yourtemponashville · 7 months
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yourtemponashville · 7 months
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yourtemponashville · 7 months
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yourtemponashville · 7 months
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yourtemponashville · 1 year
The Top Ten Ways to Support Musicians and Songwriters
To say the music industry has changed significantly in the last couple of decades is an understatement. There are a few people remaining on the planet who remember the excitement of rushing to a "record store" to purchase the latest vinyl LP from a favorite band. And many remember calling local radio stations to request a recent hit. 
Fast forward many years to today, when technology has turned the music industry upside down. Scribbled notes of song lyrics have been replaced by music publishing software, and concert tours are organized through artist booking platforms. What is the common denominator between outdated music anecdotes and terminology and the music innovations in the digital age?  
The root of this question lies with people- the artists, singers, songwriters, players, and bands. The answer lies with the musicians who drive the music industry by writing songs, composing music, recording albums, and performing concert after concert. 
And they deserve support now more than ever.
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How Has the Music Industry has Changed
The music industry has undergone significant changes due to the rise of the internet and digital technology. Here are a few keyways in which the music business is different today than it was in the past: 
•     The shift from physical media like CDs and vinyl to digital distribution through online platforms like iTunes, Amazon Music, and Spotify. 
•     Independent distribution is easier for independent artists to make their music available directly to consumers without relying on record labels. 
•     The internet and popular social media platforms, like Instagram and TikTok, have made music promotion easier for independent artists to build a following. 
•     Music streaming services have transformed how music is consumed and monetized, generating new options for revenue.
•     The music industry now uses analytics to access vast amounts of data targeting consumer behavior and preferences.
•     Live performances are more important than ever as a revenue source, especially with the decline of recorded music sales. 
How You Can Support Musicians and Songwriters 
The support musicians needed used to only come in the form of purchasing albums or buying a concert ticket. As stated above, we know the times have changed; therefore, our behavior and actions must change if musicians and songwriters can continue to earn a living and share their craft. Let's look at ways everyone can employ to support their favorite artists.   
Purchase their music.
Buying the music of your favorite musicians and bands supports them financially. Purchase albums or singles in physical or digital formats from various online platforms or purchase physical CDs and vinyl from brick-and-mortar retailers. Some artists have generated new interest in vinyl albums, so these options are often available.    
Attend their shows.
Go to their solo performances, club dates, concerts, festivals, songwriters’ nights, and album showcases. Buy tickets and show up. It is just that easy. You can also encourage friends to attend and spread the word about upcoming shows.   
Share their music.
Gone are the days when sharing music was you and your friends listening to Dark Side of the Moon with the lights out. Sharing music has never been easier or more effective. By consistently sharing and recommending songs and albums on social media platforms with family, friends, and THE WORLD can spread the word about musicians with lightning speed, thus building their fan base and generating income from their revenue options. 
Stream their music.
Fans can also support musicians and songwriters by streaming their music from platforms like Spotify or Apple Music. While the monetary payout for streaming is generally lower than purchasing music, streaming can still help increase popularity, exposure, and revenue. 
Donate to crowdfunding campaigns.
Many musicians and songwriters use Kickstarter, Patreon, and GoFundME to raise money for their projects. While trying to earn a living to pay general living expenses, musicians must purchase and maintain instruments and other equipment, pay for recording studio time, and travel to shows. Donating to their campaigns can add to their financial support and help them bring their music to life.    
Stay in the know.
Many musicians and songwriters have fan clubs, newsletters, and social media alerts. By becoming members of these information channels, fans can stay up to date on the latest releases, shows, and other news.   
Search locally.
Musicians and songwriters are everywhere, even in your own neighborhood. While big music towns like Nashville, New York, or Los Angeles have many clubs and venues, smaller cities and towns also have spaces to showcase local talent. Taking the time to seek out musicians and songwriters just starting out helps generate the buzz about their music. When clubs are filled with fans, artists get another chance to do what they love and build their careers. 
Purchase the Merch.
Think about it. How many shirts do you own with artist logos, names, and album covers emblazoned across the front and back? Buying artists’ merchandise like shirts, caps, stickers, and posters can significantly add to their income and advertise their brand.   
Who is Singing that Song?
The increase in television streaming services means an increase in the number of shows, which in turn means more opportunities for artists to have their music played. Have you ever watched a show and heard a song that caught your attention but did not know who was singing it? From song identification apps to Google searches, music lovers can discover artists. Then a snowball effect can occur when the music is streamed, purchased, and shared across multiple platforms. 
Support the Arts.
This statement may seem simplistic, but it holds incredible power for all songwriters, musicians, ensembles, and bands. Support the arts for current artists and the musical talent of the future. Advocate for music programs in schools and encourage students to sing and play instruments. This continued support will ensure that music and musicians will remain an essential part of our lives.    
The music industry has adopted innovative approaches to advancing musicians' careers, like using music publishing software and all-encompassing artist booking agencies. But overall, supporting musicians and songwriters requires a combination of financial and non-financial support from an engaged fanbase. Whether buying their music, attending their shows, or sharing their music with others, every display of support can help musicians and songwriters earn the living they deserve and continue to create great music.
For More Information visit us: The Top Ten Ways to Support Musicians and Songwriters
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yourtemponashville · 1 year
Tips for Taking Care of Your Instruments While on the Road
Summer travel season is upon us, which means making to-do lists and packing suitcases in anticipation of a weekend getaway or a more extended vacation. We carefully fold clothing and ensure that all toiletries are closed and secure. These might be typical tasks for the basic traveler, but a concert booking agency knows that summer means something entirely different for touring musicians and bands.
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After a rather long pandemic-related hiatus, music touring around the United States and internationally is in full swing. It is important to remember that touring is work and not a vacation. Traveling from one location and venue to the next is hard on musicians and their instruments, especially in different climates and environments. Tour management can convey to musicians and bands some best practices for caring for instruments while on tour. Music business software solutions allow for combining innovations in touring logistics and practical instrument care advice to launch successfully managed events.  
Down the Street and Around the World 
Whether a gig is in your neighborhood or a continent away does not matter. All musical instruments require expert care, so they always function at peak performance.  
Making a Case for Cases 
It is important to invest in a proper case. A sturdy, hardshell case is essential for protecting your instruments while traveling. Have you ever seen airline employees handling your luggage? Now imagine them handling the most expensive investment in your craft. Various kinds of cases are available, but hard-sided cases can withstand the bumps, jostling, and drops that can occur when moving them from place to place. 
