#i dont want to sound like im reinforcing some gender stereotypes here or something but sometimes it's nice to hang out with ppl of ur gende
irregodless · 6 years
ive just been thinking about that guys antifeminism speech for a while
so in case you havent heard, which you havent because this is only something that happened to me basically, in my class this guy in front of me was talking about how he had to give a speech in his next class too (incidentally so did i, but i stopped thinking about it and reading the book required by class to listen)
everything in quotes is paraphrased so keep that in mind, but it captures the essence
he starts by talking about the class and the speech. some friends ask what its about and hes like “its against feminism” and you can hear the “:/” in their silence
the group is a boy a girl and this guy who later in class confessed to eating horse shit. multiple times.
they clearly dont care much about feminism i dont think but theyre like “thats kind of a controversial topic isnt it! you think its going to go well since youre a man?” and shitmallet is all like “see THATS stereotyping and THATS bad.”
except its not because not only have men talking about feminism (particularly why its not good) proven to be awful, but also, they were justified because he was also awful
and like, i know that feminism can be hurtful to trans ladies and woc, but also, this is real life at community college and nobody even realizes these are even things let alone problems. but just hearing someone say “feminism is shit” immediately triggers a response in me like “I Don’t Trust Like That” to think theres a valid reason. its a black and white way of thinking but its telling when someone flat out says its bad, like, entirely. let alone this guy.
anyway he gives a good like two minute talk about how you should imagine a person in your life, a mother, sister, daughter, whatever, who you want to protect. it sounds like the justification people try to use to try and beg men to care about rape by appealing to their sense of family
and he goes “these are all people we want to protect. and im going to tell you all why you should protect them from....... Feminism” and i nearly fuckin DIED i had to hold back laughter
so this is where his argument starts to fall to pieces. understand im only addressing his argument and its lack of merit here. i think it goes without saying its just kind of generally shit
all like
protect yer womenfolk from catchin’ the Thinkin’ Disease, lads
yer womens will know endless untold agony and grief if they learn how shit theyre being treated...
like. as a man. you really dont have a right to be saying “no, honey, im protecting you FROM feminism.” thats kind of like going to pride, telling everyone why pride is bad because it does some things some times and being like “as a straight man i know whats best for gay people”
okay so moving on, he makes the only decent statement he says the whole while which is basically he doesnt like how it furthers the gap between men and women and it turns women into nothing but victims. like. hes got lots of shit missing but hes STARTING to get the point i guess. like. to stop women from being victims. but hes trying to do that by....... silencing the women
i guess women cant be victims if? nobody knows they are???
but heres where we get some fuckin good ol logical fallacies n shit
“its the mens jobs to look after the women” okay so: reinforcing gender roles. putting a gender role on yourself that youll just complain about for being expected to take care of women. you think women shouldnt be treated like helpless victims and should be able to (kind of) think and speak for themselves, and yet, you think that they HAVE to have men there to take care of them.
like can we just think on that for a minute
women shouldnt be treated like they cant take care of themselves. and we should accomplish that by not letting women take care of themselves
like just?????? how do you NOT see the contradiction. i wish i was his teacher. i dont think you can give him a bad grade for having a differing opinion but you can DEF tear him about for not having his shit together
which might nto be fair considering you might not focus on that if it was something you agreed with. but also, consider the following: fuck this guy
but like then he goes on about how “yeah i dont want to like remove womens right to vote or anything, but feminism is garbage now. feminism started off with good reasons [though i wonder if hed been born at that time if he wouldnt say “dont you miss it when women and children were seen and not heard?”] and its this third and fourth wave feminism thats shit.” and then he says, now get this, “i dont like all this nonsense with not wearing shirts and” pause for dramatic effect. “dyeing their hair green and shit.”
i like it when women do things as long as its things i like like being guilted into sleeping with me and throwing their lives away and making me breakfast
i dont like it when women do things i dont personally approve of >:(((((
like i genuinely wonder if he thinks that the hairdye is directly related to it, or if hes just saying like. its something that tends to happen around this generation of feminism
but GOD i hope he thinks women are dyeing their hair to personally spite him i can only fucking HOPE
anyway he closes it and the man with a copy of dbz on his backpack and the woman with a uninteresting voice are like “wow i was worried at first but you made good points.......................”
and im just writing half of it down and messaging izzy and justin about it because i cannot BELIEVE
like im just. so lost and dumbfounded at how shit that argument was. and also that hes apparently so offended by women not wearing shirts.
i just. im just. i wish i was in a debate class with him so i could tear him down
but im too lame of an ally to talk out about people in real life because im scared and dont have a chance to prepare which will lead to me either shouting crying or both and not having ANY of my facts together (not that it matters apparently considering you can just say whatever you want apparently)
also he says "men have problems too" and i almost rocketed into the sun
this speech was written by one of the founders of the republic of gilead i swear
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