#i dont think thisll be too popular bc its Weird but fuck it. the ubs are aliens it can be weirder
nom-central · 4 months
XURK1TREE 👀 it's on nof my faves aughh
The Ultra Beasts were curious, yet dangerous visitors to the world unlike anything anyone's ever seen. Humanity sought to understand these alien creatures, but found that their native dimensions were dangerous for normal people to traverse.
That's where they came in. They were designated Ulysses.
A research android built to explore Ultra Space and collect data on the worlds within and the beasts that lived there. Equipped with their own team of pokemon in case they tried to attack, Ulysses was sent out on their maiden voyage into the unknown. They were instructed to return if things proved too dangerous, but they were built for this job and they would see it through. Chalk it up to the emotions they were programmed with, just in case they met any other people in Ultra Space.
Traveling was just as unpredictable as the studies showed. Ulysses wasn't sure where they ended up- their arrival in this Ultra World was rough, and only after running a diagnostics check to confirm nothing was damaged could they examine their surroundings. It was dark here, but strangely well-lit. The sky was a deep, dark blue near constantly lit by flashes of lightning, with thunder booming to announce each strike. Odd buildings dotted the landscape, monolithic and glowing a gentle blue. They didn't see anything around yet, but...the air was practically buzzing with electricity. It was uncomfortable to their sensors, and they didn't quite come prepared to deal with overcharging... The best solution was to move through quickly, find the beasts, gather data, and leave. Easy 20-minute expedition!
The buzzing in the air grew louder, almost painfully so, and the robot had little time to react to lightning striking VERY close to their position. Warning symbols flashed in their vision, the electricity was getting too much for them to handle and they had JUST arrived! Ulysses ambled away towards a rocky outcrop that provided some cover...but the storm likely wouldn't let up, and too much exposure would damage them and potentially deactivate them for good. It would seem they weren't nearly as prepared as their creators would've hoped...outside of the overflow of electricity, shame filled their circuits at the thought of their first mission being a failure.
Outside of the warnings flashing over their vision, Ulysses could pick up on movement. A sign of life in this barren place could only mean one thing- an Ultra Beast! What approached was easily twice Ulysses' size. It appeared to be humanoid in shape, but closer inspection revealed that its body was made of countless cables and wires, bound in some spots by glowing white bands. Its hands were purely metallic and sharp at the ends, looking like claws. Its head resembled a starburst, or maybe some kind of spark- visual analysis was a bit difficult due to their current state, but Ulysses recognized it as UB-03. A thick cordlike tail wagged behind it, and it was drawing ever closer to them...
Ulysses could note that its head was flashing at them. It was too rhythmic to be just random- could this be how it communicated? It wasn't like they understood, but they were in no position to do anything...they could feel some of their limbs shorting, causing them to jerk erratically. The beast flinched back, before drawing closer. A curious hand reached out, watching electricity jump between its finger and their body. After a moment of what seemed to be deliberation, it got closer. It didn't seem hostile at the very least-
Suddenly, Ulysses found themselves being hoisted up by the back of their suit. While it still didn't seem hostile, it was still well over twelve feet tall. It lifted the robot up a bit above its head, which tilted around a bit as if it was studying them. Then its other hand came up, moving towards its torso which was strangely "unbound" compared to the rest of its cablelike body. It opened itself up, wires parting and opening into a space that it was now lowering them into. Were they being...consumed? Ulysses was helpless to stop it from doing whatever it wished. At this point, it was preferable to being out in the harsh elements.
They were lowered into a loosely bag-shaped space, and the cables that parted to accept them inside moved to trap them. The inside of the beast was just as strange as the outside- the space shifted and pushed against them, with the internal cabling being covered in a light layer of some sort of slime. Blue lights traveled along the cables that surrounded them, particularly where their body touched the rubbery surface of the cables. Ulysses could feel electricity draining from their body...could it be leeching power from them? The warning symbols faded away as the excess electricity was leeched from them. As observed, this beast seemed to feed on electricity...the lightning strikes outside would likely keep it well fed. It wasn't likely it could digest them...but when was it going to let them out? Pressing at the cables did nothing for the research android. It wasn't drawing any more power from them, so this position allowed for some extensive data collection for the time being.
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