#i dont really know who else i could mention since i cant jog my memory rn but YE
boobchuy · 2 years
Tell me your favorite amphibia frog characters, without telling with the plantar family
u can't just call me out like this
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fiftyshadesgrl · 5 years
He saved me/ part 9
Summary: reader is in a abusive relationdhip. When things take a turn for the worst she finds help in the winchesters.
Warning: this story will have smut, language, violence, abuse and torture. If youre triggered by any of this i suggest not reading.
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6 months later....
Me and bobby were sitting at the table eating the homemade lasanga and garlic bread i had made when his phone started to ring. He leaned over and with one hand snatched the phone from its cradle never faltering with his other hand that had a fork full of lasanga.
"Yeah?" Bobby said evenly. "Alright what time will you be in?" Bobby glanced my direction, i smiled warmly at him and he just stared. "Alright see you in a few."
He sighed when he hung up, "that was sam." I perked up at the mention of his name. I hadnt seen him in so long and to be honest i missed him. "Theyre going to stop by, need some info on a hunt."
I smiled, "thats great! I miss that boy." Then it hit me. "Wait, you said they. That means.."
He nodded, "yeah deans gonna be here too. Sam wanted to give you a heads up before they get here. Ya know, just in case you wanna bolt."
I thought about it long and hard, would seeing dean bring up all those old feelings ive been burying since i left? Would he even be happy to see me? Would he be mad? Would he even acknowledge i was here?
I sighed and gave him a small smile that im sure didnt reach my eyes. "Ill be alright bobby, ive got dinner dishes to do and plenty to keep me occupied. If i know dean hes gonna want food so ill fix them a plate when they get here then you wont even know im here."
We finished our dinner and when i stood to take our plates i asked, "what time will they be here?"
"Id say about another hour."
I nodded and made my way to the kitchen to get started on the dishes and to clean up.
An hour and a half later there was a knock on the door. I could hear from the kitchen.
"Hiya bobby." Sam said.
"Good to see ya boys." Bobby said sounding cheerful.
"Doing some spring cleaning bobby?" That was the voice that has haunted me for the past 6 months. I could almost smell him from where i stood. That comforting feeling blanketed me just by hearing his voice. I sighed to myself knowing he didnt know i was here.
I took the lasanga and plated a huge piece for sam and dean, along with placing the garlic bread in the basket from earlier. I took a deep breath and took my first steps out towards the boys.
I walked up behind them where they sat at the table, i set down the plates in front of them. Both men jerked in response then our eyes met.
"(Y/N)!" Sam jumped up from his spot at the table and engulfed me in a huge hug.
"Hey sammy, its good to see you." I was geniunely happy to see him.
He pulled back and inspected me, "you look great. How are you doing?"
"Better than i was last time you saw me." I said matter of factly and im sure dean knew what incident i was talking about.
"What the hell?" Dean said still in shock i think.
"Hey dean." I said in a flat tone. His brow furrowed at that.
"How long have you been here?" He asked.
"6 months." I said over my shoulder making my way to get their drinks. When i turned around from the fridge dean was standing there behind me.
"You have been here this whole time and never contacted me? Ive been going crazy not knowing where you were." Dean sounded mad, the nerve.
I straightend my spine to stand as tall as i could, "you made it pretty clear that night what you wanted."
"Damn it (Y/N), thats not fair."
I chuckled, "lifes not fair dean, you of all people should know that. Now go back and eat. I cant stand for food to be wasted."
"We are not done here." He said through gritted teeth.
I pushed past him but turned around right before i walked out. "Yeah dean, we are." With that i placed the drinks on the table and walked upstairs.
I changed into my running clothes the same ones i wore the night me and dean had sex. He thinks he has a hold on me well im going to remind him just what he walked out on.
I hopped down the stairs and put my hair up in a high ponytail. I hooked my ipod to my armband and slipped my tennis shoes on. All eyes focused on me when i walked into the dining room.
"Im going for a run, dont stay up to late old man." I walked over to bobby and kissed his cheek.
