#i dont like to clutter this blog with a bunch of random stuff like liveblogging would do so i put stuff on twitter and then put it here
dreamweavers ยท 5 months
I think I posted abt this once before, but I like to watch supernatural when I'm high. when I get high I tend to overanalyze whatever I watch and go "THIS is the BEST THING ever made!" (I also do this with SpongeBob and Beavis and Butthead lmao)
last time I got high, me and my brother finished s5 and started s6 of supernatural and. wow. I live tweeted it AND bitched abt it in my notes app so here everything is all together:
Still kinda high and watching s6e1 and this is so fucking stupid it's unreal wtf. I keep waiting for them to say this isn't actually happening bc this is so garbage
Usually when I'm high I think this show rules but rn I'm feeling the exact opposite, this is dog shit. worse than dog shit. this is worse than when the flash turned to shit this is just ridiculous. I bet half the fanfics for this series are better than this out of char garbage
[supernatural season 6 wiki page) implies this isn't just a stupid dream sequence? You are kidding me. The first five seasons were good for a CW show and I've watched the flash, arrow, shitty arrowverse crossovers, and riverdale so I know!
There is no fucking way Sam would go "I got my car set up how I want it" after looking at the impala triggered so many memories that it made Lucifer think of how badly he wanted that brotherly relationship with Michael, made Lucifer feel so awful that Sam was able to take control back from him. There is absolutely no way in hell. This is the worst fucking episode of any TV show in the history of television this has got to be a fucking joke.
if the next ep is as bad and out of character as this one, this is the worst I've ever seen a show fall off. Worse than when the flash fell off, worse than when TWD fell off, worse than literally any other form of media I can think of has jumped the shark. IK I'm high but FICK
yeah [finding out supernatural was originally supposed to end after 5 seasons] tells me all I need to know. usually shows are still watchable after they jump the shark but holy hell this was something else. I was expecting the quality to falter and then eventually go off the deep end like the flash did but that was so SUDDEN jfc!
alright since I'm talking abt it, last year I watched the flash totally sober and although I noticed the quality beginning to dip (arrowverse shows in general have questionable quality but it was still watchable), like I didn't rly care for the cicada villains but I loved Nora. and then after the crisis special it got SO BAD. like all those other multiverses are just gone? Really? Jessi and Harry are just GONE? Became unwatchable shit.
so uh. yeah there's my high rant about supernatural.
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