#i dont think im ready to share my original ideas and sketches lololol
redrum-alice · 4 months
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OC doodles before i continue working on comms. (Im not good with words to actually share her story, so just art for now lol)
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redrum-alice · 3 months
[OC stuff] I like to ramble about my OCs, so ignore this
Thinking about that trope where the villain tries to convince the protag that "humanity isnt worth saving, so why do you have to sacrifice yourself for them?" (+ spoilers i guess?) + this is corny, so really...ignore this--
!!Some potentially triggering stuff about s*icide and ab*se of power, so CW!!
So like CJ isnt very lucky in life and in the beginning of whatever tf i wrote, its implied she wanted to "end" herself by overworking once she repaid her foster family (they loved her unconditionally, but she sees herself as a burden bc they never asked to care for a child) + she had a survivors guilt over the fact that "she couldnt save whats left of her friends" when she was around 8 years old, stuck in a facility (slaughterhouse).
So when she escaped and was given another chance (in her teens, shes trying to adjust, angst ensues etc.) and met Arthur the ghost who convinces her "its not so bad to have some people in your life", so she does. She ends up having a few friends, but shes skeptical. Basically Arthur was there trying to support her to go out and have a life (because he wanted her to have a good life- something he unfortunately could not have since he died when he was 14 yrs old in the 1930s-40s)
Bonus: Arthur helped her find a job from another dimension where she delivers letters/memoirs to spirits who have stayed too long and wandering about in limbo that never got closure. She is responsible for preventing them in turning to demons that spread despair (along with other postmen/mailmen)
Yes...she and arthur made a deal that if he got her a job, shell help him reunite with his family (but he doesnt remember them bc he was wandering too much)
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In comes Poppy, a lonely girl who was well off- and heiress. While she may not flaunt her wealth, she has that intimidating aura that alarms CJ despite Poppy wanting to have friends. Weirdly enough, she has a deep fascination with CJ, all because she sensed that she has the ability to see ghosts, something that Poppy was jealous of. Poppy practiced dark magic all her life, and was aware of what her father does- running the facility for harvest eyes from people.
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CJ couldnt figure out what was bothering her about Poppy, because she have sworn the blonde girl was familiar somewhere. It turns out Poppy was that one girl she saw at the facility who was walking with her father right after he ordered the staff to put them in the operating table to sedate them and harvest their eyes. CJ, at that time, looked drastically different from what she looks today, even down to her legal name which was now stripped from her and was turned into numbers.
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Poppy was brainwashed into thinking that her life's purpose is to complete her father's work, and in order to do so, she has to collect any potential candidates for the cult's experiment to complete the giant homunculous resting beneath the earth for thousands of years (she still has no idea what they would use the giant for, since she herself doesnt have the gift of sight or "eye shard" like CJ does).
Poppy also knew what she and CJ were made of- they were made from that same material and genes as those of synthetic flesh of homunculi only that they were conceived, but without a soul or memory once theyre done with their work.
Homunculi don't have adequate expressions, and it was why it was hard for them to relate or react in certain situations.
She knew that once her time is up, she'll be discarded, so shes working hard to help the cult.
CJ discovered her origins later on-- that she wasnt her mother's daughter, but a clone of her brother to store the eye shard, since it favors female hosts. After uncovering everything, she felt devastated because all of the memories she had made with her found family and friends are all worthless since she herself isnt a human. Not an ounce of humanity is present within her, so why does she have to commit?
Poppy adds that theres really nothing in store for her sibce the world and its time will end at one point. CJ wont be remembered or reincarnated just like Poppy bc they were never and will never a spirit- a negative sentiment that eats Poppy's heart and making her unable to have meaningful connections unless it was with a condition.
Arthur rebuts this and says that shes more human that she could ever be. If he were alive and living in the same timeline and dimension, they wouldve been great friends. He was willing to stay so she would be happy, even though it would result with him turning into a demon.
In short: Looking back, her life wasnt meaningless at all. Her desire to end it all was a cry for help, and Arthur helped her through it. He gave her a reason to love people, even though it was hard at first.
Ending: Im not sure how this personal project ends since there are more characters i have to work on and polish.
Lmao, the story is a mix of Madoka Magica, Silent Hill, and Gumball. Make that of what you will 💀🔫
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redrum-alice · 4 months
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OC doodles before i continue working on comms. (Im not good with words to actually share her story, so just art for now lol)
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redrum-alice · 1 year
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Girl (CJ) meets Ghost (Arthur)
Short info: Arthur followed CJ home in a cat’s body bc he can see her in purgatory— another human he encountered so far after nearly 70 years :)
Arthur died at the age of 14 and woke up not knowing where to go, yet he was sure he was tasked to do something but he couldn’t remember
CJ is a 13 yr old middle schooler who has been applying part time jobs because she feels like she needed to repay her adoptive family the expenses they spent on her care…even though they kept saying they love her unconditionally (the girl has anxiety and trust issues mkay, leave her be)
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redrum-alice · 1 year
Not Timebomb related, just spitting some dumb ideas for my oc bc my twittwr is temporarily suspended and everyone is busy...
...and no, this isnt a fan oc lol (im too stubborn to say her name bc its kinda ugly)
...no, I refuse to draw her bc ive drawn her a lot of times
...yes, this is cringey, look away
My oc and her brother would swap clothes...like to fool people because they look identical
Besides beheading demons as a delivery girl, she uses the carcasses as manure for her tiny flower garden and for her dads veggie patch
She uses scarecrows like this:
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Her foster dad may be a war convict, but he knows how to style her hair when she was little (until she decides on asymmetrical bob as soon as she can hold scissors)
She has to find another cat replacement for her ghost friend bc he keeps dying on mission/deliveries
Her deliveries consists of wishes and regrets; sometimes she gets them mixed up and why it takes her so long to get home
She once accidentally destroyed Eros' chariot, and she became a temporary cupid as a punishment
She doesnt have a clear concept of what love is, so the cupid job was a hassle. Thankfully, the arrows were color coded (familial love 💙, friendship 💛, romance ❤, devotion 💜, longing 🤍)
She used to be mute when her foster dad found her due to trauma. She can either communicate to minimal sign language or morse code by tapping, all taught by her adoptive dad
Having the ability to see ghosts in this universe (that i stupidly wrote somewhere in my docs years a go bc idk what to do with my OCs) can be explained both supernaturally and scientifically. The reason why some ppl can have clairvoyance (present) as well as being able to tell the future or read minds (past) is because of a diety called "Saint of Days" or "Diurna". She lost one eye on each three faces (dawn, noon, dusk) she has, and those shards have fallen on Earth. Those who have caught the shards on their eyes can have one of the three anomalies, and overtime it got embedded in human lenses (if you search "human lense", it looks like a jelly bean with biconvex shape). The bigger the shard is, the more lustrous and iridescent the irises are.
Her eyes become iridescent/illuminate when reflected against the sun, but this causes her to hallucinate and stop dead on her tracks, hindering her delivery. Hence why she has to do her job late in the evening
When going to school, she always wear her hoodie to keep her eyes from the sun, unless inside the building
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