He smiled up at me "be careful."
"Dont worry, ill be fine." I looked to sam and dean and didnt fail to notice the lust in his eyes. "If you boys are gone before i get back, its been nice seeing ya again."
Sam stood and gave me a hug and a peck on the cheek. Dean didnt move didnt even look at me. I slapped him on the shoulder, "see ya deano."
With that i made my way outside. I started stretching my muscles when i got out in the warm air. I was getting ready to start my run when i heard the front door open behind me.
"(Y/N), we need to talk." Deans voice sent a chill up my spine but i tried my best to ignore it. I closed my eyes and sighed as i turned towards him.
"Have you found parker yet?"
Dean shook his head.
"Then we have nothing to talk about." I said as i started walking up the driveway. Dean was close behind me.
"Yes we do. You cant run from me forever."
I picked up my pace to a light jog, "tell ya what. If you can keep up we can talk."
I started running faster, i knew dean didnt do running. I heard him huffing then stop all together. I smiled over my shoulder at him then put my ear buds in and cranked up my music.
When i got back to bobbys an hour later the impala was still parked in the driveway. I rolled my eyes and opened the front door. I heard the guys talking in the living room then i heard my name come up.
"I dont know what to do. (Y/N) just wont talk to me." That was dean.
"Maybe she will come around. I mean you walked out on her at the worst time in her life." I recognized that as sam. He was taking up for me.
"Did she never mention anything to you? I mean she has been here for half a year." Dean asked bobby.
"She never talked to me about anything. I wasnt going to force her." Bobby said sounding aggitated.
"You mean to tell me after all this time you two living under the same roof nothing has come up about that night?"
I heard a glass slam down on the table. "You calling me a liar?"
I figured id show my face before it got more heated. "Im back, gonna grab a shower then head to bed."
Bobby nodded and i dashed up the stairs before anyone could say anything else. After my shower i walked down stairs to get a bottle of water. The guys were talking about some kind of lore and really didnt pay me no mind.
I walked back upstairs but instead of going to bed i went into the other spare room and started sorting files and cleaning up.
I almost had all the files organized and in their own seperate piles, i just had to put them in the file cabinet. A certain file caught my eye, the name sounded so familiar. Patrick windsor, i opened the file and gasped. It was parkers father.
I started reading through the file and it had all kinds of locations where he had been at and owned. Apparently patrick was a demon as well, working for lucifer himself. I was so focused on the file that i didnt hear someone approaching.
"Couldnt sleep?" Deans rough voice sounded from the doorway. I looked up and he was sipping yet another beer.
"No, i came up here to sort through all of this." I said in a flat tone, hoping he would just go away. I didnt want to discuss anything with dean right now. Instead he walked in and took a seat in the chair right across from me.
He didnt say a word, just sat there watching me. After a few minutes it started to get under my skin. "Why are you in here?" I asked a little snippy.
He smiled, "for you." I rolled my eyes and continued placing the files in different stacks. "Come on (Y/N), you cant ignore me forever."
"Its worked for six months."
He sighed heavily and stood up. Walking over to where i was sitting on the floor. I thought he might leave but instead he sat down next to me.
"I know i hurt you, but i was only looking out for your well being." He ran a hand through his hair, "ive learned that in this life we dont get love. We dont get happily ever afters. A hunter can retire and ward off whats out there. Like bobby, he lost his wife a long time ago and has never got close to anyone since. A hunters family and loved ones are never safe."
I nodded letting him talk, this is a side that i doubt many people ever saw of dean. I felt a little honored that he would open up to me, so i let him continue.
"That night when you told me you loved me it scared the hell out of me. Not because i dont want you, because you have already been through so much. You cant and shouldnt fall for me. Youre just going to get hurt or worse."
I nodded and placed the file i was holding down beside me. "I understand where youre coming from, but you cant push everyone away dean."
