#i dont usually ever feel this emotional over media but man... im gonna cry here soon i just know it
roaringheat · 1 year
im so close to sobbing what the fuck is this game doing to me
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sukirichi · 3 years
— 💌 ; a love letter from @kyriaan
long post below regarding broken records. cw includes adultery, physical assault, toxic relationships, broken records spoilers, and mature content
[ from the ask ] BROKEN RECORDS ; track 005
Okay! I finally had time to actually sit down and properly read chap 5 cause ill be damned and burned if i dont pay special attention to one of my favorite series here! Rather drown or be sting by bees slowly 😒
🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙃 I for the first time don't even know where to start so allow me to be all over the place cause my emotions are also all over the place with this chapter ✌️
Ill start by y/n's dad caN GO FUCK HIMSELF? Like okay sir you might have fallen in love with our mom (ill give him the benefit of the doubt regarding his feelings) BUT SIR YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN HONEST? FROM THE BEGINNING? ALSO BRUH YOU KIDDING ME??? SIR YOU LEGIT ABANDONED YOUR OTHER DAUGHTER AND THEN YOU PROCESS TO 'LEAVE US' I- YOOOOO I WOULD BITCH SLAP HIM I SWEAR!!
Also ALSO ILL SCREAM FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK NO KID HAS EVER TO BE BLAMED FOR BEING BORN!! Y/n mom's line: 'we have to atone for our sins' its legit BULLSHIT it wad NOT y/n fault her DAD COULDNT KEEP HIS DICK INSIDE HIS PANTS NOR ITS Y/N FAULT THAT HER DAD CHEATED!!! ATONE FOR OUR SINS MY ASS!! the father is the one that has to take responsibility for all this shitty situation we do NOT nor any kid out there in this situation has to be taken accountable by this!!
And now Suna 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 bruh im just gonna cry... Everything he does just makes me heart swell i feel so cozy when i read his parts like how sweet and present he is I- bruh I never had that... Actually seeing y/n breaking up with him when shes clearly falling in love with him just breaks me cause Girl for real Suna would be there for you... I get it shes afraid and shes acting on that fear but girl... Pls he truly loves you deeply not everyone is like your dad. There are happy endings. There are good people Sunas one of them pls 🥺🥺🥺 also MY LOVE TSUMU BEING A SUPPORTIVE FRIEND EVEN THO SUNA GOT THE GIRL BRUH TSUMU I FUCKING LOVE YOU MY CHILDISH YET ADORABLY SMUG BOY 😭😭😭😭😭
Nagisas a bitch btw ✌️ so far i see no redemption not excuse in what she did so far. I get her reasons but that does NOT excuse her behavior. She has to lash out at her cunt of a dad not at a innocent woman who was also a victim all along. Nor even her half sister. I get her mentality behind this but doesnt excuse her behavior at all- its basically the same as being a victim from a bully and playing bully after aswell.
[ from suki ] 
BROKEN RECORDS IS UR FAVE SERIES??? babe pls you’re gonna me cry !! nah nah fr his dishonesty caused all this mess. YEAHA SAKLAA tbh I love mama lucy but her words of ‘atoning for their sins’ or her mindset of ‘we don’t deserve to be happy when we’ve hurt others’ really messed up YN. she was only 21 and vulnerable with all the shambles happening in her family + the sudden assault from nagisa, that when her mother said those words, she struggled to let go of it. to her, it became like a final verdict that dictated how she lived her life.
SUNA URGHHH PLEASE GIVE SUNA A CHANCE HE HAS PURE AND GOOD INTENTIONS BUT I CANT BLAME HER EITHER AHSJAKA. and the comparison of nagisa being a bully’s victim only to become the next bully is true. nagisa should lash out at their shitty excuse of a father. ALSO AAAAHH THE NEXT CHAPTER (007) IS WORSE AHSJKAAL
[ from the ask ] BROKEN RECORDS ; track 005
I know shins attractive I mean mans perfect?? Does he even have any flaw?? And the way he cried when he got his jersey MYGOD FHDHFHFJSKS but I still look at him and im like.... Hmmmm nah i wouldnt date him its just not my... Do i dare say type? Cause i dont think i have a type ghfhfisofbd but like I just 🧍‍♀️
I love him i just dont love him i guess
The makeout scene tho ill give you that 🥵🥵🥵 made me bark (i would still walk out next day like was a good fuck kita byeeee🚉🏃‍♀️💨)
... More drama regarding mari... And you said this will have like 10 chapters... And from 8 on will be angsty.... 🙂 *traumatized noises*
[ from suki ] 
YUUHHH KITA IS PERFECT HERE AHSJKAA IDK MAYBE ITS MY SIMPING FOR NAOYA CONVERTED TO KITA ALREADY BEING PERFECT AS HE ALREADY IS AND I AMPED IT UP BCOS THE SIMP MODE IS ACTIVATED AHSKAA. the make out scene !! pls sir i’m on my knees spare some love in ur heart AAAAAAHHHHHH. also. i assure you. businessman! kita got game. he’s gonna make you walk funny if you give him the chance HSJKA
yeah i just finished writing the outline for track7 right now and the drama is HSJKAA it gave me a headache sobs 
[ from the ask ] BROKEN RECORDS ; track 006
I want to give you my usual thoughts on the new chapter and at the same ahm...
