90’s movies you would binge watch late at night
the spotlight would be all on the female lead while everyone is cheering them on
you wished to experience something like this once in your life
although, with your popularity, maybe this was truly meant to be a dream that was supposed to be a figment of your imagination
until one day, zhengting discusses the same dream
zhengting was quite popular on campus
he was such a talkative person and is know to befriend anyone that comes in his sight
he was passing all of his classes with an a and teachers loved him for that
his extra curricular was amazing as he participated in seasonal sports and attended whichever clubs that fitted within his schedule
not only that, but he was the prettiest boy in the whole school too
sometimes you wondered why such a person like him was friends with you
when zhengting told you that ever since he was a freshman he wanted to be the school’s prom king just once, you couldn’t help but to excitedly agree with him
“really? let’s run for prom king and queen together!”
“but this year, they’re only allowing actual dates to become king and queen so there won’t be any misunderstandings...”
“are you saying you don’t want to be my prom date?”
is he intentionally asking me to prom??? you thought to yourself
“oh, i didn’t mean it like that!”
“so is that a yes?”
“yes to what?” you weren’t completely understanding him
“to be my prom date!” he answered back with a wide grin
you gasped loudly, but you quickly covered your mouth with your hand
you would have never imagined going to prom with zhengting
that was a bigger dream than even becoming prom queen
“yes, i’ll be your date!”
chengcheng: you can’t bring ur own brother to prom with you
you: can i finish first?? i’m going to prom with zhengting 🤗
chengcheng: zhengting is like a 10 and you’re a . . . 3 ½
you: i came here for a good time, but i just got slandered instead
when it came to promoting yourselves as queen and king, zhengting told you not to worry about it because he’ll be in charge of it all
less work for you
flyers of you two were plastered onto every inch of the school walls
he even baked daily batches of cookies and would hand them out during lunch with a little note that read ‘VOTE FOR ZHENGTING AND Y/N FOR PROM KING AND QUEEN’
“please remember to vote for me and y/n during prom. thank you!”
“thanks for the cookie, but i’m not going to prom though.”
“then give me the cookie back”
zhengting rents a party bus (with his own money because he’s a rich mf) and it’s filled with his and your friends
having a party bus is one way to warm up before prom
there was a stripper pole in the middle of the party bus and zhengting took this opportunity to be the extra legend he was
he wraps his leg onto the poll and begins to do a couple of spins as nicki minaj’s music is playing in the background
everyone is snapchatting him, but he loves the attention, so he does a couple of more moves up his sleeves
you’re covering your eyes because this is getting a little 18+ for you
after he was done with his little performance, he goes and sits by you as he wraps his arms around your shoulder
“are you having fun?” zhengting asks you. he wanted to make sure you were enjoying your time because if this was going to be a memorable night for him, it should be memorable for you too
“this is just the beginning, but it already seems so wild!” you chuckled, noticing that zhengting is laughing with you as he tightens his grip
in no time, you all arrive at the venue your prom is taking place at
zhengting grabs your hand and leads you into the building
everyone is staring at you two, but it’s reasonable because everyone there knew you two were going to be crowned king and queen that very night
“everyone is staring at us.” you whisper to zhengting
“they should be all staring at you instead. look at how beautiful you are!”
was zhengting always this slick? you wondered
with that small compliment, you were blushing like crazy, but you tried to avoid zhengting’s eye contact so he wouldn’t notice what a mess he made you into
zhengting is honestly the life of the party
you’re on the dance floor dancing with him and in a split second, he has suddenly disappeared
you’re confused because WHERE DID YOUR DATE GO
“he’ll find me later.” you tell your friends as you continue to dance with them instead
randomly, when you were minding your own business, you hear a loud scream
you look up and find a random person body surfing the crowd
that’s him
that’s zhu zhengting
“HEY THERE, Y/N!!!!” he yells out loud as he waves to you from the top of the crowd
once the dance floor calms down just a tad bit, the music stops and a teacher comes out onto the stage with a microphone in their palm
“i know everyone is too busy dancing, but i’d like to announce who this year’s prom king and queen are!”