He shook his head, "i dont think you do. I tried the whole leave this life behind and have a family thing. She had a son, i thought of him like my own. I loved her and for a minute i was happy. Then a demon possesed her and tried to kill her right in front of me and her son. We got her to the hospital and cas healed her but i also asked him to take away all of lisa and bens memories of me. That was hard to see a woman and kid i loved look at me a different way than they had that morning. Never knowing who i was, but it was better for them, if i had never came into their lives in the first place it wouldnt have happened. So i just made things right, the way they shouldve been."
A silent tear fell from my eyes hearing dean talk about what he has went through. I now truly understood his hesitance about getting close to people. Instead of making me hate him it made me love him that much more, but i could never act upon it again. He downed the rest of his beer and sat the bottle down next to his leg.
"Dean, im sorry for everything you have went through. I have never had someone who truly loved me so i wouldnt know how that feels." I figured since he opened up to me it was only fair that i do the same. "At first i thought parker loved me. I just got so blinded by his words. I never had a family i was in the system until i was 15, then i ran away and never looked back. I was prostituting to make rent and for a little food, then i met parker. He took me in, sweet talked me, made empty promises on marrying me having children and having anything i would ever wanted. I fell for it and that has led me to where i am now."
"You can still have that life. Get married, have a family."
I shook my head, "no parker done so much damage to me that he destroyed the chance of me ever having children."
He opened his mouth to say something but i cut him off. "I never knew what love was, until i met you. Youre just so easy to fall for, but i know now that you dont feel the same way."
"Let me finish." He nodded and i continued. "Just because you dont love me doesnt make you less of a person. Youre a great guy and i hope one day you can prove youself wrong."
He looked down at the floor, when he looked up his eyes had tears in them. I placed a hand on his that he had on his leg. "Its okay dean, dont beat yourself up." Just as he was about to say something sam appeared in the doorway.
"I think we may have something on parker."
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siodymph · 6 years
“The Before and After”
Hey there @pirably ! I’m so sorry this is getting to you so late! I can’t thank you enough for participating in the gift exchange, and I hope you enjoy my take on your prompt!
Feel free to read your story under the cut or over on my ao3!
“I can’t believe you!”
Sighing, Stanford took a deep breath. His neck was starting to feel pinched from looking up at so long. “I said I CAN’T BEL-”
“I heard what you said! What’s not to believe?”
“Just… Everything about this! There’s no way this is safe!”
There was a long pause as Stanford waited until he finally heard Fiddleford respond. Voice echoing out from somewhere near the top of his gigantic creation.
“… Probably not!”
“Then why do you insist on working like this? Why put yourself in life-threatening danger!”
“Cause!” Fiddleford called back, huffing. “I work best directly with my hands. And there’s no way I could tip this darned thing over without risking it all breaking! All for some shiftin’ wires!”
“You could build something to help gently set it down then stand it again!” Stanford tried to add.
“Ugh! But that’d take even more time! Not to mention I’d have to build that first!” Fiddleford yelled. “Now hush up! I’m trying to work here Stanford!”
If someone were to see Stanford at that moment, they probably would have said he was pouting. But Ford would take to his grave if he had to. “I just want you to be safe…”
“I’m harnessed to the swing, which I rigged up myself! Checked the pulleys and everything this morning! I’m the safest I’ve ever been!” Fiddleford called out one more time. “And you’re one to talk! Where was all this fussing over safety when you were in Dr. Jenret’s class and you almost poured acid on yourself?”
Stanford could only smile and shake his head in response. As always Fiddleford was able to win him over when he least suspected it. As inevitable as it was, it still caught Stanford off-guard. Growing up there had been no one like that in his life. If he ever got into arguments or debates with kids they’d always either eventually concede or just completely give up. Or they’d just hit him out of annoyance. If it was his brother he’d do a combination of the last two.
At least Stanford used that excuse as to why after knowing the man for years now, he still managed to surprise him when they got into debates.
To this day Fiddleford was probably the only person he knew who could get him to shut up and see things from a new perspective.
