#i dont think ill be back on this blog just yet but AUGH. FUCK
tiredead · 2 years
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ahoneesan · 1 year
hi! its been a bit. i dont think ive made any posts about this particular subject on this particular blog. not the long form effort posts like these, at least. there have been some fairly major developments here so i figured it was as good a time as any to log them here. and maybe get into the rhythm of writing regularly about this again? dont get your hopes up. but maybe more regularly than Not At All. anyways!
so thanks to having a job i have a gym membership now! that means i can lift Actual Weight instead of being trapped at 40lbs due that being all my at-home dumbbells can do. its nice! i've been progressing through my 5x5 workout without any real trouble so far. except for my overhead press. i literally cannot even begin to finish my 5 sets there, at the suggested introductory weight of 45lbs. its kinda baffling, i wish i knew why exactly i had that one hurdle. but i was barely making 5x5 on 40lbs either so, naturally 45 would be tougher! i should probably deload down to, idk, 35 or something and work my way back up but man. cmon! lets frickin go!
the rest of my numbers (which ill list down below) are doing well. i think, at least. steady gains (though they are "newbie gains") through and through, if i stay consistent on em ill be squattin 100 byyyyyy monday after next. which would be pretty cool! i guess! i havent encountered any real hurdles yet (apart from the OP i just mentioned) so its hard to get motivated by goals. im in this for like, the thrill of the lift. again: i guess!
cardio has been fine, though due to workin out preshift i dopnt have time to just like, run forever on that. maybe i only go in early for weights n leave cardio for after? maybe i cardio by running around the block at home then bus in to work like usual? maybe i just crank the speed and hope for the best? ok i did try that last one and it fucked my knee up just a bit lol. ultimately cardio is a supplement to the weight training for me so, afaik, its more important to have that elevated heart rate sustained for longer and longer periods of time than to be trying to make a like 8 minute mile. ill keep at it for now, probably try to ramp the speed up a lil more slowly than I did but as far length of workout i kinda dunno what to do. im still kinda entranced by the treadmill i now have access to so, probably keep on that for a while longer.
as far my body numbers go, theyre more or less unchanged from where I was when i started doing all this like, a year ago. which is part of Why im not so motivated by goals n such. but thats of course still on me. havent had my diet right, wayyyyy too many breaks n off days, no ability for actual Progression until just now. hopin i can start to turn this dang machine into some fucking muscle soon. i think i can! maybe! AUGH!
SQUAT - 70
BENCH - 60
ROW - 80 (pulled my back just a lil on this last time, lol.)
OVERHEAD - 45 (cant even finish this weight lol)
CARDIO - 4.5mph(?), 45min
WEIGHT - 160
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