I just saw myself on Suna... Deeply....and it kinda slapped me harder than i was expecting...there were too many things from him giving himself to mari/treating her like he wants to be treated... To deleting his best friend from social media thanks to his girlfriend... And it really hurt me ahah..
I would vent but.. Yeah
But yes this chapter i saw myself in suna and i had to take quite the long breaks cause it was getting to me 😅😅😅 also if anything i learned from my experiences is that MARI SCREAMS RED FLAGS and even Osamu can see that pls
I would honestly end Mari there, i wouldnt even bother to just retort i would walk my way into to the damn apartment and fucking take Suna for myself cause Mari does not deserve him. Shes manipulative, and in a way abusive.. Not allowing him to keep contact with his best friend his a total redflag and o know its because Suna had feelings for y/n and vice versa but Suna never gave het a reason to distrust him.
The moment he said he was best friends with y/n and was single she immediately clinged himself to him and for what? To then dump him like he was trash...
He gave himself to her, he proved he was there for her he even took her back this boy deserves the fucking world and its not Mari...
I kinda want to say it's not y/n at this point either cause the way she broke his heart was kinda the same Mari did.. Y/n disregarded his feelings and just broke it up.. Mari disregarded his feelings abd broke it up... But y/n stated from the very beginning that she would eventually break up Mari just shrugged and didn't care so i can in a way forgive y/n i cant forgive mari
Besides y/n was supportive from the beginning while Mari was obsessive and controlling.
Another really insanely well written chapter as usual (albeit this one making me ball my eyes off harder because yeah) but yes~ eagerly waiting for the next one~
Take your time tho 😌🙌
Mari can go fuck off 💗💓💞💕❣️❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍💯💝💖💋💅
Suna x y/n pls
Y/n deserves to have a healthy love life with someone she loves (hence why npt Kita) and loves her back
And Suna deserve the fucking world and be treated right
[ from suki ] 
NAHHHH cuz when you said suna was treating mari the way he wanted YN to treat her... that’s right. on point. they’re all so complicated sobs. MARI IS A WALKING RED FLAG THAT OSAMU CAN SMELL FROM A MILE AWAY. ALSO yes mari is manipulative and borderline possessive when it came to suna. like yeah, let’s be real, she could tell a long time ago that suna was in love with YN and it made her insecure / jealous, but the whole time, YN kept her distance. she was supportive over their relationship from afar as to make mari comfortable. suna also did everything he could to make sure she was well cared for. for three years, he was focused on her and only her. he gave love a second chance despite being brokenhearted. suna never mari a chance to doubt because he, too, was sure he could be happy with her.
until mari left him.
and now suna is back with YN because they will always have each other. but honestly,,,if we think about it, if mari never broke up with suna or at least gave him the chance to explain himself - if mari didn’t do the exact thing YN did to suna years ago - he honestly would’ve been really happy with mari. they were going well. like yeah mari has always been toxic by pushing suna’s boundaries and asking him to unfollow his own best friend on social media, but he did it anyway. because he trusted their relationship. he wanted the best for them. 
also yeah, the parallels between mari and YN were intentional !! 
thank you for taking the time to send me this, kya, it means a lot to me and it motivates me to work harder on the future chapters !! <33
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cheryllcher · 5 years
how to pop the question
hey so life's been keeping me busy lately and im still gonna be crazy swamped with stuff to do so instead of doing chapter 5 of the seamstress au like i originally planned, im gonna write this lil (okay i mean very very long) one shot instead!! this is based on this post by @buginetta i hope you dont mind!! and hope i didnt go overboard??
"Alyaaaaaaaaa! Help me! What if he's never gonna ask?!"
This is how Marinette found herself one fine evening after a long day at work. Eating ice cream, in her most comfy pjs, and facetiming her best friend while questioning her relationship with her boyfriend.
"Oh come on, M! You and Adrien are like, heads over heels for each other. Everyone can literally feel the cheesiness from 10 miles away," Alya dismissed quickly, trying to get it in her bestie's head that she has nothing to worry about. Typical Mari.
You see, Marinette and Adrien had been dating for almost 10 years, since they accidentally detransformed in front of each other when they were 15. They've been inseparable. Glued to the hip, literally.
And when both were well into university, Adrien brought up the idea of marriage. They both knew that this was it. They were endgame as everyone says. But Marinette, ever the one to think ahead, wanted to wait till their studies were completed and to be financially stable. Adrien complied, never bringing it up again.
Back to present time, Marinette groaned into her pillow. This happened countless of times before, so Alya was used to the sudden "over-thinking about non-existent crisis" calls as she calls them, OTANEC calls for short. Just Marinette having her usual of nonsensical thoughts, non-stop spiralling with a dose of crazy on the side. Ordinary stuff.