So now knowing there was nothing he could say Stanford decided to just sit back and watch the show Fiddleford was putting on. The man may be stubborn as a mule, but he was equally as cunning and brilliant, and he certainly made a performance out of his larger-than-life projects.
There was no denying Fiddleford’s brilliance. He had the most engineering and mechanical skill out of anyone Stanford knew. Even better than himself, which was something he seldom admitted to anyone. But it was the truth. Fiddleford Hadron McGucket was by far the best of the best in the world of robotics. And anyone who said otherwise was wrong.
Just being able to watch Fiddleford work was a treat itself. As his creation came together it quickly collected height. So much so that he soon had to resort to rigged swings and climbing equipment to finish the job. As he worked up off the ground like that Stanford couldn’t help but think of those old photos from the 1940’s of construction workers building the first skyscrapers. So high off the ground, only a pair of overalls and a utility belt for protection, and yet seeming so at ease. There was almost a beauty in how effortless Fiddleford made it seem. A grace he had while swinging from rig to rig, climbing up the structure with his hands and feet.
But when the light hit his face just right and Stanford could see Fiddleford’s hair shine golden, body covered in a thin sheen of sweat from his hard work, Stanford knew in his heart his feelings for the other man hadn’t changed at all.
He found he’d only grown to love Fiddleford Hadron McGucket even more...
Two hours later, Fiddleford came swinging down. Overalls covered in a layer of grim, hair frizzled and frumpy, face red and sweaty, and a satisfying smile that just looked ethereal on Fiddleford’s face.
“How’d it go?” Stanford asked as he ran back over from his own work to meet him. Handing the other man a towel.
“Pretty good I think!” Fiddleford sighed gratefully as he started to wipe off his face. “Got that wiring all straightened out! Now all that’s left is testing her out!”
“That’s wonderful! We should test it now!”
“You know Stanford it’s a good thing I like ya so much.” Fiddleford said with a tired smirk. “Been up there all day, and as soon as I get down you want me to keep on working!”
“You know you want to see your new invention just as much as I do!” Stanford replied. “Don’t even kid yourself Fidds.”
Chuckling to himself, Fiddleford went over to his work bench and grabbed the remote control he’d built for this his invention. He let his finger hover over the main controls before looking towards Stanford.
“Hang onto your butts…”
All at once, the remote buzzed and the colossal machine burst to life. Inbetween metal panels, there was a bright green glow. Panels began to bend and shift. Massive wings unfurled from either side of the robot. For a moment the creature turned its head to look at its master. Green eyes glowing with a light that feuled it from within. Then after Fiddleford pressed another button the remote buzzed again and the creature tilted its head back at gave out a massive prehistoric screech that made Stanford’s entire chest rattle.
“Not too bad for someone who said they were moving onto computer-work only, huh?”
Stanford looked up at the massive mechanic pterodactyl in awe. “Fiddleford… Fiddlford that was nowhere close to ‘not bad’. That was… That was amazing!”
“Aw shucks,” Fiddleford mumbled.
“No, I mean it!” Stanford continued. “This is a piece of history in the making here. This won’t just change the world of animatronics, but the entire world of robots and engineering itself!”
“You really think so?” Fiddleford asked.
“I know so!” Stanford tried to contain some of his excitement, sometimes he could get rather loud when he got carried away. “And Fiddleford? I couldn’t imagine this being made by anyone else but yourself. You really did a… a fantastic job here. There’s no way you won’t take first place in Dawngrove next week!”
“Aw, I don’t care about none of that.” Fiddleford sighed as he turned off his robo-dino. “I’m only doing this for lil’Tate. He’s the one who asked me to do all this after all.”
“And I’m certain Tate will adore this too.”
“I hope so...” Fiddleford said with another sigh. Looking back up at his incredible invention. “Ever since me and the missus split I feel like I haven’t seen him as often. When we are together I gotta make it mean something. For the both of us.”
Gently, Stanford took Fiddlford’s face in his hands, pulling him away so they were looking eye to eye.
