#i dont want a redemption arc i want the hot evil elf to remain hot and evil
lmao so apparently the first few chapters of Cursed were released as a sample for reviewers and naturally i wanted to see what those lucky bastards thought (as I don’t have access for the sampler). And then I read that some people think the erlking might be getting a redemption arc. My dudes, the guy murdered children. Not only do I personally not want to see him redeemed, but it will be an unsatisfying conclusion for the entire duology (i.e.: the guy murdered Serilda’s students. Also was the cause of her father’s death. And possibly her mother’s). 
So no matter how awful Perchta or the gods or whoever might me, Erlkönig won’t become a good guy. Aside from him remaining a horrifying villain (very cool!), this is Marissa Meyer we’re talking about. This duology is darker and more mature, sure; but it’s also written by the author who brought to us queen Levana (notoriously commited infanticide). And how did Levana end up? With a bullet in the head. *mic drop*
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