#i dooooon't even know how to tag this i feel like listing out all the characters individually will make it so clunky lol
nattikay · 7 months
All Known Minor Omatikaya Characters
for the purposes of this list, "minor character" is defined as either a.) a character who exists in the comics but is not mentioned in the movies, and/or b.) a character who is named in the movies but does not have a speaking role.
SYLWANIN* Neytiri's older sister. We don't know exactly how much older she was, but based on the art in the Adapt or Die comics it appears to be at least 3-4 years. The RDA pursued her to Grace's schoolhouse and killed her after she and a few friends set a bulldozer on fire to protest the clearcutting, which event caused the school to get shut down. She was the original tsakarem (tsahìk-in-training) as well as Tsu'tey's true love and his original betrothed. Neytiri inherited both her position as tsakarem and engagement to Tsu'tey after her death.
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NEYTEP and ANUK Sylwanin's friends, who were also killed in the schoolhouse incident. Their names are mentioned briefly in the Tsutey's Path comics, but we don't know much else about them, nor have any known images of them.
TAKUK One of the group of young warriors Tsu'tey is training throughout the Tsu'tey's Path comics, which I will refer to from here on out as "Tsu'tey's apprentices" for brevity's sake. He appears to be the top student among the group, as Tsu'tey is often asking him to take the lead.
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KA'ANI Initially introduced as one of Tsu'tey's apprentices in Tsu'tey's Path, and one of the two who completes his Iknimaya alongside Jake. He's seen again in The Next Shadow comics and seems to be a good friend of Jake's (cheers him on during their Iknimaya in A1; defends him against Ateyo and Artsut in The Next Shadow).
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SAEYLA One of Tsu'tey's apprentices, and one of the two who completes her Iknimaya alongside Jake. Has a crush on Tsu'tey, but he rejects her. (her hairstyle is different between the comic and the movie scene, but Tsu'tey specifically names her and Ka'ani as the two who are doing Iknimaya with Jake).
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MARU One of Tsu'tey's apprentices. Talks Saeyla out of trying to pursue Tsu'tey further; refers to her as "child" which might imply that she's a bit older than the others, though it could've also just been her making a jab at Saeyla's behavior.
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ATAN One of Tsu'tey's apprentices. Died in the attack on Hometree. (I know the hairstyles do not match between the two panels (based on the stripes I'm actually wondering if the left one was a mislabeled Takuk/the designs got mixed up), but the character is directly addressed as "Atan" in both panels so...let's say he just got a haircut ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
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NEKAWN A child from the clan during the events of A1, who Grace addresses briefly by name during Tsu'tey's Path. Would be an adult by the main timeline of A2.
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ATEYO and ARTSUT Tsu'tey's parents. After the events of A1, they attempt to assassinate Jake by convincing their other son, Arvok, to challenge him to ritualistic combat, and then secretly poisoning Arvok's blade. When Jake survives the attempt, they are exiled from the Omatikaya as punishment, after which they seek to join the Mangkwan** clan. Artsut in particular also apparently has some sort of long-standing beef with Mo'at, though we don't get the details on what caused it.
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ARVOK Tsu'tey's younger brother. He is first briefly mentioned in the Tsu'tey's Path comics, then plays a much larger role in The Next Shadow. He looks like an adult in The Next Shadow (which takes place two weeks after the end of A1) but is referred to by Tsu'tey as "a child" in Tsu'tey's Path (which is concurrent with A1), so he is probably actually a teenager. His parents manipulated him into challenging Jake to non-lethal ritualistic combat to contest his claim to the olo'eyktan title, but Ateyo and Artsut secretly poisoned his knife (Arvok himself had no intention of killing Jake and his parents knew he wouldn't go through with the plot if he'd known). Ateyo and Artsut go on to frame a confused and startled Arvok for the attempted murder when the blade nicks Jake and he faints. The truth is brought to light in the end, but Arvok feels complicit anyways, and wants to be included in the punishment--in fact, he is the one who suggests exile. The three of them leave the clan together, but later that night Arvok abandons his parents to forge his own path (good for him honestly they're toxic as heck). His current whereabouts are unknown.
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YEYONGO A mother who reluctantly allows her injured child to be treated by the human scientists in The Next Shadow.
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NINAT A woman from the clan, who Neytiri briefly describes as being a good singer.
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PEYRAL A woman from the clan, who Neytiri briefly describes as being a good hunter. We don't have any images of her as far as I know.
TARSEM Jake's successor as olo'eyktan when the Sully family flees the clan.
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. ENTU and RALU Lived thousands of years before A1. Entu was the first Toruk Makto; Ralu was his best friend and adoptive brother after Entu's parents were killed by a thanator. Their story is told in the Cirque du Soleil show Toruk: The First Flight.
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*this spelling actually breaks Na'vi language rules as y is not supposed to act like a vowel; presumably it was decided on before language was fully developed. That said, "Sylwanin" is technically still the "official" spelling and likely will never be "corrected" in canon material...but if we're going by the language rules it should really be "Sìlwanìn" ("Sìlwanin" would also be a valid spelling but the way they pronounce that last syllable in the movie sounds more like nìn than nin to me).
**the name of this clan also breaks currently-known Na'vi syllable rules, as "kw" is an invalid consonant cluster; it should be something like Mangkìwan. I suppose it's possible that the "Mangkwan" have their own dialect where kw is allowed, but I think it's more likely just an error on the writer's part (wouldn't be the only time the comics have made a little slip with the language--The High Ground spells "skxawng" as "skwang" 🙃)
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