“Believe me Fiddleford, next week Dawngrove’s Robotic Royal will be a day no one could ever forget!”
Leaning in closer, Stanford kissed him. And closing his eyes, Fiddleford could feel himself relaxing.
Slipping away. If only for a few moments...
 Sometimes it truly amazed Fiddleford how everything was coming back to him.
At least physically if not completely mentally. He was still working on that.
He counted it as a small success though when Stanford showed him a massive mechanical pterodactyl and he got the inkling of a sensation that he’d seen it before.
Raising one hand up, he touched one of its massive wings. It felt rougher than he’d expected it to. No doubt the metal had eroded some after years of hiding it away in such an abandoned place.
“I know I’ve seen this fella before…” Fiddleford pondered out loud, still lightly rubbing over the metal as if that would help him reveal the answer. He knew he’d made robotic pterodactyls before but this one didn’t seem as familiar. It definitely wasn’t the one he made for revenge after his retirement-party-fiasco. “Did we make this together?”
“Not really, I just watched.” Stanford answered. “You made this one on your own. It was for this competition out in Dawngrove California.”
“Dawngrove…” Fiddleford said slowly.
“Yes, does that town sound familiar at all?”
Fiddleford hummed a little before shaking his head. “It ain’t there right now, but it’ll come back. I can feel it rattle’n around in there.”
Stanford seemed a little disappointed, but decided to move on. “Well you and I brought that in for a robotics competition. A battle royal actually. You ended up getting first place. Your ex-wife and your son even came and we all cheered you on.”
The mention of his son brought a smile to his face. The details over everything were hazy but he always knew who Tate was. “He would have been around eight or nine right?”
“Yes, he was nine!” Stanford said.
Fiddleford chuckled at the thought. “He was such a little squirt back then. Always hiding under that big mop of hair…”
Stanford grumbled as he looked around. He wished he had more photos from that day. In his experience with Stanley photos help jogged Stan’s memory the best. Unfortunately he didn’t have any photos from that day. He was however able to find a few newspaper clippings he’d held onto from that day. Carefully picking it up the fragile paper so it didn’t disintegrate, Stanford brought it over for Fiddleford to see.
“Look here,” Stanford pointed to the main picture under the headline ‘Super Scientist and Father Wins Grand Prize with his Dynamic Dino!’ where there was a black and white photo of the Pterodactyl back in its golden years. “If you look towards the bottom near the pterodactyl’s feet you can see a few figures. That’s me on the right, you on the left, and you’re holding Tate in the middle of us.”
The article itself was so damaged it was illegible. But Fiddleford could just make out their figures Stanford was pointing to in the picture. The picture was so old the image had begun to fade some too, mostly on the left side. His whole body was faded out. But with enough focus he could just make out Stanford and Tate’s faces. Both were beaming at the camera. Grinning with pride. Fiddleford realized they’d been proud of him.
“You two sure seemed happy…” Fiddleford said with a sigh.
“And we still are.” Stanford continued. “You have no idea how happy I am to be here with you. To have a second chance at making things right with you. With everyone.”
Fiddleford nodded but didn’t look up from the picture. As if trying to memorize their faces in case this memory never came back to him. When he didn’t focus as hard he could almost recall some things. Mostly phantom feelings. Like holding a giggling Tate close to his chest. Or swinging up on a rig, shouting to Stanford down below. Walking hand in hand with both of them…
“I’m happy I get a second chance too.” Fiddleford replied softly.
Eventually they’d seen everything they could and together, hand in hand, they walked back out of that old warehouse back into the world. They’d been in there reminiscing so long they’d missed sunset. It was already night and the moon hung low in the sky, darting out from behind trees as they walked.
Stanford’s six-fingered hand felt so warm in Fiddleford’s own. How he’d spent all those years alone, Fiddleford didn’t know, but now that Stanford was back in his life he knew he couldn’t bear to go back to the way things had once been. The world had changed so much, and they’d both changed so much with it. But Fiddleford could feel it in his heart that what they had between themselves was still as special as it was back then.
