#i dont wanna sound like a Tortured Intellectual and yeah pp was/is popular but like... the writing in s1 is genuinely brilliant
lieberts · 4 years
@klavoir replied to your post “@klavoir replied to your post “*vigurously nods at all your thoughts...”
!!!!! EXACTLY. Like it‘s not about how they‘ll make the animation ‚better‘ esp with how advanced everything is these days (like if there ever is a remake they‘d 100% use CGI and things like that) but that‘s really not it? It‘s exactly the traditional art itself that makes it authentic and classy that it doesn‘t have to be remade? Like, remaking it would just ruin the whole setting, feel and atmosphere the whole work has.... oh and also!! I‘d recommend reading Pluto first - - and see how it goes since it‘s a lot shorter than 20thCB :0 I hope you enjoy it!! (There should be an anime adaptation of it tho this year but no news until now T_T) omfg WHAT ??? I NEVER KNEW he was underpaid when working for this show? GOD I swear........ heck why.... esp when it was so popular and well made I‘m. It‘s their lost tho yeah but still we could have had it all 😭 ugh imagine a sequel where Sybil is finally being taken down aft yrs aft s1 (& the potential parallels!!!!!) 😭 why
ALSO FJSNYJ LMAO ABOUT KOUGAMI i was trying not to be Biased (ik it wasn‘t a fanservice bc like literally all of us are waiting for him to comeback!! Esp after that s2 opening clickbait smh) his and Akane‘s reunion really hit hard gOD. We were being fed So Well with that movie
djkfhdfhdsf miss me with that cgi shit, i genuinely think that type of animation is so ugly like... yeah i know its easier and cheaper and im not supposed to be shallow and judge the quality of a movie based on how it looks, but it just irks me so much i unapologetically will not watch cgi stuff unless im 100% sure its a masterpiece, i simply cannot...... and the constant fuckign movie remakes oh my goddd society has progressed past the need for movie remakes theyre literally never good
alright, im gonna read pluto first! i have free time at the moment and im not reading anything else, so i might as well FINALLY do it. i know i will like it, i mean its urasawa so?? im sure its gonna be great but im just so lazy when it comes to starting something new it takes me ages to finally sit down and start lmao
godddddd a real pp sequel had such potential because the worldbuilding was done SO WELL in s1 imo and the system wasnt portrayed as a cliche cartoon villain but rather as a thing with genuinely good and genuinely bad sides so the whole conflict about whether it should be destroyed and what the consequences wouldve been was so so so good i cannot believe we will never see this........ and i knowww omg i really love the two of them together (not in the least bit as a romantic pairing tho) and it was such a pleasure to see how much they affected each others character development ugh this show bro
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