"If you really, so desperately want to be engaged with Sunshine already then you should propose. Really, you shouldn't have to wait for guys to propose."
"Omg Alya yes! That's a great idea!"
"Of course cuz it's mine."
"You're the best!"
"I know."
"Thank you!!"
"Yea, yea but you better let me in on your plan."
Two weeks flew by. Marinette was ready so sweep her kitty off his feet--mostly. There was still the pre-proposal jitters that she just cant shake off. She's triple checked everything. Twice! The location, weather(Please be accurate, I'm begging you.), all the itty bitty details. The only thing that can possibly go wrong is an Akuma. Honestly, Hawkmoth doesn't have a schedule or something. Heroes need their beauty sleep and as students their grades! (Thankfully there wasn't one. Thank you Hawkmoth.)
Tick. 6pm: Marinette's pacing. Tikki watches her from her perch beside a stack of cookies. She wishes she could help but Marinette's not gonna listen in her state of creating a road in her bedroom floor . The girl pleads for time to go by faster, faster, faster!
Tock. 6:09pm: Her heart is racing. She opens up her messages again and again, making sure he knows there's a joint patrol tonight. Everytime she sees his reply from 2 night ago, she sighs in relief. Only to open it again a minute later.
Tick. 6:24pm: Hands are shaking, her panic's awaking. Tock. Alya reassures her that everything is fine, but she's like a bomb in a mine.
Tick. 6.50pm: She checks her pocket, where the little black box hides. Tock. She checks again, her thoughts now violent tides. Restless, antsy, going out of her mind. Nervous, rapid breathing, her head's screaming is all she can find. Doubt. Dread. Doom. Oh why, oh why, can't it be just-
Ding! 7pm. The time has arrived. Marinette transforms and races out of the house to do her rounds on her half of the city. She finishes in 10 minutes, a new personal record. She couldn't care less though. There's the weight of her future in her pocket that's just suddenly so heavy. She starts pacing again, waiting for her partner to arrive. Oh gosh, he's taking too long. I'm gonna explode!
Thud. Chat Noir sees his girlfriend and his day just got a hundred times better.
"Wow bugaboo, I've never seen you finish a patrol so fast! What's u-"
But there's something wrong. She's a nervous wreck tonight, eyes impossibly wide with doubt. In fact, her finishing her patrol this quickly probably was the result of it. His cat ears flatten against his messy hair and his expression shifts to one of concern.
"Princess?" He hugs her, noting the way she tenses. As he tugs her down onto the rooftop with him, into his lap and still wrapped up in his warm arms, he asks, "Is everything okay?"
Two seconds passed, before Ladybug wriggles out of his embrace and begins her rambling. He's disappointed at the loss of her warmth, and he has no idea what she is saying as such a speed, but he has a fond smile anyway. God, I love this woman so much.
"And then you are here and look so handsom- Anyway, I have a question."
She pulls out the box, and Chat's eyes widens.
"I forgot my speech but the point is you make my life brighter and I feel like the luckiest human in the world." She opens the box. "Adrien-Chat Noir-Agreste, will you do this Ladybug the honour of marrying her?"
She never got a reply. Only a big, smug, I-won-the-lottery smile on his face, and he is bounding off in the general direction of... his apartment?
Ten minutes later, after a emotional roller coaster from confusion to heartbreak, even detransforming to ask Tikki to explain "Just waddaheck is going on?!", Marinette decided that he was not coming back and she was going to go home to cry about it over a tub of chocolate mint ice cream.
Just as she was about to say the magic words though, she sees a silhouette that she knows all too well jumping on rooftoos towards her. She held her tongue, waiting for an explanation for his sudden departure.
Clearly panting, Chat got on one knee and held up an open box. Marinette's vision blurred.
"Sorry i took so long, m'lady, but i had to dig this up from my drawer. Ahem." He clears his thoat and took a deep breath.
"Marinette-Ladybug-Dupain-Cheng. I have been waiting for the time that you are ready. Now that you are... You are the light on my darkest days, my hope, my life. I love you so much i cant express it with all the vocabulary in the French language. It would make this cat the luckiest man in the world if you would be willing to spend the rest of your life with this stray kitty cat. Marinette, Ladybug, m'lady, bugaboo, princess, will you marry me?"
With tears running down her face, Marinette tackled him. Both slipped the rings on each other's fingers, laughing as they shared a loving kiss. Adrien sweared that he will show it off to everyone he knows, even his fans on social media after a few days. Marinette just simply nuzzled into the crook of his neck.
"Let's go to my place to cuddle Chaton. I have a tub of mint choco ice cream waiting for me to devour in happiness. Don't worry, I know how much you love that flavour too so we can share."
And off they went to Marinette's apartment. Hopefully they remember to change some parts of their proposal story together before they tell anyone to prevent any identity reveals.
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