And when the light hit his face just right Fiddleford could see Stanford’s hair shine silver, and his eyes practically sparkling under the moon, Fiddleford knew in his heart his feelings for the other man hadn’t changed at all.
He found he’d only grown to love Stanford Filbrick Pines even more.
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softboiii · 7 years
A letter to a girl who wont stop smiling.
Dear Girl,
When did I first meet you, I really don’t know. All I know is your always smiling. Its really distracting, in a good way. 
The day I consider the first day i met you i didn’t even know your name. It was a hot sunny day and I was cursing my friend for dragging me along to the market. We were just loitering wasting time walking around and eventually out of the market. Thats when I first took notice of you, walking beside your mother. You looked familiar, that smile is not one you would let pass on crowded market or a rambunctious student lounge. Right away you were beaming at us. As you spoke I took in every word waiting and hoping for a chance to interject and join in on the banter. If I said too much i would seem too eager, too little and i would look reserved. So i waited and gave my two cents as i saw appropriate. 
Soon your mother was looking for you and you had to go. to my luck we followed you around the market cracking jokes and continuing the witty banter. we got around to the dogs, dogs! the thought jumped at me. i have a dog, does she like dogs. so i asked praying that you say yes “do you like dogs” and i watched your lips part and say “yes”. Fucking perfect Im in! i reach for my phone to show you leo and describing him along the way. little did naive me know what you would say. To be completely honest i didn’t hear much but i heard enough, “my boyfriend has”. you have a boyfriend, why? well why not, the world would not be in its right mind to just let you be by yourself. 
The evening was going so well but its ok I’m not too invested in you. although i must say it is a shame. you point me in the direction of food you were talking about and then your mother shows up. its time for you to leave. quick awkward introductions are exchanged and we go our separate ways. i check out the food you mentioned, its not worth the second thought anyway, you’re taken, why feign the interest. you don’t cross my mind at all until the next time i bump into you. 
again there you are sitting in front of me, smiling away, even i cant help not smile. cards are being dealt and i’m just staring. if you look at me I’m caught so please don’t, you don’t. soon i have to go on the inside i am reluctant but hey, act cool. don’t let the blue bird sing.
third times the charm, we talk a lot this time we talk about your assignment, you ask me a question. i know nothing so when you’re not looking i try to sneakily try to google it so you don’t think I’m stupid. but i am caught, you’re staring at me laughing as i look up from the phone. “you looked it up?” quick don’t sound stupid she’s really cute. “how else would you learn new things” i shoot back, nice one dude way to sound like a fucking retard. you ask to use my laptop and you take it and start discussing the topic with a class mate. i am no longer of any use any way. like a lost puppy i move around and finally sit down close to you so if you were ever to look up just like a puppy i would pander to your beck and call.
the memory of you having a boyfriend is lost in a stack of metaphorical papers on a messy desk that only exists in my mind.
eventually you are done and i am given a chance to grab your attention. the girls around me want to play cards, perfect, you like playing cards. you suggest playing president. its a rather simple game you come first you’re president. you come second you’re vice president. any where in the middle you’re a commoner. finish last and you’re the bitch, have the dumb luck of fishing just before last? you are vice bitch.
i had no intention of making you my bitch, you’re far to smart and pretty for that. i do see some potential a first lady but its way too soon to tell. right now you are just an infatuation a boy has with a girl wont stop fucking smiling.
please stop smiling…. please.
you move the couch creating a circle, I bring the stool and we are ready to play. but first where do i sit… next to you of course. we sit so close our legs are touching, just like pudge i count the layers clothing between us, four. the game progress i use the excuse of teamwork to get closer to you. we talk, we joke, and we playfully prod and nudge each other. 
we play for what feels like an eternity, we have been sitting together for so long my leg is sweaty i can only imagine yours is too. maybe not, maybe its just me the oxytocin seeping in to my blood stream is just increasing my temperature. there is a break in play and we are just waiting. you nudge my shoulder as if you are fluffing a pillow and rest your head.