Make sure cases are also well-padded inside as an added layer of protection during transport. Look for cases specifically designed for your type of instrument and consider investing in cases with TSA-approved locks. And for additional security, ensure that all cases have identification tags with contact details in situations of loss or damage. 
The Art of Proper Packing 
It is fair to say we all know that one person can pack everything they need in a suitcase with room to spare or fit everything into a car like a jigsaw puzzle. These same skills should be applied to packing musical instruments. When packing instruments for traveling one day or an extended tour, make sure they are secured inside the case. Remove any detachable parts or accessories that might prevent a tight fit and wrap them separately in bubble wrap or cloth. It is also important not to overpack cases as this may place undue stress on the instruments leading to damage.      
It is Not Always a Dry Heat 
Fluctuations in temperature and humidity can damage instruments, especially when changes are extreme. Your tour management should conduct a little research on the average climate and weather of the locations on your tour. Instruments must avoid extreme temperature and humidity conditions to maintain their musical integrity. Avoid direct sunlight and contact with water. Storing and traveling with instruments in a climate-controlled environment is preferable whenever possible.   
Now It is a Dry Heat 
When addressing the high temperatures in states like Arizona, New Mexico, and Nevada, we often hear climate observations about it being "a dry heat." Well, dry heat is still heat and can wreak havoc on musical instruments. Just like extreme humidity can cause damage, no moisture can also cause problems. Consider using a humidifier to keep instruments from drying out. This is an especially critical best practice for wood instruments like guitars, upright basses, and violins.  
Squeaky Clean and Damage-Free 
Regularly cleaning your instrument can help prevent damage and prolong its lifespan. During a summer tour, cleaning should be a regular part of your instrument maintenance to avoid problems before they occur and correct any damage that may be found. Use lint-free cloths to wipe down instruments before and after each use, and always avoid using any harsh chemicals or abrasive materials. 
While cleaning your instruments, check for signs of any damage that may have occurred during transport. Look for cracks, scratches, warping, loose strings, and broken drumheads. Address issues immediately to avoid further damage and to prevent problems from interfering with the quality of the live performance.
Your Voice is an Instrument Too 
While most of us think about safely transporting instruments like guitars, basses, violins, drums, and pianos, it is crucial to include an instrument that sometimes may be ignored- your singing voice. It can be delicate and fragile, thus requiring some extra care to keep it ready for every note. It is important to stay hydrated by drinking a lot of water and avoiding caffeine which can cause dehydration. Other bad habits affecting vocal quality should be avoided, like smoking and drinking alcohol. Warm up your voice before a performance, just like you would stretch your muscles before exercising. Try to avoid misusing your voice by excessive talking or yelling. Finally, it is essential to rest your body from head to toe, which will, in turn, protect your voice.    
Fine-Tuning Instrument Care 
Your artist booking agency or concert booking agency can assist musicians and bands with practical information to keep instruments sounding fantastic and a long-awaited summer tour to proceed smoothly. Instrument care requires a little extra effort, but it is well worth it to protect your investment and ensure high-quality performance.
For More Information visit us: Tips for Taking Care of Your Instruments While on the Road
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yourtemponashville · 1 year
Best Tips for Staying Organized and Healthy During Summer Tours
Ah, the summer concert tour season—the time when music fills the air and fans unite to celebrate the magic of live performances. For musicians, bands, and touring staff, these tours are both exhilarating and demanding. With the adrenaline-fueled rush of performing night after night, it is easy for everyone involved in such grueling schedules to forget about staying organized and maintaining good health.
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But fear not artists, musicians, crew members, and booking agencies, for we have compiled the best tips to keep you on top of your game during the summer concert tours. This blog post will explore the wonders of booking agency software and other organizational hacks that will ensure you have a blast while staying organized and healthy while on the road and entertaining all of your fans. 
The Power of Booking Agency Software
As a musician or band gearing up for a summer tour, the booking process is one of the most crucial aspects. This is where booking agency software comes to your rescue. Such a platform offers a seamless and efficient way to handle gig scheduling, manage contracts, and coordinate with venues and promoters. By using a booking management platform, you can streamline your tour schedule, track performance details, and stay ahead of the game, eliminating any last-minute chaos. 
Collaborative Planning and Communication
Touring involves a myriad of moving parts, and effective communication is the key to success. Create a centralized communication channel using your booking management platform, where everyone involved in the tour can easily collaborate. Regularly update each other on changes, progress, and challenges during the tour. Keeping everyone in the loop fosters a sense of camaraderie and ensures that everyone is on the same page, enhancing efficiency and minimizing misunderstandings. 
Prioritize Rest and Self-Care
Summer concert tours can be demanding, both physically and mentally. These characteristics are particularly evident during this time of year because of soaring temperatures across the country. It is crucial to prioritize rest and self-care to avoid illness, injuries, fatigue, and burnout. Ensure you have downtime between gigs, allowing yourself and your crew to recharge and recuperate. Encourage healthy habits like regular exercise, balanced meals, plenty of hydration, and enough sleep to maintain peak performance throughout the tour.
Embrace Mindfulness and Meditation
The life of a touring artist or musician can be fast-paced and overwhelming at times. Consider incorporating mindfulness and meditation practices into your daily routine to stay grounded and centered. Meditating for a few moments each day can help reduce stress, increase focus, and boost overall well-being. Plus, it is an excellent way to keep the creativity and productivity process active and engaged.
Stay Hydrated and Eat Well
This advice is mentioned above, but it is worth mentioning in more detail because it is so important to overall health. On-the-road food choices can sometimes be limited and unhealthy. Be mindful of the selections you make. Sometimes a bit of comfort food seems like the right idea when you may feel tired or homesick. But the reality is that unhealthy food choices can be especially detrimental physically and mentally. Look for options that are fresh and unprocessed. Try to vary your food choices so you get a range of nutritious meals or snacks. Make an effort to stay hydrated and opt for lots of water rather than sugary drinks whenever possible. Carry reusable water bottles and healthy, easy-to-manage snacks with you to keep energy levels up and ensure you are ready to rock the stage each night!