this was it. this was the moment you’ve waited for
you and zhengting stood next to one another
he knew that you and him were going to be awarded king and queen, but it seemed like you were still anxious about this whole situation
zhengting swiftly grabs a hold of your hand and holds it in between his own
without saying a word, you turn your eyes to look over at him and he’s staring at you with his dazzlingly eyes
“don’t worry about it. everything is going to be alright.” he mouths out as uses his other hand to ruffle your hair
he always knew how to make you feel better
“and the prom king is, zhu zhengting!” the teacher says out loud, following a loud cheer
everyone is screaming for zhengting because they’re all his favorite
you give zhengting a warm hug as he quickly says “i’ll see you on stage.” before heading off
this was a couple race, but why did you feel so scared that you weren’t going to be called up?
zhengting’s popularity was over the top while you were just... you
you didn’t have as much friends as zhengting and you were quiet around others who you didn’t know well
“lastly, the prom queen is, y/n!”
just like zhengting, you had the same amounts of cheers for you, if not, maybe even more and louder than his
“congrats, y/n!” you hear everyone saying as they’re all hugging you and patting you on the back
in the far distance, you could even hear zhengting rooting you on from the stage
you walk up onto the stage to be crowned queen as you stand besides zhengting, he’s holding your hand once more just like before
you would have never imagined so many strangers being proud of you
as usual, the prom queen and king must have a solo slow dance to themselves
zhengting holds onto your hand and leads you down to the dance floor
you place your arms around his neck as he does the same, but around your waist
“i’m proud of you. this was always your dream, right?” zhengting simply says
“it’s your dream too, silly.”
“i feel more better knowing that it was yours that came true.”
since zhengting was in charge of promotions, you didn’t have a sight of what he was really doing
not only was he promoting you two as king and queen, but he was telling everyone about you and you had no knowledge of this
“y/n as queen? who’s that?”
“of course! have you seen her before? she’s possibly the most gorgeous girl in the whole school with such a sweet personality. try to get to know her sometimes.”
maybe that explained why so many people began to unexpectedly start talking to you during school
there was an after party taking place once prom was over and you and zhengting decided to head over
after a few drinks, zhengting ends up becoming totally wasted drunk and you felt like it was your responsibility to take care of him
who knew he was such a light drinker?
“zhengting, i think it’s time that we leave.”
you ask your guys mutual friend, wenjun, if he could drive zhengting home since he was one of the only sober person there at the party
“i’ll only leave if you go with us too.” zhengting said in a baby voice as he gave you puppy eyes, trying to make you feel as guilty as ever
you then find yourself sitting in the back seat with zhengting
you’re sitting normally as zhengting is laying down, his head resting on your lap as his long legs were scrunched up
“ewen frwomb den heur u sew luk prewtty” he graces his hand over your cheek and slurs his words due to being way too drunk
even from down here, you still look pretty
“don’t forget that i’m still here.” wenjun adds as he steps on the pedal and steers the steering wheel
since zhengting was out drinking without telling his parents, wenjun decided that it was for the best if zhengting was to spend a night at his house instead
this saves him from getting a lecture at home
therefore, wenjun takes you home first
once you arrive at your house, zhengting hugs you down and doesn’t let you to leave the car or move in general
so there you were, sitting in the same position, car door wide open, with a drunk!zhengting clinging onto you
“when you get home, text me so i know you arrived safely!”
“zhengting, i am home.”
wenjun ends up leaving the front seat and going in the back to slap zhengting and force him to get off of you
when you found a chance, you dipped out of the car, but you found your hand being tugged right back in
zhengting is forcefully holding onto your hand, begging you not to leave
this continues for another five minutes until you decided it was getting a little out of hand
you took your hands into matter and unexpectedly placed a quick kiss onto zhengting’s lip
this caused zhengting to let you go and pause for a second because honestly what just happened?
with that happening, you booked it and ran into your house
even wenjun is shookt
the following morning, you received a text from no other than zhengting: i’m sorry i was such a mess from the after party. i don’t really remember what happened after that, but i can sure tell you that i remember last night since it was perfect because of you
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