#i dont really do permanent interaction calls but wrt asks
likemosaic · 1 month
sometimes i like to pop into people's inboxes and write people ask drabbles when the mood strikes me, but i'm always worried about asking permission to do so. if you like this post, you're giving me blanket permission to send you random ic asks as the inspiration strikes. whether they're from memes on my blog or yours, or just a little drabble i came up with for our characters. this may include starters on the rarest of rare occasions, but more likely, i'll send you something in your inbox and leave the opportunity for us to make it into a thread if you're down. they can also just be one-offs if that's what you prefer, no biggie. if you ever change your mind and want me to NOT send you random asks anymore, just unlike this post. i'll be adding it in my pinned post for easy access. and of course, i'm always open to receiving the same thing from my roleplay partners, no liking the post necessary for that. if you haven't liked the post, i'll still politely ask before sending you anything random--this post just skips that step for you.
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