Get Enough Sleep
Sleep is essential for musicians and touring staff alike, but it can be challenging when schedules seem all over the place. It is easy to fall into the trap of late-night socializing or long drives, but sleep deprivation can take a toll on your health and performance. Make sleep a priority, even if it means adjusting your schedule slightly. A well-rested artist or crew member will be more creative, productive, and ready to give their best on stage.
Organize Your Merchandise
Merchandise sales can be a significant source of income during tours. Keep your merchandise organized and readily accessible by using labeled bins or containers. This way, you will save time searching for specific items, and fans can easily find and purchase their favorite merch to commemorate their experiences. Additionally, consider using a digital payment system for merchandise sales to speed up transactions, minimize cash handling, and relieve yourself of this worry.
Plan For Emergencies
No matter how well-organized your tour is, unexpected emergencies can still arise. Have contingency plans in place for possible issues like equipment malfunctions, travel delays, or health emergencies. Make sure you have necessary items like phone chargers, booking agency contact information, and medication. Knowing what to do in these situations will help you handle them calmly and efficiently, ensuring minimal disruption to your tour schedule and avoiding any health or safety issues.
Connect with Fans and Take Breaks
Summer concert tours are an excellent opportunity to connect with your fans on a personal level. Remember, you are on the road because of your fans. Engage with them through social media, post behind-the-scenes glimpses, and interact with them at meet-and-greet events. These connections can foster loyalty and turn casual fans into devoted followers. Additionally, remember to take short breaks during long drives to explore new places or enjoy local attractions. It's a great way to recharge and find inspiration in the world around you.
As you embark on your summer concert tour, armed with the organizational help of your booking agency software and these top-notch tips, you and your team are destined for a sensational journey. Staying organized and healthy will not only boost your performance, but also ensure that you create unforgettable memories for yourselves and your fans. So, rock on, and let the music guide you on this extraordinary adventure!
For More Information visit us: Best Tips for Staying Organized and Healthy During Summer Tours
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yourtemponashville · 1 year
How Songwriters Boost Creativity
Do you ever wonder how artists find their muse—the ethereal source of creativity that inspires what painters depict with their brushes, what great actors convey with a word or a glance, and what songwriters feel to craft heartfelt lyrics and unforgettable melodies? As a songwriter, harnessing creativity is not always as simple as flipping a switch. There are days when the words flow effortlessly, and melodies dance with ease in your mind.
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And then there are times when the blank page stares back, seemingly mocking your creative aspirations. This blog post will explore the mystical realm of creativity and reveal a few secrets to boost your songwriting prowess, including technological innovations like Publishing Pro software- a music business solution designed for songwriters. So, grab your pen, tune your guitar, and let's embark on a journey to unleash your musical genius! 
Embrace the Art of Free Writing
When you feel stuck or devoid of inspiration, embrace the liberating art of free writing. Set aside time each day to write without restrictions or expectations. Allow your thoughts to flow freely onto the page, even if they seem unrelated or disconnected. The process of free writing helps clear your mind, silence your inner critic, and unearth hidden gems that can later be woven into captivating lyrics.
Seek Inspiration from the World Around You
The beauty of creative inspiration is that it can occur anywhere and at any time without rhyme or reason. Creativity often lies dormant until it is sparked by the world around us, often in unexpected places or circumstances. Take walks in nature, visit art galleries, attend concerts, and immerse yourself in different cultures. Pay attention to the smallest details and the most significant moments. The beauty and complexity of life can become a treasure trove of inspiration for your songwriting.  
Create a Sacred Songwriting Space
Designate a special space solely for your songwriting endeavors—a sacred sanctuary where creativity can flow unhindered. Surround yourself with elements that inspire you, such as musical instruments, artwork, or sentimental objects. Include things that bring you comfort or evoke memories. The moment you enter this space, your mind will associate it with creativity, helping to channel your focus and ignite your creative fire.
Collaborate and Brainstorm
Elton John and Bernie Taupin. Carole King and Gerry Goffin. Burt Bacharach and Hal David. These writing partners are the epitome that two heads are better than one. Collaboration can be a potent source of creativity, and these names should inspire collaboration. Reach out to fellow musicians or songwriters and engage in brainstorming and writing sessions. The synergy of ideas can spark new concepts, styles, and approaches you may have yet to discover on your own. Embrace the collective creative energy and let it take your songwriting to new heights.
Embrace Vulnerability and Authenticity
Some of the most powerful songs resonate deeply with audiences because they stem from vulnerability and authenticity. Being an artist can make you feel raw and exposed. Feel free to draw from personal experiences and emotions when writing your lyrics. Share your truth with the world, and you will find that your songs reflect the human experience, striking a chord with listeners on a profound level.
Set Goals and Deadlines and Keeping Track of Songs
We have to talk a bit about staying organized and focused, which can be difficult if pulled in many directions. Using music industry software to help catalog your songwriting is paramount in today’s digital age. Don’t be afraid to utilize this incredible tool. Also, creativity can be fickle, and inspiration doesn't always strike at the most opportune moments. To combat this, set realistic goals and deadlines for your writing endeavors. A structured timeline can provide the motivation to push through creative blocks and keep the momentum going. As you achieve your goals, you'll gain a sense of accomplishment that fuels further creativity.
Learn from the Masters
Study the works of songwriting legends who have left an indelible mark on the music industry. Keep in mind that some of your favorite songs may not have been written by the person singing or performing. Many songwriters achieve enormous success but may not always be a household name. Analyze songwriters’ lyrics, melodies, and song structures. Learn from their techniques and use them as a foundation to develop your own unique style. Remember, even the greatest artists once stood where you are now, seeking to unlock their creative potential.
Experiment with Songwriting Techniques
Don't confine yourself to a single approach or formula. Experiment with different songwriting techniques to keep your creativity fresh and vibrant. Try writing lyrics first and then crafting melodies around them, or vice versa. Explore various chord progressions, rhythms, and song structures. The more you diversify your methods, the greater your creative repertoire becomes.
Record and Reflect on Your Ideas
Capture every musical idea that comes your way. Carry a voice recorder or use music publishing software to document or record snippets of melodies, lyrics, or chord progressions whenever inspiration strikes. Later, listen to these recordings, and you may discover hidden gems or sparks of creativity upon which you can expand. 
