#i downright hate fanon i want to burn him in the fire he thinks he can make
espectres · 3 months
It’s hard to find blogs so dedicated to actually understanding the characters they write about !!! So I enjoy urs a lot :)) was wondering if u had any thoughts on ritsu (he is my personal favorite)
Hello nonnie!! Thank you sm for your kind words!!!! 。゚(^ヮ^)/♡ .°• I'm really glad you're enjoying my writing, I'm having sm fun around here myself !!
OOOOHH RITSU. RITSU!! It's been a while since i got a chance to be insane abt him, it's so obvious to anyone familiar with my mp100 hyperfixation that he's my second fave lol I always feel like he's the kind of character I'd struggle writing, there is so much to him that I'd want to study under a microscope forever to truely understand the depths of his really well-written character. But aside from the edge-lord sasuke-wannabe that surfaces ( and takes over most of the fanon portrayals, mind you ), I think Ritsu is such a loving boy who has been so troubled for a really, Really long time, and has managed to hide it all so well from everyone, and that last fact on its own is so tragic to me. I instantly felt so much sympathy for him, to constantly be in such pain & turmoil and still feel the need to hide your problems, from your schoolmates, from your siblings, from your parents, I think these are things a lot of people can relate to, including myself. It was mostly fear that made Ritsu hide all that time, and it's so fascinating to see how his spiral during big cleanup arc is just all the negative emotions that had been rotting him from within finally reaching the surface. And all of this rotting has shaped him into this "perfect" boy who tries to make up for some sort of lacking that no one besides himself seems to understand. Ritsu is literally one of the top ten students in all of fucking Japan and he doesn't give a damn about it, because in his world his brother & the things his brother can do has been his biggest aspirations, his brightest dreams! his worst nightmares! and if he can't do that, then what use are his achievements ? what to make of himself & every single thing about him that's so plain & powerless ? what is so wrong about him that stops him from being like his brother ? his frustrations and fears are literally so visceral istg it was sO CONCERNING to watch.
And between his trauma/fear and his imposter syndrome & trying to be the brother who makes up for whatever the other brother doesn't have ( perfect grades, perfect records, perfect reputation, perfect looks ) Ritsu never really lived normally despite being THE normal one of two, but it's been him & his isolation & all the horrors for so long!! That's why when he realizes & decides he wants to have fun in life I just kind of burst to tears ??? no more fear no more facades no more lies no more unspoken unbearable suffering killing him slowly !!!
Aside from me just wanting to cry forever over him, if u want any salt on the fandom I think everyone shld look a liiittle past the emoboy who's just there to look pretty & be sad- and try to find the kid who trusts & loves his brother so much & helps his mother do the dishes & likes to watch dramas & goes with his bestie on fishing becuz he doesn't like loud places. he also studies because he genuinely thinks it's fun. isn't he weird ??? isn't he so sweet when you think abt it ????
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