 “wow your warm and soft”. 
why would you utter such words, do you know what it did to me? you don’t, because why would it carry any meaning to you. each syllable played at my heart strings.  
i wanted to wait like that for longer but my dumbass had to say some thing didn’t i. “do i look like a pillow to you” you move the moment i had is lost.
i go home. 
i spend the next day anxious of the night to come we are going out to drink. theres you, me, and every one else. do they have to come well if they don’t would you? ill take what i can get.
the night comes we all meet. we all drink and we laugh. you and I, we dance. i feel my self slowly get lost in the moment. we spoke about a lot of things, some heavy subjects. you saved the heaviest for last, your boyfriend. the words cut through me like bullet through water. we dance some more, well i got lost in your hands while you moved to the sound.
its dark we are in the tuk, why did i do that? thats not what i meant to do. why did i do that? whats wrong with me? why does he get down? now its only the two of us. the words we spoke are foggy but i have some recollection. you told me about your troubles with him. what comes next i remember all too clearly. we stop a little ways before our destination and walk. as i walk i tell you, i pour everything out like a bottle thats fallen over.
“i like you, i really do like you alot”- i’m sorry 
“i have never felt this way about a girl since my ex” - i’m sorry
“but you have a boyfriend ” - i’m sorry
“if you could give me the chance i would make you the happiest girl” -i’m so sorry
all you can say is “aww you are so sweet”
dont say that.
stop smiling, you really need to work on that.
we agree to be friends, albeit a hollow promise on both ends. i feel guilty for what i did. i asked to hold your hand, i feel guilty because you held mine. for me i was holding the hand of the girl who had my heart. you held the drunken hand of child, yet you held it and i cherished it. thank you but i am so sorry.
the night ends like that.
i’m so sorry, i wish i could take everything back. i’m sorry, i’m sorry, i’m sorry times a million.
the next morning you have sent me a snap, it jogs my memory and i apologize. i crossed a line i never should have. i feel the weight of my actions rest upon my shoulders as the day goes on. i feel worse, what have i done why did i do that, what is wrong with me. 
i’m sorry.
i’m sorry.
i’m sorry.
its now been two days and my penance has not been payed, i continued to dwell on this. it eats at me, destroying me. please i beg,”please let me erase what i have done”. i can’t thats not how life works, its never that easy.
that night i don’t sleep, i don’t sleep one bit. 
i go to school early the next day and i am hit with karma. on the way you send me a snap that you are there early as well. of all days today you come early. i ignore you except for a reply saying hi. you never look at it and i hope you never do. maybe i should send you a text, formerly say sorry and explain myself but as i go to text you i see it. its you and him happy as a kite. it hurts so fucking bad so bad. that drives the message to me clearly i have no place in your life.
again, i’m sorry.
i’m really really sorry.
its not fair to ask me you to stop smiling.
i like you, it hurts, its not your fault but my factions have put that on your shoulders. 
now every time is see you my heart quakes, my knees go weak. i lose all rationality in my mind and just want to run. i haven’t felt this in such a long time that it feels alien, i get sacred. i’m so scared to face you, i am afraid you will smile at me but i’m more afraid that you will never look at me ever again. why should you, you don’t need to. you have all you need in front of you, you love him. for me to go against that is like to go against the Persian army, but in the stead of three hundred men there is just one, one fool.
when the fight or flight response kicks in all i can do is take flight. with my tail between my legs i will run. You make my heart do things, that my uncle, a cardiologist, cannot begin to explain. i am a coward, that has no strength to face you. i don’t want to hurt you anymore than i already have. i can only imagine the burden i placed on you with such a selfish self centered act. i hope that one day you can look back and forgive a fool like me. 
i can hope that i lessen the predicament i placed you in by saying that it was never you. you never did anything wrong, if you could go back don’t change a thing about you or what you did. it was all my fault, i’m supposed to be an adult who should be in control of my self.
i wish i could redo this,
my sincerest apologies,
the boy that fell for your smile.  
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