In the enchanting realm of songwriting, creativity is both a gift and a skill that can be nurtured and developed. By embracing the art of free writing, seeking inspiration from the world around you, and creating a sacred songwriting space, you open the floodgates to boundless creativity. Collaboration, authenticity, and experimentation are your allies on this songwriting journey to unlock your musical genius. There are numerous tools at your fingertips like Publishing Pro, music industry software, so take advantage of these digital innovations.
Let your imagination soar, and may your songs become timeless melodies that resonate in the hearts of listeners for generations to come. Happy songwriting!
For More Information visit us: How Songwriters Boost Creativity
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yourtemponashville · 2 years
Why Time Management Is Crucial for Musicians
It is essential for musicians to manage their time effectively. By using time management, you can make the most out of every moment of your day. However, it's not as simple as it seems.
With the advent of easy-to-use end-to-end technology, there is a revolution in the way events are organized and prepared. Your Tempo provides four music business solutions to refine and support experts in the field. To free up more time for them to spend making music and sharing it with the world, they have always worked to make the processes for booking agents, tour management, talent-buying software, crew, and song publishers as simple as possible. The procedures of booking agencies, tour management, talent-buying software, crew, and music publishers have thus been streamlined.  
One of the numerous advantages of contemporary software is the ability to use shortcuts, especially for repeated operations. It used to take days to complete specific activities and processes, but now it just takes a few hours. Music tour managers are among the many professions that may make use of these advantages. Specialized tour management software is now available to managers, increasing the overall operational effectiveness of their business. Here are just a few instances of how Tour Pro alters the landscape of music industry management software.
Ways Music Management Software Helps Musicians to Manage Time
By locating all the important information for you and your team in one place, YourTempo's Tour Pro reduces the amount of time needed for manual organizational duties. The tour management software consolidates all calendars into one, eliminating the need for several, independent calendars. All authorized users have central access to this integrated calendar. Your crew can go over show times and notes information. The calendar allows you to attach papers, so everyone can get the information they need without asking for more paper copies or clarification. The same holds true for dress rehearsals, public appearances, bus calls, and other occasions.  
As it includes the ability to incorporate vacation days, blacked-out days, and travel days, this calendar may also serve as a work schedule. You may quickly acquire a final count by taking a quick look at the calendar if you need to arrange how many staff members, you'll have available on a certain tour day. This removes the effort of getting in touch with each person, setting up times and dates, or scrambling at the last minute to get coverage because of staffing shortages or organizational issues. Your usage of the calendar will be more effective and clearer thanks to integrated options for color coding and sorting by event type for dates and events. Don't forget that you may add event-specific information to each crucial date on the calendar.
Streamlining Communication  
Communication is crucial to the overall success of any tour management endeavor. This is valid for both large-scale and small-scale events; even a small number of people who are not on the same page can cause serious execution problems. Even when there are last-minute changes, Tour Pro makes it simple to make sure the correct people receive the right information. Each one of them has a separate area that is specifically for that purpose, and these sections have many of the same characteristics as day sheets. Printing, viewing as PDFs, emailing to your team, and adding notes are all options for your documents.  
In order to further increase efficiency, you can even print the names of your guests directly onto envelopes and labels. Choosing who has access to guest lists, adding requests for automated approvals, and controlling who is permitted to request their own guest tickets are all things you may do as an administrator. When any of these events take place, you can even get alerts. Analysis, cost and revenue evaluations, and identifying potential development opportunities for the following quarter are all made simpler as a result.
Increases Efficiency
Tasks that frequently take too much time to do manually may be done more quickly using Tour Pro. The administrative side of things will take up less of your and your team's time. Instead, you may focus your efforts on creating a successful tour, which is what you do best. Your team's ability to collaborate will eventually increase if you stay organized and on top of communication. You'll spend less time on administrative tasks overall and run your business more efficiently.
Thanks to technology, live music is keeping up with the times. By utilizing music management software, you will be able to handle scheduling more quickly and effectively, improve accuracy by using real-time data, and increase productivity by maximizing your resources. You can contact their industry specialists at YourTempo for more information if you're interested in tour management software. You can maximize the success of your upcoming tour with Your Tempo.
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yourtemponashville · 2 years
Did You Know Our Booking Software Is Customizable?
It may be extremely expensive to break an artist into the music industry; handling artist bookings requires skill, attention to detail, and a high level of organization. Numerous site visits are necessary, and numerous stakeholders must be coordinated. The market can be cutthroat. Therefore, using efficient artist booking agency software is essential for your company rather than handling everything manually and running the risk of mistakes.
Keeping track of everything, from your earnings to upcoming performances, is one of the most important components of handling artist engagements. You may achieve that and much more with the aid of booking management software.  
Some of the top booking agency software is available from YourTempo. They have a solution that can lessen your effort and streamline the present procedures in your company, whether you need help with booking artists or managing current ones. Since its start, they have had success with our music industry management software, and the same is true of their booking software. Utilizing their tools has several benefits, one of which is the customization they provide. You should be able to afford software that is customized to your business's demands. Your Tempo team avoids the one-size-fits-all strategy by addressing unique software requirements and putting in place designs that are tailored to you. The following are some advantages of adaptable booking management software.
Advantages of Adaptable Booking Management Software
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Streamlines Everything
Many tasks that often require a lot of time, may be automated with the correct booking agency software. This involves scheduling appointments, accepting reservations, and informing clients on their reservations, all of which are expedited by the program. Additionally, it implies that managers will have more time to plan how to expand their artist management company.  
In order to save time, high-quality software also enables you to build templates for automated operations like reports and invoicing. Then, without changing many specifics each time, you may utilize these templates frequently across your clients.
Client Satisfaction
Keeping your clientele satisfied is one of the most important components of managing musicians. This entails keeping them informed about the concerts they are interested in and learning their preferences for upcoming performances. The ideal booking agency software should include an integrated messaging system that enables quick and simple client communication. You can keep track of how many messages have been delivered, as well as who has read and received each message, using the program. Because the program will accomplish this automatically, you won't need to ask your customers if they are aware of their reservations.
Less Paper Involved
Because you have to keep track of how many concerts an artist has played, the genre of music they are performing, and their pricing for each gig, managing artist bookings may take a lot of time. Because it offers a simple way to handle your artists and bookings as well as a system that maintains track of all previous transactions, booking agency software can help you in this situation. Therefore, you won't need to worry about the paperwork because the program will handle everything for you, including recording receipts and informing clients of their appointments.
Easy to Delegate
Because you must be present while managing your performers during concerts, it might be stressful. You may assign your staff members duties like informing clients and creating reservations when you use the proper booking agency software. Since the program gathers all the data in one location, you can send someone else who has access to this real-time data instead of having to manually watch everything at every show. The program also has the advantage of saving money and time. For instance, by automating procedures like updating customer information and producing timely reports, you may devote more time to business development efforts, increasing the agency's profit.
Better Access
When managers and their artists use superior booking agency software, they frequently have more contact with venues and event planners. Business owners may enhance their prospects and book more gigs, boosting their revenue, when managers can transmit the specifics of their artists' availability to all venues and event organizers in a certain area, provided they have consent from their clients. When managers have more artists and dates to book for performances, they may bargain better rates with venues and event planners. Additionally, this increases competition among managers for booking the same venues or events compared to other businesses.
Managers and their clients may benefit from a number of advantages thanks to artist booking agency software, which simplifies things for everyone. The greatest reservation software is available from Your Tempo. You may alter everything in your program with their customization services. They can revamp your contract's look and feel, or they can write brand-new reports just for you. Their program is made with the intention of simplifying your life. Reach out to Your Tempo for more information.
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yourtemponashville · 2 years
Simplify Booking Management with an All-in-One Solution
Gone are the days when we were managing everything on paper. Carrying those heavy files and managing piles of papers. At times it used to get very confusing and frustrating. As the world has started moving towards digitalization, every industry and its working patterns are now already switched and shifting to the digital world.  
The same is the case with booking management; earlier the booking was managed verbally on-call or face-to-face meeting. Also, some are used to document the booking and manage it. But this was not considered ideal. Many times,  artists didn't remember the dates and booked some other venue on the same date or some other undesired issues. Thus, to create a solution and manage every minute detail from the organizer side as well as the artist side, booking management software simplified the process with its’ all-in-one solution.  
Booking management provides solutions to many issues and enables us to make an event the talk of the town. There are booking agencies who provide us with some technologically advanced booking management software that simplifies the process by keeping the artist and organizers on the same page. There are many benefits of using booking management software and we have an all-in-one solution for the same. So, let's explore more about the booking management software and how it will be an all-in-one solution.  
Ways booking management software works to simplify booking management with an all-in-one solution:
Saves time and money
Lack of communication happens so many times that the manager needs to call again and again or text different artists of the band to meet up at a venue on a specific date and time. Still, many times artists fail to take it into consideration. But with the booking management software, it can be handled easily. The software shows every detail on both the side to the artists and the managers and saves lots of time. Also, it is easy on the pocket to get all-in-one booking software once and the rest of the task is managed. So, no more spending money on calling, texting or reaching them to some place to meet face to face.  
Handling cancellation
The software allows the manager or the organizer to know which artist is available on which date and book accordingly so that event cancellations can be avoided. Also, if there are some unpredicted circumstances under which the event is not going to get canceled, the same information is accessed by the artists and managers. So, the issue of not answering the call or any such thing will not occur. Thus, with the instant cancellation or any such information, communication is done instantly. In this way, the booking management software makes it easier for the organizers and managers.  
Musicians get more gigs
The booking management software enables you to show pre-bookings and keeps you updated when there is empty space and when it is booked. Also, other than the venue, timing, organizers, event, and everything else, is controlled by the software itself. Looking to booking software, one can book more gigs and manage it in the best way possible. Thus, it is easy to get more gigs as the rest of the things are manageable.  
Maintaining calendar
The booking management software also has a calendar built-in which can show the details about which band or artist is available on which date. Also, as mentioned earlier, the manager, organizer or artist can also get informed about the time, date, and venue of the event. So, one can easily schedule their events and make bookings just by monitoring the calendar.  
Keep everything in sync
To simplify booking with management with an all-in-one solution, the management booking software enables you to synchronize everything in one place. From dates and venues, to organizers, managers, artists, musicians, touring schedules and more, managers can just open the software and receive the details without using multiple platforms for confirmation of the details. Thus, booking management software syncs everything in one place and reduces the trouble for everyone in the process.  
The above-mentioned are the ways booking management software can simplify scheduling with an all-in-one solution. In this manner, the booking management software eases the management process by providing simple solutions to meet up to a great and successful event in all. Thus, anyone would like to opt for something that helps in managing everything on the desk and getting the task done in simple clicks. If you are looking for agencies that can provide you with booking management software and ease your burden, then Your Tempo provides you with the perfect solution for you. So, contact Your Tempo for more details and sync everything with their booking management solutions.
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yourtemponashville · 2 years
How Booking Management Software Is Making the World of Music Better
The needs of music industry professionals have adapted with the integration of more technology and applications into the field. Clients and agencies alike are transitioning into a more software-based style of work. Modern booking agency software and booking agency platforms allow professionals ease of access whenever, wherever.
Booking management software has helped give the industry the extra push it needs to boom, and there are several ways that it has grown integral to the success of the music world. YourTempo knows firsthand how music business management software can revolutionize the way your agency operates and succeeds. Here’s a few reasons you should take a closer look at it!
Organize Your Data With Booking Management Software
Instead of using multiple different platforms to organize your client, venue, and organizer data, YourTempo offers booking management software that consolidates this data into a single hub. You can take advantage of several features including:
Calendar Viewing
View prior and upcoming events. Avoid overbooking or double- booking by setting up schedule blocks and holds. Set up routing sheets, artist availability, and itineraries in one convenient location.
Deal Records
View a table that contains deals you’ve made with buyers and venues to manage your potential bookings at specific venues.
Client Information
View all pertinent client, event, and venue details from a single location inside of the booking agency software. This includes all contact information (for easier and more efficient communication), and specific venue information. You can thoroughly prep for events beforehand by accessing venue dimensions, amenities, and even parking details.
Catalogs allow you intuitive and simple access to song information (including audio and lyrics). You have the ability to add and edit up to a maximum of 10 audio versions per uploaded song title. You can also create playlists and pitch them directly from the “catalog” page. Beyond that, all information regarding writers/co-writers, creation date, type of demo, lyrics, audio and more are available in one spot in your software. You always have the ability to sort and search through your catalog on your booking agency platform. You can print anything you need or simply export it directly to excel.
Admin Page
The admin page shows you any and all writer/co-writer, copyright, admin, publisher, and ownership splits information. From this section, you can view Schedule A and Copyright Assignment information. You will have the ability to upload additional notes and documents. Beyond that, you can easily access the song holds, cuts, and syncs history. If you need this data on the go (or sent to someone else), this section has the capability for Excel exporting or quick printing.
Build and Maintain Structure with Booking Management Software
Regardless of the number of clients you manage, your work will get chaotic without the proper structure and systems in place. A booking agency platform is designed to organize the information you need on a daily basis and keep it easily accessible.
Tracking and Reporting
Music business management software allows for several beneficial programs, one of the most helpful being the ability to track upcoming and received deposits. You can keep up with your artist’s accounts, revenue, and even review agency/agent’s commissions. From there, take advantage of tools that help you review the most successful and unsuccessful events you’ve had. Take a look at walk amounts, venue commentary, and overall attendance. Enter in your own personalized post-show notes, include walk amounts, and review up-to-the-minute revenue reports. After you’ve reviewed this event information, take a look at your upcoming, canceled, and rejected shows and filter by date.
Offer Submissions
Streamline the offer submission process through a single page set up with a user-friendly submission form. This form pulls from personal data already stored elsewhere in your booking agency software, so it will automatically populate the offer form from your contacts database. You can customize offers by adding radius clauses, backline, show specifics, and expiration dates. Once you’re finished with the final touches, email offers directly from the offer submission page.
Advance Sheets
You can adjust the process of advance sheet review by keeping all of the artists’ advance information consolidated in one place. Add detailed time schedules for meet and greets, load-in times, and sound checks for the day of the event. Take it a step further and export the PDF for your contacts and production team on the day of your event. This feature of booking management software will help your event go smoother, relay any last-minute adjustments, and keep everyone on the same page for scheduling.
Pitch, Playlist, and Pitch Logs
The best Music business management software will organize the way you conduct your pitches. Publishing Pro by YourTempo enables you to pitch playlists and songs from a single hub. You have the option to send personalized messages and signatures with the pitch. Each pitch includes downloadable links and automatically attached lyrics. If you want, you can attach additional photos and documents. Your pitch will open a personally branded player for the reviewer, and you will be able to track whether it has been opened, unopened, how many plays it has received, and if there were any downloads. All pitches are automatically added to your pitch log, or master list of all pitches sent.
Revolutionize Your Agency
We’ve only scraped the surface when it comes to the capabilities of booking management software. The options are almost endless and help agencies transform their current processes and organization. This helps the world of music save time, minimize costs, elevate their communication, and decrease a commonly dreaded aspect of business: paperwork. Having the ability to focus more of your energy elsewhere will help you boost customer satisfaction and give you the time to do what you do best: create. Take a look at YourTempo and chat with us today about which software might be the best fit for you!
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yourtemponashville · 2 years
Managing Musicians Just Got a Whole Lot Easier
Like any business sector, scaling your company within the music industry requires time, labor, and money. Expanding your business should be exciting– yet with the headaches of growing pains, it can be stressful and exhausting. YourTempo is a company focused on cultivating the best music business solutions. Our team of industry professionals has used their cumulative expertise to create a variety of programs to streamline your music business: talent buying software, music publishing software, booking management software, and even tour management software. From inception into show-stopping performances, there's a digital solution to help guide you along the way. They’ll simplify your daily tasks and make it easier to spend your energy on the bottom line: the musicians.
Getting Started: Booking Management Software Perks
No matter the number of artists you represent, manually dealing with their bookings can take an unnecessary amount of time. The list of to-dos per booking (and per artist) makes organization essential. A single error can leave a bad impression with your clients and a very disgruntled crew.
Booking Agency Pro is booking management software developed to help you out while securing gigs. It takes a humanistic approach to your daily needs through intuitive tools and features. It boasts a casual interface that remains user-friendly for beginners in the field and established leaders alike. It’s specially designed to simplify redundant, meticulous booking tasks:
1. Offer and contract submission. Contracts and offers generally include the same information, with a few tweaks, sent to different clients. Booking Agency Pro uses a contacts database that stores a list of venues and buyer information. This information can be auto-populated with the simple click of a button whenever you need it for administrative tasks or business dealings. When necessary, add additional deal terms, costs, and show details to your contracts. To keep things efficient, you can even email documents directly from the form. You can check on the status of your documents at any time, on any device. You’ll know exactly when an offer is submitted vs. executed.
2. Schedule upkeep. Manage your schedule through an interactive calendar intuitive to your upcoming bookings. You can toggle by artists, events, or offers. If you need to block out a date, Booking Management Pro can handle it for you. Enter in the time period you can’t make any bookings, and the system will take care of the rest. It intuitively prevents double booking and temporary holds. Need an update on your calendar? You’ll be able to create routing sheets, artist availability, and itineraries.
3. Reports and tracking. Track the essentials: deposits, artists’ accounts, show revenue, and commissions. You can take things a step further by generating reports that crunch the numbers. Booking Agency Pro creates informative evaluations of your most successful events, attendance, feedback, and agent’s commissions.
4. Managing customer relationships. All of your deal records are available in a centralized location for easy access. To promote efficient communication, this booking management software has an activity log (for agency/venue/buyer communication), follow-ups (for organizing internal to-dos), and Next to Call reports (a report that shows you a task list you’ve created for the day).
…and more.
Easily Expand Your Talent
With easier-to-manage bookings, it only makes sense to expand your talent. Don’t worry– YourTempo has specialized talent buying software for you, too. Talent Buying Pro provides all of the essentials for managing musicians…and a few extras, too.
For starters, this software continues the trend of keeping your information centralized and easily available. You’re equipped with a client dashboard and information pages that organize your events and contact information. You can check the status of offers or review client, event, and venue details. These pages are highly customizable. You can enter in any specifics that might help you later down the road, such as venue dimensions, amenities, and parking details. Similar to YourTempo’s booking management software, Talent Buying Pro allows you to track your finances through budget reporting.
You can streamline your planning process through advance sheets and time schedules for all of your important events. Communication is a key perk of this software, and you’ll benefit from its built in export option when it’s time to update your crew or any other relevant contacts. Contact databases will come in handy when it’s time to send an offer: you can auto-populate fields throughout the offer form using information stored within the talent buying software.
Beyond Managing Musicians
You have your talent and secured your bookings. You’ve successfully streamlined 2 of the most time-consuming aspects of the music management industry. Of course, your work doesn’t stop there. Neither does ours. YourTempo has created ways to bring unrivaled structure into the music publishing software and tour management software worlds.
Publishing Pro
Publishing Pro is a pitching software that aids publishers with catalog tracking. Users can upload songs, manage admin information, and ownership through a streamlined music publishing software application. Publishers may also pitch songs directly from their phone, tablet, or computer. You can track syncs, cuts, and holds with ease.
Tour Pro
Our Tour Pro is the best application for managers and crew members on the go. The versatility and efficiency of this tour management software makes it easy to coordinate every aspect of touring. Your artists, bands, crew, drivers, and production team will stay on the same page via synchronized features like day sheets and calendars. View touring insights and reports at any point in your tour, and keep all levels of management informed with easily exported content.
Booking Management Software Potential
Regardless of your experience within the industry, every aspect of musician management can be improved with the right software. YourTempo can provide something for everyone: Booking management software for those needing more structure to their events.
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yourtemponashville · 2 years
Why Booking Agency Software Is the Key to Winning Customers
In current times, life has become very busy, especially in the music industry. From booking various gigs to ensuring studio sessions are booked, it is impossible to manage everything with perfection, but to manage with precision is very possible. The same is the case with  managers or booking agents; they also face difficulty in maintaining schedules, customers, and the production process altogether.  
Booking agency software is a perfect solution. Booking agency software handles all your schedules, offers, business reports, contracts, and much more. That means everything can be organized and managed in a hassle-free way. Online booking agency software enables fast service and instant management.  
In this era of digitalization, other industry sectors are already online or coming to the online platform; the music industry should be the same way. Booking agency software works the same way but builds a bridge with organizers, artists, and musicians on an  online platform.  
The software streamlines the manual process. Where a manager or booking agent may have to reach out themselves to communicate and negotiate with different venues and organizations, booking agency software puts a little ease in the process. Everything from reaching out for appointments with artists, checking the dates of availability to making offers, tracking deposits, and all other parts of the booking cycle taking care of your artists, song writers, and musicians has never been easier.
There are many ways booking agency software can benefit customers. Let’s dig a little deeper into why booking agency software is beneficial for managers and booking agents or agencies.  
Booking Agency Software: The Key to Winning Customers
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No more queues
Who likes to wait in long queues? It is very annoying to have to wait your turn to book. But with booking agency software, you can skip the long queues and book directly online in the easiest way. In this busy world, you don’t have time to wait in queues; Thanks to booking agency software, you can book anytime, from anywhere.  
Easy access
The only thing that booking agency software requires is online access.  This allows you to book conveniently on your smartphone, desktop, or laptop. No matter which time zone you’re in or which part of the country you are located, you can book different events for your artists 24/7 in the booking agency software easily. This is especially convenient when you’re booking for a time zone completely different from yours.  
It’s becoming more and more common to encounter financial fraud on online platforms. However, booking agency software allows you to complete your payments safely and securely. This software provides different options to make your payments; Simply select the one that suits you best and proceed with your payments.
Customers are often confused about certain events due to the lack of information about the event. Because of this, many customers fail to show up. Through booking agency software, you’ll have all the information you need to book events, appointments, studio sessions, and all other engagements. This helps managers and booking agents/agencies stay updated and well-informed of current and future events. This helps create a good impression and build trust among the artists and musicians that you’re putting the best interest of their careers first. .  
Service and Support
As booking agency software provides managers and booking agents/agencies with different areas of booking such as events, venues, and much more, features such as user-friendly submission forms, status of contracts, interactive calendar, and much more, all come standard with booking agency software to create a more personalized and streamlined service for users. This level of constant service and support will surely be appreciated by managers and booking agents/agencies.  
Customer satisfaction
Each and every booking effort is in vain if there is no customer satisfaction. Booking agency software customers get all the support they require, and the results are always satisfying, as it cuts out a lot of the grunt work you would face without the software. Customers can also share their reviews and feedback of their experience with the software.  
There are many more benefits that are key to winning customers with booking agency software. You can manage all your tasks easily, leaving your artists to focus on the main part of creating music. With just a little effort, you’ll be able to book events, submit contracts, and more with the many features of the software, putting you and your artists in win-win positions. So, access a demo of booking agency software or to learn more about the different features, contact Tempo, where our professional team devotedly works for music industry professionals.
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yourtemponashville · 2 years
YourTempo Can Customize Your Booking Agency Software
YourTempo offers some of the best booking agency software on the market. Whether you need assistance with booking artists or managing current ones, we have a solution that will reduce your workload and streamline your business's current practices. We’ve been successful with our music business management software since its inception, and the same can be said of our booking software. One of the perks of using our tools is the customization we provide! You deserve talent buying software that suits your company’s specific needs. Our team avoids the “one-size-fits-all” approach by addressing individual software needs and implementing designs that cater to you.
What’s Already Included
Our services start at a baseline for all of our clients. We provide the essential functions you’ll need out of booking agency software, talent buying software and more.
Booking Agency Pro
This booking agency software encompasses all aspects of the booking lifestyle: offers, contracts, deposits, and business reporting. Our accessible submission form displays all details relevant to your deals. You’re able to view terms and costs related to your artist’s contract and the status of booking offers or agreements.
Our talent buying software offers an intuitive calendar which details artists and their upcoming events (as well as artists availability). You can search through all “pending,” “accepted,” “rejected,” and “canceled” shows by date.
One of the best parts? Our music business management software is entirely accessible for users on the go. We know you’re busy– all of these services can be accessed from whatever device is convenient to you. You can access our booking agency software from the cloud via phone, desktop, or tablet. Mobile access means the ability to email offers and contracts as PDFs to whomever you choose. This talent buying software also boasts a variety of user access levels.
That’s right– you can control which content your customers and artists can view, including itineraries, contracts, and calendars. This tool is especially useful for coordinating your team and diffusing information with high efficiency. Our music business management software has your finances covered, too!
This software provides reporting tools that are designed to track agency and agent commissions. Through our customer relationship module, you have the ability to create tables of the deals you have established with venues and buyers.
Take Your Booking Agency Software a Step Further
Let’s talk about customization with our booking agency software and talent buying software. Starting at $60/hr. you can customize anything in your software. We can update the design and layout of your contract or create whole new reports for you. The purpose of our software is to make your life easier, let us help you do that!
Some customization options that we can provide you with:
Contract changes
Offer changes
Mutually agreed upon date
Reports changes
Are you thinking of the bigger picture for your music business management software and need something outside of Tempos realms? Did you know that we are backed by a full-service digital development company, DevDigital? Based out of the same office in Nashville TN, DevDigital has completed over 2,500 projects for more than 1,000 clients across the globe. Their client base ranges from startups to Fortune 500 companies. If this sounds of interest to you, please reach out to [email protected] and she will get you to the correct person. For other questions, reach out to us directly at 615-385-5873 or [email protected].
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yourtemponashville · 2 years
Simplify the Talent Buying Process with Our Talent Buying Software
Talent buying software is a digital tool to aid in the process of signing and managing talent– all in a convenient computer program. As the digital age continues to develop, more artists are bringing their skills to the internet. Why wouldn’t you use the same tool to find and manage your musical talents?
There is a variety of music business management software advertised and available online, but YourTempo’s Talent Buying Pro stands out against the crowd. It was created by and for music industry professionals who understand the complexities of acquiring and maintaining talent. Because of their in-depth understanding, YourTempo’s leadership has developed software that is intuitive and constantly evolving– just like the industry.
The Basics
YourTempo includes a few essential miscellaneous items in their software that other companies might not have considered. A few examples include:
- Branding with logo & contact information
- Hosting on DevDigital server racks with full data backup
- Unlimited data storage
- Maintenance and upgrades
- Browser compatibility (current version and previous version)
- Hourly customization and data import rate $50/hr
YourTempo understands that you might have needs beyond those already included in the Talent Buying Pro software. Unlike other talent buying software companies, they also offer customizations! They will update contract layout and designs, generate new reports, and more. The goal is to provide you with music business management software that suits all of your needs, so don’t be shy when requesting modifications.
Digging into the Details: Talent Buying Software That Works for You
Talent Buying Pro includes a variety of intuitive features that simplify the daily processes you complete as a music business professional. This leaves you with more time to grow your business and cultivate talents.
Client Dashboard & Information Pages
These pages provide easy access to client events (current and past) and contact information. They detail the statuses of pending offers – starting from submission to execution. You’ll be able to view your client’s details, their event details, and the venue’s details on a single page! The smallest details, such as venue-specific dimensions, amenities, and parking details can be included for reference. Plus, to track your finances, the Talent Pro Software provides reporting on your event budget with the option to export the budget sheet and add notes.
Advance Sheet
As you know, advance sheets are an integral part of planning and execution. That’s why YourTempo created a section dedicated specifically to them. You can easily add artists’ advance information in a single section, along with time schedules for important events. To keep your team better connected, this music business management software supports exportable files to pass along to the production team and any other necessary contacts.
Submit Offers
YourTempo includes a few essential miscellaneous items in their software that other companies might not have considered. A few examples include:
- Access to your program instantly from wherever you are
- Real-time reports with the most updated data
- Access to updated agency quotes for artists and any changes
- Complete software customization as needed
- Top-tier customer service with devoted professionals
And More!
The bottom line with YourTempo is customer satisfaction. They’ve created music business management software that works for and with all music professionals. Talent Buying Pro was designed to make your workload lighter and client success easier. Their approach to talent software is unique to the industry, and they will work hard to address all of your needs. If they can’t personally take care of your software requests, they’re backed by DevDigital, a full-service software development company. Take a few minutes to sign up for YourTempo’s newsletter to stay updated on the most ingenious talent buying software available.
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yourtemponashville · 3 years
YourTempo’s Booking Agency Pro Is Suitable for Users in the UK and Canada
The music business is international, so your agency needs software that makes the details of doing business across borders a little easier. Our booking agency software works with agencies overseas and aids in business management. Booking Agency Pro supports foreign currencies and tax ID formats, so your paperwork automatically reflects the correct currency. These features come in addition to a full suite of management tools at a flexible price point that makes the software great for agencies of all sizes. 
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Key Features of Booking Agency Pro
The software helps with all parts of agency management, from making offers to finalizing contracts, tracking deposits, and creating business reports. Our booking agency software is a full suite of business management tools, users can:
Monitor Offers and Contracts - Send PDFs of offers and contracts, monitor the status of each contract from beginning to end. Venue and buyer information automatically populates from the user’s contact database.
Schedule via an Interactive Calendar – Generate routing sheets, block time to prevent double booking, or review a selected artist’s calendar. Schedule blocks and holds from the calendar too.
Review Reports – Review revenue reports, track money received and money due, and more. Review your most successful shows and make post-show notes.
Manage Customer Relationships – Log your communications with agents and venues, keep deal records, and schedule follow-up activities. Review a history of deals.
The software features a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to find and review the information you need to put together an offer, schedule events, manage gigs, and more. Stop using email and Google docs to handle contracts, offers, and client communications. More than 100 agencies, including ten plus agencies outside the USA, trust Booking Agency Pro to manage their billing and booking services.
Communication and deal management aren’t the only elements of agency work that you can streamline. Several features make marketing easier too. You can sync show schedules with Bandsintown and Songkick. Each Booking Agency Pro customer also gets custom branding, maintenance, secure and reliable hosting, and unlimited data storage. An agency outside the USA would absolutely need the ability to work in their currency and with their tax numbers.
The Best Booking Agency Software Works Across Borders
Working across international borders to manage talent and book gigs can be done if you make a few adjustments to your business practices. If you are buying outside the US, you can get pricing converted to Canadian Dollars, British Pounds, and Euros, among other currencies.
Booking Agency Pro has an artist page that allows users to record an artists’ tax ID in formats that match Canadian and UK usage too – a 9-digit Social Insurance Number (SIN) for Canadians and a 10-digit unique taxpayer reference (UTR) for UK artists. You can specify the currency to use in each transaction, as well as on itineraries wherever costs must be shown. Canadian users will also find a field where they can record any applicable services tax.
YourTempo Offers Custom Music Business Management Software
If your music artist booking agency works across national borders or is outside the United States, you need a tool that seamlessly handles different currencies and tax IDs. Our booking agency software has everything you need whether you do business exclusively in the USA or with foreign artists and venues. A free trial subscription is available and flexible pricing allows you to manage your costs based on how many users your agency has. Contact us at 615-385-5873 for more information on our music business management software.
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